Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
scrapedknees said: "Sorry if this was mentioned before but you waited on line for 96 hours for tickets to a show that people are buying a over 6 months in advance to see, AFTER the leads leaving is announced and passed up tickets that were offered because the cast wasn't who you wanted to see and are now mad you got screwed over? i get being disappointed but picking and choosing your actual show with the cast you want to see and expecting fairness is kind of impossible. not to be rude but its a cancellation line being run by the honor system. there are zero rules to abide by other than the ones posted on the wall by the theater.
"I have to agree. I got greedy but like i said, I did come to see it with Lin, Leslie and Phillipa and all three were out for that performance so i took a risk and it didn't pay off. Also I'm sure most people would rather buy their ticket from the comfort of their home instead of spending four days out in the streets with no guarantee of getting one or not, as obvious from my experience. I had the chance and the free time to do this line this week so i did. The honor system is just so random people don't show up and take the place of someone who had been waiting there for days. This line was made so that abiding by the rules posted on the wall goes as smoothly as possible. It worked perfectly for three days. Or would you just prefer for the cancellation line to turn into a bloodbath (cause it will with show especially since the three main are leaving) with people fighting over who is where in line? All thats gonna lead to is bad publicity for the theater and the cancellation line being taken away. Then less people can see this show that so many want to see.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
casedilla2 said: "Yes, the problem is I think a lot of people in this thread think that they were keeping a list in order to be able to leave the line whenever they pleased. In reality, this list came into place because the theater requires that everyone leave the area completely for several hours during the show. So, they followed this rule, and then from my understanding, the theater then gave away their spots to people who did not follow the time and formed a line in front of the theater during the show. Not cool.
"This is exactly what happened. I don't know what part of "even the theater was going by the list' people don't understand. I suspect they just want to invalidate people's experiences so that they can be right, but that's the internet for you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
casedilla2 said: "@schubox, how do you propose they sell those tickets then? They're not going to let them go unsold and lose thousands of dollars.
Have another lottery? Eat the ticket? I don't think 10 tickets at $177 a pop is gonna hurt them. Especially if the line is this crazy. I imagine they're gonna wait till Lin leaves and see what the line does
88 posts in and I've managed to leave without a 12 Step Program. I fear I may be back...but right now, I need to go to happier places.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
nellyxoxo1 said: "casedilla2 said: "Yes, the problem is I think a lot of people in this thread think that they were keeping a list in order to be able to leave the line whenever they pleased. In reality, this list came into place because the theater requires that everyone leave the area completely for several hours during the show. So, they followed this rule, and then from my understanding, the theater then gave away their spots to people who did not follow the time and formed a line in front of the theater during the show. Not cool.
"This is exactly what happened. I don't know what part of "even the theater was going by the list' people don't understand. I suspect they just want to invalidate people's experiences so that they can be right, but that's the internet for you.
There's a lot of people on this board that have gotten pretty sick of people showing up, creating an account, and posting a Hamilton thread. Especially when there's like 97399 Hamilton threads. Plus some people on here like to **** with people. Just have your normal internet thick skin on
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
schubox said: "nellyxoxo1 said: "casedilla2 said: "Yes, the problem is I think a lot of people in this thread think that they were keeping a list in order to be able to leave the line whenever they pleased. In reality, this list came into place because the theater requires that everyone leave the area completely for several hours during the show. So, they followed this rule, and then from my understanding, the theater then gave away their spots to people who did not follow the time and formed a line in front of the theater during the show. Not cool.
"This is exactly what happened. I don't know what part of "even the theater was going by the list' people don't understand. I suspect they just want to invalidate people's experiences so that they can be right, but that's the internet for you.
There's a lot of people on this board that have gotten pretty sick of people showing up, creating an account, and posting a Hamilton thread. Especially when there's like 97399 Hamilton threads. Plus some people on here like to **** with people. Just have your normal internet thick skin on
"That's the motto
Understudy Joined: 7/30/15
schubox said: "casedilla2 said: "@schubox, how do you propose they sell those tickets then? They're not going to let them go unsold and lose thousands of dollars.
Have another lottery? Eat the ticket? I don't think 10 tickets at $177 a pop is gonna hurt them. Especially if the line is this crazy.
I don't know, man, Broadway's having a rough season. The show may very well go under if they let those tickets go to waste.
@nelly "i'm not imagining that when a line manager from the theater"
Let's stop right there. There is no such job description in a theatre. You are, as I suggested, imagining that there is. From the management's perspective, the "rule" is as Anakela stated. Beyond that, this is not much different than when people stand in a line thinking it is for ticket pickup only to discover it is for ticketholders (or v/v) because that's what the person in front of them said.
No one has a problem wrapping their head around your frustration; the issue is the amplitude of your reaction. Next time maybe a little more
and a little less
might be good.
@Anakela, there were "outrages" expressed here because people insisted they were entitled, for one reason or another, to be in line. One particularly memorable one was from someone who approached from the east side and insisted that the Public was discriminating against east siders because they only recognized a line on the west side.
Understudy Joined: 7/30/15
HogansHero said: "
@Anakela, there were "outrages" expressed here because people insisted they were entitled, for one reason or another, to be in line. One particularly memorable one was from someone who approached from the east side and insisted that the Public was discriminating against east siders because they only recognized a line on the west side.
This was actually the original set-up of WSS before they changed it to the Sharks and the Jets.
