It's especially interesting when Nikki Renee Daniels understudied for Fantine! And I liked the performance of Sweeney Todd that had Brian Stokes Mitchell as Sweeney and Celia Keenan-Bolger as Johanna. So an African-American guy (African-English, since it's London?)fathered a blonde, Caucasian daughter? I think Lucy's been messing around with the Judge. ^_^
I guess that's the beautiful thing about theatre, it transcends race. Norm Lewis can be Sherie Renee Scott's brother and Sierra Boggess's father! As long as Cheyenne Jackson doesn't, like, play Seaweed in Hairspray.
But yeah, Les Mis can definitely be hard to keep straight. I just thought it was cute that when Javert said, "M'sieur Le Mayor," my friend thought that was his name. She knows all the characters and she can keep the story straight, but she just never realized that that wasn't Valjean's pseudonym.
(We are getting SO off-topic but) I loved it in the Histories cycle when blond-haired blue-eyed King Henry got it on with blonde-haired blue-eyed Princess Katharine, and then in the next play, we meet their son:
Colour-blind casting is a beautiful beautiful thing. Not least because it gives rise to long involved discussions about mermaid genetics. XD
Broadway Star Joined: 8/30/08
At Sunday in the Park With George, when Dot come out, she has' a huge bussel, and some one goes, "Jeez, I could sit on her ass" it was really funny
this is more that i felt bad for the person than it is hilarious but at anyrate...
girl on the phone at In the Heights Matinee lotto yesterday (sept 7): Yeah, I'm at in the heights lotto, I was going at rent but it was just too crowded so I guess I'll just try it tonight
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
Talking about Les Mis. When I saw the show the Asian-looking girl was young Cosette and Leah Horowitz was older Cosette. But Judy Kuhn was Fantine so it all looked right at the end...LOL.
Stand-by Joined: 1/22/08
Well this was said by a friend of mine who knows nothing about theatre.
Upon waiting in line for Hair:
"Is this the show where John Travolta played the mom in the movie?"
I was embarrassed for him.
Oh my paws and whiskers, I have one! (Also, why is this thread on page 7?)
I went to see a play in London last night. The people in the seats in front of me came in a mere few minutes before curtain and revealed to their friends, sitting next to me, that they'd gone to the wrong theatre. They'd gone to another theatre, handed over their tickets, been waved in, had their bags checked, been seated, and I believe it was only when the people who actually had their seats came in that they realised they were in completely the wrong theatre.
... and I sat there the whole time thinking "I totally have to put this on BWW". The fools left at interval, which was good for me, because I couldn't see when the fella took it upon himself to lean forward in his seat (srsly, guys? YOU'RE BLOCKING THE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU WHEN YOU DO THAT!), but was sad for them, because the second act was full of hilarity and hilarity. I don't feel very sympathetically disposed towards them though. ^_^
Got one from yesterday. Two women were looking at a poster of Spelling Bee.
Woman 1: Spelling Bee? What's that one about?
Woman 2: Ugh, I hated it. It was just about a children's spelling bee.
Woman 1: Did they use actual children?
Woman 2: (completely serious) Yes, the show wasn't good at all.
I was standing in line to get tickets to Xanadu when these people walk by saying
Girl: What's Xanadu
Other Girl: maybe some kind of arcade
Girl: Why would they have that on broadway?
At the intermission of Spring Awakening.
Guy: Oh my god! This is totally about Sarah Palin's daughter!
DRSisLove ~ THAT made me laugh out loud. Thanks. And you's probably not far from the truth. LOL.
Overheard this afternoon at a Starbucks near Penn Station - three women discussing their theatre plans for the season.
Ringleader Lady: So that's 9 shows. 5 at the Abingdon, and 4 at NJPAC. Truthfully, I like the shows at NJPAC better - they're musicals. Not that I don't like the non musicals, but I like the musicals better. And we're seeing some great musicals at NJPAC this year. We're seeing CATS!
2 interesting mary poppins ones from overheard in new york
Blonde hot guy: I hate Mary Poppins.
Girlfriend: Yeah, me too.
Blonde hot guy: Those people dancing around with broomsticks--they weren't even witches. Yeah, **** them.
--N Train
Overheard by: Leonidas
Guy #1 flipping through showbill: So, what else has Mary Poppins done?
Girl #1: Greg*.
Guy #1: What?
Guy #2: Oh, yeah -- you know Greg from work? Apparently he did the chick playing Mary Poppins back when they were both living in LA. He lost his virginity to her, in fact.
Girl #2: Wait, wait -- you know a dude who cashed in his V card with Mary Poppins? Oh my god, that is just all sorts of awesome!
--Intermission of Mary Poppins
A girl I used to know:
"I've just been doing some research and its been getting absolute rave reviews and after watching some clips, I'm not suprised. Her voice seems to be absolute top notch and she is beyond looking the part."
She's talking about 'The Little Mermaid', should you be wondering. I'm not disputing Sierra's voice or appearance, but I'd be VERY interested to know where these rave reviews came from. O_o
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
Yesterday at the Wicked stage door everyone was asking Julie Reiber who she played in the show. She was in for Kerry as Elphaba. Julie looked at me like "WOW they have no clue do they"...LOL.
another on overheard...
Actor: So that's how I screwed up my callback for Jersey Boys--I was on OxyContin.
Friend: Oh my god, that's like legal heroin!
Actor: I know, so I was all ****ed up, but I didn't want to say anything. They probably wrote down "reads well, but sings with a very strange accent."
--A Train
I was on BWW, and my grandma came up behind me to see what I was doing. On the screen, there was an ad for "Tale of Two Cities."
Grandma: Oh, look! They're doing Les Miserables in English!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
HEADDESK a la Nick Massi in the second act of Jersey Boys.
I overheard a really good one the other day at the Shubert.
TOURIST 1: I'm so excited to see a Broadway show!
TOURIST 2: (angrily) We've seen Broadway shows before!
TOURIST 1: No, we've only seen tours.
TOURIST 2: Yeah, well, those are Broadway shows! Broadway tours, Broadway shows!
TOURIST 1: Are you sure?
TOURIST 2: Yeah! Cats is coming in here next, you know!
TOURIST 1: Really?
This was not said by a tourist. This was said by Robert Greenwald, director of the movie Xanadu. I got to sit in on a panal discussion with him yesterday at the Independant Film Week conference. I was a volunteer, so that's how I got in. He's a funny man, and some of his documentary work seems interesting, but I just totally cringed yesterday when he and the moderator referred to Xanadu on Broadway as a revival. If that were the case, it would have been up for best revival of a musical at the Tonys and not best musical. He also would not discuss working with Gene Kelly though, so I don't know.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
Maybe he thought "revival" meant bringing something dead (the movie of Xanadu) back to life.
Stand-by Joined: 5/9/04
I was at Gypsy at the end of August, and a couple behind me in their 40's were discussing the show before the curtain went up.
Man - There is no orchestra pit here. Where's the orchestra?
Woman - This is one of those shows where the orchestra is on stage.
Man - Oh......well if the actors come out playing them like that other piece of crap Company we are leaving.
Fortunately, the woman explained what was going on.....but its a great mental image of Patti singing at the en of Roses turn...."For MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"....pull ut the tuba, and hit a low A!
hahahahahahha what a great image
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/07
At Equus stagedoor:
Confused woman trying to get down 44th: Who are you waiting for? (She was probably the 25th person to ask.)
My friend: Spencer Liff.
She didn't ask who the crowd was waiting for...
Conversation between two "matinee ladies", in line for the restrooms at Fifty Words:
LADY 1: So what are we seeing today?
LADY 2: Fifty... something