Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
"I felt so bad for Tom when he realized that he wasn't invited to Ivy's birthday party. Talk about awkward!"
I've been in plenty of shows where the cast didn't invite the director to a cast member's birthday party -- and in most of those cases there wasn't even any current tension between the birthday person and the director. Why should that be so awkward (other than the fact that she didn't mention to Tom that the cast was giving her a party -- just for cast? I don't believe the producer, writers, or even the stage manager were invited either.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
I think there's an Actor's Equity rule that says directors can't attend actors birthday parties. I mean, have you ever seen Hal Prince giving Elaine Stritch birthday spankings?
This is kinda ridiculous:
"Why should that be so awkward (other than the fact that she didn't mention to Tom that the cast was giving her a party"
They were very very good friends. They had a fight. They made up--the whole point was that they made up and yet he wasn't invited. This point was made over and over. I would nit pick points like that the bar Ivy went to was apparently within walking distance of her cab (though they did, make a point, and say that it was right by her place,) but really of all the things to nitpick?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
I liked it, too. In fact, it's a shame they're cancelling it, because it's a lot better than reality show reruns on Saturday nights. I taped it and went out and watched it later, but still...What's the matter with running a campy little show about Broadway on a Saturday night? The "romance" element is much tamer (than last season's awful half-nude scene with Debra and Will Chase. Ugh.). If my generation could watch stuff like "Love Boat" and "Fantasy Island" with parents or a babysitter on Saturdays, what's the matter with running "Smash" in this slot and trying another season?
Oddly enough, Liza notwithstanding, tonight's episode actually had more plot than music, and was enjoyable and more tight than many episodes this season.
It was a good episode, partly I think because it was more Ivy-centric than Karen. Jimmy was less of a douche too, kind of. Loved the Liza song, nice to see a little bit of Borle performing too.
I thought, Glee had peaked the 'horror cover' thing when they did Creep, but oh no, I was wrong, because Smash let McPhee sing Bittersweet Symphony.
Lovepuppy - I agree with you totally but think the cost of making the show is the big thing that will kill it in addition to ratings. If the cost was less, they might actually give it a shot on Saturday and see what it can do. personally, I like it on a 9pm better, just wish it were another night. I recorded it also, watching NCAA tourney
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
They keep comparing it to RENT, which is sung-through, but has a few bits of dialogue.
It didn't occur to me while I was watching, but it doesn't bother me.
OK, so I'm in the chorus of a Broadway show. Presently, we're all having a bit of a problem with the director and his "methods". There is a lot of tension at every rehearsal. The star of the show is our friend and there is some really major tension between her and the director, her long time friend as well. She has informed us as well as him that she is trying to keep it all professional and as such she will not be socializing with him. We, as a cast decide to throw her a birthday party. We specifically talk about the fact that the director and the other "bigwigs" are not invited. It's just for the cast. Period. An evening for us all to let off steam without having the director lording it over us. Several in the cast (including the director's ex boyfriend) have asked specifically that the director not be there, and if he is, they won't go. At one point the star informs us that the director has invited her to dinner that night too, and we decide we'll still have the party and she can come later.
So we're having our private cast party. The rest of the cast is having a great time and eventually the star arrives -- with the uninvited director on her arm. She says, "oh we made up" so I asked him to come. Meanwhile the entire rest of the cast including those who organized the party are REALLY pissed off. And rightfully so!
Do you get it yet?
Updated On: 4/7/13 at 11:03 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Ivy made sense when she explained things to her director. It was painful, but necessary I suppose. On a different note, I'm happy that I can use my normal computer for all things BWW. I couldn't sign in using my regular password, so a kindhearted person by the name of Robert re-set it for me. Also...does anyone get some weird script in the section below the part that says "Ticket Central". Right now, there are a bunch of questions marks on the top section. When I sign in, there is a whole section of either Japanese or Korean script. What the hey? Later....Roman...from the liberal oasis of Central Texas (Austin)
Stand-by Joined: 11/4/11
Confession... I haven't read every post in this thread...
Why are there ongoing comments that state that Smash has been cancelled. I suspect it will be, but every time I scan through this thread, I find someone stating, as fact, that Smash has been cancelled. My searches on the Internet say no such thing. Is there something I'm missing?
FYI... I wouldn't be surprised if Smash did get cancelled, I just don't understand why it seems a done deal here.
The episode was just perfect!! The only thing the could've made it better was an Ivy number, but other than that I found it spectacular. It may have something to do with my unparalleled love for Liza, who was perfect as always, but there was also SO MUCH tension and drama tightly packed into 42 minutes.
I like to see getting Kyle getting some recognition, he's such a likable character.
I get why Ivy didn't invite Tom, but I still think it wasn't fair. It's not like he's just her director, they're really close friends. She wouldn't have a career if it weren't for him.
Eileen is just so fierce, I love her!
I really hope it's not cancelled!! It's my second favorite show on television.
Updated On: 4/7/13 at 12:43 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Broadway Star Joined: 12/7/05
Haha, Namo! Indeed. However, they should just show it instead instead of tell it, and all would be well. :)
I sometimes get annoyed at Eileen's dating plots. It's like...who cares? But I guess it's to point out the delicate balance of relationships a producer has to pull off.