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If/Then Previews

theatregoer3 Profile Photo
#225If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/14/14 at 1:47pm

I went last night and I agree with what others have said: it's nothing to rave about, but it's great to see an original story with original music on Broadway these days.

I'll try and be brief: I didn't like the set. After looking through the designer's credits I realized I actually don't like any of his work. I thought the set was very bland, generic and sterile...

...which is exactly what I could say about every character in this story. Not a single performer had a fleshed out character. They all seemed to be playing symbols or themes and I really didn't care about any of them because I never got a sense of who they were. Of everyone, Anthony Rapp had the most nuance and depth. Idina was fine in voice but I didn't care for her acting. She seemed a bit lost throughout the evening. Blame it on previews?

I find it interesting to see people on this post relating this piece to Sondheim's early work. In the middle of the second act I thought something similar. I realized I couldn't hum a single tune from the show (except for maybe Anthony Rapp's first act solo about the island of Manhattan). All of the songs seem to blend together. I imagine it would be tough for the actors to keep up with any changes as everything sounds the same! I remember reading a similar criticism about Sondheim's work. Maybe in time people will come to regard this as a great score, but last night I couldn't connect with it.

Idina's final solo felt forced to me. It seemed the creative team knew that after 2.5 hours of rambling they needed a big finish with Idina belting a final note in front of flashing lights. The audience did eat it up but that's because it's what they had been expecting and waiting for all along.

On the plus side, I was very pleased to see such a racially and physically diverse cast. This went a long way in reflecting the population of NYC. The creative and casting team should be praised for going outside the standard white skin, big teeth, gleaming hair, six pack abs of most Broadway shows.

To wrap this up: despite the many issues I had with this show, I was happy to support it and pay full price. I'm still convinced that audiences want original stories and original music. As theater lovers (I assume most on this board are) we should be supporting this piece as much as possible to help convince investors to continue supporting new work! :)

veronicamae Profile Photo
#226If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/14/14 at 2:59pm

"ETA: Anybody know when the official opening date is? I'm seeing different dates on different sites. One says 3/27, another says 3/30, and another had 4/1."

Opening is March 30. It was originally March 27, but that was pushed to the 30th. I haven't heard anything about 4/1.

binau Profile Photo
#227If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/14/14 at 4:14pm

Thank you for your post oasisjeff regarding the book. I think that you're completely right that the crux of the show isn't about deciding between career vs family for all of the reasons you listed (and this was one of my biggest fear going in).

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

veronicamae Profile Photo
#228If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/14/14 at 7:50pm

members of the cast tweeted today that there have been major changes to the opening number. hope someone here is going and can report on it! (even though i'm trying to avoid spoilers on the changes from early DC, idk i'm so torn).

from Anthony's twitter:

@albinokid: Anyone coming to @IfThenMusical tonight will see a brand-spanking-new version of the opening number.

VotePeron Profile Photo
#229If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/15/14 at 12:01am

I have a friend that went tonight and said the show went great. Apparently Idina used note cards during the opening number, and she said the number was very clear and had a lot of exposition.

No matter what happens, I just think it is really amazing that they are taking the opportunity to change things! Good for them.

Sophiia Profile Photo
#230If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/15/14 at 12:44am

Note cards!! Can't wait to hear more details about the new opening. And agreed, I am thrilled they are willing to make big changes!

#231If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/15/14 at 5:53pm

I saw this today with the Idina Menzel fan club. I kid, but while I don't think this role is irreplaceable, I wouldn't be surprised if they are able to sell tickets for quite some time on Idina Menzel's name alone. And she lived up to all the hype. I've always been indifferent towards Menzel, but she gave a fantastic performance.

In the past few days I've seen Bridges, Gentlemen's Guide, and Bullets. I also saw Big Fish last fall. If I were giving out Tonys tomorrow, I'd give one to Menzel for Best Actress and If/Then for Best New Musical and Best Score.

It's not a perfect show (and they're clearly still fixing it), but I loved it. The new opening song set everything up really well. Thanks to that song, despite being slightly confused at moments (there were some really fast switches in Act 1), I was never confused by the concept or the story lines playing out.

The show was also surprisingly funny. I found it funnier than both Bullets and Gentlemen's Guide. The cast landed nearly every joke.