Suddenly I feel incredibly blessed that my life is so swamped that I'd never be able to spare 96 hours waiting and hoping for a ticket to a show.
casedilla2 said: "Yes, the problem is I think a lot of people in this thread think that they were keeping a list in order to be able to leave the line whenever they pleased. In reality, this list came into place because the theater requires that everyone leave the area completely for several hours during the show. So, they followed this rule, and then from my understanding, the theater then gave away their spots to people who did not follow the time and formed a line in front of the theater during the show. Not cool. "
You're spot on. I also think RRT knew the show will be filmed today thru Tuesday for at least a week now. It would have been better communications with their patrons had they posted the notice 3 days in advance so people lining up for the Sunday or Tuesday performance will do something else with their time.
From the RRT box office point of view, I think they just want to sell all their tickets. That was odd that they started selling cancellation tix at 4pm and not 30 mins before the show.
@Nelly, sorry for your experience. As someone who has waited in the cancellation line in the past I can only imagine what it must feel like to wait so long and not get to see the show. If this is your way to vent out and feel better, then so be it. There must be some Hamilton bootleg out there. I recently learned that LCT records ALL broadway shows with the original broadway cast so perhaps you can watch their recording for free at their library after the OBC leaves? My understanding is you go there and watch the recording there (you're not allowed to take the video out of the library.)
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
HogansHero said: "@nelly "i'm not imagining that when a line manager from the theater"
Let's stop right there. There is no such job description in a theatre. You are, as I suggested, imagining that there is. From the management's perspective, the "rule" is as Anakela stated. Beyond that, this is not much different than when people stand in a line thinking it is for ticket pickup only to discover it is for ticketholders (or v/v) because that's what the person in front of them said.
No one has a problem wrapping their head around your frustration; the issue is the amplitude of your reaction. Next time maybe a little more
and a little less
might be good.
@Anakela, there were "outrages" expressed here because people insisted they were entitled, for one reason or another, to be in line. One particularly memorable one was from someone who approached from the east side and insisted that the Public was discriminating against east siders because they only recognized a line on the west side.
"You keep saying were entitled but I think at this point you are just plain refusing to understand because you are so caught up in wanting to be right. If being entitled means that I wanted the ticket i rightfully waited for for days following the rules set forth by the theater then bingo, you're right. You weren't there so I don't know why you are trying so hard to deny what it was that happened when I who was there am literally telling. So i will tell you again, THE THEATER WAS USING THE LIST. THEY THEMSELVES CALLED OUT NAMES FROM THE LIST. THEY WORKED WITH THE LIST FOR 4 DAYS SO THAT THEY COULD NARROW DOWN WHO IT WAS THAT WENT INTO THE LINE OF 20. THE THEATER TOLD US WHEN TO LEAVE. THE THEATER TOLD US WHEN TO COME BACK. Can you read now thats it's in bold? Are you able to understand fully what happened in regards to the theater and the list now that it's bolded for you?
The ticket lines and are all separate from the cancelation lines to help aid the traffic of people trying to get into the theater so I really don't know where you keep finding there experiences that remind you of such and such when they've made absolutely no sense the last 3 times you've said "This reminds me of.."
My reaction is completely justified as it was the theater who told us to come back at 5:30. Again; THE THEATER WAS THE ONE WHO TOLD US TO COME BACK AT 5:30 TO LINE UP AGAIN.
Might be good for you to stop trying to be right when it comes to this because again, you weren't there and at this point you're just flat out refusing to listen to me when I've told you time and time again THAT THE THEATER WAS USING THE LIST. THE THEATER WAS USING THE LIST SINCE I GOT THERE.
You're telling me to stop whining when all i did was tell everyone what happened so that future people going into the cancellation line can know what to expect. The only one "imagining" here is you because you are clearly imaging that I have not told you countless times already THAT THE THEATER WAS USING THE LIST.
Understudy Joined: 6/26/16
morosco said: "Suddenly I feel incredibly blessed that my life is so swamped that I'd never be able to spare 96 hours waiting and hoping for a ticket to a show.
"Yup, i work six days a week and my one week off, I decide to do this. I would rather have been swamped for the next 6 months until my next vacation too.
Wait, so was the theater using the list?
schubox said: "Have another lottery? Eat the ticket? I don't think 10 tickets at $177 a pop is gonna hurt them. Especially if the line is this crazy."
My guess is they'll decide to do away with the line and if someone cancels, just release the ticket back into the system via Ticketmaster. Instead of lining up outside the doors, people will need to be online to snap the tickets up. In that way the RRT totally gets rid of the cancellation line drama. It sounds to me like they're sick of having to deal with it.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
This thread is never going to end, is it?
Broadway Star Joined: 9/22/14
Can the mods end this thread??! It's getting kinda boring with no end in sight!
Swing Joined: 11/21/15
BroadwayConcierge said: "Wait, so was the theater using the list?
Also, using the list does not mean anything really. So they were using it. And then they decided not to. That's unfortunate, but it happened.
Nelly's getting sassy. I like that.
No, Indy....like the other Hamilton Cancellation thread it will go on forever and ever. It has it's own existence now, and we can stab it with our steely knives, but we just can't kill the beast.
Yeah, this was fun for a while but it's getting annoying now. If mods could put this thread to pasture, that would be phenomenal.
Things to be outraged about: disenfranchisement, false imprisonment, starving children, rape, police brutality ...
Things not to be outraged about: a LIST THAT THE THEATER WAS USING
I hate myself a little for replying to this thread but I just couldn't help it.
NJ_BroadwayGirl is my new favorite person.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
ebontoyan said: "Can the mods end this thread??! It's getting kinda boring with no end in sight!
I'm new here. Do they not allow you to simply stop reading a thread with which you've gotten bored?
Uncle Charlie -- you didn't read the rules, did you? Tsk, tsk....you checked the box that said you did.
Uncle Charlie -- you didn't read the rules, did you? Tsk, tsk....you checked the box that said you did.