still holding out for cheyenne and celia to be cast as ariel and eric. they would be perfect. never heard of sierra boggess.
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
jacobsnchz14, read this, it's from Variety:
"Schumacher is reluctant to discuss how the show's underwater world will be conjured onstage, hinting only that low-tech creative solutions will be sought. "Francesca always says 'No water, no wire'," he explained. "There'll be a lot of choreography and a lot of music but they won't be swimming through the air on this one."
Sierra Boggess is currently one of the Christines in the Las Vegas Phantom. She previously appeared on the Les Miz tour. And she sings like a dream.
Just actually just saw her as Christine in POTO and she was stunning (definitely ranking among the Christines of Jen Wills and Susan Owen, two of the best imo.) She had the tendency to overact at times, but I credit that to the vast size of the playing house. Her vocals, sweet jesus, were perfection. Never have I heard a Christine utilize her chest voice in such a technically impeccable and thrilling fashion. Sierra honestly nailed every musical aspect of the role and was the best out of all the principals (I also saw Crivello and Batman.)
Would be very thrilled to see her as Ariel!
Little mermaid!
... please don't tell me we're going to have mermaids on roller blades. It's certainly low-tech, but one 'Starlight Express' was MORE than enough thank you. >_<
True to whomever it was that mentioned it isn't exclusively Disney who double-casts children.
Disney, however does double cast nowadays. Beauty currently has alternating "Chip" boys; same for "Young Simba" in The Lion King and "Young Tarzan" in Tarzan, and especially so in the triple-casted "Michael" in Mary Poppins.
A kid that age doesn't necessarily need to be double-cast (or, for that matter, triple-cast, like the case in Poppins). Look at the boy parts from Caroline, or Change ("Noah") and Chitty ("Jeremy") - neither were double-cast in alternating roles. Specific to Chitty, Henry Hodges just happened to have a whole slew of boys in the child ensemble who were understudying his part.
The new Mermaid production, by trying to hire a boy in the 10+ age range, could probably get away with one main boy and one standby and/or u/s, but, given Disney's recent history, most likely won't.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Swing Joined: 1/20/07
I, too will confirm that Sierra Boggess is playing Ariel and she's very excited to be doing so.
Anyone can play Ariel! I want a great Broadway Diva for Ursulla! It better not be some third rate Mrs Potts replacement.
Way to go, Sierra! Best wishes to you!
And I completely agree about how she utilized her chest voice in Phantom. It's gorgeous:)
Sierra Boggess is Ariel.
One of the determining factors in final callbacks was that Sierra was a skater for 10 years . . . and Ariel has to skate. The flippers/tail/whatever you want to call it will cover up the wheels of her skates. :)
They're going to be on Skates? BWAHHHHHH! Let's revive Starlight Express and have 3 roller skate musicals on Broadway at one time!
They are going to be on roller skates? Shoot me now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Have they figured out a magic way to make noiseless roller skates?
Hmmm...I can see it.
Hell, her face is extremely similar to that of the cartoon Ariel.
And what happens when somebody falls? Does somebody get to scream: "Fish out of water!"
I assume they'll just throw water at the audience until the actor recovers?
Dammit, I said *don't* tell me it'd be on skates! Dammit dammit dammit!
My heart just plummeted into my mismatched socks. ;_;
I see it on ice... but they tour all over the globe! Anyway, how are they going to "swim" underwater??? They will walk across the stage and trip? Very exciting! Not!!! I still want to see how they will do the mer-people's costumes. I wonder...
They can cast David Tankersly!
Hottest guy on roller blades on Broadway, period.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I think Chelsea looks more like Ariel, but you guys have me excited about this Sierra's voice. I wanna catch her in Vegas before she leaves! Does anyone know the performance schedule, since I know she probably doesn't do both shows on two-show days...
I remember seeing The Little Mermaid on ice when I was little. It was a wee bit cheesy now that I look back on it; but it did work on ice. The one thing I'm not understanding is the roller-skating seems a little confuzzled to me. I mean, why don't they try using ballet movements for the underwater scene's instead of roller-skates?