Featured Actor Joined: 12/20/06
Leading Actor Joined: 3/22/05
Great call. Congrats to Jennifer Hudson!
Updated On: 2/15/14 at 10:38 PM
She was probably afraid Jennifer Holliday would come after her if she didn't thank her!
I'm still giggling.
Wonder if J.Holl was watching...
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
weeeeee yay for her!!
and I loved that "Jeniffer Holiday too!!"
I love how sincerely shocked/honored she seemed, even though everyone knew she would win!
Hey, I was gonna start the thread if someone else hadn't...
I somehow got the feeling that Holliday had blackmailed her into it or something...
Congrats Jennifer Hudson!
Very classy, in the midst of a mind blowing moment.
Understudy Joined: 12/15/05
I am so happy for JHUD, I was on pins and needles after Eddie did not get the award.
Any comments on Eddie.
well you know Holliday would've been on every damn black channel and R&B radio station bombarding us all with the fact that she DIDN'T thank her if Jennifer Hudson hadn't have said something!
Comments on Eddie? He didn't deserve to win.
Stand-by Joined: 2/25/05
I have to admit that i am beyond thrilled for hudson for being so beautiful and gracious! What a phenominal voice and even i have to give the girl credit! beautiful! YAY!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! thank god there is place to say congrats! to the myspace page!
amen, soulman! gracious isn't even the word! she is just BRILLIANT all around! i hope this is one of many!
I counted exactly 10 seconds before she mentioned the word god. I love that woman
Understudy Joined: 12/15/05
I thought maybe Eddie's denial of fathering a child of a Spice Girl is not good for Oscar Winner.
Updated On: 2/25/07 at 10:55 PM
She is the love of my life. EAT IT Simon Cowell!