For the record, Jeremy Jordan was only cast after several more notable actors passed on the role. After Anna Kendrick signed on, they apparently courted everyone from Emile Hirsch to Joseph Gordon-Levitt to play opposite her to no avail. The people they were initially interested in either weren't available or weren't comfortable doing such a big musical role on such a tight production schedule.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/12
Oh wow, Joseph Gordon-Levitt would have added some real vulnerability to Jamie.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Oh. Hey broadway baby. I'm glad you are resorting to boring, overused gifs that are not funny at all to try and be the new Ljay on here, who does a much better job at it.
On another note -- perfectliar, I see your point but we'll agree to disagree. I think you're assuming way too much at this point. Not sure why you and jimmy have to argue about this. If it gets distribution, it gets it. If not, then okay. This ain't a contest and unless you can see the future, we just have to wait! We don't even know how the movie will be...they're still filming it. It could end up being a total bomb.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Very true. Point made, and arguement done. Hopefully it does well.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
JGL would be great but it would sorta be familiar territory for him (acting wise). He should venture out.
Liza's headband enters in 3..2..
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Chorus Member Joined: 5/20/13
Unfortunately, great as he is, Joseph Gordon-Levitt couldn't sing it well enough. watching videos of him online and seeing his SNL "make him laugh" monologue, he moves really well. But even in a studio, JRB's stuff isn't easy!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/1/04
1. Mentioning two films in the same breath is not a comparison. It's a statement of fact. Richard LaGravenese wrote Behind the Candelabra. He also wrote The Last Five Years. One has no bearing on the other and does not assume an opinion of the other.
2. People certainly DID say they didn't think it would get distribution. BroadwayBenny said, "I think this is going to be one of those movies that magically just shows up on Netflix one day without much hoopla." And jnb9872 said, "I don't think it's guaranteed that this gets picked up out of a festival, but I don't think it's impossible."
3. Liza's Headband - I find it very ironic and totally indicative of the hostile, ridiculous, childish tone this board has acquired in the past few years that you chastise me for arguing with someone in the same post in which you, yourself, continue an argument with someone.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
If you reread my post, you'll notice that my focus was more on the TOPIC of argument. Not the act of arguing. I asked you why the distribution aspect is devolving into a kind of heated argument. That's all. Distribution is not something we can control and it's merely speculative at this point.. Just thought I would reiterate that point. But, please, carry on..
Hi perfectliar, since you quoted me I won't go through the trouble of re-quoting myself, but you'll notice that the exact sentence you quoted is neither an endorsement of thinking it WILL or WON'T get distribution. As Headband wrote, it is all speculation. Using me as evidence that "people certainly DID say they didn't think it would get distribution" does you no favors; I said nothing *certain* at all about what I think. If anything, my comment was an endorsement of our inability to predict anything...
It looks like Jason Robert Brown may be making a cameo as the Cathy-hating audition pianist.
The incomparable @MrJasonRBrown">@MrJasonRBrown is giving me shade on set today
&mdash>">— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) June>">June 24, 2013
Chorus Member Joined: 4/5/13
I heard that there will be lots of cameos. I assume Sherie will make an appearance considering she's co-producing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
I think Anna Kendrick sounds like an amateur.
I shouldn't bite, but how so? This is just her regular wit on Twitter and a fun way of spotlighting the fun cameo.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/19/05
A film like this is more likely to garner some sort of buzz from festivals and then parlay that into a distribution deal and hope for the best in press.
More likely to be an Independent Spirit Award contender. It would have to get a LOT of buzz to be in the running for an Academy Award nom or any sort (although Anna Kendrick is a former Academy Award nominee).
In this day and age, without some major PR behind a film, it has to be pretty "BUZZIE" to push through the gauntlet that is the Academy Awards.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
I think Phyllis Rogers Stone should watch this video and think again:
She sounds very good? The beginning of her solo sounds like it sits in a weird place for her, but I actually think her voice is fitting for Cathy. Very bright and piercing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
"Mentioning two films in the same breath is not a comparison. It's a statement of fact. Richard LaGravenese wrote Behind the Candelabra. He also wrote The Last Five Years. One has no bearing on the other and does not assume an opinion of the other."
Saying two things are alike and stating why they are alike IS a comparison. It is a fact and comparison. Let's all take a look at the definition of the word comparison.
com·par·i·son noun k?m-?per-?-s?n, -?pa-r?-
1 : the act or process of comparing: as
a : the representing of one thing or person as similar to or like another
b : an examination of two or more items to establish similarities and dissimilarities
You did compare the two, period. When you state that the two have the same screenwriter you stated how the two are similar. See part b above. Furthermore you used the fact that they have the same screenwriter as possible evidence as to why this is guaranteed distribution. Your exact quote was:
"The involvement of these two guarantees a distribution deal..."
Clearly you do believe one DOES have baring on the other. You believe that since the Oscar nominated screenwriter coming off of the success of Behind the Candelabra is one of two reasons to guarantee distribution. I am only breaking down what you have said.
As I mentioned, NOBODY is saying it won't get distribution, all we are saying is that it may not be likely for it to get picked up by a major distributor based on the precedent set by past independently made musicals. As I have stated several times, it could surprise us.
I understand that you are defensive now because I find your point to be moot. I see that you are blaming this on the Broadway World mentality; however you are the one who began your post by saying, "Seriously, people?" which is pretty much the same tone I am (admittedly rightly)being accused of. It is true that there is a good deal of ridiculousness on BWW from time to time. This probably didn't have to go in that direction, and I regret that it did, especially in a public forum. I am letting go of this argument now. There is no point in arguing until I am blue in the face. Hopefully, in the future, we will have better discussions. If you really wish to continue this, and I do hope this ends it, feel free to PM me and save the others from reading a now redundant argument.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Whatevs. I don't use Wicked songs as barometer to judge... anything.
I think Dave19 sounds mentally ill.
Updated On: 6/24/13 at 04:33 PM
Is someone trying to say that Tony-nominee Anna Kendrick, star of the musical films CAMP and PITCH PERFECT can't sing?
Is someone actually trying to say that? I'd bring up her Oscar nomination, but it wasn't for a musical, so...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
You know, usually I find Dave19's comments to be without merit. He seems to be looking for Broadway actors to take the leads in films. Ordinarily I find this to be unrealistic, and that his expectations are wrong for the genre at hand.
I happen to enjoy Anna Kendick's voice, and I believe she will do fine in this role. That being said, this is an independent film, and I can see why he may be disappointed that they did not go with a riskier choice of a lesser known Broadway talent. He hasn't directly said that yet, but based on the past, I assume that is what this is building up to.
I am not saying his opinion about Ms. Kendick's voice is correct. I will reserve that judgement until after I, hopefully, see this .
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/11
Whatever. A song is a song. A voice is a voice.
Dave19 is unhappy about the casting of a movie musical? Stop the presses.