Lady at Flea Market: I can't believe Jersey Boys is STILL running
Man at Flea Market: I know we saw it like a year ago!
I remember when I was really little that I thought shows only ran for one performance. Granted, all of the kiddie shows I was in at the time did, but I was shocked when I heard how many of my relatives and teachers and stuff had seen "Phantom of the Opera"-- I remember saying things like, 'oh, did you see my mom there?'
At the Equus stage door Saturday night 9/20:
There were two or three girls standing near me, and a friend of theirs came up and asked who came out. One of her friends replied "Harry Potter" and they all started squealing, and getting excited. I said, "No, it's Daniel Radcliffe". Their faces fell. They had no clue...
I almost cried...from laughter!
When I was little I thought the cast never left the show until it closed. I wasn't the smartest kid.
When I was little I thought the cast never left the show until it closed. I wasn't the smartest kid.
Updated On: 9/23/08 at 04:12 PM
My sister went to a showing of the final Rent in Orlando yesterday and she gave me permission to share these two gems from the teen girls who sat behind her.
First: When Angel dies, one turns to the other and loudly whispered "that's when he died"
Then: Also the idiot said "I can't believe they put this on Broadway after the movie came out!" She also said the movie was WAY better than the show.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/12/07
i know one of the boys who plays trevor in TLM & i had just seen ITH so i swung by the SD b/c i knew his show was getting out soon. i also work at the camp he attends so when i saw him I said hello and all that i had decided to swing by, and we were talking lol. then i go, before i leave "see you tomorrrow"
random tween fan girl: WHY WILL YOU SEE HIM TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!
(Psst... Do you mean he plays Flounder?)
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
At the A Chorus Line Tour in Boston last night.
Boy around 11: When they just stood there talking for 3 hours got a little boring. But when they danced I liked it!
Friend/sibling: Yeah, what was the point of them talking?
I was walking in Times Square:
Stupid girl: Where is Times Square?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/12/07
Stand-by Joined: 8/7/07
At Xanadu the other night two girls talking about the on-stage seating.
Girl #1- How did they get up there? (Meaning physically onto the stage)
Girl #2- They bought tickets. (In the biggest "duh" way)
Broadway Star Joined: 9/14/08
At Rent Screening Today
During Intermission
Girl 1: Why did they skip seasons of love?
Girl 2: I don't know, they are probably going to wait till the end since this is the last show.
Girl 3: That is weird that they are waiting till the end. When rent came to knoxville, seasons of love was the first song they sang
I'm going to the Rent screening tomorrow so expect some good material. I don't understand the stupidity of some of the people who live in my town...
BTW, at school the other day I was wearing my GYPSY shirt and some kid walks up to me:
Kid: "So do you like stand on the side walks and beg for money?"
Me: "What?"
Kid: "Cause your shirt says you're a gypsy. Thats what gypsies do. But I've never seen a shirt thats like "I'm a gypsy!"
Me: *bangs head into wall*
The ignorance of some people...
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
^LOL. I get the same thing when I wear my Wicked shirt. People are always asking me if I'm really wicked....haha.
when i was little this woman in central park kept calling me "Barbie" because I was wearing a Barbie shirt, it was really strange.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
I used to have a Walter Payton jersey, but somehow when Iwore it, no one ever thought I actually WAS Walter Payton...
Glitterandjazzhands-- that's amazing. When I wear my Little Mermaid shirt, no one ever mistakes me for a mermaid. Hmmph.
This reminds me of when Rupert Grint went to the premiere of one of the Harry Potter movies wearing a t-shirt with a picture of Daniel Radcliffe's face on it.
Oooo I totally forgot the comment made my friend at my house yesterday!!
Matt, looking at all the GYPSY stuff in my room: So do they change the playbill every time someone new plays Gypsy?
Me: What do you mean?
Matt: Like Patti LuPone plays Gypsy now but when she leaves it'll be someone else right?
Me: Matt, Patti LuPone doesn't play Gypsy. She plays the mother, Rose. And Gypsy isn't like this never ending run. There's something called a revival. Ethel Merman was the original. Then there were REVIVALS where other actresses played Rose like Bernadette Peters and Patti LuPone.
Matt: Oh. Ok I think I get it.
How I'm friends with him... Oh yes and my friend and I also had to explain to him who Bernadette Peters was. Go figure...
I just remembered this!
When I saw the original cast of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" in January of 1986, I was in the balcony, left of center. To my thrill, the actors came into the house at the star of the show, and we in the balcony were lucky to get Betty Buckley and Cleo Laine, Buckley near me and Laine on the opposite side.
Now, Cleo Laine was of course a well known jazz singer, making what I think was her Broadway debut. Buckley, after a decade on "Eight Is Enough" (a pretty well known TV series), had won the featured actress Tony for "Cats," three years before (singing a really big hit song, too), and she was tonight's leading lady.
Anyway, while Buckley was shaking hands with audience members and welcoming them to the Music Hall, etc., this woman practically knocked her down by pointing wildly past her to the opposite side of the balcony.
"Oh my God, honey!," she cried. "Look, it's Cleo Laine!"
Buckley stopped, did a very slow double take towards Laine, turned back, took a breath and plunged back into her greetings spiel.
I about died with hysterics.
Updated On: 9/27/08 at 10:14 PM
1. I teched a production of Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella at a community theatre near my home. Near the end of the show there's the scene where Prince Charming finds Cinderella. In our production he kisses her and we go to blackout. One night as i wet onstage to grab the bench he was sitting on i hear this little girl's voice go "Ewwwwww!!! Mommy, why did he DO that?"
2. I was sitting in the audience at Patti Lupone Gypsy.
Woman 1: Oh, I'm so excited for this!
Woman 2: Me too! I hope it's good. We saw a very disappointing show earlier this year.
Woman 1: What was it?
Woman 2: Oh dear, let me see. I think it was called Q Street? So inappropriate.
3. My friend kept giving me quizzical looks all through dance class.
Me: What's wrong?
Peter: Why does your shirt say "Gypsy"?
Me: Oh, it's a musical. I saw it on broadway earlier this summer.
Peter: Ohhh. That makes sense. *beat* So it's about gypsies?
Me: No, it's about a stripper.
Peter: Wait, gypsy strippers? Who writes this stuff?
Me: No, there are no stripping gypsies in the show!!
Peter: Really? Why'd you go see it then?
As you can see, he really didn't quite get the concept of Gypsy.
Chorus Member Joined: 1/7/08
At a touring production of Beauty and the Beast this past winter, there was a young boy (3 or 4, maybe?) in front of us. He was a little restless, and his mom had to explain things every now and then, but she was quiet and he was generally very well behaved. After 'If I Can't Love Her', the whole theatre is silent and he calls out, in a very upset, depressed, voice "Mom, that was SO sad!" It was adorable and cracked the whole theatre up XD
^Aw that’s adorable, and that reminds me of something my 6-year-old cousin said at Wicked.
After sorta understanding how Elphaba “pretended” to melt and be dead, during the finale he asked,
“So Glinda and the witch never see again?”
Me: “No.”
Him: “Aww……… that’s sad.”
It was really cute, but then at curtain call he got a little confused… As the (Elphie/Glinda) actresses came out to bow and hugged, he went, “Look! They saw each other again!”
My favorite part of this thread is guessing who completely made their stories up. I'm pretty sure MTF3 is winning!