The TikTokers must not understand that if Disney HAD paid critics to trash B&C (or even attempted to do so), word would have got out, and it would have been the biggest scandal on Broadway in decades –– something that even Merrick and Drabinsky wouldn't have stooped that low for. Many people would have lost jobs, and it would have changed press relations forever. It is not overstating that this would have been Broadway's equivalent of Watergate.
That it was all about a leading actor who was great but not integral (you will recall Disney signed him for less than 6 months) and not about the show itself (you will recall it got a good review from David Rooney in the NYT at Paper Mill, and a not-positive review from Ben Brantley in the NYT on Broadway) makes it all even more laughable.
Oh dear friends, I in no way believe those on Tik Tok and their allegations. I was simply saying an anecdote to the popularity of Jeremy Jordan. Please don't think I am taking the "@BwayGurlPhantom" or " @theaterkid69" as speakers of the truth. I do know better.
Hahaha. Those handles are hilarious.
I was at Jeremy concert in Kansas on 29aug. During the show he was talking about his daughter and said how much he d have miss sending her to bed since Sep he got off broadway as Seymour.
According to his word, he said he d miss her for 5 months. So, that s for a question that someone ask how long he s going to do the role.
Well, including London and other commitments in January, he'll probably play the role until the end of December or the very beginning of January.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
fashionguru_23 said: "It's not like it mattered...according to Tik Tok users, Disney allegedly paid critics to pan the show so he could do Newsies in the spring."
Actually, the actions (or lack thereof) of the show's producers were pretty much the main reason it closed. It was selling poorly, but it might have been able to rebound (for at least a couple months, anyway). But the producers were also producing The Best Man, which would star John Larroquette. And the Shuberts promised them the Schoenfeld if Bonnie & Clyde closed. Since they had a fiduciary duty to the investors of Bonnie & Clyde, they only did the bare minimum to look like they were trying to increase sales.
Like I said, the reality is that the show might have sold enough tickets to get by for a few more months if the producers made more of an effort, but that would have mainly been life support. The Best Man was pretty much guaranteed to make them money, whereas they weren't going to see anything from Bonnie & Clyde.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/2/14
Bonnie & Clyde was absolute garbage
Sutton Ross said: "Well, including London and other commitments in January, he'll probably play the role until the end of December or the very beginning of January."
since Laura refuse to take vaccine. I dont see how can she enter UK without state quarantine for 2 weeks. Is she gonna fly ahead of them and pay for the quarantine to do the show for 2 days?
I have feeling the show might not even happen. And at the concert in Kansas Jeremy both make fun and throw a huge shade at people who refuse to vaccined. Like a slap on the face shade. I dont think he d want to work with her.
Swing Joined: 9/1/21
I do have the same question from ages.
Is this shop has any online application ? can I download it from applinked?
Stand-by Joined: 11/9/15
Evan Alexander Smith of the Play That Goes Wrong tour will be joining as the understudy for Seymour and Orin
Tatiana Lofton is joining as an understudy urchin
and Jana Djenne Jackson is joining the cast as Dance Captain, understudy urchin, and understudy Audrey.
JDonaghy4 said: "Yeah, i haven't seen her so I don't have an opinion on her performance, the merits of which havenothing to do with what i was saying and don't speak to your point which was "she should leave already because 11 people on the internet don't like her."
I will admit that your hysteria here re her performance is priming me to enjoy it when I see her in a few weeks.
And yes, I know, you don't believe I teach law and your basis for this is the manner in which i chat about nonsense on a message board in the middle of the night (ironically, preparing for a syllabus for the class i don't teach, like a crazy person). You continue to be a delight."
Ok, I don't know you, but I love you... way to SHUT. IT. DOWN.
