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Nick Jonas & Michael Urie in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?- Page 6

Nick Jonas & Michael Urie in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#125Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/7/12 at 7:04pm

That YouTube clip was horrendous.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#126Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/7/12 at 7:21pm

At the end of the day I really don't think the producers care whether he's good or not. He was hired to sell tickets. I don't really think his being good or bad in the role is an issue for them unless the box office tanks during his run.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#127Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/7/12 at 7:41pm

But you have to cut him some slack because

A) He's only in it for three weeks.
B) He'll get better as time goes on.
C) He even said he doesn't have a "broadway" voice.
D) You're just jealous of him.

#128Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/7/12 at 8:09pm

How I wish I'm seeing the show tonight....

Starkids gang AND the cast of Glee are there tonight. It's going to be a mad house inside.

#129Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/7/12 at 8:14pm

First of all, I don't think Darren Criss's that bad. If fact, I think he's actually pretty good.

And overall, it's all win-win for everybody. It's great for Criss' career. It's full house every night. The producers are happy, the fans are great. And it's good for Broadway as well. It's January, box office is usually dead at this time. So having someone like Criss there to boost the box office is a great thing. Some said that the understudy could do a better job. Maybe, maybe not. He's the understudy for a reason. And he sure would have not packed the house.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#130Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/7/12 at 8:46pm

I saw the show today. Yes, I wanted to see Darren. So sue me, he's cute on Glee and I was curious. I wouldn't consider myself a fangirl by any means. Good lord was I surrounded by them, though. The handful of people giving standing ovations after Grand Old Ivy and Brotherhood of Man was a bit much, as were the 50+ people in the orchestra who rushed out before curtain call (sucks for you, b*tches, the stage door crowd was 10 people deep already).

Is he great? Eh. His voice is better than that YouTube clip would lead you to believe, but it's definitely a pop voice in a traditional Broadway score. He's much better than Daniel Radcliffe, and I was impressed by Daniel Radcliffe. Wrong genre or not, Darren voice is better, and his dancing looked much more effortless. (Rather, as effortless as Ashford's schizophrenic choreography can look.)

Yes, I'm sure many experienced Broadway performers could do a better job, but that's not what this production is about. A traditionally cast revival with a Broadway pedigree star wouldn't sell out shows in the dead of Janurary while other shows are dropping like flies. And honestly, I don't think either Daniel or Darren were so bad for stunt cast Hollywood celebrities. There have been far worse efforts with much less successful outcomes. (See also: Chicago, Cabaret, Rent, etc.)

I try to consider it in the big picture- every successful show, and new fanbase introduced to theatre, keeps Broadway going for that much longer. If I want art, I'll look to another show, but this is fun and cute and it is what it is.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 1/8/12 at 08:46 PM

#131Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/7/12 at 9:16pm

@pitfever I heard that the Glee cast had 2 cancel. Starkids were there though.

Overkill Profile Photo
#132Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/7/12 at 11:16pm

Since the day they announced the reading with Daniel, I was not happy about this revival - Specifically, I wasn't happy that Daniel Radcliffe would be playing this role that was totally wrong for him. After seeing Daniel I realized, while still not the best fit for the role, he did a damn good job with this mediocre production. My problem was the fact that Finch is so much YOUNGER than everyone else in this production. It can be flexible and it can work, but you kinda take away something from the show when you cast someone who looks 18, instead of a man-child in their mid-20s to early 30s.

So, imagine my delight when Darren Criss was announced. Everyone kept saying "No! He can sing this! I know it! Have you seen A Very Potter Musical??" Watch the very begging of that show on YouTube. The first song, he's SO pitchy. Then his videos of Disney covers, LOVE THEM....his voice still isn't right for Finch. But I was hoping he could prove me wrong - at least acting -wise... He failed at both singing and acting. This dude is talented, but he's talented for a completely different field. The performance I saw wasn't any better than any I've ever seen given by local high schoolers in my town.

