Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
At my friend's house yesterday:
"I love Spring Awakening, but it's not as good as Wicked."
At stage door for Next to Normal, some guy talking to Alice after he got a picture of her
"I loved you in Freak Show"
I know easy mistake but it made me laugh!
At the Wicked lotto on wednesday some girl talking to me
Me- so what are you going to see if you dont win?
Girl- I dont know I think I might see Next to Normal
Me- They dont have a show today, they have two shows saturday and sunday but have wednesday dark
Girl- No they have a show today I saw it when i passed the theatre
(and she proceeded to argue with me about them having a show)
Same girl:
Girl- Maybe i'll see Hairspray
Me- Its closed
Girl- No it didnt, it was still playing here last week
Me- No it closed in January
Girl- I live in New York I would know
(again she argued with me and didnt believe me, so i just gave up) I know its not exactly hilarious! but its frustrating when people argue with me when i know i am right! haha
I mean, the N2N schedule is new and a little unusual, but just admit you didn't know that. I agree that arguing is ridiculous.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/9/08
While waiting in line for God of Carnage standing room, a 50ish year old woman decided to make unwarranted small talk. For two hours.
"You know, I thought about seeing Exit the King. But I WILL NOT applaud Susan Sarandon. There are certain performers that just do things that are inexcusable and no matter how breathtaking Susan Sarandon's performance was, I refuse to clap for her. By supporting Nader in 2000, she cost Al Gore the election and caused Bush to suck the life out of the United State for 8 f-ing years. And THAT is why I do not applaud Susan Sarandon."
Psst. N2N is not dark on Mondays. They are one of the very few that play on Monday nights. (But you were so much more correct than the dingleberry next to you.) She might have seen the B.O. getting action and assumed that meant they had a show.
2 on Sat and Sun
1 each Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri
Equals 8.
dramamama611 wow dont i feel like the dumb one now lol! I knew that! But thanks for pointing it out! :) I corrected my post!
This thread has given me an idea: When my friends and I go to New York for "A Steady Rain," I'll tell them we have to make loud, goofy observations in public all weekend and see if we can get into this thread.
LOL, I'm always afraid that the things my friends or family members say will end up on this thread, haha.
After WSS, there was this family - mother, father, and daughter (about 5 years old maybe) - walking by.
Mom: Do you want to move to the city?
Daughter: Not to THIS city!
It was so cute, but so funny.
Swing Joined: 5/26/08
My mom always gets Hairspray and High School Musical mixed up for some reason. And then when I told her I was seeing Hair, she was like, "Oh, Hairspray?" And I said, no, not exactly. It's funny, because I know whenever I mention one of those three shows, she'll always think it's one of the other ones.
Swing Joined: 11/3/08
I have a few hilarious/stupid comments by people that think they know theatre...but really don't.
[A Waiter at a resturant I went to after seeing Legally Blonde in Saint Louis with Laura Bell Bundy]
Waiter: You know, Laura Bell is from Saint Louis
Me: Oh really.
Waiter: Mhm, and the show, Legally Blonde, it was here before it went to Broadway.
Me: Are you sure it was Legally Blonde?
Waiter: Yeah, I know, the cast members stayed at the hotel next door.
[I didn't have the heart to corect and I also didn't want to look like a jerk know it all]
[A girl next me at Wicked in Chicago sitting next to me talking to her mom and showing her mom pictures in the collectable program before the show]
Girl: *points to a picture of Annaleigh Ashford* Mom, she plays Elle in Legally Blonde.
[...even though she was playing Glinda in the show we were seeing?]
[My mom after we met Laura Bell Bundy]
Mom: She's so tiny! She's like a little kitten!
[Guy after Legally Blonde]
Guy: Jerry Mitchell, You creative little b**tch!
[10 year old girl after seeing RENT talking about the show]
Girl: I liked the song when they were playing under the covers, while in heaven.
