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Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW

#1Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 1:01pm

Just saw that Lady Gaga is coming to Broadway! Will it be the next Hello Dolly? Or is it a big mistake?

#2Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 1:09pm

Poconopanther said: "Just saw that Lady Gaga is coming to Broadway! Will it be the next Hello Dolly? Or is it a big mistake?"

This has been confirmed nowhere. Not even as a "maybe".  It's just some wishful thinking on someone's part.

nealb1 Profile Photo
#3Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 1:10pm

I saw this last night as well.  Won't happen.  Remember about 7 years ago there were all those rumors that Lea Michelle was going to do the revival of "Funny Girl?

I'll leave you with that.  

Elegance101 Profile Photo
#4Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 1:12pm

Why are there six million threads on this?

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#5Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 1:27pm

I want to see Gaga do Evita. I'd rather see Jessie Mueller do Funny Girl.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#6Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 1:42pm

"Why are there six million threads on this?"

There are four. And two of them are obviously an accidental double-post.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Niles Silvers
#7Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 2:16pm

By the same token, these naysayers could be wrong as well.  Lady Gaga has been known to do unpredictable things with her career; a Broadway star turn is not out of the realm of possibilities, but perhaps later on in her career.  Right now, she's a hot commodity on the left coast.  

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#8Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 2:27pm

But the thread isn't IF she will ever be on broadway, but that she IS going to be in Funny Girl sometime soon.  Very different.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

nealb1 Profile Photo
#9Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 2:36pm

And, let's not forget that Lady Gaga is opening up a 2 year residency in December in Las Vegas - through Dec 2020.  


Niles Silvers
#10Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 2:48pm

That was not my response, if you care to read what I actually said.  Anyway, I just realized that the plot of Funny Girl and A Star is Born have a lot of similarities.  

bdn223 Profile Photo
#11Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 2:54pm

I’m a Hollywood studio would happily buy out part or all of her Vegas residencey contract if they want her for a big blockbuster. (Aka Disney for Ursula, Cruella de Vil, Meg, or The Evil Queen or one of countless other characters in a Disney live action fairytale)

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#12Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 3:16pm

Here’s an article from a Gaga fansite that credits Rosie O’Donnell with announcing the news. So, make of that what you will.

Lady Gaga To Star In Broadway Revival Of 'Funny Girl'

Updated On: 10/8/18 at 03:16 PM Profile Photo
#13Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 3:28pm

Elegance101 said: "Why are there six million threads on this?"



To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......

#14Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 5:21pm

Rosie, I'm sure, was joking or looking for attention.  Really, don't fall for this crap.

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#15Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 6:12pm

The Daily News picked up the story...


If this were true, why is Broadway not reporting it?

nealb1 Profile Photo
#16Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 6:22pm

Yes, that link is from a Lady Gaga fansite.  They publish a lot of info on there.  It's not an official site that she endorses or anything like that.  

Updated On: 10/8/18 at 06:22 PM

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#17Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 6:22pm

Leave it to the internet to take a little rumor and make it into an official press release. IF this is actually happening, it won’t be for at least two or three years.

faceleg Profile Photo
#18Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
Posted: 10/8/18 at 8:33pm

Yeah, remember on her talk show she used to spread rumors of being in the movie version of Chicago to try an make it happen? Well before the movie version ever came out?