This whole production was always about money. I mean, all shows are, but this just does not compare with the revival in 90s. Not by a long shot, and no one has ever been able to even come close to Robert Morse in the role. Talk about a charmer. He's everything Finch should be. I just don't understand why his character is a teen heartthrob all of a sudden...

Oh, and watch/listen to this mess. From the matinee today. I'm sorry to be so cynical about it (as I make it a point never to be too cynical on this board) but this has always been one of my favorite shows and definitely one of the greatest musical comedies ever written. The material just deserved so much better. I guess I'd give him an A for effort...? Can't wait to see what the perfectly cast, Nick Jonas, will bring to the role........

Are your ears bleeding? My ears are bleeding... Updated On: 1/7/12 at 11:16 PM

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#133Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/7/12 at 11:32pm

Beyond just being a ploy to sell tickets during a notoriously slow period, Criss's stint is also said to be a "test run" for the possibility of Craig Zadan and Neil Meron developing a future production entirely around him. But unless it's a new piece written specifically for his voice, given this performance, they're going to be hard pressed to find any traditional theater role he can really soar in.

You can chalk it up to his talent being very specific to another style all you want, but it seems to me like the real magic of his singing ability is almost entirely constructed by whatever post-production work they're doing over at GLEE. If he can't sing a score like this live, how would he ever be able to reproduce the equally demanding pop songs he does on television in a "real" setting?

I give the guy immense credit for tackling such a huge endeavor in such a short amount of time. He's a very charismatic, very talented, and very capable performer, to be sure, but he's far from the Broadway triple threat many seemed to hope he'd be.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 1/8/12 at 11:32 PM

#134Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 7:47am

So i just the show last night and my opinion..

I LOVED IT. There I said it. I LOVED IT.

I had the best time and it was so enjoyable. How to Succeed is a true gem of musical theater. Now my thoughts on the actors..

Darren Criss or whatever is his name isn't bad at all. I was nervous after reading some of the comments posted here that I had wasted my money but I went anyway because I had to. That ticket was not cheap. But my gosh, he was a delight and so tiny. His voice is thin and unsuitable for Broadway but can we be for real here? It is not going to impede any success for the actor or any actor on Broadway in my humble opinion if you have everything else going for you. He was charming, funny and so enthusiastic. I also loved his dancing, he made it seem so easy. The crowd really loved him. Many of them were young and a bit too fangirly but it was cute and I was surprised he had such a large following.

Beau Bridges was ok. I don't know if its his age or something but I didn't really connect with him. Bud was great and I really liked Rosemary or the actress playing her. I forget her name. She was lovely and i liked her voice.

My best performance was of course Brotherhood of Men. The dancing in that performance really highlighted the point i made about him making it seem so easy.

In closing, I will say this to potential viewers. Go see it yourself and judge. I personally had a swell time and I would go again if I could afford it. Everyone is a critic. I am not saying the people who hated it didn't have a right to but don't let such comments spoil it for you. I almost skipped this show because of some of the comments I read here and I am glad I didn't. Shows especially musicals are for entertainment. I think some of us are taking this way too seriously.

P.S Is it true Zadan and Meron may develop a future production for him? That's flattering.

#135Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 8:05am

But you have to cut him some slack because

A) He's only in it for three weeks.
B) He'll get better as time goes on.
C) He even said he doesn't have a "broadway" voice.
D) You're just jealous of him.

Read more:

Jordan we get it. You don't like the actor and you think he is unworthy to be on Broadway. No one is asking anyone to like him or cut him some slack. People are entitled to their opinions. Its not your place or anyone else to mock them for it. If they want to make concessions for him then they are well within their right to do so just like you are within yours to not make concessions for him.

No one's opinion is better than the other's especially in a forum for fans. You aren't a Broadway critic neither am I or anyone else here for that matter so don't expect people to take your word as golden.

Jeez, calm down people.

#136Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 4:02pm

Jojo, let me say this plainly and clearly: you nauseate me.

