Understudy Joined: 6/16/08
Ok so I was in the city for a couple of days and I heard a couple of comments that were really out there.
Man: O I saw Wicked the other night but I found it rather confusing.
Women: O I heard it was really good.
Man: Well at the end of the first act this green lady went into the air and started belting and screaming. I just didn't get it.
Women: Maybe she is scared of hights.
Man: That's it now I get it.
Hear is another one with a mother and her daughter (in college) and she was one of those people who thought they knew EVERYTHING about theatre and broadway when they really know **** and you feel like punching them. In theatre of Gypsy.
Mother: When did this open I heard Patti LuFontane is very good.
Daughter: (in very annoying voice) Well I love her I think I saw her Todd Sweeny or something and she was very good I love her.
Mother: When did this open?
Daughter: O it opened last september or something (really opened March) which means it has to close soon because broadway shows never run over year.
Mother: Wow I am so glad I have such a knowledgeable daughter
Alright I have a few from a recent trip to NY
At Wicked waiting in my seat during intermission:
A couple (man and woman) sitting behind me, the woman is flipping through her playbill and comes across an add for Ambien CR:
Woman: OMG I was on this, wow read all the side effects, doing things while you are not fully awake and not realizing you have done them later. Wow like driving a car, eating and sex!
Woman to her husband: Have we had sex while i was on ambien
Man: No i dont think so
Woman: oh good cause I probably wouldn't remember
I nearly died of laughter right there
Oh same man as previous story:
Man: I hear they are making this into a movie and Reese Whiterspoon is going to be in it
Me: I hope not, I mean i like her and all but no
Man: oh would you rather (flips through playbill) Kendra Kasseneboom (or something along those lines, completely murdered her name) played her?
Me: (trying not to laugh) As long as it is someone who can sing very well.
*I know she has a different name but it was still funny!
My mom after stage door at Wicked last summer
Lindsay K. Northern comes out
Mom to me: that was Elphaba's sister wasn't it
Which in turn got people around me thinking it was Cristy Candler
Me: No mom that wasnt she was an ensemble member
Mom to Lindsay: Great job, you were excellent as Glinda's sister
Oh and one last thing, I am from the East Coast of Canada, so we dont get a lot of Broadway exposure, so when i told people i was going to NY to see shows and naming the shows and the theatres my friends were like "what there are different theatres" they thought it was just like a movie and when a new show came along it would just go in that theatre or they would just change nightly. Oh boy...
Yesterday at the A Chorus Line tour:
woman: Yeah I've seen Cats twice....
...and it was two times too many!!
I was thinking "You're not alone!"
At the same show:
woman 1: oh look! My Fair Lady came here!
woman 2: I saw that.
woman 1: Was it good?
woman 2: No. It had too much talking! And no dance numbers!!!!!!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/9/06
"Oh and one last thing, I am from the East Coast of Canada, so we dont get a lot of Broadway exposure"
I'm from there too! Hi!
Also, keep this thread coming, I love it. It's such a riot.
It is very rare that someone on these sites is from Canada let alone the east coast!! haha
Nice to meet you too heathurrr
**Sorry for the threadjack!!
I saw Gypsy this past Sunday and I got my tix the day before at the box office. There was this woman in front of me who clearly didn't speak English fluently, and was taking FOREVER to order her tickets.
So...I think she's about to leave, and she comes back steps right in front of me and asks the ticket booth guy "Are there any pictures or programs or merchandise that I can just borrow to show my family what its about and then bring it all back tomorrow?"
The guy was dumbfounded! And she wouldn't LEAVE!!!! He finally had to tell her that she could purchase whatever she wanted tomorrow but she just couldn't seem to understand. He was a second away from calling someone to escort her out. I laughed.
This thread never ceases to make me laugh *lol*
Thank you all for sharing!!!
I have been reading these posts for a year or two now, not sure how long, but I finally would like to say that most of these stories aren't even funny... and the fact that some of you think these are funny is kind of rude.
But some of these stories are hilarius.
Stand-by Joined: 8/7/07
I was online for "13" on Monday, and was sitting under the Golden marquis. Well a group of Greek tourists were switching buses and a little boy thought we were all homeless.
At Gypsy this past Sunday
Rose:"I had a dream"....
Woman behind me: (groans)" Christ, not again!!!"
I almost peed myself.
at in the heights this weekend... and older couple in their 50's were right next to us. the man was telling his wife that the show takes place in the bronx.
Woman: are you sure?
Man: Honey, I lived here for many years, I know new york.
Woman: i trust you, just doesnt sound right.
Man taps my shoulder: excuse me, do you live here?
Me: Yes
Man: Where does this show take place?
Me: Washington Heights
Man: the one in the bronx right?
Me: No, its in manhattan
Man: have you lived here long?
