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Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig- Page 27

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig

#650Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/13/15 at 3:18pm

This is still a thread for reviews and thoughts on Taye, so let's try to keep Darren Criss, his brother, family photos, Asian-ness, his own thread, plenty of room there. 

Appreciate the updates on Taye especially since my NYC trip fell through. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#651Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/13/15 at 3:44pm

"*Let It Go Let It Goooo plays softly in the background*"


I guess Idina is more on topic, but it's not like I am the one who brought Darren back into the mix... Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig

I'll be on topic soon enough, since I'm seeing Taye tonight.

#652Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/13/15 at 6:12pm

I remember you saying you're seeing Taye in August, haterobics.  Am curious about your thoughts.   I don't remember, did you say you saw all the Broadway Hedwigs? 

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#653Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/13/15 at 6:15pm



haterobics Profile Photo
#654Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/14/15 at 12:05am

Yes, tonight was the night... inadvertently the anniversary of the Berlin Wall being erected!


I certainly don't dislike Taye as much as some people have, but he is certainly an uneven Hedwig. The accent is all over the place, sounding alternatively German, Russian and Jamaican at different points. Many of the keys have seemingly been lowered for many songs. And there is that issue where he loses himself during some of the book chunks... which seemed to me more like he gets ahead of himself in the sentence, and then has to figure out how to backtrack to fill in the missing words, without making it obvious he messed up the line, but in many of the cases, the right move would have been to just plow ahead without it. It was never during any of the key segments, or known phrases, though...


The one example from tonight was I think him saying the word "general" before it should have come up in the sentence. LIke he said "General Speck's son" rather than "Tommy Speck, the son of one of the generals on the base," or somesuch, but then he knew he was about to say general twice, but then the delay was too long, and he ended up just doing that line over. But those were always for inconsequential moments, which made it even more odd. Like, sure, if you screw up the geography of human contact, start over... but not a random line.


And, despite the script tweaks, with "The Bitch is Black" and whatnot, I think I was still sort of in that place where all of the pieces don't quite seem to line up to get us from his being a slip of a girly boy, to meeting Luther (who seemed to be the same Luther as always), where that black soldier/white Hansel seemed to make them a stranger couple, and then unlike NPH who thinned out to look more feminine for the role, we end up with Taye Diggs who is butch, thick, and all muscle... but in the Midwest with that weird blonde wig, and knowing how black trans women are even less accepted than the white trans women who are barely accepted to begin with, and this Hedwig isn't hard to clock at ALL... it just made me wonder at many points would this really be her journey?!


I do think Taye did the dramatic/emotional stuff well, and both his Wicked Little Towns and Midnight Radio were exquisite. They seemed to suit him more than the rockers, although he did them well, but just didn't find a way to make them his own as much?


And it is hard to complain about Sugar Daddy since he played with my nipple during the song. Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig


And, yes, I have been to all of the Hedwigs on Broadway, all one time except JCM, who I saw eight times, including his first show, last show, and one with a very, very intimate carwash. I do think everyone I'm seeing after JCM is going to be judged unfairly, because his return was so profound and impacted me so much, way more than I ever thought possible.


So yeah, Taye is definitely toward or at the bottom of my rankings, fighting with NPH for last place, with Michael C. Hall at the top, and JCM transcending being ranked because that bitch IS Hedwig. I'm glad I went, but if someone never saw this production before, would I send them to see Taye? That would be a tough call...


Hedwig is on the list with sex and pizza for me, but that isn't the case for everyone.

Updated On: 8/14/15 at 12:05 AM

#655Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/14/15 at 6:46pm

^ He did what now! 

haterobics Profile Photo
#656Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/14/15 at 11:16pm

Is that a nipple inquiry? Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig

#657Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/14/15 at 11:54pm

Where does Taye go during Sugar Daddy? Is he staying in the same spot or mixing it up some?

haterobics Profile Photo
#658Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/15/15 at 12:07am

Car wash was first seat, front row, side orchestra.

Then he did little things with each of us on the center orchestra aisle, at the ends of the first three rows.

I was front row, so he sat on the steps and just started reaching out to me. I thought we were doing some sort of Creation of Adam thing, but then his finger kept going toward me until it landed on my left nipple (through my T-shirt) and he squeezed it a bit.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#659Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/15/15 at 8:32am

Haterobics so are we to assume you attended the show sans shirt?


n2nbaby Profile Photo
#660Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/15/15 at 9:48am

He said that he grabbed his nipple through his shirt.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#661Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/15/15 at 10:53am

oh, sorry I missed that.


haterobics Profile Photo
#662Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/16/15 at 12:06am

Heh, do a lot of people attend shows shirtless?! Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig

#663Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/16/15 at 8:45am

Vinnie Costa @BwayAdjacent

The @HedwigOnBway lottery is changing it's time. Names in at six, drawing at 6:30. Starting next week. Tell your friends. @atthebelasco

Jane2 Profile Photo
#664Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/16/15 at 10:37am

"Heh, do a lot of people attend shows shirtless?! 

Nope. but at Hedwig, you never know what to expect. Especially those who have front row seats!


perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#665Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/16/15 at 4:38pm

I saw Taye yesterday afternoon and I'm still mulling his performance over in my mind. I loved what he did with Tommy, and as others have said, his "Wicked Little Town" (both the first rendition and the reprise) was exquisite. I've seen four of the Broadway Hedwigs (I missed Michael C. Hall and avoided Darren Criss), and he was certainly the least funny and also the least angry. He handled the last third of the show quite well, and played it much more sad and melancholy than anyone else I've seen do it. Overall I think his Hedwig is a bit of a mixed bag. It's also hard to judge after having seen JCM five times during his run, since JCM is Hedwig and no other human being can possibly compare. My friend who saw Taye during his first week said he had markedly improved since then, so I'm quite curious to go back and see him closer to the end of his run and see if his performance changes. I think he's making some really interesting choices and he certainly isn't bad, but he's not quite there yet. 

