Swing Joined: 4/10/15
Hint hint
With a little over two weeks left until Tony Nominations come out? I doubt it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I had the same concern when I saw the tweet. I hope they hold out.
I will say I've noticed a few tweets from cast members that were really pushing the "come see us ... please" angle.
I also caught the tail end of an interview with Elisabeth Moss on EW Radio and in the closing they interviewer mentioned that the show was only on through August so you had to see it by then. And Elisabeth implored listeners to get tickets soon and said something to the effect of, "but we have to make it to August so come see us now."
Swing Joined: 4/10/15
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
Who would want to see Biggs make an a** of himself anyway. That's all he's been known for lately.
This production has never made sense, and there are certainly reasons to think it will not last until August, but there is absolutely no correlation between the linked article and a closing notice.
I kind of got the impression when I saw it a few weeks ago that they were in trouble.
I saw it after opening, bought a discounted ticket in the second to last row of the Mezz. It was so empty, I was able to move all the way down to the second row. The orchestra seemed full, but they certainly aren't selling great. I dont know that the vlog cancellation has to do with a closing notice, but I would suspect if they dont receive a Best REvival nomination, the show will close ahead of schedule.
Updated On: 4/10/15 at 01:39 PMSwing Joined: 4/10/15
They're not going to do a Vlog with him if it's going to close in a few weeks...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
BwayBomb2, we got that. What's your deal? Did you join just to post this? We know their grosses are bad. Those of us who read this board follow the grosses.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/19/05
On the the TDF offer it reads "Final Weeks."
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Chorus Member Joined: 4/11/14
I'd be a shame if it does close. Great cast, I didn't see the 1st run so was very grateful I got to see this one. It's a very funny show
"This production has never made sense"
Hogan doesn't think anything makes sense. All producers are stupid and should just produce shows like Wicked and Aladdin
""This production has never made sense"
Hogan doesn't think anything makes sense. All producers are stupid and should just produce shows like Wicked and Aladdin"
Weren't you going to take a break from... whatever it is you do here?
Pinto, if you would take the time to research me, you will discover that I like a great many shows. (Of the ten plays current on Broadway in commercial productions, there are eight that I feel make sense.) You will also discover that there is a good deal of intelligent discussion, both here and elsewhere as to why this show does not make sense, for a variety of reasons. Additionally, you will discover that I don't like either Wicked or Aladdin, although you can also research the fact that both shows are highly successful-the raison d'être of Broadway. Finally, were you to do a little research before you post, you'd knnow that I do not consider all producers stupid (which is kinda funny conceptionally, if you think about it), which does not suggest that I think there are not stupid producers. In fact, I don't think the Heidi producers are stupid at all: I just think they made a miscalculation, which seems pretty obvous at this point, even (or perhaps especially and certainly most painfully) to them.
BwayBomb2, your follow up comment reeks of the logical fallacy known as post hoc ergo propterhoc. You might want to watch out for that in the future.
Updated On: 4/10/15 at 02:40 PMStand-by Joined: 5/21/10
The cast and crew were told that unless sales picked up they would be closing the first weekend of May.
This was a completely white-washed version of a really hard hitting play. Everything about this production seemed off from the slow ass scene changes to the very obvious direction and projections to the horrible poster that makes the whole thing seem like a light hearted romantic comedy. Terribly misguided. I saw the original poster design the other day, and that was brilliant.
Agree with Hogan re Wicked & Aladdin
He is coherent in his posts and is fun to read even if I disagree with him from time to time.He never condescends
Miscalculations abound this season. Take the Last Ship for example.Producers thought Sting is a known quantity and they will flock to see it. They will flock to get his music or see him perform . They will not run to see a musical about a dying industry in a dying town and pay Broadway prices for it. We enjoyed it but the vast majority of theatergoers took a pass.
What are you talking about Hogan??? I literally have no idea half the things you say! What research are you talking about? So now i have to research everything you've said before I make a comment? Thats ridiculous. You still haven't told me why you think producing this show didn't make sense. People DO in fact know this play, so I can see why people would be interested in producing it. How does that not make sense to you? What is the other play that doesn't make sense to you
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
wow you're a stalker
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Yeah ill do it sunday. Dont YOU have a JOB or something?