He got a yeast infection as a young child.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
I cannot believe some on here are still debating a plot-point that Lapine has publicly admitted he never resolved or fully addressed in the piece because they essentially ran out of story and time. There is no definitive 'answer' to the Rapunzel/Baker predicament because the author never got to figure out how it all fits into this universe.
The village raised him.
The Baker's Father and Mother raised him. He was told by his mother that his father died in a baking accident. Then at some point, his mother died presumably and now he lives with his wife.
Rapunzel is his younger sister...she HAS to be his younger sister because after that point "His family tree will always be a barren one." So he was likely a baby when she was born...too young to remember her.
It's stated that the Baker's mother died shortly after Rapunzel was born and claimed by the Witch in her rap.
Ahhh yes...
But still, the father is around to raise him for a while...he could have been 15 and away from the house when the baking accident occurred.
Growl, overall I was happy with the ending too - part of the pleasure for me was the anticipation of finally getting the answers to the many mysteries, and as it got more and more convoluted, I realized that things would never be explained to my satisfaction (maybe I'm just dim), so by the time it actually ended I had made peace with the ambiguity and was able to just enjoy it. Overall, six years of my life well spent.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/18/03
Into the Woods, truly, should be a four hour show to fully explain every single thread of plot. But the important ones are tied up. Much was lost in previews... And some of those hints still remain in the final text, but they had to be chopped... Not because they were not good or they wanted to cut the idea, but because they needed to focus the story. I wish the script came with an essay to lay it out. Certain casting - and it's continuation - have made points murkier.
Total gross after two weeks = $100,303,515. Estimated upcoming weekend is $11,000,000.
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
I went to see it tonight on the big screen and it was a truly magical affair. Any reservations I had were appeased, this film was created with care and love and turned out to be a stellar adaptation of the show. I was surprised how well the visuals were for the lower budget it looked every bit as expensive and lush as Maleficent and the sound mixing and music was even better pumped through the theatre speakers. It surpassed my expectation and the changes that were made I didn't mind. I love how they represented it as a film and I went in expecting it to be dark but it was actually darker than expected, Hello Little Girl is played a little more innocent but showing us Rapunzels Prince diving head first into a thicket of enchanted thorns and seeing the Giants death on screen were pretty violent and bold moves. I think Rob Marshall did a great job in brining this to life on film, I even enjoyed I know things now being shot semi-acid trip.
I usually don't gush about visual effects but the ones here were enhancing to the story and cinematography which was brilliant, the magical fire of the beans and the lightning flashes around the Witches transformation where thrilling it felt like a true old school adventure tale that just aren't around anymore. EMILY Blunt was mesmerising, in fact the whole cast were top notch, Anna a kendricks was weak at points but she did land the more subtle comedic moments she was given. Lilla Crawford channelled Danielle Ferland and Meryl was in a league of her own and looked STUNNING post transformation. I felt the pace was actually good not too long or short.
I went with my partner and he despises musicals but even he liked this for the story and effects I also took my eight year old niece and she was captivated by it and it seemed to be progressive for her she even associated No one is alone with the death of her grandfather (she asked did it mean they will live on through the memories of others) which was sweet and showed she took away some values from the film that for her age seemed beyond her years but actually taught her without patronising her into a conclusion which I guess is the moral point of the show you decide what's right or good.
I was pretty much an emotional wreck this film was nothing short of magical.
Updated On: 1/8/15 at 09:51 PM
Just watched the "Stage to Screen" feature and was really happy to hear Anna talking about being in the recording studio and seeing Stephen Sondheim walk into her booth and hand her a paper of freshly written lyrics. Great to know how much he was keeping up with it all.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/28/05
Phyllis/Bucky. SO WHAT if J.hammer loves/defends slobbers over ITW. He/She is one of several here doing the same. What IS a bore is the tiredness of your unrelenting curdled nastiness. Got nothing better to contribute than putting down others - and there is not much else here from either of you - how pathetic.
UK newspaper reviews not bad, but not great, this morning. More enthusiasm from mid and down market titles:
Mail, Express, Sun and Telegraph - 4 stars
Independent, Times and Guardian - 3 stars
". SO WHAT if J.hammer loves/defends slobbers over ITW. He/She is one of several here doing the same. What IS a bore is the tiredness of your unrelenting curdled nastiness. Got nothing better to contribute than putting down others - and there is not much else here from either of you - how pathetic."
Wow you completely changed my mind. Thanks!
Watch out....that sarcasm is fresh and without parallel.
What IS a bore is the tiredness of your unrelenting curdled nastiness
Actually, it's not a bore at all. I think they're funny and spot on.
And you realize people who post nasty comments about other people's comments are equally as "pathetic", right?
Featured Actor Joined: 6/28/05
At least his sarcasm is reliably and consistently the same (and lame).
Featured Actor Joined: 6/28/05
Why so serious? (Said in a wonderful "unproper" Southern accent)
that's cool she was able to pick up on a theme.
I saw Into the Woods when i was a teenager. Taught me that nice different than good and never, ever trust a charming person. If they're truthful there's no need to be charming.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/10/11
Could someone please clarify who composed the underscoring of the movie?
Per Stephen Sondheim and Paul Gemignani, David Krane did the underscoring for the film.
Meryl Streep just missed out on getting a Supporting Actress nod at the BAFTAs, which makes me worry for her Oscar chances. I think the whole fantasy issue we discussed many pages ago will be a major obstacle for her to get in at the Oscars, but we'll see. It's easily her best performance since PRADA (or maybe JULIE & JULIA), so it'd be a shame for her not to get in for this when she got in for less impressive turns in previous years (MUSIC OF THE HEART anyone?). Oh well, that's how the Oscar game goes.