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Mike Pence Gets "Boo'd" at HAMILTON Tonight- Page 17

Mike Pence Gets "Boo'd" at HAMILTON Tonight

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#400Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 2:06pm

I really have been trying to be positive...but this feels like the arts in general are just going to go back to being an afterthought--as it has been in previous administrations.

Of course they are.  That fate had already been determined Nov. 9.  The funny thing about all this hand-wringing about Hamilton being the harbinger of doom to the arts and to theatre is the short-sightedness in this sort of knee-jerk reaction.  Oh no!  A softball statement to a really evil politician MIGHT cause the defunding or a lack of funding to the likes of which we'd already expect whether a softball statement was or was not made.  A potential boycott of the show from those who either 1) have already seen it or 2) really didn't plan to see it is inconsequential.  Those who planned to see it and choose to boycott it because of a softball statement will likely 1) cause no material losses in the show's weekly earnings and 2) cause no material losses to arts funding that wasn't already planned by those with the actual power to regulate funding.  The idea that this show is responsible for all theatre or arts in the country (or that making a softball statement holds such power) is as ridiculous as the duplicitous crap Trump tweets of the fictitious After Eight posts. It's actually more likely to cause those who donate to the arts to double their efforts in support.

He's trying to make it extremely uncomfortable (and even dangerous) for ANYONE to speak up against him


"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 11/21/16 at 02:06 PM

#401Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 2:06pm

ebontoyan said: "^Need to include everything in the quote, A8, not just what supports your train of thought. I got what you said bloomerific and thank you for the post! Also don't mind A8, he hates Hamilton and everyone on this board has known that for months!

It's cool...I've been lurking about for years, no biggie. Thanks. :) But A8...finish reading my sentence for the rest of the context. My point is that everyone can talk and banter between thoughts--but there's no reason to belittle and any forum. 









#402Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 2:27pm

Back Row said: I've said this before on this thread, and I'll keep saying it: There are much bigger issues at play than whether the behavior of the Hamilton cast is appropriate or not. First of all, we have the President elect behaving like a child, still seizing every opportunity to sow division whenever he can, despite his phony claims that he wants to "unite us". And secondly, and more importantly, with demands like "apologize!" and "equal time!", he is inciting his army of cyber Brown Shirts to ensure that anyone who raises even the slightest voice of dissent will pay a heavy price for such insolence. And Trump knows exactly what he is doing. He's trying to make it extremely uncomfortable (and even dangerous) for ANYONE to speak up against him, it it is not hyperbole to call these Brown Shirt tactics.

This is the most disturbing aspect of this. We can all sit around and debate whether the Hamilton cast should have addressed Pence after the show, but what's made this a national story is Trump's response. Pence, after all, was either not bothered or is taking the high road. He's a politician and has been greeted with boos and hostility before, at baseball games in middle America, for example. Pence is certainly not my favorite politician, but he falls on the recognizable spectrum of American politics, which includes respect for free speech and dissent.

Trump doesn't really seem like an American politician at all. He ran as a would-be dictator. "Only I can fix it," he said at the Republican National Convention. He uses his Twitter feed to lash out at any sign of dissent. What happens when he is president? It seems like quite a coincidence that a Trump supporter started yelling and swearing at the Chicago performance of Hamilton on the night after Trump's tweets.

Hamilton, the musical, is fairly immune to Trump's wrath, because the show is sold out into 2018 and already has a large following. But what about more vulnerable works of art that aren't massive hits? What about other voices of dissent? Isn't this basically a warning shot? It seems like the statements of the future Most Powerful Man in the World should be taken rather seriously, rather than worry that Brandon Victor Dixon got a little too uppity for your taste and didn't know his place.


#403Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 2:48pm

Just **** all the closemindeness from both sides in this discussion.

We truly are getting what we deserve.

I'm outta here.

#404Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 3:04pm

There is a major difference between a politician suppressing free speech and using his own free speech to voice an opposing opinion to the masses. 

China severely restricts social media. There the speech of the Hamilton cast may not  have reached the public outside of the audience. THAT is suppression of free speech. All Trump did was say on his own twitter account to not be mean to his friend and colleague. He is not actively preventing others from arguing with him, he was just ranting. 

It maybe childish but Hitler he isn't. 

Updated On: 11/21/16 at 03:04 PM

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#405Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 3:09pm

We are talking about somebody who has actually, verbally, repeatedly promised to limit freedom of the press so that he can sue journalists for negative coverage. Like all of his other proposed policies, it sounds ridiculous and unlikely, but that is who this man is.

