Swing Joined: 7/6/15
Well you should go see the show it is amazing. Don’t judge without seeing it. A lot of hard work has gone into the show and they don’t need people knocking it who haven’t been there. This is previews. You will see a fabulous show when it opens. It is a show not to be missed. And no I am not involved in the production, just a fan!
Understudy Joined: 7/26/18
Any word on what this new number is that was added to the show this week? All I have heard it is an ensemble number, but nothing further--enlighten me.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/14/18
The preview on Wednesday had a song in the middle of Act 2 that was quite good, something along the lines of "The Show Must Go On", though I could not find it in my Playbill afterwards. Could this be it? It seemed like the best song of Act 2.
I saw the Wednesday matinee and spoke with a puppeteer at the stage door after; he said we were the first audience to see the new Act II opening number.
For what it's worth I really enjoyed the show. I went in expecting it to be absolutely terrible, but was entertained throughout. It's more like a play with music; a "spectacular." The visuals are incredible, and the music & story are just fine. I did find it diverse and feminist, which was a nice surprise. The lead woman is in nearly every scene and kills it.
Well, it's not as bad as many have said, but it's a bit of a jumble.
Biggest problem to me was the puppet. Really, that's what everyone comes for. Apart from a few quick head jerks there's no real threat. As someone said, it's like a moody Thanksgiving Day parade float. It does more air work than Sandy Duncan in Peter Pan. and none of it particularly effective or impactful. (Also: I have NO idea what happens in Skull Island when we first meet the ape. Ann seems to get caught in a left over Kiss Of The Spider Woman web.)
The second problem was the tone of the show. SPOILERS
It's really about Ann's ambition and what she will give up to be famous. There's lots of snappy choreography and about five "I Want" numbers. But in the end, I didn't really care about any of her concerns. The ape seems like a prop to wrap a tired show biz story around. Maybe that's why he looks so gloomy. He's not really the star.
Also, sorry to say, the actress just isn't strong enough to compel. She's only adequate in every way. And needing diction lessons. Maybe that's the point, but again, I couldn't muster up any interest in her. And her dialogue is needlessly, annoyingly, anachronistic.
The snappy choreography is well done, but it's hip-hoppy, edgy style doesn't seem to work for the 42nd Street tried-and-true story being hoisted on us. Can't wait to see the choreographer's work in something else, tho. And the songs are generic and bland. White noise-y. Audience response was tepid, at best.
Another one bites the dust....
Leading Actor Joined: 5/6/16
this board is judging the show against musical theatre. yes it has the qualifications to be a musical. but the marketing did a good job. they arent selling king kong the musical. what theyre selling, king kong on broadway, is what they deliver, and deserves to be here because of the subject matter. in a mostly tourist audience of people actually paying, no one seemed to mind the musical elements. i liked ann's songs and thought the show struck the right balance. and since i didnt recall a hamilton rip off, i guess whatever they replaced it with worked. but most importantly the technical aspects are worth seeing, period.
Attending the 11/7 matinee performance, seated front mezzanine and hoping to enjoy the show. That same evening will be attending Jeff Daniels in To Kill A Mockingbird. Quite a contrast in tones.
Will the ape get the bird from me or will both be opposable thumbs up?
Interesting they just cancelled a performance to make "final adjustments." I applaud a creative who still makes changes and not just being stubborn.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
Attended the matinee performance on Saturday, October 27. Although I didn't hate it I certainly didn't love it either. I always ask myself a bunch of questions to see how the answers compare:
1. Would I buy this recording and listen to it again? No, I didn't enjoy the music.
2. Would I recommend this to family and friends? Yes, with the explanation that this is a spectacle (the puppet) with very dry periods (the story). Takes a LONG time to get to the puppet which is visually the most exciting part of the production.
3. Would I sit through this again? On the fence about this because the great parts were amazing but the rest of it music/story/choreography were the complete opposite. Therefore, were the parts I didn't enjoy worth sitting through waiting for the parts that I absolutely loved...yes but not for full ticket price. If I could score a discounted ticket.
4. Was the price of my ticket worth the value? My front row ticket was $109 using an email offer. I felt that I received a $109 value for what I paid specifically because of the performance of King Kong.
5. Not considering King Kong (the puppet) were there any other worth while performances? Not really...only Christiani Pitts (as Ann Darrow) gave an enjoyable performance. Unfortunately, no other performers/roles were worth remembering or saying "you have to see X actor in this role".
6. Will this last on Broadway? Yes for a while because it has wow factor. However, this will not go down as a long run nor would I ever imagine this being a revival.
7. I took my 8 year old daughter. She is an animal lover. We explained to her that he dies at the end. That is not a spoiler if you know anything about the King Kong story. What I was NOT anticipating was the incredibly violent visual demise. I loved it! Unfortunately, it devastated her animal loving, naive little heart.
I am glad I saw this. I was looking forward to seeing it since it premiered in Australia. I am glad I did not spend time and money to go all the way to Australian for this. It was not the bomb that I was anticipating.
