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Legally Blonde understudies- Page 44

Legally Blonde understudies

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
Posted: 9/12/08 at 12:23am

My guess is the covers for brooke will now be Asmeret and Beth, since I don't think Emily has ever gone on.

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

Anakela Profile Photo
Posted: 9/12/08 at 12:28am

Emily went on on Sunday, both shows.

My question is: is Casey Leigh Thompson still gonna be a swing? Or was she only there as a swing thru Beth being out? Thompson is so much FUN to watch on that stage, an amazing amount of energy, and such stage presence, I hope she's sticking around... (She is/was a swing, right? Or was she ensemble?)

obsessedjb Profile Photo
Posted: 9/12/08 at 6:45am

Casey left the show.

Anakela Profile Photo
Posted: 9/12/08 at 11:46am

boo... I'd figured as much, though- thanks for the info!

andrewcomp Profile Photo
Posted: 9/18/08 at 6:16pm

Kate Rockwell is Elle tonight!!

Posted: 9/18/08 at 6:18pm

Yay for Kate!!!!! Since she will have been on her one time, since all the other Margots seemed to only go on once, maybe Autumn will get a chance to go on the next time Bailey's on!

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
Posted: 9/18/08 at 7:36pm

Why didn't Autumn go on?

toddlisatyriem Profile Photo
Posted: 9/18/08 at 9:07pm

Is Autumn going on as MArgot since Kate is going on as Elle?

Posted: 9/18/08 at 9:20pm

Autumn is in her Leilani track. Emily Padgett is Margot

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 9/18/08 at 11:37pm

I was there tonight....

I saw the message on this board about it, printed out the discount code, and literally ran out the door. Got to the Palace about 7:20, and was able to get a ticket in Row F of the mezzanine on the aisle. Not bad.

The understudy board tonight read:
Elle Woods- Kate rockwell
Margot- Emily Padgett
Pilar- Tiffany Engen
D.A.- Dani Spieler

I thought it a bit odd that they wouldn't use Autumn as Margot at least, but whatever. There were a LOT of disappointed people before the show. They appeared to be allowing patrons to exchange, but not return tickets.

Anyway, on to the show.

I want to try and be very kind towards Kate because 1) it was her first time on, and 2) I really like her Margot.

That being said, she's just not suited to the role of Elle Woods yet. She was clearly very nervous in the first scenes, but started to settle in as the show went on. A lot of her lines were rushed, which I expect came from trying to remember them all and not flub them. Because she was rushing, a number of the jokes weren't landing like they should. She also doesn't yet have the charm and presence that Bailey and other Elles have had. Her biggest struggle came with some of the singing, however. Her early numbers were ok, but it started going downhill near the end of act 1. "That note" was ok at first, but she lost it in the middle and never recovered. You couldn't hear her after she lost it. The song is still in the lower key, and it doesn't sit very well for her voice. Other problem songs were Take it Like a Man (where she sang a lot of lower notes which made the harmonies sound strange), and the Legally Blonde ballad. Overall, she doesn't give a bad performance, but she has a lot of work to do. The talent is definitely there.

The rest of the show was fine, as always. Emily Padgett was a GREAT Margot, and the standout of the understudies on tonight. Orfeh, as she is apt to do, stole the show. The loudest applause tonight was after the Ireland reprise. Those goodness. Shindle is still wonderful as well.

I hope Bailey is feeling better very soon, because they need her back at the Palace.
Updated On: 9/18/08 at 11:37 PM

Anakela Profile Photo
Posted: 9/18/08 at 11:41pm


Kate. Rockwell. was. perfection.

Small blips- the swinging around in Positive that leads into the "omigod you're making me sick" got a little tangled, and she messed up one line in Chip- but that's seriously MINOR nitpicky stuff compared to how *amazing* Kate!Elle was- her singing, her acting, her dancing, her interaction with Warner and Emmett and Vivienne and just everyone, and wow such stage presence!! Loved her.

And she had the old So Much Better costume (as in the pink on pink dress, not that new pink on purple thing), which made me happy. And no bunny costume- for those who saw Annaleigh!Elle, Kate had that fluffy lingerie costume too. Those were the main costume differences.
Updated On: 9/18/08 at 11:41 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 9/19/08 at 12:04am

Kate also wears the long sleeved jacket in What You Want.

Just to update people who were asking earlier...there are some changes to the understudies in the Playbill. Matthew Risch has left the cast, so a few things changed.

Barry Anderson and Josh Franklin cover Emmett. Josh Franklin and Kevin Pariseau cover Callahan (until recently, Kevin was listed as the only cover). Bryan West (the new Dewey/Kyle/GMC) and Jason Gillman cover Warner. Beth is listed as a Brooke understudy, along with both Asmeret and Emily. She also covers Pilar and Margot but no one has been removed from those covers. So, Margot now has four understudies (Beth, Emily, Autumn, and Tiffany).

Matthew was replaced by Kyle Brown, by the way.

Posted: 9/19/08 at 11:28am

Does anyone know why Bailey didn't go on yesterday?

Any news for tonight?

Posted: 9/19/08 at 2:58pm

i am going on sunday for the matinee as part of my bachelorette party. is Bailey sick or just took a night or two off?

HOUFlip04 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/19/08 at 3:19pm

I noticed that there is going to be a non-required call for the role of Nikos/Padamadan. Does this mean that Manuel Herrera is about to leave? I guess they have had a hard time replacing him.

This is Harvard, not a stripper bar...

andrewcomp Profile Photo
Posted: 9/19/08 at 3:28pm

Is Bailey sick? Does this mean another Elle u/s tonight?

Anakela Profile Photo
Posted: 9/19/08 at 4:16pm

Hearing that Kate is on the board again for tonight...

Posted: 9/19/08 at 4:25pm

Bailey is sick LB. I'm going to see the show on Sunday evening. I hope she's feeling better. I've been sick myself for the past week.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

g4rat Profile Photo
Posted: 9/19/08 at 4:30pm

I hope Autumn gets a chance to go on for elle or margot soon. Does anyone know if she's on for margot tonight?

andrewcomp Profile Photo
Posted: 9/19/08 at 4:39pm

Is it possible Kate is the new first Elle u/s due to Becky's departure?

Fiyero2 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/19/08 at 4:41pm

but isnt autumn baileys understudy?
why didnt she go on?

How Do You Doent Real Life When Real Life's Getting More Like Fiction Each Day??

andrewcomp Profile Photo
Posted: 9/19/08 at 4:43pm

She is, as is Kate.

Posted: 9/19/08 at 4:54pm

I'm really bummed because I am flying up from Anderson to see the matinee tomorrow. Bailey texted that she is on voice rest per her Dr. She is hoping to be back by tomorrow night. Too late for me to see her, but that's just my luck.

adamgreer Profile Photo
Posted: 9/19/08 at 5:04pm

I hope she feels better!! I'll be at the show Sunday night with Defying Gravity777 and don't really wanna see Kate again...

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
Posted: 9/19/08 at 5:36pm

Its odd that Kate is going on, one would think that they'd be cashing in on Autumn going on.

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel
