Chorus Member Joined: 9/16/08
The 2nd time I saw Next to Normal, as my Grandma and I waited in line to go in, the woman in front of us absolutely INSISTED that the show was a comedy, regardless of what I told her. I'm sure she was shocked once the story began to unfold!
As a bunch of us were waiting for student rush for "Blithe Spirit" a couple weeks ago at the Shubert two ladies walked in and came up to those of us waiting in line...
"Is this where they're showing 'Lion King.'"
(Someone interjected to say it was "Blithe Spirit.")
"Oh, yeah? What kind of movie is that?"
Also, this is the worst one I've ever heard. Worst, as in the best. When a bunch of folks and I did the whole day of waiting thing at the Palace box office to get rush tix to see Liza, shortly after Christmas, a young European couple walked in and asked what show it was. We pointed to the poster of Liza in the lobby, the same one pictured above.
The girl looked at it, frowned, and looked back at us.
"Yeah, but she's probably only it for like 15 minutes, right?"
Feb. 28 - Looped, Feb. 28 - Next to Normal, March 4 - Hair, March 11 - A Little Night Music, March 24 - Time Stands Still, April 6 - La Cage Aux Folles, April 10 - Anyone Can Whistle (City Center), April 10 - Looped, May 9 - Enron, May 15 - A Little Night Music, May 15 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Little Night Music, June 20 - A Little Night Music, June 23 - Red, June 23 - Sondheim on Sondheim, July 13 - A Little Night Music, July 18 - The Grand Manner (Lincoln Center)
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/28/09
Bump for this one. Mary Poppins in Cleveland, in a theatre that is roughly 2,500 seats. A man and his young son are walking into the lobby, and I can overhear the man, in a story-telling like voice saying, "BROADWAY is where all the BIG theatres are..." and I died. The theatre we were in was almost 1000 seats more than the largest Broadway house...
Featured Actor Joined: 7/7/09
During the April 1997 second-preview performance of "Titanic" there was a seven-minute pause in the second act. This was because they'd cut a scene but hadn't yet figured out how to get the massive scenery to shift, so they announced we'd wait. This particular evening had been graced by an out-of-nowhere MASSIVE rainstorm, so everyone in the theatre was chilly and a bit wet. The lights came up to a dreary half-lit house....everyone is soggy and tired and wondering why the show's so sluggish.... And then from up in the highest high of the balcony came a New Jersey lady speaking a bit too loud. "Oh, I get it now", she barked. "The show...and the Ship... They're a metaphor for EACH OTHER." Biggest laugh I'd heard in a NY Theatre in ages.
Our school took a a tour bus during our New York trip last year. Nobody was really listening or was asleep because we had all gotten like 3 hours of sleep the night before. However, I do remember hearing this one from the tour guide.
Tour Guide: "On your left you can see we're passing the famous Lincoln Center, where a new production of South Pacific is playing. It's gotten a lot of good feedback, but unfortunately lost the Tony Award to Into the Heights."
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/30/09
Okay, when I saw a regional production of "Spelling Bee", it was a Sunday, 12:30 matinee, and I heard a man say to somebody I guess he recognized, "Oh, so I guess I wasn't the only one who skipped church today!"
I was a spotlight operator for a production of "Joseph", which many camps with young kids came to. One person asked "Are there going to be real people on the stage?". At the previous year's production of "Honk", the actors came out into the aisles in the blizzard scene, and a young person in an aisle seat says, "Ooh, can I touch them?".
I don't think I have been to a performance of Jersey Boys where someone hasn't said just before the phone call scene. "She Died."
I was in a production of "Bye, Bye, Birdie" and a friend of mine from the show went out for ice cream after the show. There were these old ladies that asked us if we were in it. They then asked us
"Why didn't you sing Bye, Bye, Birdie?"
