Pinto, I'll skip the stuff easily explained to you by others. You made the absolute statement that "Hogan doesn't think anything makes sense. All producers are stupid and should just produce shows like Wicked and Aladdin" That is patently untrue.
Re making sense: LOL is not qualitatively a Broadway show unless Ms. Fleming could draw enough fans for its limited run in the way that Dame Mirren can. And she can't. It really has no plausible path to success even with ecstatic reviews that most people did not think it will get, plus it has zero chance of reaping whatever minor benefit the Tonys could provide. HTG is a very low cost show that has white heat associated with it: not a slam dunk but at least there is a path that could make it successful. Constellations is a non-profit show so doesn't figure in the analysis. As we have rehearsed before, nothing is a certainty, ever, but astute observers can handicap shows, and none of them are suggesting LOL has a prayer. As we have also rehearsed with you here, it is not sensible to base decisions on hopes and fairy tales.
One more thing: it is wrongheaded to say reviews don't matter. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. They will not make people go to see a show they are not interested in, or vice versa, but they certainly do sell tickets to shows about which folks have an open mind.
Updated On: 4/10/15 at 06:01 PM
will good reviews keep a show running forever? NO
Like Jesse Green said "we make a difference at the margins." Good reviews aint gonna do much !
and how do you know she can't draw in the audiences? You've only seen one weeks worth of money. Talk to me after it opens
Why does opening matter if the reviews don't?
the word will get out more about the show
Broadway Star Joined: 9/22/14
By October the Longacre will have a new tenant (Allegiance) to replace Living on Love
Updated On: 4/10/15 at 08:11 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
"I have a feeling they will get nice reviews, with raves for Fleming and Sills"
Hasn't almost every feeling you have had in your brief, but exhausting time posting here been wrong? Perhaps you should do Fleming a favor and not have any feeling about her at all, maybe it will give her some luck in achieving those rave reviews.
not at all. The only thing i was wrong about was Honeymoon staying open til the tonys, which they wanted to anyway. Ive been right about everything else.
"not at all. The only thing i was wrong about was Honeymoon staying open til the tonys, which they wanted to anyway. Ive been right about everything else."
What have you been right about, exactly?
that An American in Paris would suck, that The Visit would come to Broadway, and a lot of other stuff like that, but most of the things I guess are about the Tony's so I'm sure I'm going to be right about a lot more stuff after the nominations come out, and after the awards.
Dear Philly,
Please go away again. It was a very peaceful few days with you not posting. I and I'm sure the entire BroadwayWorld community will thank you.
Pinto, could you define "suck" as it relates to American in Paris, because I am not sure how it relates to the numbers, which reveal an average revenue of over $ 1mil a week on a standard week basis and an average attendance of well over 90%. Since you obviously don't have an opinion on the show since you obviously have not seen it, I don't quite know the reasoned basis for your assessment...
I heard that the play MISERY w/ Bruce Willis may take the Music Box in the fall prior to the musical SHUFFLE ALONG starring Audra McDonald opening in March 2016.
I know this is considered blasphemous in certain circles, but I've never liked The Heidi Chronicles. I first saw it in a university production in 2000 and even then it seemed incredibly dated.
Hogan, do you ever do anything else besides call people out? Or talk about numbers? haha
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
Phillypinto, Someone merely asks you to back up an unfounded assertion, and you label it being called out. Interesting.
Updated On: 4/11/15 at 05:50 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/6/11
Philly, I generally don't like to participate in most of the silly arguments on thus board, but one thing I have to agree upon is that you're comments are so annoying and inaccurate that I am getting a headache. Please go home and talk to you're friends about this nonsense instead of needing to express it here.
Many Thanks,
Everyone on this board.
Too bad there isn't a way to like a post. But I like yours bfreak.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
The best solution is for everyone to just put Philly on their IGNORE list. Since that's not going to happen, I have to fully agree with bfreak and quite literally everyone else on this Board. It was so much nicer and more peaceful when he was away for a few days. I'd implore you, Phillypinto, to either stop posting or at least temper what you say and try to use facts to back up your ridiculous claims & assertions. Buh-bye.
