My friends mother after In the Heights: But why did that old women give her money to the main guy if they weren't even related?
Swing Joined: 12/28/07
BF thinks I spend too much time listening to other people's conversations so I'll just limit it to convos I was in on:
Said by me after the end of ACT I when I saw Wicked at the Gershwin: "I don't get it. Elphaba flew when we saw this on the tour" (didn't know the Cherry Picker was malfunctioning)
Said by me outside The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee "I can't believe so many other people know about the Rush Tickets. I don't think we are going to get in."
Said to me at Grey Gardens "Honey, if you like this run, don't walk over to the Spring Awakening box office"
Said to me at Avenue Q "I am so glad we didn't bring your niece"
Said to me at Chicago "There's no set????"
Said by me to the first person in line for Shakespeare in the Park's Romeo and Juliet "You got here at what time?? (the next day I was there at 5:00 a.m. and was able to see the performance)
Said to me at Cabaret "OMG, that's the lady from Showgirls"
Said to me at Le Miz in London "I think everybody here knows the words to every song"
"From Overheard in New York:
Almost No One Pickles Children These Days
Mom: Honey, what's the matter?
Girl: Am I going to turn green for being a bad girl too?
Mom: Honey, I was just kidding about that! "
ROFL Oh, this one is priceless!!! A new way to threaten children to behave. "If you don't stop right now, you're both going to turn green like Elphaba!!"
I've sat in front of some interesting people at shows. When I saw Les Miserables, I overheard a conversation behind me, presumably between two guys who'd never met before.
GUY 1: Have you seen Les Mis before?
GUY 2: No, I don't think so. Maybe a long time ago.
GUY 1: I haven't either. It always seemed rather pedestrian to me.
The song is "One Day More." If you're not familiar with Les Miserables, this is the finale of Act One where every single major character except for those already dead each sing a verse.
ENTER ENJOLRAS, big, manly, heroic awesome guy (in the musical, not in the book...)singing in a big, manly, heroic awesome voice and waving around a gun.
GUY 1: Is that the drunk guy?
GUY 2: No, that's the guy in charge of the revolution.
GUY 1: Ah.
ENTER JAVERT. He's the main antagonist, a policeman who has already been in about eleven numbers by this point and has spent the whole show trying to arrest people.
GUY 1: Is THAT the drunk guy?
GUY 2: No, that's the cop.
GUY 1: Oh, you mean Jean Valjean?
GUY 2: No, Jean Valjean's the main character....
Yeah. If Les Miserables is too pedestrian for him, then why can't he keep the major characters straight?
Also, when I saw the Lion King, I was sitting behind a little girl with a stuffed Scar doll. When Mufasa died, the whole house was silent, and then you hear this little girl's voice go, "YAAAAY!"
What made this especially priceless was that at intermission, I was talking to my sister about how Mufasa was an amazing singer, and the little Scar fangirl KICKED THE BACK OF MY NECK. She can't have been older than four. She booed when Mufasa bowed. (My sister thought maybe she was Scar's daughter or something?)
Swing Joined: 6/20/08
Somethingwicked you just made my day!
Not as dumb tourist related, but during our high school chorus NYC trip a few years back we got to see Wicked. It was phenomenal bc they'd just had a full cast rehearsal and everyone was on point.
I'll never forget though, we're talking to the Stage manager after about this and that and Shoshana walks out in this white coat with a furry hood, jeans and these like knee high leather boots with like stiletto heels (granted it was Feb and freezing) ...but my friend Kathy leans over and starts singing the chorus from J-Lo's "Jenny from the Block" song in my ear and I literally about peed my pants laughing. The stage manager was mid-sentence and I just busted out laughing (I think she thought I was special) bc I could not stop laughing after the mental image of Elpheba in full costume dancing and singing to "don't be fooled by the rocks that I rock, I'm still I'm still Jenny from the block" was burned in my head.
Ha that may only be funny for me tho :/
Broadway Star Joined: 7/12/07
i was walking past the broadway babe store right buy the lont & this girl (i think she was in her mid orlate teens maybe) was with her mothers...
mother: "Hey lets go to Broadway Babe"
girl: "But mom that's a store for babies, i don't want to"
mother:'s for adults too
just made me giggle
Woman in front of me: Now, why does this program say "Book by Allan Knee". I read the book when I was a little girl, and I could've sworn that it was by Louisa May Alcott. I've never even heard of Allan Knee.
