Experimental tongue tricks? Should I be turned on?
Swing Joined: 8/17/09
I was just curious if Gavin performed the Wednesday matinee because he did perform at this past Saturday's matinee, which was an absolute, wonderful surprise! I honestly expected him to still be out, but when I didn't see Claude under "the role of...will be performed by...", I kinda freaked and my dad was like, "Jess, calm down", haha.
Updated On: 9/11/09 at 09:43 PM
I attended this past Wednesday's matinee and Gavin (unfortunately) was not on. However, I was pleasantly surprised... Jay was fantastic and although I would have liked to see Gavin, when I closed my eyes to listen to Jay's voice it (to me, anyways) almost sounded identical to Gavin's. And just like Gavin, Jay isn't too bad on the eyes, either :)
I really liked Jay when I saw him. Quite charming as well...both backstage and then again at the Marriage Equality Pre-Rally.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
After the show tonight, Gavin was still wearing the boot, so he's probably still laying off the 2 show days for a bit longer as a precaution. And now Will hurt his ankle. I'm beginning to think this cast is a bit cursed :-/
*blows dust off thread*
Whats up Gavin fans?
Hey marius!
Oh, I've missed this thread.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
Glad to see it revived. Gavin love!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Howdy all!
I figured with the recent revival of this thread it was my duty to give it another bump. Also I felt the need to reveal a secret that probably all of us share if you just follow that link :]
Plus I was wondering if anybody else is planning on going to the new 9:30 concert at Ars Nova on October 4th. If my friends ever get back to me I'll be purchasing my tickets soon, assuming they aren't sold out already.
A not so hidden secret?
Ohh. I need a bigger version of the picture on the beach. And maybe the one next to it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
My god markcohen3. If this were FaceBook I would 'like' that link.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Haha I'm glad you like it Jazz. I can't take credit though, my friend sent me that picture because we both share a love for Gavin. Also that whole "secret" bit was a reference to that livejournal group BroadwaySecrets and she saw it there first.
Haha can't take credit for putting such an amazing thing together :] They have another there about Gavin tying in the latest Kanye West incident and the Billy Elliots :p
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
That's flipping hilarious. Those pictures are actually from his website, but the foot comments (which are actually pretty funny...and true) were added one by the person who made it. It's very hot... he sure loves to take his shirt off. That's fine with me.
So gavin posted this on his twitter
"goth hippies bowling"
besides caissie i can barely tell who is who lol
Gavin's on Theater Talk right now! Impossibly hot as usual. Has anyone else noticed his underbite? I mean, it's a sexy underbite, I just hadn't noticed it before.
Also, I won tickets to the show this Tuesday and I'm going to the National Equality March next month, so I hope to see a lot more of Gavin and the rest of the cast!
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
I'm sad. I was alllll psyched to go to the Equality March, but I don't think I'll be able to My mom is moving to Texas soon, and the best time for her to have a final get together, and for my sister and I to go up to Vermont to be there, is the weekend of the 10th and 11th. There's really not much other time before she leaves that we'd all be able to do it. And I really can't bail on something like that.
I was so bummed though when I found out it was gonna be Oct 11
I shall definitely be at the march in spirit though!! <3
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
that picture scared the hell out of me. As a matter of fact, I got so scared that I had to look at markcohen's link again .
I won't be at the Equality march either. I'll actually be in NYC that weekend and I'm flying back home on the day of the March... so I can't even take one of the buses. I do have 2 friends of mine that will be there, so I am *expecting* them to take 23409832490 pictures and videos AND give me the full scoop. This new title is fantastic.
I recently got my confirmation for one of the buses..can't wait!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Haha I love that goth picture. But like everyone else I can only identify Caissie. Is Gavin even in that picture?
I don't think I'll be making it to the March either. I desperately want to go but I have no friends who are able to go with me, and I'd have to come up with a tall tale to convince my dad as to where I am. Plus all the buses are full now, which is awesome! Just means though I have no means of getting there either. I keep chatting up all my friends though so hopefully it could result in at least some people getting there.
We need to see a big version of the picture in MarkCohen's avatar...
could gavin possible be the goth with the long hair?
Paris may be the guy to the right of the long haired bizarro Gavin
Stand-by Joined: 5/9/09
hey yall
does anyone know if gavin will be in for the oct 10th performance or will he be gone the whole weekend for the rally?