>I have never seen a group of people so disrespectful than those who “stan” Beetlejuice. For the love of God. Saying “eff the music man”? Really? (I saw it on TIKTOK). Please learn some respect and find other things to focus on instead of putting down a show that people ARE actually excited about. If not, keep your mouth shut. It’s not okay, nor is it funny. Get over it.
But for real though? F*CK The Music Man. A tired ass revival for a 60 year old show that had pick of the litter of theatres to choose from and chose a theatre whose show started out rocky and thus hit their stop clause early who turned it around to a consistent $1M/week grosser is ****ty. "Oh no... people are being mean to a show that is only expected to make money on the back of its lead's name..."
TheatreFan4 said: ">I have never seen a group of people so disrespectful than those who “stan” Beetlejuice. For the love of God. Saying “eff the music man”? Really? (I saw it on TIKTOK). Please learn some respect and find other things to focus on instead of putting down a show that people ARE actually excited about. If not, keep your mouth shut. It’s not okay, nor is it funny. Get over it.
But for real though? F*CK The Music Man. A tired ass revival for a 60 year old show that had pick of the litter of theatres to choose from and chose a theatre whose show started out rocky and thus hit their stop clause early who turned it around to a consistent $1M/week grosser is ****ty. "Oh no... people are being mean to a show that is only expected to make money on the back of its lead's name...""
Well, how else do you think white performers can succeed? The Music Man all the way!
“and chose a theatre whose show started out rocky and thus hit their stop clause early who turned it around to a consistent $1M/week grosser is ****ty.”
No matter how many times y’all say this, this is not the reality of the situation. Truly delusional
>No matter how many times y’all say this, this is not the reality of the situation. Truly delusional
By all means share the info then.
Search through any thread on the subject. It’s been discussed to death for months. It’s not a case of bad producers vs little ole Beetlejuice (of which had a conglomerate producing it...)
Broadway Star Joined: 3/10/19
Here's an interesting thing to think about, if these rumors are true: who would play Lydia? After Sophia Anne Caruso's sudden departure, Presley Ryan took over the role full-time, but then she announced she would be leaving herself, and then the shutdown happened a week or two before she was scheduled to leave. If the show were to come back, Dana Steingold would probably return in some capacity, so that might be a possibility, but that still leaves an opening for a Girl Scout and an understudy for both. I'd personally love to see Sarah Charles Lewis in the role - I've been a fan of hers since Tuck Everlasting and I think she'd nail Lydia's energy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Updated On: 9/13/21 at 11:25 PM
You've said the same thing 500 times. Nobody cares.
hearthemsing22 said: "If it comes back, it does. If it doesn’t, it friggin doesn’t. I have never been so annoyed at “stans” of a show. My god. There is absolutely no need for the music man hate actually. There are always revivals that people don’t see a need for. And they don’t care what you think-they will still play for however long they’re contracted for. It’s getting to be ridiculous. I wish I could avoid it because the hate is so juvenile and just stupid!! It was an unfortunate timing, and you can be mad at producers but for the love of God there are also people making their debuts in this show. Who have worked so hard to get there. How do you think they feel with all this hostility and they haven’t even opened? My GOD get over it. No, not eff the music man. Just leave it alone."
Apart from one person commenting here, I see no Music Man hate. Not that it matters much. I suppose poor little Music Man revival and that quivering unknown who may one day a fan base if just given a chance people, Hugh Jackman, will maybe, possibly, just barely survive the hate of a few people who passionately love Beetlejuice. Might even sell a few tickets in spite of them.
It's odd how threatened some commenters feel by the small group of people who want to see Beetlejuice back.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Sutton Ross said: "You've said the same thing 500 times. Nobody cares."