Updated On: 8/10/09 at 06:23 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I was at a matinee of PERFECT CRIME recently and sat in front of two couples from New Jersey. They had paid full price for their tickets and couldn't understand why a show that isn't playing to capacity didn't give discounts. I told them about the TKTS Booth and they wanted to know where it was located. One of the ladies in the group said, "We come to the thee-a-ter all the time but never heard of this booth. Where can you find it?"
New Jersey is only across the river but there are times I think it's light years away.
I was at the stage door of n2n and this couple was talking to this women and they were saying how amazing 9 to 5 is. The women responded by saying she saw it too and couldn't believe it's closing and it's not due to ticket sales b/c they have been so strong and that the set was unbelievable. The man then said O I know I think the set won the big award! They went into talking about how Dolly is so talented b/c it is hard to write songs and talking like they know all that.
O tourists
In the Heights.
A friend of mine and myself saw the show a couple of weeks ago and a teenager (about 17-1 was talking to his father about how amazing the set is.
"Wow this is the biggest set I ever saw!"
"Its just like the real washington heights"
"Yea They even have the Brooklyn Bridge in the background"
I would hope most of you all here at BWW know what bridge that actually is..
Blithe Spirit -
A man was telling his wife (girlfriend w/e) about the show and she didnt understand what all the hype was about so he started to tell her about angela lansbury.
"Shes a big deal she won like a bunch of tonys and emmys and academy awards"
"Well I never heard of her."
"You deffinetly seen her she was on Golden girls"
I swear to god..
Sorry to double post, but someone just posted this on a Facebook Group.
Answering a question about how many times they have seen a show.
"6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is different in every time. The actors change."
I just thought of this one from when I saw Wicked in Chicago and Carole Shelley was playing Morrible. At intermission I heard this.
"You can tell by her voice that it is the lady from the CD."
I thought you could tell by her hand gestures....dammit, wrong again.
Updated On: 8/13/09 at 10:15 AM
It's not that funny, but one time at Shrek, the people behind me were convinced that the girl selling programs and CD's was the girl who played teen Fiona.
Lady complaining to a TKTS guy.
Lady: Why isn't Wicked on the board?
TKTS guy: Because it sells out nightly and is the hottest ticket in town.
Lady: Are you f****** kidding me? That is ridiculous. It opened like 2 years ago, how could it sell out? I heard it was about to close.
"It's not that funny, but one time at Shrek, the people behind me were convinced that the girl selling programs and CD's was the girl who played teen Fiona."
It probaly was! They do that all the time! Angela Lansbury worked the bar during Blithe Spirit. I am sure that everyone knows that Alice Ripley takes tickets at Next to Normal.
Not everyone from New Jersey is a moron
Last night, two teenage girls behind me at lion king....
"I wouldn't want to perform the same show 8 times a week, thank goodness all the actors rotate"
"Which one is Simba and which one is Nala?"
"Wasn't it crazy last night at Wicked how they had the orchestra under the stage, I really liked that"
"You know what I didn't get about did they get that bed to roll so straight onto the stage?"
On the official Hair Facebook page, I saw someone made a comment about how the show "was a fabulous trip back to the 80s."
"Not everyone from New Jersey is a moron"
No, but a lot of them are.
^That's only because a large part of the POPULATION are idiots. Even here.
AbbyNormal...please look up the word "sarcasm".
So taking kchenofan's logic into consideration we should think that everyone from New York is a rude jerk? Or everyone from the south south is a hick? Or everyone from California is a hippie?
The sterotype of Californians is that we all surf and see celebrities on a daily basis. If you're going to talk about sterotypes, at least get them right for our sake. We like people's general views of us to be a consistant one!
Um...yeah. I was a the California Pizza Kitchen wearing my [tos] shirt and our waitress looks down at my chest and reads, "Title of THE show. What does that mean?"
I say, "It's actually title OF show. It's a musical."
She laughs. "Right! Title of THE show! They performed on the Tony's last year. It was unbelievable!"
"They actually haven't performed on the Tony's yet." Mind you, it's 2008. October 2008.
"Sure they have! They had the witch. I know what you're talking about!"
Another sterotype is that we're all stupid. That one's probably true.