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Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?- Page 4

Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?

AvalonSkysStudios Profile Photo
#75re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 12:33pm

Idina is a actress, but she is nice, and though she may leave an impression of not wanting to talk to fans, she as from what i heard, loves her fans.

Idina deserves some respect for not talking too.
i mean consider the strain her voice undergoes.
so dont judge her so quickly.

she is a nice lady.

I am not myself, but i become a character in itself, to only hope that my transformation is not of me, but of whom i characterize myself to be..

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#76re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 12:54pm

Idina has a powerhouse voice and acting skills to match. I was blown away when I saw her on opening night. I had heard her on the RENT CD before that, but nothing prepared me for this. Her Tony, in my opinion was well deserved, but I think she needs to just appreciate her fans a little more. I mean, most of the believed in her since RENT. You cant just brush aside people like that.

#77re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 2:30pm

Okay, I'll just write about performance aspects:

-Idina does not sing correctly. She doesn't have good technique. And her Tony Performance, and other performances of Wicked proves that she can barely control her own voice and use it correctly. I'm sure that when she gets her replacement, if she's good- she won't have to 'rest her voice' every single moment. Idina just doesn't sing in the proper way.

-I'm not impressed by her looks or acting all that much, she isn't horrible at it, but I'm not impressed.

-All in all, she definitely can have her way on Broadway, but I think that she's so overrated. I don't think that people threw her into the cast for no good reason, but I don't think that she's excellent either.

InTheMoney Profile Photo
#78re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 2:34pm

I can't comment on WICKED Stagedoor crowds, having not seen them. However, when I went to CHITTY (the only time really I've stagedoored) I was in several rather nasty crushes with people pushing, shoving, yelling the stars' names - myself and a lady next to me had to physically brace ourselves against the people behind us in order that an elderly couple (relatives of one of the cast, I think) could leave the stagedoor without being knocked off their feet. It is not pretty and if I was the actor everyone was waiting for, I'd be freaked. As it was, literally every actor left as swiftly as possible and just waved as they went through. But they really did NOT look comfortable - and this was after the show had been running 18 months. (Some of the stars have been stars since the '80s)

It doesn't matter how long a show runs, big over-enthusiastic crowds are hard to deal with. Some performers avoid stagedoors all together. (I know during CHITTY Michael Ball left through the theatre door on several occasions and Richard O'Brien always waited for Michael to leave so that the crowds would clear then Richard could slip away unnoticed). Others feel they have an obligation to leave through the stagedoor every night, but struggle to hide their discomfort. I can't criticise them because I really don't know that I'd cope with it any better.

#79re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 3:03pm

And her Tony Performance, and other performances of Wicked proves that she can barely control her own voice and use it correctly.

Her Tony performance isn't typical of how she usually performs, and I'm surprised people are still commenting on that to tell you the truth. I think we'll just have to disagree on whether or not she uses her voice correctly. Idina has a reputation for having strong performances and great vocal control. It's not that common to read of her having a terrible, terrible show. If anything, she seems to be getting stronger as the months go by.
By the way, Heather Headley didn't speak after shows, and she had amazing vocal technique. So technique doesn't always dictate how much rest a voice needs.... Updated On: 8/28/04 at 03:03 PM

Marquise Profile Photo
#80re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 3:08pm

ive been to the stage door twice in my life once for "dreamgirls" and the other for "chicago" and let me tell you some fans can be outright obnoxious...

i dont blame some of the actors for just waving and going on about their business....

FOCI Profile Photo
#81re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 6:19pm

Ok read this post i just put up in the CCR thread @ the bottom:

"I guess she is one very confident girl who feels if you see it, it shall be. I hope she sees a room with a piano player and a bunch of scary middle-aged queens sitting behind a table, talking to each other as she auditions!!" -Marc Shaiman on Kelly Osbourne in Hairspray
Updated On: 8/28/04 at 06:19 PM

bethafoot Profile Photo
#82re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 8:33pm

First of all, let me say, I am an Idina fan. I happen to think Idina Menzel is incredably talented and quite beautiful. Now everyone is entitled to their opinion about her and anything else on here, but if she is shy or not, there's no need to attack the poor woman. No matter what her personality flaws may be, she is talented, and no one can really deny that, and if you don't agree, lets agree to disagree.

I've been a huge fan of broadway in general for years and no one has ever drawn me to shows or anything like her. I'm not saying she's perfect, but she is increadibly talented and I've heard mostly nice things about her when people have met her and such. And any interviews I have read she seems perfectly sweet. I know a lot of those things are skewed, but hey, they're what we have to go on without actually knowing her.

Now about the technique thing... I think she has a pretty good idea about what technique works for her. She's been doing this for way to long to not know. And I think some of the reasons for the arguments on the technique are because of different types of training. You can get training for lots of different things vocally. I am under the understanding that Idina is classically trained. That may be why you think her vocal technique is wrong. Just a thought.

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#83re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 9:11pm

this and other idina threads inspired my new icon...sorry its not in color..but i couldnt get this thing to work re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

ljay889 Profile Photo
#84re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 9:40pm

Try seeing her in Wicked and you'll know.

She is INCREDIBLE live.

#85re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 10:17pm

She has talent

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#86re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:35am

Although I know very little about technique, I think Idina has an amazing voice. It is so powerful and it just draws me into whatever song she is singing, even on the CD. Live it is even more amazing. She is a great performer. Also, she seemed very nice at the stage door when I saw her.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#87re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 10:41am

I tink she is a shayna maidel!

uncageg Profile Photo
#88re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/29/04 at 1:23pm

I saw Wicked on the evening of April 30th. In my younger days I may have waited around for an autograph. I stood there for about 10 minutes waiting for a glimpse of her and Kristin and decided to leave. While people were not in a frenzy at that point, I can understand why Kristin leaves via another exit sometimes. These people were totally obsessed. Most were young kids. If it were me, I am sure there would be evenings that I would just want to bypass it and go home. And who's to say she doesn't have plans directly after the show and just needs to get to where she's going. I had not been to a stage door in years and it has gotten so out of control. In the 70's and early 80's you didn't have to stand behind barriers. We just walked up to performers shook their hand, got an autograph and left. No screaming, pushing, shoving, green flowers, etc. And let's face it, as crazy as people can be today you never know who's going to be waiting for you outside the stage door. I read here that there have been threats towards the cast. If that's true, then as a performer, that would be enough for me to be careful. My ramble for the day!

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 8/30/04 at 01:23 PM

#89re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/30/04 at 3:59pm

Becky, I have to agree with you when you said some people consitute being rude as different things. As I said, I've never personally met the woman, so I have nothing but others opinions to base things upon and I don't persume to really know someone, solely on heresay.

I do know I personally enjoy Idina as a performer and that is what matters. I enjoy Heather Headley still, though she wasn't exactly the most gracious person I've ever met. But she doesn't have to be. She gave a wonderful performance, more then worthy of the price I paid for the ticket and that's all I could ask for. Now, the shy business people are talking about, I could understand. If she does have a real phobic disorder, I can relate, because I and many artists I know or am familar with, have social anxiety problems. And the Wicked stage door is horrendous. I'm not forceful, so I've gotten pushed and shoved ocassionally. People really do have different ideas on what makes for rudeness. For example, if I told her she did and amazing job, etc and she told me to "go to h---" or something to that extent, then yes, I would personally consider that to be rude, if I had approached her in a calm, rational, friendly manner. Anything else, would depend on the circumstances. We seem to only hear half the story...she was rude, not a whole lot about the behavior of the person seeking whatever they are seeking.

Having read some press things she's said in the past, I get somewhat of the impression that she's still a bit overwhelmed that people want her autograph in the first place. I know I would be. This may or may not have changed after the Tony win, but it's just something I thought was intresting.

Just some food for thought...

BT Profile Photo
#90re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/30/04 at 4:06pm

her husband is yummy

I sing for myself. I sing when I want, whenever I want to, just for me. I sing for my own pleasure. Do you understand that?