You clearly do or you wouldn’t have commented. I don’t need your approval :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
joevitus said: "hearthemsing22 said: "If it comes back, it does. If it doesn’t, it friggin doesn’t. I have never been so annoyed at “stans” of a show. My god. There is absolutely no need for the music man hate actually. There are always revivals that people don’t see a need for. And they don’t care what you think-they will still play for however long they’re contracted for. It’s getting to be ridiculous. I wish I could avoid it because the hate is so juvenile and just stupid!! It was an unfortunate timing, and you can be mad at producers but for the love of God there are also people making their debuts in this show. Who have worked so hard to get there. How do you think they feel with all this hostility and they haven’t even opened? My GOD get over it. No, not eff the music man. Just leave it alone."
Apart from one person commenting here, I see no Music Manhate. Not that it matters much.I supposepoorlittle Music Man revival and that quivering unknown who may one daya fan base if just given a chance people, Hugh Jackman, will maybe, possibly, just barelysurvive the hate of afew people who passionately love Beetlejuice. Might even sell a few tickets in spite of them.
It's odd how threatened some commenters feelby thesmall group of people who want to see Beetlejuice back."
It’s odd how people think an opinion about a group of people means that means one person feels “threatened”. Seriously? Never said that or implied it. Don’t put words in my mouth or assume things.
Literally don't understand the arguments here at all. The show might come back, it might not. For those of you so sick of hearing theorization and discussion at the prospect of it returning, just don't participate in this thread or partake in discussion about it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but literally, what am I missing here? Is it not that simple? That's not a rhetorical question, and I really don't say that to be rude. I promise. I am just so lost as to why so many people are having issues with this.
On that note I can't speak on behalf of "stans" hating on the Music Man because I think most rational people can agree it's completely petty and immature, and whether you think the show will or won't come back it prompts no constructive discussion whatsoever.
For those of you so sick of hearing theorization and discussion at the prospect of it returning, just don't participate in this thread or partake in discussion about it.
Swing Joined: 7/9/20
blaxx said: "TheatreFan4 said: ">I have never seen a group of people so disrespectful than those who “stan” Beetlejuice. For the love of God. Saying “eff the music man”? Really? (I saw it on TIKTOK). Please learn some respect and find other things to focus on instead of putting down a show that people ARE actually excited about. If not, keep your mouth shut. It’s not okay, nor is it funny. Get over it.
But for real though? F*CK The Music Man. A tired ass revival for a 60 year old show that had pick of the litter of theatres to choose from and chose a theatre whose show started out rocky and thus hit their stop clause early who turned it around to a consistent $1M/week grosser is ****ty. "Oh no... people are being mean to a show that is only expected to make money on the back of its lead's name...""
Well, how else do you think white performers can succeed? The Music Man all the way!"
Yes, the music man sucks, people only watch for the star power and Christmas nostalgia. Broadway needs more musicals that redefine what a musical is...
but music man help broadway stay afloat, even if ticket sales have been a dry earlier in the year.
hearthemsing22 said: "joevitus said: "hearthemsing22 said: "If it comes back, it does. If it doesn’t, it friggin doesn’t. I have never been so annoyed at “stans” of a show. My god. There is absolutely no need for the music man hate actually. There are always revivals that people don’t see a need for. And they don’t care what you think-they will still play for however long they’re contracted for. It’s getting to be ridiculous. I wish I could avoid it because the hate is so juvenile and just stupid!! It was an unfortunate timing, and you can be mad at producers but for the love of God there are also people making their debuts in this show. Who have worked so hard to get there. How do you think they feel with all this hostility and they haven’t even opened? My GOD get over it. No, not eff the music man. Just leave it alone."
Apart from one person commenting here, I see no Music Manhate. Not that it matters much.I supposepoorlittle Music Man revival and that quivering unknown who may one daya fan base if just given a chance people, Hugh Jackman, will maybe, possibly, just barelysurvive the hate of afew people who passionately love Beetlejuice. Might even sell a few tickets in spite of them.
It's odd how threatened some commenters feelby thesmall group of people who want to see Beetlejuice back."