Anthony Rapp and LaChanze were wonderful and added so much. Some of their songs were my favorites. The guy playing Josh had a nice voice...but zero charisma. (I kept thinking Liz would be so bored in that life.) The set didn't bother me, but the choreography was odd at times. Some random dancing occurred.

The score was great. Best new original score I've heard in awhile. There were some moments in a few of the songs that were perfect. One of Menzel's songs in Act 2 can be cut, but I can't wait to buy the OBCR.

Overall, the show kept reminding me a little of (a modern day version of) Rent with its diverse cast figuring out love, life and heartache in NYC.

OlBlueEyes Profile Photo
#232If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/15/14 at 9:32pm

I think that there's hope for emancipation from the New York Times theater critic. The Times, like so many other newspapers, has lost many readers to the Internet. So many, in fact, that their continued existence is in question. So fewer theatergoers are getting their reviews from the Times, although Brantley still is the most influential.

Eventually most of us will go right to the Internet for reviews. I find this message board to be very useful. I get a wide variety of opinions from a wide variety of experienced theatergoers.

#233If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/16/14 at 9:19pm

Idina performed the opening song with cue cards in hand this afternoon.

mschwager Profile Photo
#234If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/16/14 at 9:28pm

Having seen the show twice in DC (first week and last performance), and then again today I can definitely say they are making changes for the better. And Grief, Yorkey, and Kitt were all there today taking notes, so I can only imagine the changes will continue.

The opening is now (almost) unrecognizable from where it started in DC. While I loved the opening in DC, I was much less impressed with the new opening. It is a lot clearer and provides significantly more exposition, so I understand why they made the change. Also throughout the first half hour or so, they changed a bunch of scenes to make it more logical and better introduce the characters. It wasn't as clean and precise as the rest of the show because it's new, but as soon as it is, I'm sure it will be much stronger.

They also changed Story of Jane to a new song that uses the melody from No More Wasted Time (which is now a new Take Me or Leave Me type song which is one of the strongest songs in the show). It's nice that the melody didn't go completely to waste.

The choreo was almost entirely scrapped and replaced. I still think it isn't right for the show and awkward at many places, but I guess that isn't gonna change now. Also, the placement of SPOILER the plane crash is much better places and now they definitely explain it more in a way that it makes sense in the story. END SPOILER

Overall, I think the show is much stronger and as long as it finds its audience (which it is seeming to), it will be a success.

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#235If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/16/14 at 9:33pm

I think it's actually pretty cool to be able to see previews and how they work things out (regarding the note cards). Everyone is different, and it takes different things to help people remember lines and such. The process fascinates me! I'm glad to be hearing all of these positive reviews. I saw it twice in D.C. (the first day and the second to last day). I ate it up then, but the more time that has gone by, the less I remember about it and the more I realize that the characters didn't have that depth in them that I always crave. I love that it's original, I love that everyone sounds and looks fantastic, but Ir early wish they would have delved into their characters more. I'm really interested to see how everything holds up when spring and summer comes and goes and "Idina's fan club" has had their share, so to speak.

I can't say I agree with Menzel getting the best actress (I saw Bridges and I just can't get Kelli O'Hara out of my mind), but I wouldn't be surprised if she did either! I'm torn about going to see this when it's frozen, since there are so many other shows I want to see. For now I will just soak up all of your guys' reviews!

Charliebrown5 - I totally agree with you about Snyder. He definitely failed in charisma with me and failed most of the time to get my attention. He's the least underwhelming character for me (which is how I felt about Pasquale in Bridges the entire first act, but he made it up in the second).

PTOPhan Profile Photo
#236If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/16/14 at 9:49pm

I loved it in DC -- I saw one of the last performances. It sounds like I'll be seeing it again in New York. I thought the plane crash song was searing. (I'm a terrified flyer, and this didn't help). The *SPOILER* death of the husband had me in tears, as did her alter-ego's meeting him towards the end -- **MORE SPOILERS** it was as if the first Elizabeth had indirectly killed him by marrying him, because it was the birth of their second child that had caused him to delay his Army deployment and to wind up in a location rife with insurgent activity. I haven't cried that hard in the theater since the dead Jean Valjean met Fantine in heaven.

You alone can make my song take flight.