Having to use China as a comparison to make Donald look less than Orwellian is not a great sign. 

Anna_Elizabeth Profile Photo
#406Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 3:14pm

From the many different opinions stated, this is the America we currently live - one that is divided. I find many of these comments silly and no one taking the time to understand why we are so divided.

For me, kudos to the people of Hamilton for seizing an opportunity. One they knew well in advance since the secret service did their job well in protecting the Vice-President elect. I watched the speech and thought it was very moving of a past Vice-President talking to a current Vice-President. As for Pence, he is a politician. I'm sure this isn't the first time he has been spoken to from a stage nor will it be the last time. I'm sure his handlers even prepared him and his family for something to occur. If not, then they weren't doing their jobs properly. 

Many people have said he was yelled at or bullied. Hardly. What happened was very dignified. He enjoyed a show with his family and received a very heart-felt message from performers who was glad he was there and wanted to voice what many other Americans feel. He accepted the message and went home. He wasn't physically assaulted, no one was arrested, and it didn't detract from the show since the show was over. No one was forced to listen to this appeal and could have walked out too.

It doesn't matter whether this has ever happened before. I'm sure there have been many instances where someone acknowledged someone else from the stage. America hasn't been so divided out in the open before either. With all the hatred I've been reading and knowing that friends of mine are very scared about the future because they can't anticipate what will happen in the next 4 years, makes me sad. 

Back Row
#407Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 3:23pm

Sunny11 said: "......All Trump did was say on his own twitter account to not be mean to his friend and colleague. He is not actively preventing others from arguing with him, he was just ranting." 

No, he wasn't "just ranting". He knows exactly what happens when he uses Twitter to identify a target of his wrath. The Moron Majority who follow Trump on Twitter take it as their cue to destroy that target, through boycotts, character assassination, release of personal information, or whatever means necessary. That is why he does it. It is pure intimidation against those who have not yet spoken up. This is no different than when Hitler used to send his thugs to opposition meetings to shout down and assault those who spoke against Hitler. As I said, the Hitler comparisons are not hyperbole. I am merely pointing out legitimate historic parallels. 



#408Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 3:24pm

Scarywarhol said: "We are talking about somebody who has actually, verbally, repeatedly promised to limit freedom of the press so that he can sue journalists for negative coverage. Like all of his other proposed policies, it sounds ridiculous and unlikely, but that is who this man is.

Having to use China as a comparison to make Donald look less than Orwellian is not a great sign. 


 The press are already open to being sued for defamation or inaccuracies. I can't recall Trump ever calling for   nazi germany style censorship of the media.  


ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#409Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 3:38pm

Donald Trump: We're going to 'open up' libel laws

macnyc Profile Photo
#410Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 3:45pm

What a disgusting bully. I would love to see a libel suit involving Trump go to trial.

Updated On: 11/21/16 at 03:45 PM

#411Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 3:52pm

ErikJ972 said: "Donald Trump: We're going to 'open up' libel laws


I am sure that many celebrities who regularly get down right horrible stories written about them in the tabloids would be very welcome to that. I don't think it crosses the  line to  political censorship though.

Updated On: 11/21/16 at 03:52 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#412Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 4:28pm

Trump transition beats the press

After Eight
#413Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 5:46pm

"the show wanted even more publicity.  "



Pence's attendance represented a golden opportunity (and a gold mine of publicity) for them, falling in their laps like unexpected manna from heaven. The opportunistic ambushers delivered  the perfect sucker punch, then basked in the role of "courageous" "artists" speaking up to power. Now they could thump their chests, strut about and preen even more than they already have as champions of noble ideals. And once again their bad joke of a show gets showered with praise from the obsequious media monolith. Not bad, wouldn't you say? As for any adverse reaction to their odious conduct, any and all criticism would be easily discredited by using the kind of ugly smears that we've seen here.

After Eight
#414Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 5:49pm

"Take yourself out of these boards."

Quite a directive there, your highness.

I don't suppose it ever occurred to you that someone could proffer the same command to you.

Well, fancy that!

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#415Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 5:57pm

You obviously get off on being an asshole AE.  I've never blocked anyone but......  I've yet to read one pleasant post from you, why so bitter?  Wanna chat poor fella?



After Eight
#416Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 6:04pm


Why do you think I'm bitter?  I'm just telling it like it is. Why does that bother you?

As for my not writing pleasant posts, you've obviously missed quite a few of them. If you search and find them, you'll see I'm really the most raindrops-on-roses kind of person there is.

