Andrew Varela should get a shot at Broadway. He was an amazing Javert on tour.
Stand-by Joined: 11/20/11
I'd love to see Katie Thompson take a stab at Fantine
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/13
EDIT: Wrong person
Updated On: 8/12/13 at 06:44 PM
Just a question, could a black Fantine work?
I dunno, ask Melba Moore, Nikki Renee Daniels, Tonya Dixon, Thursday Farrar, or Alexandra Foucard.
Yes! Nikki Renee Daniels was the person I was thinking of. Her name slipped my mind
Samantha Hill was Christine Daaee when i saw Phantom and she was amazing,
She will make an awesome Colette
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/13
oops sorry Colette is Cosettes other personality! lol,
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
I too would like to see Varela on Broadway. He has been one of the best Javerts I've seen on stage.
I don't know about you guys but I'd quite like to see Brian D'Arcy James as Valjean (or even Javert?). I've heard his name thrown around a few times when the revival has come up.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
"Who's "Colette"?"
Colette is the reason Cosette is afraid to go into the woods alone.
I would be beyond ecstatic if Christopher Jacobson was involved in this revival.
It actually doesn't seem impossible that Paulo Szot could do it. He's performing in Die Fliedermaus in January and February, so the rehearsal schedule could be a beast, but he doesn't have anything scheduled after that that I can see.
And I don't hate the suggestion of Jackie Hoffman as Mme. Thenardier, but I'd actually much rather see her old Xanadu cohort Mary Testa do it.
To all my awesome #TeamJavert comrades: I can now announce that I will *not* be joining the Bway Les Miz. 1/2
2/2 I so appreciated all of your support and I would've loved to have gotten it just to be able to share it with you. #Blessed
Stand-by Joined: 10/18/12
Do you think they'd bring Tam Mutu over from London?
Or Varela took another offer for something totally different.
JVJ really has to have the high notes -- he's practically in falsetto in "Bring him Home." I just can't picture anyone other than Colm Wilkinson; Hugh Jackman has the acting down, but his voice isn't up to the role in my opinion. I can't picture Ramin Karimloo because he's too young, and too slight, physically.
I saw Samantha Hill in, I think, her second performance in Phantom. She was the alternate Christine, for all of a few weeks, until she moved past Marni Raab to be the main Christine. She is incredible, and would be perfect as either Cosette or Eponine.
I've been spoiled by the 10th anniversary concert--I decided that Alun Armstrong, the relatively unknown British actor who also plays serious roles, is one of the best we'll ever see as Thenardier. However, I think Nathan Lane could give him a run for his money. As for Mme. Thenardier, she needn't have a brilliant voice, but she's got to have comic timing. For some perverse reason, I'd love to see Madonna in the role.
I think Aaron Tveit would make a good Marius -- someone of his talent is wasted as Enjolras.
That leaves Fantine and Javert. I can't think of anyone for Fantine, except Sierra Boggess. My rule on Javert since the movie came out is "ABC -- Anybody but Crowe." I think Javert should be a baritone, to contrast with JVJ's tenor. I can't remember Mandy Patinkin's vocal range, but I think he looks perfect for the part and could pull it off as an actor.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
Norm Lewis as Javert, Lindsay Mendez as Fantine, Samantha Barks as Eponine, Samantha Hill as Cosette, Nathan Lane as Monsieur Thenardier, Jackie Hoffman as Madame Thenardier.
Definitely with Natalie Weiss in the Ensemble covering either Fantine or Eponine. The girl is too talented to have been a Swing on the Les Mis tour for 2 years with NO principal covers.
Also, am I the only one who things that Carly Rose Sonenclar will make a great Eponine one day?