I loved it as a movie.
I know the general consensus was, as you say, "ehhhhh" on here though.
I much preferred it as a movie than on stage.
I wanted to love it, Tazber. I really did. . My heart is still healing from the Les Mis pain, which is why I am not overly excited for Into The Woods. I can't put my heart through this again. (and yes I know I am being overly dramatic)
Updated On: 10/23/14 at 04:49 PM
I agree tazber, I really loved it when it came out; but INTO THE WOODS might beat LES MISERABLES for me, based on the footage we've seen so far.
Oh I totally get you shakinbacon.
I was crushed by what happened to Nine.
Musical Master, I'm very optimistic as well about ITW.
I am trying to keep my expectations tempered though just in case.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
This made my day! I have had a wonderful week, and all of this Into the Woods stuff helped! The film looks wonderful! Meryl Streep is probably going to be my favorite ("WHOOOO Cares!" Lol) I can't wait to hear her full Stay With Me, and her Last Midnight. I wanna see how she handles those belty notes...also I'm glad I got to see her transformation scene. Everyone sounds great, and yes, "I was raised to be charming not sincere was excellent line delivery".
And from what I've seen of Meryl's rap it seems like she REALLY gets into it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
This made my day! I have had a wonderful week, and all of this Into the Woods stuff helped! The film looks wonderful! Meryl Streep is probably going to be my favorite ("WHOOOO Cares!" Lol) I can't wait to hear her full Stay With Me, and her Last Midnight. I wanna see how she handles those belty notes...also I'm glad I got to see her transformation scene. Everyone sounds great, and yes, "I was raised to be charming not sincere was excellent line delivery".
And from what I've seen of Meryl's rap it seems like she REALLY gets into it!
INTO THE WOODS stands in an interesting place in terms of awards. Though it certainly has a lot of "strikes" against it, Marshall's films tend to land with award groups even when they are not critically or financially successful. MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA had six nominations and won three, NINE actually had four nominations including a surprise acting nod for Penelope Cruz, and really you can't get worse reviews than NINE.
Actors love Marshall, I really wouldn't be surprised to see an acting nomination for the film along with nods for Production Design, Sound Editing and Sound Mixing, Make-Up and Hairstyle, and Costume Design; if they really like it, a Cinematography nod for genius Dion Beebe wouldn't be far off either (he won for MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA). Picture is a tough one to call, but let's not forget awful things with zero public interest like EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE and WAR HORSE have gotten in.
The footage looks so marvelous, and the cast looks incredible on every front. I don't think it'll win any non-technical awards, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it quietly garner a bunch of nominations come January.
after seeing this video of ITTW...I am even more excited than i thought i would be...the music sounds incredible and the cinematagraphy looks amazing...i see up to 9 OSCAR nominations in the works...and yes if they have 7 to 10 BEST FILMS, INTO THE WOOD will for sure be one of them...if a musical is anything close to good they usually make the BEST PICTURE catagory...here's hoping!///LOVE LOVE LOVE what i hope to be the BEST PICTURE of the year...
Updated On: 10/24/14 at 09:29 PM
I still think some are counting the chickens before they hatch with the Oscar nominations. Lets just actually see the film and read the reviews before we call it the Best Picture of the year
They can actually nominate up to 10 pictures.
But the way the voting works statistically it just hasn't happened yet.
Yeah, which is why I just said 9. But you are correct :)
Rapunzel looks like some of her dress is wrapped in ribbons (and I hate that the ribbons hang off her sleeves) but the Witch's post- transformation dress looks homespun and it's very cool. I love her dress but hate her hair. But her make-up is fantastic. She looks beautiful.
I love Cinderella's gorgeous dress (which she looks to possibly be stupidly risking ruining by sitting in the tar on the steps in that one still! EDIT: Oh, no she looks to be sitting on the part of the stairs not covered in tar) and I love all the other costumes except the Wolf's. First of all, his outfit completely takes you out of "Once Upon a Time" because it's too modern. And second, he should look like a wolf because he wasn't half human in the original fairy tale or in the original intention of the musical. Yes he acted like a man, but he was still a real wolf.
But Meryl Streep's "Stay With Me" sounds so touchingly, heartbreakingly beautiful. Overall, everything about this film looks and sounds amazingly fantastic and I cannot wait! Looks like a Best Picture to me, too!
Updated On: 10/28/14 at 11:45 PM
"I have had a wonderful week, and all of this Into the Woods stuff helped!"
Showface, I've had an awful week, but all this Into The Woods stuff has helped make it better. I don't care if it's wonderful. It looks damn good.
Updated On: 10/25/14 at 12:39 AM
Yea so Billy Magnussen looks FINE as hell. Mmmmmmmmm mmmm mmmmm.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Are we sure that's the Witch's costume in the movie? It looks great, but kind of photoshopped; in the trailer it looks sort of the same except it didn't look as twiny and the cape part was black....hmmm??
It will be interesting to see what Roundabout does with it later this year. Hope to see it if we can get the right deal
Will see the movie. Sondheim shows usually do not make money no matter how good they are. Add to that outside of the Pirates franchise, Depp's B.O. record is not that great. Rest of the cast is good so hopefully it will make it opening the door for other musical movies to follow.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/3/14
Sweeney Todd (Depp + Sondheim) made three times its budget with a much darker subject and an R rating.
Alice in Wonderland (Depp + Disney fantasy) made over a billion dollars
August: Osage County (Streep + big ensemble cast) also made three times its budget
Hope Springs (Streep) made four times its budget
The Iron Lady (Streep) made almost nine times its budget
It's Complicated (Streep) made almost three times its budget
Pitch Perfect (Kendrick + musical) made six times its budget
One must be insane to think this movie won't be a box office hit!
Updated On: 10/25/14 at 01:16 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
^Also, some people will just go to a film because of it's story, and how good it looks, and just the production companies. Many will see this film because it's Disney even if they don't know who Sondheim is, or doesn't really care about (the awesome) Meryl Streep.
I'm not following this thread, so I apologize if this has been mentioned. But I just got my Entertainment Weekly in the mail today and it is their Holiday Movie Preview edition, with one of four collectible covers.
Mine was Into the Woods, and when I looked inside to see which other movies were featured, all four are Into The Woods:
You can see them all at http://www.ew.com/intothewoodscovers
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
That is Meryl's costume in the film. The lighting for a photoshoot and the film would vary significantly and would affect how it looks on screen (filters and color correction). After you see it initially in the film anyway, you wouldn't be paying attention to the costume. You'll be paying attention to the story and performances.
As far as the upcoming Roundabout production, don't get your hopes up. It was really bad and the first musical I've ever walked out of.
According to Amazon, the soundtrack will be a two-disc deluxe soundtrack
Updated On: 10/26/14 at 11:46 AM
The Witch's post-transformation costume looks spun out of not twine but a much finer, more glamorous material.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
^It doesn't matter what it's made out of...all that matters is that it looks good, and that she gives a good performance
If marketed well, this could be a good money maker for Disney. Plus I hope that it will be recognized for a few Oscar nominations (other than acting).