Tag said: "The Simpsons just pulled their infamousMJ episode from syndication. Which is a pretty big deal. So the boycott begins..."
Yup and radio stations are now dropping-banning from playing his music...
I gave up after 90mins. due to the annoying commercials, even on mute. I will hopefully buy it if released.
So many questions that might have been answered had a lingered longer. Where was the staff, were the boys ever there together or meet as it felt like the same story but in 2 different life times.
Did the boys 'age out'.
7 year old boys should not be watching/hearing this--it is their parents duty to gently explain without the graphic details the 'other side' to MJ.
I am sorry I said in an earlier post that I thought MJ wouldn't have the intelligence to be such a predator, but if what I did see is true then it is a good thing that he is dead so that his money/minders/family no longer have to cover up what he was.
His music/dancing/live performances were rightly King of Pop, then, but the other, dark side, was pure calculated mental depravity.
The little I watched now etched in my mind was the statement about a 7yo and 'part of the face'.
Genius does not negate abomination.
MJ, R.I.D.amnation
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
SweetLips22 said: "I gave up after 90mins. due to the annoying commercials, even on mute. I will hopefully buy it if released.
So many questions that might have been answered had a lingered longer. Where was the staff, were the boys ever there together or meet as it felt like the same story but in 2 different life times.
Did the boys 'age out'.
7 year old boys should not be watching/hearing this--it is their parents duty to gently explain without the graphic details the 'other side' to MJ.
I am sorry I said in an earlier post that I thought MJ wouldn't have the intelligence to be such a predator, but if what I did see is true then it is a good thing that he is dead so that his money/minders/family no longer have to cover up what he was.
His music/dancing/live performances were rightly King of Pop, then, but the other, dark side, was pure calculated mental depravity.
The little I watched now etched in my mind was the statement about a 7yo and 'part of the face'.
Genius does not negate abomination.
MJ, R.I.D.amnation"
All your questions were answered in the doc x
Thank you Impossible2--will see to the end next time before I type...x
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
There are currently two shows in Las Vegas, Michael Jackson One and MJ Live that center 100% on Jackson and his music. There are three more (lesser) shows that feature him secondary. As someone that has been paying attention to various shows, due to an upcoming trip, I haven't read anything that would state that this documentary has or will affect the current runs of these shows. Maybe, posters who live in/near Las Vegas have more information. I don't plan on seeing any of these shows, but it looks as if ticket sales have not been affected.
SweetLips22 said: "I gave up after 90mins. due to the annoying commercials, even on mute. I will hopefully buy it if released."
Commercials? On HBO?
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
haterobics said: "SweetLips22 said: "I gave up after 90mins. due to the annoying commercials, even on mute. I will hopefully buy it if released."
Commercials? On HBO?"
SweetLips is from Australia I believe and they got part one on Friday and will get part two on Saturday on their channel 10, not HBO.
If Roman Polanski, Bryan Singer and Woody Allen can still get work then this musical will be fine.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
Plannietink08 said: "If Roman Polanski, Bryan Singer and Woody Allen can still get work then this musical will be fine. "
Woody Allen’s last movie was filmed in 2017 and it won’t be released anymore. In fact, his deal with Amazon was dropped altogether.
Brian Singer was fired from Bohemian Rhapsody and his name was taken down from USC’s Division of Cinema & Media Studies.
LxGstv said: "Woody Allen’s last movie was filmed in 2017 and it won’t be released anymore. In fact, his deal with Amazon was dropped altogether."
Woody is shooting a new movie in Spain. I think the rights to the Amazon movie have reverted back to him, as well, but he's probably waiting to settle his lawsuit with Amazon before releasing it anywhere.
Correct, Australian and 2 part series on local Ch10.
I use my TV for Netflix and DVDs so the commercials came quite as a shock. This program should have been bought by the ABC as the commercials totally ruined the seriousness of the subject.
One minute listening to that horror the next whirling around in a fancy car, slutty looking models lounging all over lounges and cartoons sprouting about something orange, then back to the unspeakable horrors.
Plannietink08 said: "If Roman Polanski, Bryan Singer and Woody Allen can still get work then this musical will be fine."
clueless response...this musical will be fine.
LaToya Jackson Accused Michael of Crimes Against 'Innocent Children' in Resurfaced Clip
^^^^^ The article to which Robbie2 links claims Jordie Chandler is one of the men on whom the documentary is focused. That is not true; although Chandler and his lawsuit are mentioned several times, he does not appear in the doc except in a couple of old photos.
I want to thank everyone who recommended LEAVING NEVERLAND. Although I thought he wrote some catchy tunes, I found his lyrics banal and was never a true MJ fan. So my interest in LN was nil.