SweetLips Profile Photo
#237If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 5:45am

There was a new topic started by Stickit 'shocked' by the use of cue cards--it created heated debate but seems to have disappeared--very sensible.

jkstheatrescene Profile Photo
#238If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 8:31am

Saw the show yesterday afternoon. Will share my views after it opens, except for these three statements:

1. The note cards in the first scene were a total non-issue. She hardly even looked at them, and they certainly didn't seem to hold her back any.

2. I have to learn not to judge certain performances based on act one (of any show) alone.

3. 2014 is going to be a huge year for Idina Menzel.

newintown Profile Photo
#239If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 12:26pm

Saw it this weekend, and it's definitely not for me; I felt I was watching an episode of a TV show about the Dawson's Creek kids 10 years later. Someone in front of us said, "It's kinda like that show Company, isn't it?" I wanted to say, "only if the characters in Company were dull.

That said, the Menzel fans were only intermittently annoyingly over-enthusiastic, and clearly were getting everything they wanted.

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#240If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 1:01pm

^I agree with that. It surprised me to hear that people cried. I got teared up at *SPOILER* the whole scene where Snyders character has to leave for duty the last time *SPOILER* but other than that I just could not connect with any of the characters. And it doesn't take a lot for me to cry.

#241If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 1:31pm

"That said, the Menzel fans were only intermittently annoyingly over-enthusiastic, and clearly were getting everything they wanted."

I'm glad you didn't let other people's joy further dampen your mood.

Now t/d/b/a haterobics on here.

newintown Profile Photo
#242If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 1:50pm

Now, now, jeff, you know what's being referred to - over-enthusiastic shouting when she first enters, shouting and clapping long before a song draws to a close, etc. That whole "Look at me because I'm a fan and want to be noticed as much as the show" thing. Right?

#243If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 2:04pm

I don't think they do that to draw attention to themselves, but because they are just that excited to see her in person. That only tends to happen on her entrance (where it doesn't changing the pacing of the show for anyone except the person with whom she's on the phone) and after Always Starting Over (where she earns every clap).

Then again, I've been to One Direction concerts, which would make anything happening at If/Then seem comatose. If/Then Previews

Now t/d/b/a haterobics on here.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#244If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 3:18pm

"That whole "Look at me because I'm a fan and want to be noticed as much as the show" thing. Right?"

They don't want attention, they are just excited to be in the same room as Idina and want her to know her talent is appreciated. There is nothing wrong with that. I went to the first preview, and there was only long, screaming applause in the beginning and after "Always Starting Over."

binau Profile Photo
#245If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 3:57pm

I'm not one to scream personally but I LOVE entrance applause and think it adds a lot of atmosphere to the show. There is nothing worse than seeing a show with a 50% full audience who isn't engaged (se: Chicago). The only problem I have is when people start to clap/scream over singing (I've never understood why if people enjoy someone belting a note so much that they'd want to clap over it so they can't hear it anymore).

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

#246If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 4:11pm

Entrance applause seems really weird to me as a Brit. They've just come on stage - they haven't done anything worthy of applause yet! While I would applaud when a concert performer comes on stage, for some reason I feel as though the "character" doesn't need applauding - when the illusion is broken at the end of the show and they're taking their bows, that's the moment when they get applause for the work they have done.

Looking forward to seeing this in a couple of weeks. Next To Normal is never going to make it to the UK, so I'm glad to get the chance to see If/Then!

SweetLips Profile Photo
#247If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 4:58pm

qolbinau, I blame American Idol, X Factor etc for all that ridiculous clapping screaming when someone goes for a high note. They even scream in SYTYCD when there is a lift or slide. Audiences are encourged to be as noisy as they can be and now that behaviour is being carried over into the theatre. It is so disruptive.

ethan231h Profile Photo
#248If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 5:56pm

i like entrance applauses, they set the mood of the show in pippin the min patina miller and hopefully ciara renee opens the curtain she gets a very big applause and even before she won the tony, in cinderella carly and fran get the applause but fran gets a bigger one, so i think its great for idina to get an applause!!

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#249If/Then Previews
Posted: 3/17/14 at 6:21pm

Entrance applause are great. They have been around for years (hell, Peters got one in "Into the Woods" and no one is complaining about that).
I think going to a performance where the audience is extremely ecstatic to be there and applaud loudly after a song is amazing. It heightens the mood of everything. I don't understand people on here who kind of want a humble applause after each song. I know that giving a very healthy applause after a song is different from going bat#$*@ crazy DURING a song.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."