Debut the new opening @The Tonight Show
Was it just me or Tammy voice seem...not in good condition. Is she sick? It sound forced and look like she used all her effort already. The hormony part Jeremy voice sound even more stonger and he doesnt seem like trying.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
i thought her solo was underwhelming--odd that they chose to feature it-- but she and the rest of the cast clicked at the end of the song and sounded great. as far as late night performances go, i think this is just the kinda thing that makes ppl wanna see a show (our bway geek nitpicking aside)
Sigh. No, she just isn't a good singer. Im so bummed they didn't recast her. Ugh.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
finally got to see this. really incredible crowd that was so excited to be there from the jump (and a surprising number of Jeremy Jordan fans melting over every note).
what a great production of a silly (but classic) show. they really found humor in every possible moment, most of that owing to the incredible comic genius of Christian Borle who sorta becomes the MC of the night by being so dang funny. The Urchins were fantastic- the borderline insane costume and weak performance on the Tonight Show did not do them justice. Though when they finally come out in matching outfits it only highlighted how ridiculous they were costumed until that point.
Tammy Blanchard is sorta in her own show- her Audrey is so tragic and heartfelt, it becomes the single non-comedic and non-cartoon character. Its a really moving performance-- Somewhere Thats Green and especially the run-up dialogue to Suddenly Seymour- she really got me. Like on the Tonight Show, that first "where relationships are no goooo" note was jarring, and made the audience subtly wince, but she handles the rest of the score really nicely, and matched Jeremy Jordan just fine when she needed to. I definitely understand that Audrey has moments that call for a big voice she doesn't have, but as a whole I much prefer what she did here to, say, Kerry Butler or Alice Ripley.
I find Jeremy Jordan bland as toast, but hes got the voice and physicality down for Seymour. He only really let loose a few times but it was plenty. I'm assuming the flamboyance is how he is being directed, and while I appreciate that he's doing a nice job (and that Groff was well reviewed), there are just so many lines/gags about how unattractive Seymour is that kinda irked me given how wild the audience was reacting to every shake of Jordan's hips.
hope this makes money to sustain a longer run. packed, intimate theater and really a top notch production. did not expect to laugh like this. bravo.
Zion24 wrote, in part: "......I appreciate that he's (Jeremy) doing a nice job (and that Groff was well reviewed)..."
I appreciate that we finally got off the TikTok discussion.
Was the cast singing Skid Row performing at their Westside Theater and then shot as a video at Fallon's, or was it live at Fallon's?
If at Fallon's, how did they get that set there?
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
JayElle said: "Zion24 wrote, in part: "......I appreciate that he's (Jeremy) doing a nice job (and that Groff was well reviewed)..."
I appreciate that we finally got off the TikTok discussion.
Was the cast singing Skid Row performing at their Westside Theater at shot at Fallon's or was it live at Fallon's?
If at Fallon's, how did they get that set there?
No idea how they got the set to 30 Rock, but it was definitely filmed live there and not at the theater. I say this just from having seen the Fallon footage. More interesting to me is that the staging on Fallon (the walking/choreo where everyone seemed stuck, not moving fwd) wasn't in the live show, and the Skid Row number was performed by significantly fewer cast members.
Just back from the show tonight. It’s in wonderful shape and Jeremy is…adorable. He plays it much “geekier” than Groff did and you just want to hug him. Tammy is fascinating. This is my fourth time seeing the show since it began and I’ve said I haven’t exactly loved her in the role. I always felt her singing was fine but her acting choices were very very odd. Well now, it’s a complete reversal. I thought she played the role almost totally differently and had some really wonderful moments but her voice sounded very very tired, which was odd since they’ve been back what, a week?
But aside from that you can tell Borle is so happy to be back on stage chewing that scenery in the best possible way. He’s still giving the funniest performance you’ll see - Man, I’ve missed him.
I watched the Moranis/Greene version today and I just kept seenig Jeremy. I guess I think of Moranis as the ultimate geek. I always liked Tammy, but I also see Greene as the gold standard in that role.