Me: In a musical, the book of the show is the dialogue. The spoken words that the characters say when they're not singing.
Woman in front of me: So, it's not like the "Little Women" book?
Me: No, it's based on the book. It's not going to be word-for-word exactly the same as the book.
On line to get into the Nederlander (people who already purchased tickets)
20's Asian guy with girlfriend: what show is this for?
Woman in front of me: Rent
Guy: Oh, Rent! i love that
Woman: Maybe you should see it next time
Guy: Well, I wanted to see it today. Can I just get in line and pay after the show
Me: It doesn't work like that. The show starts in less than a 1/2 hour. There's no way that you'll get tickets.
Fangirl #2: me too. What a waste of money.
They left right after Nicest Kids in Town.
Understudy Joined: 9/1/08
Oh, talking about the Lion King Girl reminded me of the Beauty and the Beast girl.
This wasn't Broadway, it was a high school performance, and I believe the little girl sitting behind me was about three. She kept talking during the show, stating the obvious all the time. It was really cute, so nobody minded. But the finale of Act One, "If I Can't Love Her," was astonishingly, astonishingly good (the boy who played the Beast at that school was the best singer of any high schooler I've ever seen), and he sang, "LET THE WORLD BE DONE WITH MEEEEEEE!" with so much passion and self-hatred that there were tears running down my face.
Then, in that brief moment of awed silence just before the applause, the little girl calls out, clear as a bell and projecting loud enough to be an actress herself, "I think he's sad."
The whole theatre cracks up laughing. Later in the show, when Gaston says he'll let Maurice go if Belle marries him and he tries to kiss her and she smacks him (or something... this was awhile ago...), the little girl calls out, "I don't think she wants to marry you!"
Not as funny as the Lion King Girl, but still pretty cute.
A woman saying she spent $130 on ticket to Grease just to see Taylor Hicks sing "Beauty School Drop-Out"
mtf, the first one i've heard a lot, I don't think its that big of a deal though. Most tourists or really non-theatre people don't know what a book is. I only found out a couple years ago when i got more into the theatre scene.
And to be honest, I bet they could have gotten rent tickets if they were willing to pay enough theres a chance that somebody cancelled, instead of saying "it doesn't work that way" you could have said "it's unlikely but you could try"
Schmerg_The_Impaler...that is absolutely hysterical and adorable.
And to be honest, I bet they could have gotten rent tickets if they were willing to pay enough theres a chance that somebody cancelled, instead of saying "it doesn't work that way" you could have said "it's unlikely but you could try"
Mealz, I agree. And unless it's been in the last couple of weeks or the very beginning of the Adam and Anthony return when it was sold out, it's not been sold out, so odds are even up to right before curtain they could have gone to the box office and gotten tickets. MTF3, way to turn people off theatre.
Last night at Gypsy:
Older man (65-ish) to his wife: Who's Patsy?
Wife: What?
Man: Patsy! Who's Patsy? This is supposed to be good because of someone named Patsy who's in this show!
This was a few years Florida for one of the RENT tours, my friends and I were doing the rush line, camped out in front of the theater...mind you, this was a group of high schoolers eating chips and playing scrabble or whatever....a couple of people buying tickets to the show came up to us and said "Are you all in the show?" We said yes.
This one doesn't have to do with theater, but it was funny enough today. Around 34th street, some guy was pointing downtown, and asking if Central Park was that way. Obviously, he was about 20 or so blocks wrong, and in the wrong direction.
Poor guy was just lost. It is okay to not be a resident of Manhattan.
I'm still loving the mother who told her child that she'd turn green if she was bad! That one is funny.
LOVE your avatar, it'sjustshowbiz. Norm Lewis as Triton is my computer desktop.
Here's a rather interesting conversation I had with one of my friends:
Friend: (Discussing Les Miserables) I think it's really funny that Jean Valjean's fake name is Monsieur Le Mayor. Because he's, like, the mayor. I wonder if they did that on purpose.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/1/07
Les Mis is always confusing, especially for people who saw it while Lea Salonga was Fantine and an understudy was on as Cosette, or if the races of the two Cosettes didn't match up.
"So...she grew up Asian?"
Oh, the Les Mis revival was confusing when I saw it! I think it's actually really cool to rotate the young Cosettes and Eponines so they all get a go at singing, but when the small Caucasian-looking Cosette grows up to be Ali Ewoldt, and the small Asian-looking Eponine grows up to be Celia Keenan-Bolger, it does look a little bit o_O.