Mister Matt said: "I only like about 50% of Sunday in the Park, so for me, that's probably well within spitting distance. I think. Is there a special tape measure for establishing the spitting range of one musical to another? Are only certain elements spit-worthy or is it based solely on the degree of magnificence, and if the latter, how is that measured? Farenheit, Centigrade, Kelvin? Or is it more geometric in nature? Is the act of spitting competition-based or more cause-and-effect?
"Magnificence" is subjective, so are beauty, fun...
So how do you know if you're within spitting range of magnificence? Is it the distance a loogey travels from my lips to the top of Patti LuPone's head? Or is it more like from David Hasselhof's lips to the top of Sondheim's head, squared? Should you factor in wind resistance and weather conditions?
Curious what we think the best bets for performer Tony noms are from this show. It's largely an ensemble show and this is a really crowded year..
When I saw the staging downtown, I thought Brittain Ashford was the performance standout (next to Phillipa Soo, who obviously isn't involved here) and the most likely for a nomination (in supporting)....
I think there could be quite a few....unless they have Neverland-esque Hate thrown at them.
Denee and Groban, very likely.....but I find it so hard to consider w/o having seen most of the shows...nothing to compare.
I would think Denee would have to be pretty extraordinary to bump one of those all stars (Midler, Ebersole, LuPone, etc) from the lead actress in a musical category. But of course the Tony nominating committee has done stranger things.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
I think this year (when multiple people making their Broadway debut got nominated over Audra) proved that sometimes it really isn't about who the biggest star is.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
I just got out and have pretty mixed feelings. Parts of it were overwhelming in the best way possible. Groban (when he was actually in it) was wonderful.
Some of the sections really drag. And the characters aren't nearly enough to earn some of the emotion they're trying to generate at the end.
But all that being said, I had an amazing time. The highs are so high, it's like nothing else I've ever seen.
The staging and lighting are phenomenal
I loved everything about it! The only problem is that I think Groban is bringing in the yentas, a bunch of behind me who were whining "why is he just sitting there and not singing?". I noticed some old people left during intermission including stage seats. I wasn't going to go because I don't like Groban but the posts here convinced me and I loved it. I think it could have bad word of mouth if it relies on Groban's fan base. I hope it does well!
Chorus Member Joined: 6/1/11
I saw this on Wednesday (26Oct2016 matinee). I wanted to comment on the question of seating, but could not find that link, so please forgive this message's placement.
Regarding whether STAGE seating is a good idea, I think it boils down to whether you want to just VIEW the action or be A PART OF the show. Sitting on-stage, one definitely feels part of the production. The audience on-stage is organically woven into the design, not just an add-in. Definitely more integrated than, say, the Spring Awakening bleachers on-stage. Second choice would be the first row of the regular orchestra, since much happens there also.
The on-stage seating is rather vast, with several different sections. I was surprised that the rest of the orchestra [regular] seating seemed smallish (also given a serpentine platform bisects the orchestra seating). I could not really see the mezz., although there were ramps up to that section from the main stage.
A warning: the entry to the stage involves several (20?) stairs up and down. A man in front of us had two(!) canes and really struggled. If you have mobility issues, please see the House Manager or an usher to find another way to the stage (from back-of-house perhaps).
Some other thoughts: this is a spectacular show, rather than an intellectual night-at-the-theatah. More event than deep drama. The setting was amazing: rather than depending on movable set pieces they relied on the overall design, creating specific environments with lighting and lyrics. The lighting, IMO, was special. Note: if you do not like strobes and intense light (were you freaked out at "Curious Incident ..."?, for example), better skip this one.
One of my pet peeves these days is Sound Design. Often the lyrics--especially--and the music is muddled and flattened (looking at you Waitress). The Sound Design for "Comet" was such a welcome exception: we could hear everything distinctly, quite the achievement with so much going on. Grateful for that.
I agree that they need to work on the Comet, kinda underwhelming. PLEASE no projections, tho. Also the setup for the Comet song (JG) was confusing. WTF is his issue? Hopefully, they can clarify the metaphor of the Comet (foreboding a tragic war?) and make the visual more compelling. They still have a bit of time to work on this, and need to do so.
I hope these comments are helpful to those considering this show.
As someone who has never seen the show, I'm surprised to hear from a few posters that the spectacularness of the comet itself might be an issue. This might be just my take, but in my head!production I sort of thought the comet was meant to be a bit visually anticlimactic. According to my dim memories of that section of the novel, the comet has already been visible in the sky for several days, possibly even for the duration of the entire section; I thought that that would have been borne out in the show's design (as it is in the Act 1 lyrics: "Drink with me tonight / For there's fire in the sky" , with the comet just unobtrusively there the entire time. Is that the case?
Anyway, I was thinking that Pierre's awe at the comet at the end of the show was more about him finally starting again to notice beautiful things in the world that have 'always' been there, but that he just hasn't been looking up to see lately. I was thinking that if anything, the rest of the lighting might dim to point up the comet a bit more, but that the comet itself wouldn't be all that special, but rather that Pierre's face would be the main show. Sort of like 'No One Else'; I'm assuming (again) that the show's depiction of the moon itself in that scene is not all that spectacular, intentionally.