Stand-by Joined: 4/4/20
Jordan Catalano said: "Just back from the show tonight. It’s in wonderful shape and Jeremy is…adorable. He plays it much “geekier” than Groff did and you just want to hug him. Tammy is fascinating. This is my fourth time seeing the show since it began and I’ve said I haven’t exactly loved her in the role. I always felt her singing was fine but her acting choices were very very odd. Well now, it’s a complete reversal. I thought she played the role almost totally differently and had some really wonderful moments but her voice sounded very very tired, which was odd since they’ve been back what, a week?
But aside from that you can tell Borle is so happy to be back on stage chewing that scenery in the best possible way. He’s still giving the funniest performance you’ll see - Man, I’ve missed him.
I was there tonight too, front row. Almost painfully close to Borle as he suffocated. Damn he was good, as was Jeremy.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
Jordan Catalano said: "Just back from the show tonight. It’s in wonderful shape and Jeremy is…adorable. He plays it much “geekier” than Groff did and you just want to hug him. Tammy is fascinating. This is my fourth time seeing the show since it began and I’ve said I haven’t exactly loved her in the role. I always felt her singing was fine but her acting choices were very very odd. Well now, it’s a complete reversal. I thought she played the role almost totally differently and had some really wonderful moments but her voice sounded very very tired, which was odd since they’ve been back what, a week?
But aside from that you can tell Borle is so happy to be back on stage chewing that scenery in the best possible way. He’s still giving the funniest performance you’ll see - Man, I’ve missed him.
This is interesting- i assumed Jeremy Jordan's geeky nebbish-ness was the direction more than him, and assumed Groff and Glick had played Seymour similarly. And days later, I am still somewhat moved by Blanchard's "Somewhere Thats Green."
Stand-by Joined: 11/9/15
Saw this opening week, having previously seen the second preview with Groff, and also saw Gideon. Jeremy definitely plays up Seymour’s infatuation with Audrey. When we first see him, he’s smitten with her “you look radiant today” and in the scene before dentist he has a moment where he’s unsubtly staring at her cleavage.
Tammy’s dynamic has definitely changed with Seymour. She’s definitely a tough gal who’s been around the block, but with Jeremy she clearly has room in her heart for him and softens up (somewhat) in their interactions. She is truly mesmerizing even if the big vocal moments don’t land.
The Suddenly Seymour kiss was a take and it worked. Rather than this big romantic moment, neither of them knew what to do with their hands (Tammy pumping her fists was hilarious) and awkwardly pawing each other’s hair. Audrey has seen too many men, and Seymour has never been on a date before, so the clumsiness worked.
the rest of the cast is firing on all cylinders. The urchins are in top voice, Christian steals every scene he’s in, and Tom Allan Robins makes the most with the thankless role of Mushnik
the puppetry of the plant while standard to any LSoH, is stellar and worth seeing alone
a magical production of a show I’ve loved most of my life. I’m itching to go back.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/3/13
I'm heading over from the UK in November and hoping to see Little Shop. Does anyone know if Jeremy Jordan does matinee performances at all? Or if he has any scheduled time out of the show.
Also is the view ok for Center Orchestra Row N?
Many thanks for any advice
He absolutely does matinees and was wonderful when I saw him in one this past week. No scheduled time off because it's a limited run, probably ending around the new year based on his concert schedule.
That view will be great, have a wonderful time!!!
Saw the matinee yesterday and can also confirm Jeremy was at the matinee and was really terrific. I had my doubts, but ultimately really fell in love with his interpretation of Seymour.
I also have to say, and I really tried to find some positive in her performance, but Tammy Blanchard is absolutely terrible. When she first entered I was here for the husky voiced energy she was bringing, but that’s really all the performance is. The vocals are *bad* and I felt she had no idea what she was doing during either big Audrey number. A lot of this is on Michael Mayer who doesn’t seem to have directed her to do anything other than try to touch her hair.
It’s still an excellent production. Wish it had an Audrey at its center that lived up to the rest of it.