That makes me laugh, Chita, because there are a couple of posts on the "childhood misconceptions" thread that are along those lines.
This wasn't overheard, but I was standing inside the entryway of the Starbucks on 49th and 8th yesterday, and I was amazed at the amount of people trying to pull the door open, too stupid to realize the sign that said PUSH.
Okay, so not a tourist (well, he is, but he's also my uncle), made some funny Jennifer Hope Wills/Phantom comments
At my uncle's house
Uncle: Phantom's coming to DC. This girl Jennifer Hope Wills went to Salisbury and there's a whole group of us going to see her.
Me: She's only in the Broadway production. You must be going to New York to see her.
Uncle: Well, it's in New York, but it's coming to DC this summer.
Me: No, that's the tour. There's the Broadway production in New York and then there's a tour. There are MANY other productions too, but the main US ones are New York, the tour, and Las Vegas.
Uncle: So, the Phantom coming to the Kennedy Centre isn't the same one that I saw in New York in the 80's.
Me: No, it's the exact same show, just different casts, and it's a different production.
It was funny for me, at least.
Not over heard by a tourist but this was just written by someone on 13 Fans (I go for entertainment and to try to get something into their little heads)
Talking About 13, "Kids are the future of broadway which is why this was such a legendary production."
Sorry if this was you. I found this very funny.
Overheard during Liza on Tuesday...
"I can't believe Patti is still doing GYPSY"
"Well, when she goes, the show goes"
"Oh, well she IS the whole show."
And my favorite of the night:
"Sutton Foster is a pretty big actress to be doing Shrek. Work must not be coming in."
Hearing these kinds of comments makes me happy I'm not theater-ignorant
Not really theater related, but I was sitting in the mezzanine and this usher was all tough:
Usher 1 to audience: Turn off all cell phones, blackberries and pagers. I can see everything from here and I see your lights flashing. So shut them off.
Usher 1 to Usher 2 loud so that everyone could hear him: These fancy people come in here with their Iphones flashing thinking they can record the whole show. Well they won't get by me. They think they are so sneaky and slick. But I can see them. I see those lights flashing so I stop them. I always have the last laugh. (i almost wanted to hear a wicked whoo hoo haha)
Umm yeah moron, Iphones don't have video recorders on them. Last laugh? And I was insulted that he was so rude to paying patrons 20 minutes before curtain. Most people know the drill and the phones go off.
Yesterday was walking into AUgust Osage County and the people in front of my gave the guy scanning the tickets their tickets and he said,"Actually Billy Elliot is next door." They walked into the theater thinking it was Billy Elliot, I don't know how they could possibly do that.
Stand-by Joined: 8/7/06
This made me incredibly happy, and it was pretty funny...At Forbidden Broadway a few weeks ago they mentioned "High School Musical 3", and a 7 year old girl across the aisle from me yelled "EWWWWWWW!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/10/08
Not exactly comments, but at the Bernard B. Jacobs theatre, they have a mezzanine with virtually no barrier between the end of it and a sharp drop into the orchestra, so the ushers were constantly yelling at people to take their belongings off of the edge of it. This was a holiday matinee, so there were lots of parents PERCHING THEIR LITTLE DARLINGS over the edge of the thing, and ignoring the ushers who were yelling at them to remove their children.
I'm sure someone's purse or Playbill has fallen off into the audience and given someone a nice bump on the head many times.
"This made me incredibly happy, and it was pretty funny...At Forbidden Broadway a few weeks ago they mentioned "High School Musical 3", and a 7 year old girl across the aisle from me yelled "EWWWWWWW!""
Haha, that is so funny!
This made me incredibly happy, and it was pretty funny...At Forbidden Broadway a few weeks ago they mentioned "High School Musical 3", and a 7 year old girl across the aisle from me yelled "EWWWWWWW!"
Finally a little kid who has some sense.
This just made my day
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/22/08
Spring Awakining I sat next to two ladies over 65 in the like 3rd row:
Woman 1: I am so excited I love old germany
Woman 2: I lived in Germany for a long time and I know how it is to be young in Germany
Me: Do you know what this show is about?
Woman 2: Geramany during world war two
Show Starts
These women are out by the beginning of All Thats Known
When I was waiting to get into the St. James Theatre for Gypsy a couple of weeks ago, these ladies were talking about shows they were interested in, and what other family members recommended. The one lady said that her husband would never see Gypsy, and that he wanted to see the revival of Cats. I did not ask if she meant the tour or whatever had played at the NJPAC back in November. But, obviously now, there is no revival planned.
Maybe the woman was talking about visiting CATSNYrevival?
Understudy Joined: 11/8/08
To paraphrase: I'm not a comedian, but I know what I like.
I've read about 5 pages of this thread. Does anyone have any links to anything FUNNY? I'm not going to read all 85 pages looking for a gem and it seems like most of these posts are just an opportunity to laugh at someone's ignorance. I'm sorry, but to me that's like, not funny. I will say I almost laughed at the comic of the gifted student pushing the "pull" door. Perhaps if I was a little more sophisticated I would "get" these.
But, obviously now, there is no revival planned.
Speak for yourself! I put on a revival every Tuesday afternoon at 4 O'Clock in my back yard. I've been getting raves, check the Times.
I forgot to post this back when it happened, but during TOS's run at the Lyceum, before the show i over heard the 2 women behind me talking about various things and they eventually came to Clay Aiken's fathering a child and his use of invetro fertilization. Well on the women couldn't understand why he would do that so the other one says to her, "well, you know, he'd never have sex with her, he's a queer as a cucumber" and I found that hilarious, mostly cause of last part of the sentence. I've heard MANY a "queer as..." similes before, but "as a cucumber" was new and quite funny.
dg22894 ~ They MUST have been the same people I encountered at Arena a couple of weeks ago. (page 84) They were telling their friends there that Spring Awakening was about kids in Germany during WWII.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/12/07
Standing in line to get into Spring Awakening yesterday afternoon, people walk by and ask what the line was for. lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
"Spring Awakining I sat next to two ladies over 65 in the like 3rd row:
Woman 1: I am so excited I love old germany
Woman 2: I lived in Germany for a long time and I know how it is to be young in Germany
Me: Do you know what this show is about?
Woman 2: Geramany during world war two
Show Starts
These women are out by the beginning of All Thats Known"
Ok now this made me LOL. You think that people would know what the show is about before going to see it.
When I saw it the first time there was a couple in their 70's, at least, in onstage seats. I thought that they were gonna be gone at the beginning but they loved it. Turns out they saw it like 13 times...LOL.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
We CANNOT let this thread die. Keep those comments a-comin'!
I don’t remember the conversation exactly, but at the last show I was at I overheard two ladies talking about WSS...
“Did you hear that West Side Story is opening?”
“Yeah, did you hear that they’re gonna speak Spanish in it?”
“Oh… well I don’t have to see it then, I already know it.”
Meanwhile, we’re at IN THE HEIGHTS, lmao.
At the Rent tour in Cleveland last month while I was walking to the lobby during intermission I heard the tail end of a lady's conversation:
"... yep! They just closed the show on Broadway and now Cleveland is the first city besides New York to get the show."
Uhhh WAY wrong. Although I'll give this one to her since the media, etc. were reporting that Cleveland was the first stop of the tour. They just didn't specify this PARTICULAR tour... plus the added confusion of "original cast members Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp" might have made things worse. Still made me have a "Huh??" moment though when I heard her say that!