BT Profile Photo
#91re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/30/04 at 4:11pm

Sorry - that was superficial. But so true. She's a good singer and was very sweet in her Tony acceptance speech. And her husband is very cute.

I sing for myself. I sing when I want, whenever I want to, just for me. I sing for my own pleasure. Do you understand that?

uncageg Profile Photo
#92re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/30/04 at 4:11pm

Taye is scrumdillyumtious!!!

Just give the world Love.

NBRISBY Profile Photo
#93re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/30/04 at 4:19pm

To add on about her vocal technique or lack of...

SOOOO many singers rest their voices. If you sing ANY role on Bway where you have to belt, you will be on vocal rest OFTEN. It is just impossible to do something 8 times a week. Ask any opera singer...Joan Sutherland, Natalie Dessay, Birgit Neilson, Anna Moffo, Pavarotti, Franco Corelli, any of the greats...they ALL don't talk as often as possible...and they only have AT MOST three shows a week. And they dont have to belt. Technique keeps you doesnt keep you from having to not shut up.

uncageg Profile Photo
#94re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/30/04 at 4:28pm

I saw, or read, an interview with her where she said that she didn't realize the full potential of her voice until a vocal coach told her and has been helping her keep it in check. She also said that her voice reaches it's peak by Thurs. or Friday.

Just give the world Love.

#95re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 9/1/04 at 11:21am

I hope I dont offend anyone here and I hope people dont start getting angry at me but I really have to say this:

Idina to me is one of the best performers out on Broadway. I think she has a fantastic voice, has two incredible CDs out, is a beautiful actress, and is just plainly amazing in my eyes. She is truly inspirational and someone to look up to.

But..I've been disappointed numerous times at the stage door. My friend brought her flowers one time and I was with her, and Idina walked by and she (my friend) called out her name to give her the flowers, and Idina didnt even turn around and smile. She just ran into the stage door with an aggravated look on her face.

Okay so one time isnt that horrible, but another time she came out of a taxi and pushed past my friend (this is no joke, she was brushed aside) and when she called out her name again she ran in without even turning around.

This has happened numerous amounts of times. I can understand if shes having a rough day, or doesn't like the crowds (which techinally isnt an excuse because there was only five people at the door the two times we were there) but just to be rude, its sad. She could have even turned around and said "Sorry im in a rush" or even just "Sorry" or even a smile! and we would have been happy...she looked so annoyed and when someones standing there with flowers for you (my friend) you could at least smile and not give a dirty look. My friend started crying too because shes gone about 4 or 5 times to meet Idina and shes gotten blown off all those times. And when you look up to someone so much and they won't even acknowledge you, its upsetting.

I keep making the excuse for her though that shes just shy and its too much fo her. She has a life too and I know she is just a normal person. She probably never expected to get this much attention and its nerveracking and scary. And like many said, she isn't paid to be nice to her fans. Just where exactly might she be without her fans? Hmm?

I'm sorry its just my two sense and I still love her as much as before all this happened, but I just wish her stage door attitude could be improved. But hey, maybe its cool just to be able to see her standing in front of you!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#96re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 9/1/04 at 11:47am

"Until you have walked a mile in her shoes...dont judge her"

Or go to Europe and walk a kilometer. It's quicker.

hee hee

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

i_guess_this_is_goodbye Profile Photo
#97re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 9/1/04 at 12:28pm

I am a big fan of idina because I guess deep down she is what I would love to be.... her voice...her acting ability....not to mention how beautiful she is. And I guess because I know that I will never be anything like her it makes me love her even more


#98re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 9/1/04 at 12:32pm

I want to be her.
Maureen? dream role
Kate? dream role
Amneris? dream role
Elphaba? maybe I'd rather be Glinda .. but I'd sure as h*ll be thrilled with Elphie!

And it has always been a goal of mine to marry Taye Diggs. Once I put it together and realized all those things have been done by Idina I just decided to change my goal in life to magically becoming her!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#99re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 9/1/04 at 1:20pm

lol, sound like me.
