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Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding- Page 3

Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding

#50Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 3:19am

PThespian said: "The tradition on Broadway is to clap when you feel something is worthy of extra acknowledgment."

Who says? I have never seen anyone not clap in a moment when everyone else was.

lovebwy Profile Photo
#52Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 3:22am


The tradition on Broadway is to clap when you feel something is worthy of extra acknowledgment.


Thank you. Someone needs to inform Miss Benanti of this. I, for one, am very curious to know what the producers of her show think of her telling people to stay home and masturbate rather than see her show. It's just an ugly, nasty little video. In my opinion.

Updated On: 5/20/16 at 03:22 AM

#54Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 3:27am

PThespian said: "Seriously? Seriously? It happens all the time! Every night I stand there in the back of the audience and can quite clearly see who is clapping and when they are clapping. I can also see who is not clapping.

There are times when half the audience is and half the audience isn't. There are times when there is one row that is, and the rows in back and in front of them aren't.

It happens all the time!!! I promise you!

I'm not saying it doesn't happen but from my experience it doesn't happen to such a degree where it can no longer be called a tradition. Clapping at the end of a song/performance in the theatre is a tradition. It just is. Not everyone partakes in it but it's what is expected. 

devonian.t Profile Photo
#55Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 3:30am

I work in the theater eight times a week. I've been doing that for over twenty years straight. On top of that I've been attending other shows on my nights off for over  forty years.

I promise you. I have been present for a lot more performances than you have.

I appreciate you educating me, though, on what live theater is.

I've been working professionally (non-stop) for 28 years- including on the UK premiere of a show I think you worked on in the USA.

Please accept my apologies for trying to engage on this subject in an intelligent way. 

I appreciate you educating me, though, on what arrogance is.

#56Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 3:33am

lovebwy said: "Thank you. Someone needs to inform Miss Benanti of this. I, for one, am very curious to know what the producers of her show think of her telling people to stay home and masturbate rather than see her show. It's just an ugly, nasty little video. In my opinion."

Ugly and nasty? How over the top can you get? She probably felt hurt when she saw someone not clapping (I absolutely would too) and decided to make an amusing song to show her frustration. It's not like she stopped the show to perform the song to that audience member. The producers will not care that the heavily praised star of the show is bringing more attention to it through a video that most people on Twitter/Instagram found funny/agreeable.

Updated On: 5/20/16 at 03:33 AM

#58Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 3:38am

PThespian said: "I'm just curious what the point of the applause is then. If it's not to say "You did a really good job" (you're telling me it doesn't mean that since people do/should applaud even if they thought it sucked.) what is it for? To acknowledge that a song is over? That's usually pretty apparent by itself without the need for applause."

It's to say 'this person has worked hard to perform for me for the past 1-3 hours and whether their performance was to my taste or not, I'd like to show my appreciation for their effort.' I have no issue with people not applauding if the actor is clearly showing a lack of enthusiasm or effort but as I've said before, I really doubt that was the case with Laura.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#59Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 3:48am

Most of the people in this thread are taking this more seriously than Laura Benanti is taking it. It's a joke people, relax.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#61Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 4:01am

The difference is, Laura obviously isn't so bad at her job that she is at risk of being fired. Quite the opposite in fact. She's clearly thought of as excellent in this role from what has been said about her as well as her awards recognition.

We disagree about the applause. To me, it's comparable to saying thankyou to someone who has provided you a service. I have been unimpressed by performances in the theatre before but I've still clapped. I may not clap for as long, I may not stand up, I may not cheer like I do for other performers, but this person has still tried and doesn't deserve to look out at a blank-faced audience.

Updated On: 5/20/16 at 04:01 AM

#63Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 5:18am

I wonder if this rule applies to people who are illegally bootlegging shows as well?

We lot tend not to clap because it leaves a rather loud sound instead of the sound of full house (hopefully) clapping.

She's funny and outspoken, but this is entitlement running amok. 



SweetLips Profile Photo
#64Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 5:22am

Sally Durant Plummer said: "The tip, however, is not required. I give it if I feel it is earned. 

I suppose you don't care that people are working for $4/hour and rely mostly on tips as their income. If that's what you think of tips, you are a rude, out-of touch person.

Sorry but my red flag just went up on this statement and your one further down on how much you ALWAYS tip for different services.

On a tangent to the topic. If an employer is paying $ hr and expects his customer to support his employee-that system is all wrong. With such a low staff overhead then his product price should reflect that.

I employed 10 staff plus casuals when necessary and were all paid above the set mininum wage-approx $ plus weekly commission plus holiday/sick pay AND superannunation AND end of year bonus. It was a service industry with direct customer contact and staff practically never received a tip.