#666Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/16/15 at 7:27pm

Wow...he's not quite there yet?  What week is this?  I was coming back to NYC to see him in September.  I don't know if I will now. By the way, I think you may have avoided the wrong Hedwig.  I am so disappointed in the idea that an actor in such a high caliber show has not been prepared to take over the reigns of the production and perform in a consistent fashion. On any given day he seems to be good or not so good.  It's very disappointing.  Oddly enough, whether or not I fly in to see the show, I still plan on buying a ticket.  I want to support the show so it will continue.  However, the at best lukewarm reviews interspersed with the few good ones have more or less killed my enthusiasm for seeing Taye Diggs, and I've always been a fan of his in the past. 

ChildofEarth Profile Photo
#667Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/16/15 at 8:34pm

Was anyone at the show where Taye decided he needed to post a video explaining how he was "off" that night? Was it that bad?


I have avoided him for a few weeks but I'm thinking about going back in September, but I want to know if it is worth it or I should just keep using my lottos for Hamilton.

haterobics Profile Photo
#668Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/16/15 at 10:09pm

"Was anyone at the show where Taye decided he needed to post a video explaining how he was "off" that night? Was it that bad?"


Does that mean he thinks he is nailing it most night?!


"I have avoided him for a few weeks but I'm thinking about going back in September, but I want to know if it is worth it or I should just keep using my lottos for Hamilton."


If you're getting fatigued from losing there, Hedwig is probably a surer bet.

#669Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/17/15 at 6:43am

People are confusing bad with miscast. He's "not there yet" because for him, in terms of this role, there is no "there".

#670Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/17/15 at 7:33am

I think "miscast" may be truer than most descriptions according to the posts here.  I admit I haven't seen him so what I'm saying is speculation based on what I've read.  I've wanted to see him, but I've been cautious.  I came back here this morning to edit my earlier post because I felt like it might have been too strident.  However, I reread it and decided it was true from my perspective.   From the standpoint of the performance misfires (not knowing the book, etc),  I don't understand why this celebrated actor has been given such a pass when I'm fairly certain that others who have played Hedwig in the past would definitely have been skewered for a similar execution.  Actually some of them have been criticized for a lot less.   I've seen more than one Hedwig (all of them if you count bootlegs).  I have mixed emotions about supporting a representation of Hedwig that might not be "true." Then again, what is the truth?.  Are first time Hedwig goers getting a misrepresentation of Hedwig or just a unique new rendering of the character?  I think each Hedwig I've seen has been different to a degree.  Yet there is an underlying commonality.  What do you guys think?  Does it really even matter?

#671Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/17/15 at 9:13am

I agree with everything with the exception of bad vs. miscast. He definitely seems to be miscast without a doubt, but going on some of the things I've read here he's also not very good and sometimes downright bad in this role he's miscast in. What I just read a few posts up about Taye making a video is mind boggeling. How off/bad would someone have to be for an explanation video to be necessary because more people needed an explanation than would have his shortcomings pointed out by it?

ChildofEarth Profile Photo
#672Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/17/15 at 9:23am



I agree with everything with the exception of bad vs. miscast. He definitely seems to be miscast without a doubt, but going on some of the things I've read here he's also not very good and sometimes downright bad in this role he's miscast in. What I just read a few posts up about Taye making a video is mind boggeling. How off/bad would someone have to be for an explanation video to be necessary because more people needed an explanation than would have his shortcomings pointed out by it?



Someone pointed out to me in a private message that Taye has always been weird about social media - he's pretty much a running joke on Twitter.'s strange to me and seems unprofessional?

I'm a bit worried that he seems to think this was his first "off" performance as well - is he not getting feedback? I realize they might not read these boards, but I doubt they don't know what's going on. I do think part of it is that Taye was miscast, but I think his hubris gets in the way as well. He was just on the Today Show and said he was "excellent," which is something he's been saying since before he even performed.

I will note that I do think it is funny that the Hedwig people wanted to "avoid" turned out to be something pretty special and the Hedwig everyone was looking forward to is lackluster. Broadway is a mysterious thing that keeps you guessing...which is why I will always come back.



Jane2 Profile Photo
#673Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/17/15 at 9:46am

" I think each Hedwig I've seen has been different to a degree.  Yet there is an underlying commonality.  What do you guys think?  Does it really even matter?"

I think it matters a great deal. I'm coming from seeing every performance by every Hedwig at the Jane, to only seeing NPH and JCM on broadway.

This is a story about one person, and I got to know that person. Several actors gave their own personal touches to that person but mostly it was still the Hedwig I knew and loved. There were some Hedwigs less proficient in acting and/or conveying the emotions but I still recognized the character.

I have no interest in seeing Taye Diggs playing Hedwig, but from all I read here, his shortcomings sound like they would ruin the experience for me. Especially going up on lines, changing lines,  not delivering all the songs as written, etc. I probably would be as disappointed as I was seeing NPH.



#674Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
Posted: 8/17/15 at 9:49am

"I'm a bit worried that he seems to think this was his first "off" performance as well - is he not getting feedback? I realize they might not read these boards, but I doubt they don't know what's going on. I do think part of it is that Taye was miscast, but I think his hubris gets in the way as well. He was just on the Today Show and said he was "excellent," which is something he's been saying since before he even performed.


He actually said outright that he's "excellent"? Who does that? And especially for a show that has had multiple star leads so comparison is easy.

In terms of excusing a missed or poor performance, the only appropriate use of social media I've seen is to announce illness in an apology of sorts.

