Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
legally_popular, That's adorable but I can see why he got confused....LOL.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/10/04
Back when I saw the revival of Kiss Me Kate, I was leaving the show and I overheard a woman say. Well I liked the show but that song "Too Darn Hot" was Too Darn Long. I thought that was great.
A few years ago, when Altar Boyz was brand new, I was working at a pre-theatre restaurant in Hell's Kitchen where we would get a mix of locals "in the know" and tourists brought over by fliers handed out in Times Square. One night, our center section was taken up by a church group from North Carolina and out of curiosity, I asked what show they were seeing. One of the group replied, with a thick southern accent, "We are going to see Altar Boyz, because we are thrilled to see the word of our Lord, Jesus Christ performed on stage." I could barely hold it together, but my co-worker, without missing a beat, replied, "Would you please come back here after the show for dessert? I would love to hear what you think of it."
Still to this day, I picture the faces of those poor tourists thinking they are going to see a loving show about Jesus. I really wish they HAD come back for dessert!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Schmerg, when I was younger (not that young, it was after my freshman year in high school), I thought that the reason Caroline or Change flopped was because they waited to release the cast recording after the Tonys.
Two people in their late 50s, while leaving the Hilton theater after last Wednesday's matinee of Young Frankenstein:
Man: "Well, that was very entertaining. You liked it too, right?"
Woman: "Oh yes, definitely! I think I only slept very briefly during the first act"
Man: "Yeah, I saw that!"
Swing Joined: 9/28/08
Overheard this one when I saw a production of Little Shop of Horrors.
Woman One: "This is such a strange thing"
Woman Two: "I know, I have no clue what's going on. I wish we were seeing the musical one though, like the movie"
...uh, what? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am *pretty* sure that singing songs from LSOH on stage in a production of LSOH makes it the musical version of LSOH. Geez.
At the RENT screening today:
Angel comes out and the crowd goes wild
Woman: "Who's that? Why are they cheering?!"
she must have been a little confused...
After Blasted (Sarah Kane):
Guy: Rape, cannibalism, homosexuality ... they know how to pull the crowds!
Updated On: 9/29/08 at 12:31 AM
gosh i love
Where They Let the Sunshine in
(after a performance of Hair)
Woman: What was your favorite part?
Four-year-old girl: I liked all the parts.
Six-year-old girl: I liked the naked part.
From someone on Witches of Oz at a RENT screening.
"During the intermission of ours, I went to the bathroom, as did half the people in the theater.
Anyways, so I'm in the restroom and there's this girl in there discussing what they liked/didn't like thus far.
Girl 1: I just LOVE Eden Espinsa. I'm like her biggest fan ever.
Girl 2: Ahh, yes, she's great as Maureen.
Girl 1: I saw her twice as Maureen and like, yea, I got a picture with her. Yep, I'm like her. biggest fan!
Girl 2: Did you ever see her as Elphaba?
Girl 1: She played Elphaba!?
Guess she wasn't the biggest fan ever..."
Broadway Star Joined: 9/14/08
Broadway Star Joined: 10/27/07
Stand-by Joined: 2/26/06
I was hanging near the Stage Door of the Wintergarden (which is on 7th Ave, not Broadway where the main entrance is) the other day, waiting for a friend when a middle aged couple came up to me and the woman asked me:
"When does the box office open?"
Me: "It's already open, you have to go around the block to the Broadway side of the building."
Woman: "Isn't this Broadway?"
Me: "No, this is 7th Ave."
Woman: "Are you sure?"
Me: (Pointing to street sign) "See that, it says 7th Avenue and 50th Street. The box office entrance is on Broadway."
Man: "Look, just because it's a Broadway show, doesn't mean the theater HAS to be on Broadway!"
Me: "You, sir, are correct! However, this particular theater happens to be right on Broadway, so you get the best of both worlds!"
Man: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Look, I don't care if you believe me or not, but, if You want to get tot eh box office of the Wintergarden Theater, all you have to do is walk around the block and you'll see the main entrance, where the box office is."
Man and Woman eye me suspiciously when the theater's doorman steps outside for a smoke. He sees them and says automatically: "Folks, you're in the back. If you're looking for the main entrance it's around the block on the Broadway side of the theater."
Whereupon the man shot me a dirty look and the woman said:
"Why didn't YOU tell us that?!?"
At Broadway: Three Generations on Sunday in DC:
Woman: Who's playing the siamese twins?
Man: Jenn Colella- and... Lisa Brescia. (Pronounced it Burayst-kaycee-uh)
Woman: God, you butchered the pronunciation. It's Brescia! (BrEEs-kia)
Man: Must be foreign.
Me: *laughing hysterically*
Not ABOUT Broadway, but heard in The New Amsterdam during Mary Poppins' intermission.
GIRL ONE: So I was walking through work and all of a sudden this girl was screaming by the break room that there was this bloody tampon on the floor.
GIRL TWO: Omigod!
GIRL ONE: So I was like, oh that's weird, I'm on the rag and I was just in the break room!
GIRL TWO: You didn't!?
GIRL ONE: So I ran to my office, reached down and nothing was there! And I was like, #@#^, where did my tampon go!?
BOY ONE (sitting next to women): What's a tampon?
GIRL ONE: You stick it up your vagina.
BOY ONE: What's a vagina?
GIRL TWO: It's what you stick a tampon up.
A few minutes later the boy's mother came back, the boy spoke to her and they left. I saw them up in a box a few minutes later, staring at the two women.
At In the Heights, during intermission-
woman (flipping thru Playbill): "Where's the old lady?"
me: "here." (points to Olga's headshot)
woman: "DAMN! That photo must have been taken at least about 20 years ago!"
me: :dies laughing:
Ah, the wonders of theatre.
for those who don't know the show, Olga as Abuela:
and Olga in real life:
um the people behind me at [title of show] tonight had so many hilarious ones this would have to be my favorite though:
girl #1: So the guy who wrote In the Heights and composed it is starring in it, but he's leaving in February so I want to see it before then!
girl #2: Omg, yeah, if you write a show, then you should be in it. Like, if I wrote a show I would never let someone be in my role because, you know, like, I wrote it.
girl #1: Yeah, that's what I like about this, like all the people in it are played by the real people
girl #2: That's probably why it's closing, because they like probably don't want anybody to replace them.
also, when they were flipping through the play bill
girl #2: What's that about?
girl #1: It's kind of like Les Miz
girl #2: Oh, I've never heard of that
and there were soo many others if only i could remember them.
I can just imagine the advertising.
"[title of show]: kind of like Les Miz."
People are just so stupid it makes me laugh. This thread always makes my day.
I just realized that the "kind of like Les Miz" comment was probably in reference to A Tale of Two Cities, since the girls in question were flipping through the Playbill at the time, but I prefer to think that it was about [tos].
Chorus Member Joined: 9/23/08
I love this thread!
Asian girl during Rent intermission: Oh wait, so they all have AIDS? Is that why they're all taking pills all the time? I didn't understand that. But you can't die from AIDS, right? I mean, if you like lived in a bubble forever, you would never die from it, right?
--Nederlander Theater
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
My God. People are so stupid.
I mean, technically she's right, but still...