The impression given, admittedly via movies, that even to ask for information requires a monetry transaction and as for leaving a[cafe] table[bar]and just throwing money down and walking out-don't get me started.

There must be a lot of undeclared income that's all I can say.

Tipping is NOT healthy and encourages the 'I will only do 'whatever' if I am rewarded with $$$s.

I tip of MY choosing ,when and how much and I will applaud, long,short,loud,polite,or not--my choice.

To tip or not to tip--to applaud or not to applaud---THAT is the question .[your choice].





Updated On: 5/20/16 at 05:22 AM

#65Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 5:38am

wonderfulwizard11 said: "Most of the people in this thread are taking this more seriously than Laura Benanti is taking it. It's a joke people, relax.



That video does not come off as a joke, especially with the facial expression. The subsequent 99% tweet reeks of her getting a bunch of backlash and responding with a "I was just joking guys!" tweet to cover it up.

#66Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 5:40am

slumdogdelaware said: "Lin calls out people for doing **** in the audience all the time, even specifically describing them in his tweets. So I think she can do whatever the hell she wants. 

But that's just my two cents.



Lin calls out people that do things that affect other people's ability to enjoy the show and the actor's ability to engage the audience.

Sometimes I don't clap because I am either too engaged in the show, don't particularly think it needs clapping, or some other reason. People are making this in to too big a deal but to call out people for not applauding your performance of a particular song seems very childish.

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#67Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 5:46am

I think that she was being both serious and funny, at the same time.  For the most part, I have no issue with her general message. I do object with her having to resort to vulgarity (something about playing with oneself) to make a point.  It was not necessary.  

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

mc1227 Profile Photo
#68Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 6:43am

Perhaps the audience felt as I did when I saw this show, expecting so much more and getting less.  While I always applaud for performers because I admire and respect their efforts and talents, I think Benanti is wrong for posting this in this manner.  There is a more tactful way to say it. Imo, it makes her look bad, not the audience.  

The only review of a show that matters is your own.

#69Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 6:56am

So clearly what is needed is the old-time Applause-O-Meter scale on the front of the stage.  The audience claps at a level that gets the arrow to move to what it considers is an accurate indicator of the evening's performance.


So much drama.  Audience members should clap however they want and artists are free to interpret it however they want.

artscallion Profile Photo
#70Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 6:59am

It's like asking your honey to give you flowers. If you have to ask, how much are they really worth?

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

#71Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 7:08am

artscallion said: "It's like asking your honey to give you flowers. If you have to ask, how much are they really worth?



Hopefully she gets a lot of sarcastic applause like she did in her video.

#72Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 7:16am

Do you guys really think Laura Benanti is going out on a crusade against the non applauders of the world? This was obviously a joke and everyone's taking it way too seriously.

#73Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 7:24am

woeisme3 said: "Do you guys really think Laura Benanti is going out on a crusade against the non applauders of the world? This was obviously a joke and everyone's taking it way too seriously.



It certainly did not come off as a joke, and it wasn't funny if it was. Plus what a weird, inside joke to make. It really comes off as "Guys I was joking!" after she got some pushback. 

AC126748 Profile Photo
#74Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 7:27am

How long before #PattiMurin co-signs?

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

HenryTDobson Profile Photo
#75Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 7:28am

Of course it was a joke! C'mon people, Laura Benanti tweets stuff like this all the time. 


My only complaint is that it's not quite as funny as we've seen from Ms. Benanti in the past. Typically I literally laugh out loud at her tweets/presence. This one was kindof meh for me. 

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#76Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 7:29am

I don't know about you guys, but I'm still laughing at the vulgar language comment. She didn't say "Stay at home and jerk your****and bust many-a-nuts." Sometimes I wonder how old the people on here are.

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."

JayG  2 Profile Photo
JayG 2
#77Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 7:34am

With her incessant, dumb tweets she really is turning into Donald Trump of the theater world, isn't she?


mc1227 Profile Photo
#78Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 7:34am

indytallguy said: "So clearly what is needed is the old-time Applause-O-Meter scale on the front of the stage.  The audience claps at a level that gets the arrow to move to what it considers is an accurate indicator of the evening's performance.


^^ another problem solved!!




The only review of a show that matters is your own.
Updated On: 5/20/16 at 07:34 AM

AC126748 Profile Photo
#79Laura Benanti chides people for not applauding
Posted: 5/20/16 at 7:38am

HenryTDobson said: "Of course it was a joke! C'mon people, Laura Benanti tweets stuff like this all the time. 


My only complaint is that it's not quite as funny as we've seen from Ms. Benanti in the past. Typically I literally laugh out loud at her tweets/presence. This one was kindof meh for me. 



It was a joke, yes, but a joke that was very clearly born out of the fact that she was ticked by some people not applauding after her number.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body