Me laughing inside but starting to get irritated: just a few months
Man: well i lived here for many years once and i am positive this is supposed to be the bronx.
Me really irritated: its not, but ok.
Man whispers something to his wife
*show starts*
Nina sings to Benny "i used to think the bronx was a place in the sky..."
Man nudges me really hard: i told you!
His wife nods proudly that her husband "was right" and i "was wrong".
i guess they werent writing it down when usnavi said "go to northern manhattan and maintain... get off at 181st..."
thank god he didnt test them later
Updated On: 8/28/08 at 10:29 AM
at Gypsy this past Sunday, I saw a boy (about 10 or 11) in ROLLERBLADES just tromping through the theatre to his seat. I saw him before the show and when we were leaving. RIDICULOUS!
once at gypsy (back in may), an older couple sitting behind me start to look at their playbills, and the husband says..."oh i didn't know patti lupone was in this show". her name and face is plastered all over the theatre. haha.
I saw this occur at the Spamalot stage door on Wednesday night. You know, there are people everywhere, and some go backstage if they know someone in the show. Well, some lady went back there, and then came back out about 20 minutes later, and some girl next to me asked some guy guarding the stage door if she was an actress or someone famous because she looked familiar. Of course the guy answered no. I mean, obviously she could have been, but did this girl really expect for someone to tell her yes and who it was, so she could go bother her?
Understudy Joined: 5/26/06
Rather random one but to anyone that knows the Apollo Victoria in London well will find it funny.
Women 1 : Oh this theatres quite small isn't it
Women 2 : Yeah you think it'd be in a big theatre.
This is the theatre Wicked is playing at and its one of the biggest theatre in the West end and bigger than any Broadway Theatre.
When I saw "Kiss Me Kate" back on 2001, there was a woman sitting in her seat in the theater, eating potato salad. POTATO SALAD. WHY?
I saw Rent a couple of months ago. I was seeing it with my gay ex-boyfriend, and as we hadn't seen each other in a few years, we caught up over some drinks before the show. For some reason the alcohol affected me more than it usually does... so when he asked me if I knew of anyone in the cast, I said "Oh yeah, well Adam Chase is pretty cool." Mixing up Adam Pascal and Will Chase. I knew it didn't sound right. Later I realized what I'd said, and all I could think was "Omg, someone probably heard me and I'm gonna be on that tourist thread on BWW!"
At Gypsy, in June
Girl in late-teens, possibly 20's: We were here a few months ago, right?
Grandpa: Yeah, we saw that "Lady in Black" thing by the guy, oh, what's his name, you know, that Irish guy who wrote Phantom and Les Mis
Girl: Oh, yeah, Andrew something
Grandpa: Yeah, that one
Girl's Mother (I think that she was): How was that?
Girl: Well, it had no set
Grandpa: It was done with computers
Girl: It was interesting
The Woman in White played at the Marquis in late 2005-early 2006, Andrew Lloyd Webber is British, he did not write "Les Misérables", and I think that "The Woman in White" had a set
Also, I've heard so many times in Europe (specifically London, Amsterdam, and Copenahgen) from older American couples who were so proud that they saw "The Woman in White" in London because "it never came to Broadway"
Also, the girl at TKTS who said "I want to see Phantom. It's been on Broadway for 5 years now. That's long"
More to come...
I think I've discussed this before in "Rude behavior" threads, but on Easter Sunday, a woman in the audience at Curtains started shrieking at me because she had bought a ticket at TKTS for "The thirteenth row, in the center!" I said, "First of all, ma'am, I can't help you, as I'm an usher. Secondly, you bought the ticket at TKTS, so our box office can't help you. Thirdly, you're in row N, seat 102, which leaves you in the thirteenth row of the center section, since there's no row I." She still wanted to talk to the manager.
My traveling companion in July at South Pacific as the orchestra begins the overture - the stage slides back, I am tearing up 'Bali Hai' she says "I have nothing but bad memories of South Pacific since Jenny never got the lead role" - meaning her no-talent daughter was not chosen for Nellie in the high school production.
This after waiting months in anticipation to see the Tony award winning performances, seated in perfect seats, on a perfect summer night. I could have killed her right there.
The couple seated to her right actually burst out laughing.
True but sad story for me.
From Overheard in New York:
Almost No One Pickles Children These Days
Mom: Honey, what's the matter?
Girl: Am I going to turn green for being a bad girl too?
Mom: Honey, I was just kidding about that!
--Gershwin Theater
Overheard by: Rogue
At Gypsy this past Sunday
Rose:"I had a dream"....
Woman behind me: (groans)" Christ, not again!!!"
every time this thread is bumped I re-read this one... it's still just as funny as the first time, lolol.
Most of these crazy comments seem to be at Gypsy!
My friends mother after In the Heights: But why did that old women give her money to the main guy if they weren't even related?