Oh that would make more sense then. People will buy it though, I wouldnt be worried if I was him.
Stand-by Joined: 8/23/07
I am sorry if these questions seem ridiculous but will Gavin most likely be on at the 2:00 performance of Oct 17? And does he usually stage door after matinees (probably not)?
Yes he stage doors. And he is THE NICEST person.
Stand-by Joined: 8/23/07
Even after matinees? I am so excited!
Yep, even if they aren't leaving for dinner or something they come out to see the fans. Last time he was first out.
7 Things: "HAIR" Marches On Washington
10/8/09 - Star Gavin Creel sings "I Got Life" and explains why the cast will travel to the capital, how the show resonates, and the worst part of working on the Great White Way
with Robbie Roth on Guitar
Newsweek Video Coverage
Has he ever done an interview without talking about getting naked? He doesn't even get naked in the show! Now I have these images of him singing in the shower.
Where has all the Gavin love gone?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
I've missed this thread!!
Bump -- I'm curious to know if anyone here went to see Gavin at Feinstein's for the True Colors Cabaret on Monday. I'm guessing no, as this thread probably would have been bumped by now if people had gone. But it can't hurt to ask (and it can't hurt to have the Gavin love back on the first page again).
Sweet Jesus...
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
YUM! That boy has some niiiiice arms. Amongst other things. ;- ) So glad to see this thread back on the first page.
Why hello there!
Nice pants.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
Me likes the pants!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
Jazzy! Long time no talk! :)
The pants remind me of Roger's pants in RENT LOL
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
Hola Leia! Just send me a message on FaceBook anytime! (Free time has been a rarity lately... so it may take me a few days to reply. The only reason why I'm on BWW right now is because I'm sick today, otherwise I wouldn't have had time to log on).
I can kinda/sorta see the similarities.
Well, Gavin Creel is the only person that can make a school bus look 10x more appealing.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
"Well, Gavin Creel is the only person that can make a school bus look 10x more appealing."
LMAO I hear you about free time though! Been crazy busy over here. Hope you are feeling better soon! Also, sent you a PM here.
And IMO, I think plaid pants make hot men hotter.
So... did anyone send in any suggestions for the EP? I voted "Hot Ohio." And a Kylie cover that will never happen.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/4/03
I sent him the 6 songs I want for the EP:
Anything at All / Hallelujah
Hot Ohio
Love Fell Down
Six of my favorite songs right now. :)
Updated On: 1/9/10 at 06:42 PM
Understudy Joined: 2/19/09
I just saw Hair for the first time and was delighted to hear that all the hype from last summer about Gavin and Will's performances is true. They are great together. Please don't go away to London!
Gavin has confirmed via facebook that "Holding," "Love Fell Down," and "Hot Ohio" will be on the EP. :)