Now put on your veil and go back into the convent.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#137Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 4:17pm

So JoJo, I see you joined TODAY. What made you decide to join Broadwayworld?
Because honestly, no one on here is bashing Criss. Many people in fact wanted him to do well. But if they go and see it, and he falls below their expectations, they have the freedom to say that. Get over it, not everyone is going to like Criss. If they are developing a revival or new production around him, they best find a leading man that suites his voice, because I can't really think of him as the type to support an ENTIRE production for 8 shows a week for a long run.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

darquegk Profile Photo
#138Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 4:33pm

Well, after watching that clip, as well as its linked clips of him in concert, I have a few observations.

1. While Danel Radcliffe played the part as a master manipulator, with everything ALWAYS going as planned, Criss (for better or worse) is playing the role a little more innocently- like a schmuck dancing on eggshells to save his ass from every move. Radcliffe and Robert Morse before him seemed to be always three steps ahead of the game, while Criss, with shades of Broderick, seems to be making it up as he goes. Right or wrong interpretation? Depends on the production, although the physical intricacy of this production's staging and choreography lends itself better to a more confident and self-assured Finch than a slippery improvisor.

2. As has been pointed out repeatedly, Criss, in his Broadway capacity, is more a dancer who sings than a singer who dances.

3. I'm not defending his vocal performance as flawless, or even as an equal to Radcliffe before him, but from the clips I saw, the claims that Criss can't sing, or even that he must be completely faking his vocal performances on Glee, seem fairly unfounded. Criss sounds pretty damn good in concert, and is passable but certainly not ideal in the show, not tone-deaf and perpetually offensive as some have said. Criss has a good modern pop voice, but with that come the deficiencies that are inherent in that style- the voice is somewhat light, decidedly breathy, and entirely based on consonants and glottals, not on vowels and elongated tones. Criss pulls off the singing in the role, and if you like that kind of voice, or Criss himself, you might even enjoy it. But if you want to hold the definition of a Broadway voice to be the traditional brassy, legit-influenced "Broadway voice" you get from an Aaron Tveit or even a Hugh Jackman, you won't find it here.

4. Judging by his reception now by the audience, his sales figures and the fact that his star shows no sign of sudden burnout, we'll be seeing him again, but hopefully in material that emphasizes his pop voice, dancing and goofy charm, not material where he is simply chosen because he happens to be the right age for the character.

And crucify me now for saying it, but if they're reviving Pippin, he wouldn't be such a bad title role. It's certainly a better fit for him than Finch, anyway.

blaxx Profile Photo
#139Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 5:14pm

the voice is somewhat light, decidedly breathy, and entirely based on consonants and glottals, not on vowels and elongated tones.

And you think he wouldn't be bad in Pippin? The poor guy would not even finish Corner of the Sky.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

darquegk Profile Photo
#140Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 5:21pm

The one big note in that song is the only thing I can see him having any trouble with. The rest of the show is considerably easier.

emida Profile Photo
#141Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 5:37pm

the claims that Criss can't sing, or even that he must be completely faking his vocal performances on Glee, seem fairly unfounded.

darquegk, I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure I read the whole thread and I haven't seen anyone insinuating that he was faking his vocal performances on Glee... maybe there was some comments that I didn't see though. I'm just curious to know if there are people who are really saying that.

darquegk Profile Photo
#142Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 5:57pm

There was at least one comment, in one of the four or five posts right now about Criss, that states that after hearing his weak live performance in H2$, it made them think that his performance on Glee must be almost entirely autotuned, not just touched up like some of the other stars.

goldenboy Profile Photo
#143Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 6:09pm

Do you think Darren Chris or Nick Jonas or Beau Bridges had to audition for How to Succeed? I doubt it.

You would think that the powers that be would make them audition for this role instead of just taking them on name recognition.

TV and Film are a medium where you have to be small and simple and real. It also allows for retakes.

Theatre you have to reach the balcony. If Beau Bridges is as bad as people are implying, putting him in this show is blasphemy

To do J Pierrepont Finch justice you need comic timing, charm, acting chops, singing chops, dancing chops and talent.
No one in my book beats Robert Morse although Daniel Radcliffe did a really nice job. Don't get me started on the miscast Matthew Broderick.