[aparently that's what happens in "Contact"...who knew]
[Girls behind me during RENT during "Christmas Bells"]
Girl 1: What is this?
Girl 2: I don't know it wasn't in the movie.
Girl 1: Why is it in the show then? Isn't the show based off the movie?
[On youtube comment of I think Laura Bell's last "So Much Better" in failed attempt to defend Laura by a fan in response to saying "her voice sounds weak"]
Fangirl: Give her a break! She has a lot to do! She has to play Elle WHILE also playing Glinda in Wicked! It's a lot for one person to do.
[My friend's mom's reaction to RENT after seeing it for the first time]
Friend's Mom: Now wasn't that a nice show about friends?
[My friend talking about Legally Blonde and in perticular a former friend of ours who moved away who's father (aparently) is now Orfeh's agent]
Friend: You know she met Orpha
Me: Cool, ORFEH is a good singer.
Friend: I know! I like Orpha.
[I'm in RENT right now and this is AND I QUOTE what our Joanne said after epicly failing singing through "We're Okay" the first time]
Girl: Sorry, I don't know this song. It wasn't in the movie.
[it just bothered me that she's in the show and yet has only seen the movie...]
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
"[10 year old girl after seeing RENT talking about the show]
Girl: I liked the song when they were playing under the covers, while in heaven.
[aparently that's what happens in "Contact"...who knew]"
If you're going to make fun of people "that think they know theater", you should know that nothing remotely like that ever happens in Contact.
And Jerry Mitchell is a creative little b!tch.
Updated On: 7/13/09 at 11:11 PM
I like you, ghostlight. You always bring a smile to my face. :) And nothing like that may ever happen in the show Contact, but something a bit like that certainly happens in the song 'Contact' from the musical RENT. As specified in the bit you quoted, actually...
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
Back in 2007 at the Hairspray Tour:
Audience Member:
This was really good, but Cats was better.
Working at TKTS, I could write a book, but I'll write down the notable few.
Older woman with thick NY accent talking to her friend with equally thick accent about the red steps of the booth:
"I just don't get it. I mean, they just don't go anywhere. Someone could just fall off the other side."
Me: Doesn't anyone have questions?
Woman: Yeah. What's Shriek like?
Woman: What is God Of Carnage about?
Me: I haven't seen it yet, but I understand that it is two couples who meet to discuss their children who have been bullying each other on the playground discover they are not much better at dealing with their problems than 8 year old boys.
Woman (in a very bitchy tone): Are they liberal?
Woman: How much will In the Heights be at 30% off?
TKTS Worker: About 95
Woman: No, not 9 to 5, In the Heights
TKTS Worker: 95
Woman: I don't want to see 9 to 5. I want to see In the Heights. How much is it?
TKTS Worker: Sorry, In the Heights will be about $95.
TKTS Worker: Any questions?
Guy IN LINE: Yeah, what am I in line for?
(I guess he just saw the line and thought it must be for something cool)
This is not a specific conversation but this happens all the time
Tourist: What are the showtimes for (whatever show)?
TKTS Worker: 8pm
Tourist: Thats all they have today?
Tourist at the Times Square TKTS: Excuse me, which subway do I take to get to Manhattan?
And finally, I was not there when this happened, but this was back when The Color Purple was playing.
Tourist: Excuse me, do you folks have tickets for The Colored People?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
"Woman: How much will In the Heights be at 30% off?
TKTS Worker: About 95
Woman: No, not 9 to 5, In the Heights
TKTS Worker: 95
Woman: I don't want to see 9 to 5. I want to see In the Heights. How much is it?
TKTS Worker: Sorry, In the Heights will be about $95".
Work on that a little, and you've got yourself a fine theatrical "Who's on First"? routine, singtopher.
"And nothing like that may ever happen in the show Contact, but something a bit like that certainly happens in the song 'Contact' from the musical RENT. As specified in the bit you quoted, actually.".