I was at tonight's performance (10/30). Show ran 2 hours and 15 minutes including the intermission. To me it ran smoothly. I am not going to go back and forth, we all have our own opinions. To me, it was worth every penny I paid for my J 2 Orchestra seat. Act 1 had more instrumental than songs, but Kong's Entrance and what happens afterwards makes up for it. Act 2 I actually enjoyed. Ann's son "Scream For the Money" I thought was fantastic (the only song I remember in a positive way). Christiani really shows off her vocals there. The theatre was packed it was not all papered either. There were TONS of tourists paying full price. The audience was completely into it and applause and scream every time Kong moved an inch. I will say after the craziness of the end of Act 2, they give Pitts another power ballad?? "The Wonder" My heart went out to her because even though she powered through it you can see in her eyes "Why the F do I need to sing right now and belt an E?? Why??" There was a very clear ending tonight. The audience was very positive and hoped to their feet for bows. That cast works their butts off. I just hope they start hiring more swings and understudies. We had 3 on tonight. Plus I can see Pitts needing a few performances off..she sings, dances, runs and get carried a lot. Plus anytime they are on that boat the stage is raked at least 8-12". But I believe it will run! Tourists will love it and word of mouth is the best for of advertising. Even if people hated it, others will want to go to see why!
"The theatre was packed it was not all papered either. There were TONS of tourists paying full price."
Did you see their tickets?
and: . Plus I can see Pitts needing a few performances off..she sings, dances, runs and get carried a lot.
Sings, dances - you mean like every other lead on bway? And: GETS CARRIED A LOT? How is this something that adds to needed rest. GETS CARRIED - literally the absence of exertion.
“Gets carried” in this show often means she is in a harness, flailing about, often horizontal, or that she has had to climb up the height of the Kong puppet. Nothing about this is relaxing.
WldKingdomHM said: ""The theatre was packed it was not all papered either. There were TONS of tourists paying full price."
Did you see their tickets?"
I would not have typed it I didn’t. When I went to pick up tickets there were at 8-10 people that bought $169 seats an hour before curtain. Plus the 3 hilarious older ladies next to me paid full price because the told me. The gentleman and his son infront of me kept holding their Telecharge tickets up and they said $149.
Plus by seeing the crowd of people that were there it was either TKTS, TDF or a promo code!
Yes there were papered tickets, friends and family, producers, etc. just less papered than when I saw “The Prom” last week.
Have you seen this show yet DRAMA MAMA? Cause it the most physical thing I have seen a very long time. She barely leaves the stage and is thrown and tossed all over the place. Plus she dances full out and belts out songs when you thought it was done. So I am just backing up my statement, that was out of my own opinion, that role is the most demanding in the show (next to the “Kong Company” that are running, jumping and climbing the puppet with cords and hooks.
So yes this role is more demanding then some other roles currently running.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/17/18
i'm still curious why they dont pre record a blood curdling scream sound for when carl says "scream for your life ann darrow" and she does this really laughing ahhhhhhh ah ahhhhh thing that almost sounds like tarzan and is super echo heavy. like i get that shes trying to save her voice so she can sing but a prerecorded scream would be much better there.
HunterK said: "Have you seen this show yet DRAMA MAMA? Cause it the most physical thing I have seen a very long time. She barely leaves the stage and is thrown and tossed all over the place. Plus she dances full out and belts out songs when you thought it was done. So I am just backing up my statement, that was out of my own opinion, that role is the most demanding in the show (next to the “Kong Company” that are running, jumping and climbing the puppet with cords and hooks.
So yes this role is more demanding then some other roles currently running."
Ditto'ing this - it's a very demanding role! I didn't love her performance very much though. :
I saw it Saturday night; despite the audience's enthusiasm throughout the show, there was no immediate standing ovation (as is all but commonplace on Broadway nowadays) until the very end, and Kong/its puppeteers got the biggest applause of all, as they should!
Isn't she in a harness for like one minute?
Once when the vines grab her (Skull Island), and when King Kong is running down the streets?
No, I haven't -- I was LITERALLY looking at your statement. The way another poster explained it (though it was refuted by another) made MUCH more sense in your intent. YOUR words (originally) didn't make your argument -especially to someone that hasn't yet seen it.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/17/18
WldKingdomHM said: "Isn't she in a harness for like one minute?
Once when the vines grab her (Skull Island), and when King Kong is running down the streets?
the vines yes.
and i think then when kong breaks free and hes running down the street and shes on his back? she has to be strapped into something for that.
dramamama611 said: "No, I haven't -- I was LITERALLY looking at your statement. The way another poster explained it (though it was refuted by another) made MUCH more sense in your intent. YOUR words (originally) didn't make your argument -especially to someone that hasn't yet seen it."
Take a breath, no reason to be getting upset. I apologize my post didn't support my statements. Just my opinions for a public message board. Just expressing my thoughts on a production that I physically saw.
robskynyc said: "i'm still curious why they dont pre record a blood curdling scream sound for when carl says "scream for your life ann darrow" and she does this really laughing ahhhhhhh ah ahhhhh thing that almost sounds like tarzan and is super echo heavy. like i get that shes trying to save her voice so she can sing but a prerecorded scream would be much better there."
Completely agree Rob. It's funny cause some of Ann's other screams are pre-recorded or fake. But in "Scream for your life" she has to dig down deep and try to scream like a recording used later in the show.
Saw this tonight (10/31)
The puppet is incredible. Truly a spectacle and worth all the praise it’s getting.
However, the show itself was awful. The book and score are terrible. There are really only a few full songs and it’s otherwise a play with music. The choreography doesn’t seem to fit the world and is very distracting.
There’s a really awkward moment where they just play a pop-sounding song over the speakers during a scene... instead of having live music... at a musical.
The lead actress is very talented, it’s a shame she doesn’t have better material. The other principles are all fine, but nothing special.
The show really belongs to Kong, and the puppetry is honestly worth getting a cheap ticket.
Has anyone seen this since it's been frozen last night, the 2nd? I'm just curious if someone could post the final song list for as per the opening night/week Playbill?
Featured Actor Joined: 9/16/13
Any loud/startling gunshots or pyrotechnics in the show?