Producers just want a buck so they put anyone in who can pull in an audience without respect to integrity of their product.

I haven't seen Darren Chris so I'm not commenting but I wish the producers would have a little more integrity to put someone who can do justice to J Pierrepont Finch and JB Biggley instead of hiring anyone whose hot in Hollywood.

darquegk Profile Photo
#144Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 6:56pm

No reason they can't do both- Neil Patrick Harris, though too old for the conception of Finch's age and business experience in this production, would be a fantastic Finch in a different production. Hell, even his castmate Josh Radnor would be more than capable.

#145Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 8:23pm

I was just thinking...wouldn't Jonathan Groff make an excellent Finch after Nick? I know he isn't exactly a HUGE star, but some of those hardcore GLEEk fangirls should recognize him from the show.

emida Profile Photo
#146Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 8:53pm

There was at least one comment, in one of the four or five posts right now about Criss, that states that after hearing his weak live performance in H2$, it made them think that his performance on Glee must be almost entirely autotuned, not just touched up like some of the other stars.

Thanks! I hadn't seen it. It is certain that he's been autotuned, like every other actors from Glee. As much as I don't find his voice remarkable in How To Succeed, I do like it in some of his live concert performances. It's a little too much to say that he can't sing. He's definetely not a broadway singer, but there is a certain quality to his voice.

I just think that he's more a performer than an actor. The opposite with Daniel Radcliffe was what made it really work for me, because I could forget the not so strong voice, because I believed in the character and the singing was part of the act. With Darren, I don't believe in the character at all and when he starts singing, it's even worse. It's like : okay now I have to sing this song and then I'll get back to the acting. It just doesn't seem natural to me. Don't know if I'm making any sense...

#147Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 11:36pm

So Darren Criss is more of a dancer who can't sing? LOL And even DanRad, who's an actory, not a singer, can sing better than him. Only on this board that I see that, LOL.

People who have follow his career knows that he's a singer who can't really dance. And in fact, not having a Broadway voice is a blessing. He's voice is more versatile, can be pop, rock, jazz etc. How many who has a Broadway voice has a successful music career?

#148Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/8/12 at 11:56pm

"There was at least one comment, in one of the four or five posts right now about Criss, that states that after hearing his weak live performance in H2$, it made them think that his performance on Glee must be almost entirely autotuned, not just touched up like some of the other stars."

I just find this claim really funny, considering Darren is one of the few Glee cast members who literally has FREAK TONS of completely live singing videos all over the internet. Heck, he started off doing Disney covers on youtube, sitting on his bed in his room with nothing but a guitar and his voice!

Of course he's not the most technically incredible singer ever. But anyone who claims he "can't sing".. sorry, but that really is delusional. Whether or not his voice is necessarily appropriate for a role like Finch... that's a matter of opinion and I understand if some people feel like it's not right. But to claim he can't sing in general is completely and totally unfounded.

Don't get me wrong, they absolutely do autotune him to death on Glee. And I think it does a complete disservice to his voice. Because the thing is, his voice IS naturally thinner, and it's really the bright, textured tone of it that makes it enjoyable to listen to for me. So when they layer on the autotune, what it does is take away all the natural tone that does make his voice appealing, and leaves it sounding robotic and thin.

Take his live acoustic version of Teenage Dream versus the Glee version, for instance:


Now, it's not necessarily that the live version is technically perfect. But it's that natural tone that makes me love his voice, and not care if a couple things are off here and there. I just plain think his voice is gorgeous. The Glee version? The arrangement is really cool, but his voice sounds so much weaker/more robotic, because none of that texture and soul is in it.

So I can understand if some people don't feel his voice is right for a role like Finch. That's a matter of personal taste. But just because not everyone may feel that he's right for that particular style of singing does NOT mean he can't sing. And that's not just my fan bias talking- it's a fact.

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 1/8/12 at 11:56 PM

binau Profile Photo
#149Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
Posted: 1/9/12 at 12:01am

From someone who hasn't watched much of Darren Criss, are his facial expressions usually so..dynamic?

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000