LOL, Weez. Memory fails...don't get old. I haven't seen Rent, in...well, since it opened, and I wasn't altogether impressed with it then. Damn good thing I don't claim to think I know theater....
...and I still agree that Jerry Mitchell is creative little bitch
Swing Joined: 11/4/05
Got two:
1. When I saw "9 to 5" there was a woman reading the playbill and she pointed out to her husband/boyfriend that Stephanie J. Block played El-FA-ba in WICKED.
2. When seeing "Shrek," two 14-15 year old girls were perusing the cast list. Keep in mind the cast list is in alphabetical order.
Girl 1: Where's the guy who plays Shrek?
Girl 2: Down here. Brian *stops* DUH-arcy James.
Girl 1: He must not be very good. He's not at the top of the list.
I saw RENT in Tampa and someone took a picture and my mom said "Where's Patti when you need her?"
yeah, not as funny as the other stuff, but whatever.
A conversation with my dad at a summer stock production of Fame in Atlantic City last week.
Dad: So this is the traveling show?
Me: What?
Dad: The traveling show.
Me: This isn't a circus.
Dad: I know. I mean isn't this when they go from Broadway and travel all over?
Me: (thinking 'Ooohhh') No, this isn't a tour. It's summer stock.
Dad: (very confused because he doesn't know what summer stock is) Oh.
Nothing in particular but it's funny watching people try to find out how much their ticket will be at TKTS. The person who works there taking questions was telling people at full price the tickets were about $120 and there were so many people who could not figure out %50 percent of that for their life.
Add another classic TKTS inquiry:
Woman in line: Is Liza still in WSS?
Me: No, I don't believe she's ever been in WSS.
Woman: Oh, Well then what's this article about. (Pulls out NYT article from the day after Tony's with picture os Liza) See, here the caption says "Liza performs with the cast of WSS at the Tony Awards"
TKTS is the best place to overhear funny comments. I go there sometimes just to overhear comments.
One time a couple was confused why there were two seperate lines for Plays and Musicals. They said "I don't get it, what is the difference?"
Thats why we refer to them as "Non-musical plays"
Understudy Joined: 7/15/09
Here's one from when I saw In the Heights July 1st. I was sitting next to this young (couple), I suppose they were my age. In the playbill there's a little flier that advertises the scholarship, naturally there's a picture of Lin Manuel Miranda on it. I see the girl holding up the flier next to Javier's headshot.
Conversation goes something like this...
Girl: It's the same guy!
Boy: I don't think it's him...
(They go back and forth before I interject)
Me: Actually, that's (points to Lin) Lin-Manuel Miranda; he left the show in February.
Girl: ... So it's not the same guy?
Me: (Smiling) No...
Girl: And that's (points to Javier) the new one?
Me: ... yeah.
Girl: URrggHhhh!!! Well, they look the same, just give him (Javier) a goatee and...
Yeah... XD
Stand-by Joined: 5/10/08
A woman was describing Wicked to her friend: "It's the story of The Wicked Witch when she used to be good, and it shows what led her to become so evil."
Kind of, sort of, I guess, maybe.
At Cadillac Theatre in Chicago, and there was only one clear ticket booth in the lobby.
Girl on Phone: "Where is the ticket booth?"
Girl on Phone: "But that ticket booth says 'RESERVED'!"
At Wicked Chicago, trying to watch the friggin show:.
Girl: "Ohhh...she's talking to Dorothy down there!!"
Girl: " Fiyero is the Scarecrow?"
At an In the Heights matinee last week with the theater program I was attending:
Girl next to me
Girl: OMG the set is amazing! Are those real buildings?
Two girls behind me:
G1: Why are there all those flags but no American flag?
G2: Its not in America.
G1: Oh OK.
Me: *bangs head against chair*
The best part:
During intermission, Lin Manuel Miranda walks by me
Me: Lin! Can I get a picture with you?
Lin: Oh sorry no... (trying not to call attention to himself)
Girl next to me: Is that your friend?