I'm just going to chime in with a quick seating recommendation.. I sat in the first row center of the front mezzanine last Thursday and the seats were impeccable. While there may have been more things happening below us and out of our line of sight, I only once found it noticeable (Denee walked into the orchestra during Charming and we couldn't see her then). As with most seats, chorus/musicians/dancers were around us constantly. They did give out the perogies in the mezz (we didn't get them), and the basket of shakers came through later (those we got). I also got one of the letters that were handed out at the start of Act II. Twice Denee walked in front of us and once Josh walked in front of us (he also sang right in the middle of the Mezz at the railing for a bit). Honestly, I found the seats to be a fantastic way to see the show. I can see how sitting on the stage would also be fun, though a completely different experience.
Anyone have any pics of the current merchandise? Prices?
Has anyone even told us of the merchandise? (I don't remember, and don't doubt that I may have missed some posts.)
So, doesn't sound like I really need to wait this one out as far as things being settled in previews? Thinking of doing onstage seating over the weekend... If I can sit upstage of Pierre's Salon, facing toward the orchestra, or to stage right of the Salon, facing toward the center, does either jump out as better? Thanks.
dramamama611 said: "Has anyone even told us of the merchandise? (I don't remember, and don't doubt that I may have missed some posts.)
I don't have photos or prices (except for a couple), but here are the items I recall seeing:
Window Card ($20)
Magnet ($10)
Moscow Mule Copper Mug
Red patterned Scarf
T-Shirt that lists the names/descriptions as they were done in the opening number
They also have the 'sippy cup' things with the Great Comet logo on them if you get drinks for inside the theatre.
Leading Actor Joined: 9/12/16
Right now I'm out but when I get home I can post pictures of the window card ($20), soft drink cup with logo ($10), keychain ($15) and mug ($20).
haterobics said: "So, doesn't sound like I really need to wait this one out as far as things being settled in previews? Thinking of doing onstage seating over the weekend... If I can sit upstage of Pierre's Salon, facing toward the orchestra, or to stage right of the Salon, facing toward the center, does either jump out as better? Thanks.
I would personally suggest going with the seat that faces toward the center. You should be able to turn a bit to see the back of the stage and out at the orchestra / mezzanine when things are happening in different areas. I feel like you'd miss out (or be uncomfortable) trying to turn back and see the things at the back of the stage from the 'upstage of the salon' seats. Admittedly, I didn't do on-stage seating so I may be wrong on how easy/hard it is the turn in those chairs. Also, you may want to note that for a good deal of the show Josh Groban faces out toward the orchestra from the salon.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/28/12
dramamama611 said: "Has anyone even told us of the merchandise? (I don't remember, and don't doubt that I may have missed some posts.)
what i can remember:
couple tshirts around $35 - one with main logo, a bit glittery, one covered with little framed pics of main characters.
copper (moscow mule) mug - $20
black 15 oz mug with main logo - $20
magnet, key chain, couple other little things
decent sized poster
souvenir plastic cup available with drink - $25, smaller one may be less.
MyMeredithMonster said: "I would personally suggest going with the seat that faces toward the center. You should be able to turn a bit to see the back of the stage and out at the orchestra / mezzanine when things are happening in different areas. I feel like you'd miss out (or be uncomfortable) trying to turn back and see the things at the back of the stage from the 'upstage of the salon' seats. Admittedly, I didn't do on-stage seating so I may be wrong on how easy/hard it is the turn in those chairs. Also, you may want to note that for a good deal of the show Josh Groban faces out toward the orchestra from the salon. "
Sounds good, that was seat I was leaning toward.
Thanks for the info!
Leading Actor Joined: 8/9/14
If you're talking about the seats directly upstage of Pierre's Salon along the rail, you'll have great interaction but it might be difficult to see everything. My onstage preference would be as downstage in the banquettes as possible and toward center stage - I had a seat right next to a side table right as they start to curve and thought it was great because you could look both upstage and into the house quite easily. The sunken tavern seats that swivel (I think only the inner most ones?) may not be bad.
Oh, and to add to the merch list, the sweatshirts (embroidered logo on front, printed on back) are $55.
I was sitting on stage left banquette and I rather like the view. There wasn't much happening behind me so I faced straight ahead the entire time. Those sitting at tables seemed to have craned their necks/heads a lot. The only thing I missed was when someone appeared for the first time in the doorway, but they usually walked out so you could see them (ie. Anatole at the opera appearing at the opera).
Also, from the banquettes, I could still see into the orchestra and mezz to catch the little things the cast did that might have been missed otherwise, like the opera singers "performing" in the mezz entrances.
I've only seen it at Kazino so just the sheer amount of ensemble members threw me off. They lengthened some songs, which kinda dragged here and there. There were moments where I felt they tried a little too hard to "interact" with the onstage audience. Like when Natasha and Mary were chatting and putting stools into the table spaces (this one was right above Pierre's study and in front of the strings). I remember them doing that at Kazino but I left they did it more in a pathway than right next to a table. And those table spaces are not large.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
I was in the second row on banquettes, stage left, on the aisle closest to the middle of the stage. Lots of interaction. Got food, shakers, a guy in leather hot pants strokes my beard. There were a few things going on behind me I had to turn around for, but I never felt like I missed anything
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
How were the banquettes in terms of space/room between you and the people next to you and overall comfort? Updated On: 10/28/16 at 05:25 PM
Understudy Joined: 8/12/07
To anyone who has done the onstage seating --
Can you bring your stuff (coats, bags, etc.) with you to your seats, or do they have lockers or require checking these items?