However, the two young men at the center of the doc are so articulate, it's impossible not to learn a great deal about the harmful impact of molestation. I always thought the damaging impact of sex with children went far beyond the actual physical acts, and the LN victims explain how in great detail, without ever seeming to wallow in self-pity. Their loved ones were victimized as well, and they are equally candid and insightful.
I don't know how anyone can watch the doc and not find Robson and Safechuck credible, despite the stories they told in the past. But then I never understood how fans excused MJ's admitted interactions with children when he was alive.
Robbie2 said: "Plannietink08 said: "If Roman Polanski, Bryan Singer and Woody Allen can still get work then this musical will be fine."
clueless response...this musical will be fine."
Unless people consistently picket outside the theatre it will probably be fine as people sublimate the ugly choices.
But pickets outside the theatre helped to close The Capeman.
I love Michael and his genius. Highly unlikely the show will go on. Sexual harassment and assault against an adult is bad, but against a child is toxic.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/5/03
Has the creative team made any sort of statement? I googled and couldn't find anything. Looks like the primary producers are Sony and The Jackson estate, so they're probably going to go forward.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/08
That’s assuming Lynn Nottage (the bookwriter) doesn’t leave the project, since it’s apparently structured as a happy biomusical celebrating his legacy, with no hints of the tortured man in the mirror (a dicey proposition even before the documentary)... that they have no trouble casting it (if so many in Hollywood have refused to work with Woody Allen again, it’s not hard to imagine most major talent taking other jobs over this one), and that the Broadway theater owners are still willing to give it a theatre (highly questionable, if protests and picket lines seem likely even before the marquee goes up).
Who wants to deal with all this? The show is a hot potato that as time goes on, fewer and fewer people will want to be associated with. When you’ve already had your history wiped from existence by “The Simpsons”....
The Chicago show was canceled. Past is Broadway prologue It seems.
Daily News reporting Jackson streaming and sales have dropped since HBO show. Guess we'll see.
After watching the documentary I realized it raises more questions than answers for me. In the reactions here I see a lot of judgement, for either camp. I noticed some important issues haven't been talked about.
In the end, this is a he says/he says situation without any chance on legal consequences for Michael (logically). Up until now there has been no legal involvement whatsoever. A documentary film was made. Nothing more. It is the public that judges.
But I was wondering, changing focus from documentary to actual administration of justice. The men are publicly admitting that they committed perjury (lying on the stand). That makes it a legal case. These men could be prosecuted for that and their parents for child neglect. There are serious chances they will be sued. This is really something to think about. I know this is not what most people will like to hear at this moment, but it is the only treatable case there is at the moment.
And the other thing that made me wonder is; There were other men who were involved with Michael at that same time, when they were boys, such as Macaulay Culkin (and others, who were all excluded from this documentary) who dismiss everything, calling it "ridiculous". Is this because it never happened or is it that they choose to defend Michael? Macaulay says it was a sincere friendship and it felt like a friendship between 2 boys of the same age. Let's assume something could have happened. Could it be that Macaulay just isn't traumatized by it at all? Or maybe he doesn't want any kind of that attention now because it doesn't solve anything because Michael has been dead for so long? Different people, different reactions. Questions......There are certainly more complicated aspects to this than is discussed in the documentary and by most people online.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
Maybe something did happen to Culkin. Possibly he chose to deal with it, with a serious drug addiction. Who knows?
Updated On: 3/10/19 at 04:32 PMFeatured Actor Joined: 4/8/08
Dave28282 said: "But I was wondering, changing focus from documentaryto actual administration of justice. The men are publicly admitting that they committed perjury (lying on the stand). That makes it a legal case.These men could be prosecuted for thatand their parents for child neglect. There are serious chances they will be sued. This is really something to think about. I know this is not what most people will like to hear at this moment, but it is the only treatable case there is at the moment.”
This is preposterous. Actual prosecution cases for perjury are exceedingly rare, even for adults, and even when there are more serious consequences (someone being sent to prison, say).
For a minor who may have lied on the stand due to sexual abuse trauma, there’s not a prosecutor in the country who would press charges even if the truth had emerged sooner, let alone 20 years later. With the (presumed) culprit dead and buried for a decade, and with the (presumed) perjurers among the true victims here, you’re saying that some lawyer might go after them anyway, just because there naturally must be some sort of legal proceeding and it’s ‘the only possible case’? That isn’t logical. (And as far as a lawsuit, that’s not likely either - the accusers have already sued the Jackson estate and those suits have been dismissed - not due to lack of evidence or on the merits, but because of the statute of limitations.).
It’s just been too long. It’s possible the lawsuit between the estate and HBO might reach a courtroom if there isn’t a settlement or dismissal... but other than that, in terms of the accusers themselves, there aren’t going to be any more criminal trials or civil cases.