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Into the Woods Official Movie Thread- Page 121

Into the Woods Official Movie Thread

#3000Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/2/14 at 8:15pm

When the trailer does come out, I hope that Disney does not reuse the footage that we've seen already, and just put it in a trailer. I say this because, certain parts of the featurette, particularly the beginning, seemed like snippets from the trailer. I think that the trailer will most likely include the "I Wish's" from the prologue, Stay With Me, and probably another song.

Some part of me also wishes for the trailer to feature an instrumental to Last Midnight to end with Meryl saying "shhh" before her epic number.

That's all (for now) Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread

#3001Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/2/14 at 8:33pm

I kind of hope they hype the visuals more in the trailer of I am honest, I would LOVE to hear more singing but if they could market this as a Maleficent type film it could far exceed box office expectations not to mention get more movie musicals produced as a recognised accepted medium. I hope this will at least be at the success rate of Les Miserables. If it settles around 140 million dollars I could see it making at least another 140 overseas.

MagicalMusical Profile Photo
#3002Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/2/14 at 11:34pm

Hey, it DOES matter what the costumes are made of! Like for instance, Cinderella should wear a gown of beautiful, shiny materials. Probably rich materials, for her to attend the rich ball and catch the rich prince. The Baker and his Wife, more cheap materials. The Witch and Rapunzel, perhaps homemade or magically made materials. Or cheap materials but spun and sewn by the Witch and/or Rapunzel. And the Witch's beautiful transformation dress made of more beautiful materials. Every detail counts! Every detail must fit the character and story and setting! What an outfit is made of CAN make it look good or bad, too!

Updated On: 11/3/14 at 11:34 PM

#3003Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/3/14 at 9:44pm

Box Office Mojo's prediction for its grosses is in the link below.

Holiday 2014 Forecast: 'Into the Woods' Updated On: 11/3/14 at 09:44 PM

MagicalMusical Profile Photo
#3004Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/3/14 at 10:43pm

I think the Witch is holding Rapunzel's cape in her hands in the Entertainment Weekly cover.

#3005Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/3/14 at 10:52pm

^I believe the discussion on the EW covers ended a while ago. We see the costumes, and what you want to make of them is for you to think and keep personally now, but I will say what you said about Rapunzel's cape could be a possibility, but again, I believe we finished discussing that

Now, about the topic at hand, I do think Into the Woods will be a commercial success both in the US and oversees, all they have to do is bombard us with marketing for the next 8 weeks!

Updated On: 11/3/14 at 10:52 PM

#3006Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/3/14 at 11:04pm

"I believe the discussion on the EW covers ended a while ago."

Wow, really? That's kinda sh!tty. They are the covers that are currently out on news stands, they do pertain to the topic at hand, which is the film version of Into the Woods, and there is nothing wrong with contributing to the conversation a little late. Just because you are done talking about it doesn't mean everyone else has to be.

#3007Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 8:01am

You're right. My bad. You can continue posting about costume details on the covers if you wish! Afterall, that is the primary purpose of the thread (to discuss the film). But, I will say that I did seem like many stopped discussing it because, no one was really responding, so I thought I'd mention an observation about the discussion. But, whatever...Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread

Anyway, so the EW covers are still out? Anyone know when they'll stop selling them?

Updated On: 11/4/14 at 08:01 AM

#3008Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 8:18am

I believe new magazines generally come out on Fridays...(in NY anyway).

#3009Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 8:39am

Thank you!

And, about what the Witch is holding on the cover...I do not think that it is Rapunzel's cape anymore because:


Is different than what the Witch is holding. I do, however, believe that it is some part of Rapunzel's costume. Her holding it could have just been apart of the photoshoot, or when Rapunzel runs away, she maybe could have used it as something that holds her beans (?) because, The Witch doesn't have her satchel, so doesn't she need some way to toss her beans in Last Midnight?

#3010Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 1:20pm

Variety just did an article on the film:

Some interesting stuff:

"Final tweaks were still being made to the film in late October, so few have seen “Into the Woods” beyond those involved.
Sondheim has altered lyrics here and there, Marshall confirms."

