Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
I saw Girl Gone yesterday (Meh) and there was a trailer for ITW - but the same one we have seen on the web that begins with Lilla C skipping through the woods, saying "I wish.."
Still it was exciting seeing it up on a big screen and hearing the music...I personally can't wait.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Response from Advance Screening on IMDB:
"Just seen this at an advance screening. Great film, I'd give it an 8/10! Great cast and a pretty good story, interesting how it all links together. James corden was surprisingly pretty much the main character and the special effects weren't too shabby either. Recommended!!"
-Poster Credit: alex_ashman
Gives us a good sample of what those who have not seen the musical before may think!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Well, it won't be long now untill we hear word on the new trailer. I'm really excited! :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
It should be coming in about 2-3 weeks with Big Hero 6. Then, we won't have to worry about marketing at all because for the next 7 weeks after that we should expect to get trailers, tv spots, and stills non-stop!
Can't wait!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Not that this means anything major, but according to the film's IMDB is finished with post-production....the film is complete!
It all starts here for the marketing campaign, y'all! Everything about these photos is gorgeous...
Meryl looks better than I had expected!
Meryl looks amazing. (Johnny not so much.)
I like Meryl and McKenzie's costume design, but it makes them look like they're wrapped up in colored twine or yarn. Maybe that's a "fairy tale" look.
And Depp is sort of Zoot-suity. Or an all-wolf production of Guys and Dolls.
I like these stylized poster/photos, though.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/3/14
- Lilla Crawford looks maniac, as LRRH should look after her experience with The Wolf. Kudos.
- I'm not liking The Wolf's look. He looks too much like a human in a costume. The fur coat and the tail are awesome, but the tie and the fedora it's a no! And don't get me started on the face. Whiskers? Really? He's a rapist wolf, not a siamese cat! At least give the man a full beard.
- MacKenzie Mauzy looks sexy, innocent and crazy, all at the same time. And the hair looks gorgeous (although not quite "as yellow as corn").
- I'm also surprised they revealed the post-tranformation look for The Witch. But damn, Legend Streep looks fierce! The hair, the smoky eyes, the high cheekbones... And those pursed lips remind me so much of Miranda Pristley. And I hope she brings that kind of glamour to The Witch. I know it sounds crazy, but if this turns out to be good, this could be our Supporting Actress winner. She pretty much plays two differente characters, she cries, she sings, she raps and [ends up kind of insane. It could happen...
- Anna Kendrick has that "i'm-acting-worried" look on her face that I'm not buying. I really want to like her in this, but so far nothing about her got me excited. Maybe she'll surprise me, I hope...
- Chris Pine does his job: look charming. And boy, does he...
- James Corden looks goofy but cute with those bright blue eyes, so well done. That's exactly how the Baker should look, a goofy man with a heart of gold.
- Emily Blunt looks so so so beautiful in that shot. I really hope this is a hit for her and that she can gain some award traction for this. It's a true lead character and kind of baity too. Oh and that skirt is gorgeous! That alone will earn Atwood her fourth Oscar.
All in all, I'm really confident in this. Those shots have the perfect dark-ish atmosphere of the second act. The woods seem "fantasy" enough without seeming fake (kind of like LOTR). And once again, the costumes are beautiful (with some reservations regarding The Wolf's look).
I'm saying nominations in Costume Design, Production Design, Sound Mixing and Supporting Actress are almost locks. Makeup and Hairstyling is a strong possibility, Cinematography and Visual Effects are also on the run. Throw in an Editing nod (that can happen, due the multiple storylines happening at the same time) and we have a certain Best Picture nominee.
Updated On: 10/22/14 at 12:38 PM
Is it me or did they do something with MacKenzie's face on Photoshop? She looks off. But, yeah: I don't like the Wolf's design. Way too human like and Johnny looks ridiculous. And I also don't like the Witch's hair either. But, Meryl looks great! Totally unrecognizable. Everyone (minus Johnny) looks great!
I dunno, I actually kind of like the Wolf's look, because it IS so different from what we were expecting. But they all look great! I love how the Witch is not full blown glamour (ie like Bernadette's lavender ensemble), but she's still linked to her dark, pre-transformation self.
I certainly don't know who's worse comic book nerds or stage nerds when it comes to being overly nitpicky.
I love Into the Woods more than any musical ever, but I'm not going to over analyze every little thing...or in this case over scrutinize.
It is not going to live up to the stage production. Set that in y'all's brains. I have. I'm going to enjoy it for what it is, not what I hope it to be.
Updated On: 10/22/14 at 01:03 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 4/16/07
The Photoshop job here is atrocious. Oof.
The Wolf's costume matches the jazzy, almost big band orchestrations of "Hello, Little Girl" Folks were speculating based on the teaser that his costume would have more CG components, but, unless things changed, there are none.
Looking forward to everyone getting to see this, fingers crossed most of it stayed intact!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
His coat also makes sense with what he does with the character. It was one of my favorite aspects of the song. Otherwise, if some can't get over his look, at least he's only in it for 1 song.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
The Wolf looks too human. Jeff Goldblum looked more like a Wolf in the Fairy Tale Theater episode of 'The Three Little Pigs'.
And so did Robert Wetenberg in the original Broadway production.
Streep looks amazing and glamorous like Julia McKenzie from the original London production. Her make-up and facial expressions remind me a little bit of the look they almost went for in 'The Wizard of Oz' where Gale Sondergaard was originally going to play the Wicked Witch.
Updated On: 10/22/14 at 01:43 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
I rather enjoy the look of the wolf. I think everyone looks great in costume, hopefully the movie will be great too.
I actually like The Wolf's design, it reminds me of the 1940's. Everyone else is spectacular, especially Meryl Streep's post transformation look.
AWESOME all the looks but especialy Meryl' does she look extravagant!