I'll tell you what's a fact. The fact that AAIP is gonna get awful reviews. You people don't understand what I say people you don't see or hear me say it. If you were good actors, you would be able to figure out but I guess not. If you dont like me than block me. I'm just trying to have real conversations and everybody jumps on me. If it wasn't me saying the things i do, I bet nobody would give it any thought. You just like bitching at me at this point for everything and that is ridiculous.
The Pinto bean and Fantod should run off together somewhere where they can be superior together in a place that has no internet connection.
Pinto, is it possible you could decide whether reviews matter or not? Because you say AAIP is gonna get bad ones (not so clear to me but you're entitled to guess) but you also say reviews don't matter (they can, in some cases, as I have attempted to explain to you). Which is it?
Yes, I do more than "call people out" but if people are picking on you, perhaps you should examine why: you repeatedly make inane statements that you can't support. Yes, you have a contribution to make to the discussion here, but you undercut the value of almost everything you post by seemingly living in a fantasyland where facts are forbidden. People here have implored you to contribute more meaningfully, but you persist in being a clown instead. And clowns are only cool when used effectively on stage or at the circus, not when trying to have an intelligent conversation. In the end you mostly come off no different than a post pubescent variation of some fossilized posters who insist they "know" things that it is obvious they can't back up.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
"Show us your acting skills, please."
Good God, don't encourage it.
I imagine Philly Pinto is that kid in the theatre department that nobody can stand. You know the one that constantly acts like he is better than everyone else, knows more than everyone else, but is in fact a third tier acting student that will never make it in a lead role in a main stage production. The type that tries to insert himself into the intelligent conversations of fellow students, but get ignored. The kind that everyone wished would just go away, but unfortunately has just enough talent to barely get by.
I realize I may be wrong in this assumption, but that is the picture he paints for himself here. If he wants to change that, he needs to look at what he says and how he says things. He needs to learn to be less definitive in his statements when his knowledge is lacking. He needs to learn to back his stories up with some sort of evidence. He needs to learn that "I talked to the producers" and "A reliable source told me" do not constitute as evidence for anything. It would probably be wise to ditch the name Philly Pinto and rebrand himself with a far more mature persona. At this point he is just going to get less and less respect from everyone here if he keeps going at the rate he is going.
"I'll tell you what's a fact. The fact that AAIP is gonna get awful reviews. You people don't understand what I say people you don't see or hear me say it. If you were good actors, you would be able to figure out but I guess not. If you dont like me than block me. I'm just trying to have real conversations and everybody jumps on me. If it wasn't me saying the things i do, I bet nobody would give it any thought. You just like bitching at me at this point for everything and that is ridiculous. "
Everyone else on this board seems to be understood fairly easily- why is it you and you alone who is misunderstood time and time again? That suggests not a problem with us, but a problem with you. Start using italicized parentheticals so we know what tone of voice you should be read in.
And you aren't trying to have real conversations. You are just trying to prove something, namely your own knowledge and correctness. People- MANY people- here have tried to engage you. You are never interested in having a real conversation when people disagree with you. You disregard and ignore arguments that you either don't understand or that don't back up whatever you are trying to assert. You seem totally incapable of believing you are not the most knowledgeable one on this forum.
Guess what? There are members here who have been working in the industry since before you were born, members who work in the industry now, and members with a lot more experience than you. Instead of constantly - CONSTANTLY- butting heads and getting defensive when someone points out what you say is incorrect, unsubstantiated, or baseless, maybe try to take a step back, think about what you are being told, try to learn something- and consider expanding your goddamn world view so the reality of life doesn't absolutely destroy you when you graduate.
If it wasn't me saying the things i do, I bet nobody would give it any thought.
Well, obviously.