Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
I mean, she is right. But a bubble?!? How would you eat?
and if you havent noticed... i am addicted to
Tween: Mom, what's Negro Day?
--Neil Simon Theatre
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
Last night at the Wicked stage door when Julie Reiber walks out(she was on as Elphaba).
Guy in back of me: Who's that?
Me: Julie Reiber she was Elphaba tonight.
Guy: You mean that is her blonde hair.
Me: Ummm yeah she is a blonde.
Guy: Wow she looks different!
Me: Yeah she's not really green either.
I find peoples reactions rather funny when Julie,Kerry or Chelsea come out of SD. Since they are all blondes and look nothing like they do onstage...LOL.
(Two girls are walking down the street in front of a rather decrepit looking building that's not in New York at all. There is a sign that reads "This space for rent.")
Girl 1: (Reading) OMIGOD, THEY'RE PUTTING ON RENT? (She and Girl 2 begin screaming and jumping up and down.)
In their defense, it was rather near a few theatres.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Chorus Member Joined: 2/10/08
I'm sure all of you have heard the stupid people trying to figure out [title of show]
Guy 1: We're going to see [title of show]
Guy 2: But what's the title of the show?
Guy 1: [Title of show]
And it keeps going and going like "Who's on 1st?"
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
Schmerg - that reminds me of the story of how during the 1950's, when the William Inge play BUS STOP was on Broadway, confused tourists would gather under the marquee, waiting for the bus.
doubtful considering that in new york you don't just wait for a bus at any stop, and you need to make sure your specific but is there... but that is funny and i can definitely imagine people at least getting confused by the site...
i like when people thing that the big subway sign on 42nd street is for subway the sandwich place.
Not overheard but when I saw a local production of Altar Boyz these two weird black guys in huge matching white jogging suits came in very rudely in the middle of 1st song.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/25/08
*shakes head*
Walking to the Lyceum theatre...
Girl: Look, it's the roasted cashew stand.
Other girl: No, that was back there.
Girl: Oh, then that must be the pretzel stand.
At 13, a little boy (wile looking at the set) said "It looks like what I see when I look out the window of our house!" He was no older than 7 years old. I thought it was adorable.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/25/08
That is adorable, which set? NYC or Indiana?
NYC set. It would be even funnier if it was in reference to the Indiana set.
They Say the Neon Lights Aren't Too Bright on Broadway
Clueless girl: Wait, is Rent about AIDS?
Slightly less clueless girl: Yeah.
Clueless girl: Oh, ****! Now I get it!
--LIRR Train
Overheard by: c
Overheard at the orthodontist's - as best as I can remember, since it happened a year or two ago.
Dr. M.: So how's it going? what have you been up to?
Girl in next chair: Well, I'm going to be in a musical - Bye Bye Birdie.
Dr. M.: That's great! Who are you playing?
Girl: A groupie.
Dr. M.: A turkey?
Girl: No, no, a groupie.
Dr. M.: Oh, I thought...Bye Bye Birdie, you know...that it was something about birds.
I suppose since she probably had a lot in her mouth it's understandable that he didn't hear her correctly...but I wasn't too familiar with Bye Bye Birdie back then and even I knew it wasn't about birds!
This didn't actually happen on Broadway (I've actually never been to New York) but I thought it belonged here nonetheless...
At the performance of the Phantom in Auckland (New Zealand) yesterday, the people sitting behind me were the most infuriating people ever... There were five of them, and the guy was acting like he knew everything there possibly is to know about theatre... Now, I'm not sure exactly how the Phantom is staged elsewhere (I assume it is the same/similar) but before the show started, when the chandelier was covered on the stage and the three curtains were lowered in disarray, Mr. Know-It-All proceeded to have this conversation:
"Oh, you see with the curtains, they perform in front of them, and then in the second or third act the Phantom appears from behind them..."
Excuse me, but third act?
Also, the same five people proceeded to EAT pick'n'mix candy they had brought with them throughout THE ENTIRE SHOW. Candy WITH WRAPPERS. NOISY WRAPPERS. My sister and I gave them the evils sooooo many times but they kept eating (and drinking!) noisily... and they weren't the only ones! It's like most New Zealanders have never heard of theatre etiquette or something...
It made me simultaneously sad and annoyed.
I was in the city over Thanksgiving and was amazed by all the things I overheard, but this one was my favorite.
Two women, about mid 40's, with their kids
W1: Oh look guys, there's the Hershey store!
W2: Let's go!
W1: So if the Hershey store sells Hershey, (points to M&M store) then what does that M&M store sell?
At Arena Stage this afternoon, the two couples in front of me were discussing theatre in general and specifically Jennifer having been in Spring Awakening. One of the women was not familiar with it, so the other one was explaining to her...
"It's about teens in World War II Germany."
I had to pretend to be sick and run out so they didn't see me laughing hysterically.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Before Wicked, I'm sitting in my seat at a wednesday matinee. The man behind me says he doesn't know what the show is about.
DEEP into act two, confrontation between Glinda and Elphaba, Dorothy's crashed house is on stage, etc. The same man sitting behind me says rather loudly, "Oh! So it's like The Wizard of Oz!"
good lord....
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
This wasn't a funny comment but it was definitely poignant.
A friend and I were attending August: Osage County for the second time so we could see Estelle Parsons' performance.
At the first intermission a couple behind us was talking and one said to the other, "I asked a friend if this was a funny play and he said, 'You'll laugh but it's not funny.'"
My friend turned around said, "It's true, isn't it?"
During the beginning of the second act of Mamma Mia!:
Teenage kid in front of me: Why are they playing a Madonna song?
i was at this past saturday night's performance of HAIRSPRAY (which, with MWJ and harvey, was amazing), and was downstairs getting a bottle of water before the show.
a couple from the south, who were prob in their late 40s/early 50s, were wondering if there was anyone 'big' in the show:
husband: so who's in this - anyone we would recognize?
wife: well the mom is the same one from the old movie...
husband: oh.
wife: and the big italian guy from american idol is in it too. constantine something...
i couldn't help laughing
Not at a show, but I was at Borders yesterday, and this mom was like "Do NOT get the Mamma Mia soundtrack.... I already have to deal with freaking Britney Spears...(insert further mumbling here)"
Two women in there 30s at Wicked National our in Baltimore. This was a few years ago when I thought Wicked was a good show.
Woman 1: So this is the same cast and set as the Broadway production.
Woman 2: Really?
Woman 1: Yeah they must closed down the Broadway Production and brought it here.
Woman 2: Wow, it must have been hard to bring all the cast and set here.
Me: Well actually, it's still open on Broadway. This is a different set and cast, it travels around the country.
Woman 1: Wow, you are so smart. You must be a theater expert.
I then opened my Playbill and ended the conversation.
That makes me laugh, Chita, because there are a couple of posts on the "childhood misconceptions" thread that are along those lines.