It’s odd how people think an opinion about a group of people means that means one person feels “threatened”. Seriously? Never said that or implied it. Don’t put words in my mouth or assume things."
Then maybe write more clearly or something. Don't see why anyone has to harp on people "hating" things, unless said "hate" jeopardizes them in some way. Or maybe don't participate in a thread in the first place if it's about a subject you are antagonistic to? Good luck with all that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Updated On: 9/13/21 at 05:29 PM
hearthemsing22 said: "joevitus said: "hearthemsing22 said: "joevitus said: "hearthemsing22 said: "If it comes back, it does. If it doesn’t, it friggin doesn’t. I have never been so annoyed at “stans” of a show. My god. There is absolutely no need for the music man hate actually. There are always revivals that people don’t see a need for. And they don’t care what you think-they will still play for however long they’re contracted for. It’s getting to be ridiculous. I wish I could avoid it because the hate is so juvenile and just stupid!! It was an unfortunate timing, and you can be mad at producers but for the love of God there are also people making their debuts in this show. Who have worked so hard to get there. How do you think they feel with all this hostility and they haven’t even opened? My GOD get over it. No, not eff the music man. Just leave it alone."
Apart from one person commenting here, I see no Music Manhate. Not that it matters much.I supposepoorlittle Music Man revival and that quivering unknown who may one daya fan base if just given a chance people, Hugh Jackman, will maybe, possibly, just barelysurvive the hate of afew people who passionately love Beetlejuice. Might even sell a few tickets in spite of them.
It's odd how threatened some commenters feelby thesmall group of people who want to see Beetlejuice back."
It’s odd how people think an opinion about a group of people means that means one person feels “threatened”. Seriously? Never said that or implied it. Don’t put words in my mouth or assume things."
Then maybe write more clearly or something. Don't see why anyone has to harp on people "hating" things, unless said "hate" jeopardizes them in some way. Or maybe don't participate ina thread in the first place if it'sabout a subject you are antagonistic to? Good luck with all that."
Or maybe just leave people alone who are actually respectful to shows? And don't worship at the altar of Beetlejuice? Who-if they don't have anything nice to say about a production, won't say anything at all? Someone who doesn't comment at all on a show that people say "isn't needed"-you all DO realize there are people out there who ARE interested in seeing the revival, right? Does everyone know this? They may not be commenting on threads, but people ARE looking forward to this revival. And it's totally rude and petty to hate on it. You want to be petty and immature about it? Go for it. I hope you're proud of that."
See? This is what I call feeling threatened--and needlessly.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Updated On: 9/13/21 at 06:08 PM
OMG Guys! Alex said on Star in the House the other night that Beetlejuice will be back when Broadway reopens!?!? But it'll be the non-equity bus & truck company! HOW EXCITING!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Comedies not for everyone.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
SouthernCakes said: "Comedies not for everyone."
Treating people with respect isn't something everyone knows how to do. People find different things funny.Being sarcastic and rude to someone online isn't funny, and it's sad that some people think it is.
Which is it: do people find different things funny or do you get to decide? I love sarcasm, cracks me up when used well - and amongst people that get it .
ACL2006 said: "OMG Guys! Alex said on Star in the House the other night that Beetlejuice will be back when Broadway reopens!?!? But it'll be the non-equity bus & truck company! HOW EXCITING!!!"
I popped in on that show and caught him saying that. When they asked him for more info on it he just kept saying it will be back. I got the feeling he was just fooling around or he wants it to come back. But it was interesting that he just repeated it a few times and the looks on his cast mates faces. Who knows. Just glad I got to see it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
dramamama611 said: "Which is it: do people find different things funny or do you get to decide? I love sarcasm, cracks me up when used well - and amongst people that get it ."
Sometimes things go over peoples heads-but you don't need to be cruel or make fun of them for it. I never said I'm the ultimate decision maker. I use sarcasm as well-doesn't mean I belittle people who don't get it.