Back Row
#417Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 6:14pm

Sunny11 said:  I am sure that many celebrities who regularly get down right horrible stories written about them in the tabloids would be very welcome to that. I don't think it crosses the  line to  political censorship though.


That is a dangerously naive view of the issue. What Trump wants is a system that allows the wealthy to intimidate through lawsuit (even more than they do now), with burden of proof shifted from the person who brings the suit, to the journalist or author who wrote the story. Basically, he wants to make it so economically intimidating for journalists to say anything bad about powerful people that they will not longer take the chance. 


Comparison of U.S. and U.K. Libel Laws












Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#418Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 6:18pm

You obviously get off on being an asshole AE.

He gets off on the reactions.  That's why he's created this persona.  There is no reason to believe he's sincere in anything he says, which is why he's constantly being a hypocrite.  He's really just a sadist and most likely a sock puppet from another BWW member (I can think of at least three likely suspects).  And even if he is genuine (which I doubt), that's even worse because he's probably a sociopath.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#419Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 6:27pm

Mister Matt is a hoot, he's up for funniest poster with Growl until someone stops me.



Back Row
#420Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 6:33pm

Mister Matt said: "You obviously get off on being an asshole AE.

He gets off on the reactions.  That's why he's created this persona.  There is no reason to believe he's sincere in anything he says, which is why he's constantly being a hypocrite.  He's really just a sadist and most likely a sock puppet from another BWW member (I can think of at least three likely suspects).  And even if he is genuine (which I doubt), that's even worse because he's probably a sociopath.


OMG, After Eight is Donald Trump in real life!


#421Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 7:05pm

So enough already. This only blew up cause Trump tweeted, and Trump tweeted to create a distraction.

Yes, there is method to the madness.

Let cable (and us) babble on about this, meanwhile, he meets with Indian business leaders about his Trump hotel business interests in India this weekend. As the NYT reported on line this morning:

"In the meantime, he’s distracting attention from news of his business entanglements with a Twitter war against “Hamilton” and “Saturday Night Live.”

So enough, already. Focus on what is important, what is going down in DC, not the salacious entertainment distractions he very very intentionally creates. REmember, very savvy very canny, did not win this position cause he's dumb and ignorant of the effect of his bullying and tweets....Keep your eyes on the ball everyone.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#422Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 7:21pm

What the hell is wrong with this country?

Donald Trump just settled a fraud lawsuit for $25,000,000.  And what are we talking about?  Not that.  But Pence's visit to Hamilton.  

Can anyone bet what we'd be discussing - what, moreover, we should be discussing! - if Hillary Clinton had just settled a fraud lawsuit for $25,000,000?

Updated On: 11/21/16 at 07:21 PM

deltatee Profile Photo
#423Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 7:52pm

henrikegerman said: "What the hell is wrong with this country?


Yesterday morning, an elementary school in a liberal neighborhood of Denver was tagged with swastikas.  And last week, a trans woman who lives down the street from my office had her car spray painted with slurs for no reason.

Yet, all anyone wants to talk about is whether theatre etiquette was compromised and whether Mike Pence's feelings were hurt.  Give me break. 


Updated On: 11/21/16 at 07:52 PM

#424Last I Heard...
Posted: 11/21/16 at 8:50pm

Most of these supposed swastika  incidents and attacks on minorities are later found out to be totally fabricated or done by angry leftists. These are the facts, several have been busted already. IF you care to learn the truth, it's out there. 

As far as Pence, he is not exactly an advocate of gay rights, however there is really noting linking him to "conversion therapy". I have researched this. He never advocated for spending tax dollars on the bogus "gay conversion" stupidity. He supported programs, that supported changing "sexual behaviors", not orientation. This was from his 2000 website which stated federal AIDS money should be redirected “toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.This is the only thing ever quoted on Pence connecting him to "conversation therapy", and it does not link him to conversion therapy. His site in 2000 said "behavior" not "orientation".... When you let CNN, an MSNBC for you, instead of learning yourself, you en up looking like an idiot. Behavior as in safe sex and less partners, not who you are with. He never wanted to electrocute gays. You people are off the wall, totally misrepresenting him and you should be angry at the TV for lying to you.  Go ahead, scream at me, all you want. I hate truth my side, you have lies

and I don't like Pence, he is an anti-drug warrior. I'm a marijuana advocate, but I'm about being FAIR 

Updated On: 11/21/16 at 08:50 PM
