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Into the Woods Official Movie Thread- Page 116

Into the Woods Official Movie Thread

HorseTears Profile Photo
#2875Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 3:04pm

God, ick! These over stylized, badly photoshopped covers are terrible. Some of you need a visit to LensCrafters. Only the Corden and Blunt one has SOME life in it. But, it's EW, not Vogue, so whatever. It's exciting to see the promo start either way.

#2876Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 3:39pm


StageManager2 Profile Photo
#2877Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 4:01pm

I was thinking the same thing, HorseTears. People need to get their eyes checked. The EW covers look atrocious, and there are no words for Deep's "costume."

Also, no way in hell is Streep winning an Oscar. A nomination maybe, if the field is sparse -- and God knows the Academy would nominate her for a sex tape -- but I just don't see them giving her another statuette 3 years after her recent win. It took them 30 years to award her a third one, as it is.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

#2878Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 4:02pm,,20483133_20864974,00.html

More photos and clips from the full article.

They discuss how On the Steps of the Palace has new lyrics. Before y'all go batsh*t crazy again over this "change" it's just a tense change, the lyrics themselves are almost entirely the same.

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#2879Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 4:14pm

Just two months left, the Entertainment Weekly stuff has made my day, that's for sure. :)

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#2880Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 4:46pm

This isn't a gripe, exactly, but why base the movie’s Wolf on the Tex Avery Wolf of the ‘40s? It seems like such an arbitrary choice.


#2881Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 4:49pm

I think that when most of us are commenting that these look great, we are referring to the actors in costume and so much the Bad air brushing and shading that the staff at Entertainment Weekly regularly do.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#2882Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 4:50pm

EW has just given me LIIIIFE today!! New trailer soon? Please!!!

ShakinBaconGirl Profile Photo
#2883Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 5:44pm

The whole character point of The Wolf is that has Human Characteristics. He's a man in a Wolf's body: "Ask a Wolf's Mother".

Updated On: 10/22/14 at 05:44 PM

HorseTears Profile Photo
#2884Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 5:47pm

Yeah, that totally answered 'stache's question.

best12bars Profile Photo
#2885Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 6:39pm

My favorite photos in the new EW gallery are of Anna Kendrick doing Steps of the Palace and Corden trying to rip Crawford's red cape out of her hands.

Love them!

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 10/22/14 at 06:39 PM

#2886Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 7:29pm

I love the photos! When I first saw them I squealed a little...

Meryl looks flawless, stunning, and as stage_star said...fierce! I love her look, and her mane! Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread

Question for those who saw the SCREENING- does her hair appear as large in the movie? I love it in these photos, but when I took a screenshot of the trailer, her hair looked much more tame and smaller. Can someone explain--was it just used for that shot probably?

I love Johnny Depp's look...I like that they went with a concept. Didn't someone say on here that "special effects played a large part in his look" and that it was "difficult to explain"? It doesn't look that difficult....Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread

"This isn't a gripe, exactly, but why base the movie’s Wolf on the Tex Avery Wolf of the ‘40s? It seems like such an arbitrary choice."

The Tex Avery Wolf was very lusty towards women (of all ages) just like this wolf...I think this is an excellent parallel, and I think this will work wonderfully.

"The Wolf's costume matches the jazzy, almost big band orchestrations of "Hello, Little Girl" Folks were speculating based on the teaser that his costume would have more CG components, but, unless things changed, there are none. "

Wow! I've never thought of "Hello, Little Girl" as jazzy...excited to hear how it's orchestrated for the film.

Updated On: 10/22/14 at 07:29 PM

#2887Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 7:32pm

I like the new stills also (though we've seen most of them just at a different angle), but I LOVE the concept art.

Last time stills were released, the teaser cam the next day. Could this mean the trailer could come tomorrow?

ShakinBaconGirl Profile Photo
#2888Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 7:34pm

Is it just me or does jack not look very poor? His hair is perfect, his face is all shiny and his shirt looks like something from Armani.

#2889Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 7:36pm

^Well, he can't go out trying to sell a cow looking all raggedy! Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread

#2890Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 7:40pm

"So playing Cinderella, not only did I have to wrap my brain around being the sweet ingénue, but I had to get my voice ready to be more sweet and light and more of a true soprano, which I've never been before."

Is Anna Kendrick singing in the original soprano key? It sure sound like it from this sentence.

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#2891Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/22/14 at 8:30pm

Some of those pictures are stunning

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

Hex3 Profile Photo
#2892Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/23/14 at 5:55am

Anyone have any idea what the Witch is holding? It's not quite as pink as Rapunzel's costume. That has me a bit confused.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#2893Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/23/14 at 7:15am

"The Tex Avery Wolf was very lusty towards women (of all ages) just like this wolf...I think this is an excellent parallel, and I think this will work wonderfully."

Okay, I can buy that. But Depp's gotta sell it. He better werq.


broadwaybabywannabe2 Profile Photo
#2894Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/23/14 at 11:09am

the one thing everyone should remember in regards to those EW magazine covers is that they are only cover one who did many magazine covers in my youth...cover art is not meant to be actual stills from the movie but a representation of what the movie's ambiance will be...

GoSmileLaughCryClap Profile Photo
#2895Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/23/14 at 11:43am

More on Tex Avery, and why his vision is appropriate for the movie:

"Above all, Avery steered the Warner Bros. house style away from Disney-esque sentimentality and made cartoons that appealed equally to adults, who appreciated Avery's speed, sarcasm, and irony, and to kids, who liked the nonstop action.

Even the classic fairy tale, a market that Disney had cornered, was appropriated by Avery, who made innocent heroines like Red Riding Hood into sexy jazz babes, more than a match for any Wolf. Avery also endeared himself to intellectuals by constantly breaking through the artifice of the cartoon, having characters leap out of the end credits, loudly object to the plot of the cartoon they were starring in, or speak directly to the audience."

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#2897Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/23/14 at 11:58am

That footage is incredible! I didn't want it to end. I think everyone looks spectacular in their roles. I was one of the few people who wasn't fully on board with Emily Blunt as the Baker's Wife, but from the snippets, it just looks like the whole thing is ideally cast. I will say the MVP of that footage for me was Tracey Ullman. I also like the little touches they added for the movie, little things like seeing Jack's mother awaken to find the beanstalk in her yard. Also love the way the Witch shows up during the altercation between the Baker and his wife screaming "who cares?" The special effects look pristine, and I love that there's no concept to the movie, it looks like a musical that's not apologizing for being one which is so refreshing.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

matttaylorr021 Profile Photo
#2898Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/23/14 at 12:00pm

Chris Pine's delivery of "I was raised to be charming, not sincere." is PERFECT!

ShakinBaconGirl Profile Photo
#2899Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 10/23/14 at 12:29pm

Streep looks like the MVP of the film.

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