"Marshall brought the cast together to rehearse for four full weeks in July 2013, before any of the songs were recorded. “Rob blocked out nearly every scene in a big soundstage, so everybody knew what they were going to be doing, to a pretty detailed level, for their shots,” says music producer/supervisor Michael Higham."

" Higham says 93% to 94% of the studio recordings ended up in the film. “We got it bang-on with the (studio) performances. The rest ended up being a live vocal (on the set).”"

Tracey Ullman's songs were sped up

Meryl Streep did her rap entirely live on set

Also...probably one of the most intersting things about the article:

Streep's new song was title "She'll Be Back", and although it was cut, it WILL be on the DVD

Updated On: 11/4/14 at 01:20 PM

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#3011Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 1:49pm

A 93 piece orchestra for the entire film.... Holy fudge bars this is going to be lush and epic! Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread

It's cool that Meryl sung "The Rap" live on set, not to mention that I find it nice that 7-6% of the singing is live even tough the majority was pre-recorded. Sondheim and Lapine being involved in the film from day one is always a nice story to hear.

I have faith in not only Disney, but Rob Marshall himself for handling this film with the attention and care it most certainly deserves.

#3012Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 2:15pm

"A 93 piece orchestra for the entire film.... Holy fudge bars this is going to be lush and epic!"

It's actually a 53 piece orchestra, but I cannot wait to hear it! Especially in the bigger numbers that require the entire orchestra playing to it's fullest (Last Midnight, final part of Children Will Listen, even the Witches Rap!, etc. Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread )

Also, throughout these recent interviews Rob Marshall made it a point to mention that this is a FILM, NOT a STAGE SHOW. This implies that the film will be different in tone. From the trailers this is evident as it gives off a very epic, Disney movie vibe.

I'm very excited! I can tell that this will be a big success!

Updated On: 11/4/14 at 02:15 PM

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#3013Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 2:43pm

I really hope the mixing of the orchestra is more upfront than the orchestra mixing on Les Mis. They had that massive orchestra but it's not like you were even able to hear it in the final film.

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

#3014Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 2:46pm

^ I think the orchestra will be upfront when it needs to be.

In, the featurette, from what we've seen of the prologue, it sounds full, but not upfront, so when it needs to be bombastic and upfront I hope it will be.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#3015Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 4:22pm

And that surely wasn't even final mixing. Anything in trailers/clips never compares to the actual thing when it's released.

Hopefully the cut song will be included on the soundtrack!

#3016Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 4:27pm

Speaking of the soundtrack, when should we expect audio snippets to be released? Early December? Late November? Thanksgiving?

NoName3 Profile Photo
#3017Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 4:55pm

I remember that the sound mixes in the Sweeney Todd trailers and documentary promos were sometimes very different from what was heard in the film itself.

Updated On: 11/4/14 at 04:55 PM

#3018Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 7:15pm

Based on when we got the teaser trailer and the fact that big hero six premieres tonight, we could expect the trailer sometime tomorrow.

#3019Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 9:10pm

Big Hero 6 premiered tonight? I thought it premiers Thursday Evening, to Friday (it's real premiere date).

Well, if that's the case, then I think we should definitely expect a trailer tomorrow...

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#3020Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 9:34pm

Big Hero 6 is definitely Friday. I don't think we'll get a trailer before then.

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

#3021Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 9:41pm

Well, we did get one the day before GOTG because, films usually do screenings the night before.

And even before the teaser, we got some stills and the ET sneak peek the day before, so I do think we'll get something tomorrow. Possibly stills and a sneak peak to the trailer...

ShakinBaconGirl Profile Photo
#3022Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 9:55pm

I can't help but wonder what some of you will do when the film is finally released and there is nothing to talk about anymore.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#3023Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/4/14 at 11:58pm

I believe mFabila is right that Big Hero 6 premiered tonight; but at the El Capitan in L.A. Unless they show trailers there, too... lol.

Tag Profile Photo
#3024Official Into the Woods Movie Discussion Thread
Posted: 11/5/14 at 12:05am

I think Disney's big trailer release this week in front of Big Hero is for Tomorrowland.

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