Leading Actor Joined: 4/2/14
Having seen the film I can tell you that unfortunately that gorgeous overture is not in it, but the cast is absolutely incredible. This version really fleshes out the backstories of Belle and the Beast and also provides a bit more relevance to the villagers.
Leading Actor Joined: 4/2/14
Minor spoiler:
An instrumental bit of "Home" can be heard when Belle is shown to her room in the castle.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/27/15
Alan Henry said: "RE the title song: I just saw the movie this morning and while I agree it sounds a bit off on the album if you are used to the original - it really works in the movie. It's a stunning moment of cinematography and the music fits in perfectly. "
I think a lot of the "issues" people are concerned about will be seen in an entirely new light once they actually SEE the film. Too many people here seem to be in a hurry to criticize something without having even seen the film ... it's not fair to pass judgement on something until you see how it all pans out in actual context.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/27/15
Adair Haywind said: "Having seen the film I can tell you that unfortunately that gorgeous overture is not in it, but the cast is absolutely incredible. This version really fleshes out the backstories of Belle and the Beast and also provides a bit more relevance to the villagers."
Adair, was the screening you attended in IMAX 3D? Just wondered if the overture might only be included in "Special Premium Engagements" (such as the IMAX screenings) ... it's seems strange that they would record it only for the purpose of including it on the soundtrack recording.
Leading Actor Joined: 4/2/14
This album was amazing! Was Emma perfect? No, but she does a serviceable job and she does has a nice voice. Josh and Luke are absolutely perfect as Gaston and Lefou and their voices were so strong! I can't wait to see the dance break. Dan blew me away. His voice is beautiful. Evan also blew me away. He doesn't have Jerry Orbach's warmth and charm, but his energy and accent are fantastic. Emma Thompson's voice is beautiful, but misses the warmth of Angela Lansbury. Great orchestrations, loved the new songs, liked the new lyrics and everyone did great in this! I'm even more excited to see the movie next week.
Question: Is the reprise of Gaston still in the movie?
Emma Watson is so autotuned that she literally sounds like a robot.
I listened to all the songs today.
Emma Watson sounds bad, this is just unacceptable in a movie of this calibre. I already have a very strong aversion to have to listen to it again when seeing the film and that's not good. It's lame, lifeless, amateurish and robotic. I don't believe a note she sings. This might harm the film as it does not invite people to watch it again. There is no quality, truthfulness or believability in her voice, whatsoever. There is a reason why a film like `the Sound of Music' and it's songs are still popular today.
Josh Gad and Luke Evans are amazing. In their songs, suddenly I feel something that's alive, real, emotional. The way they place a note, hold a note evokes things. They understand this artform. The mob song was the highlight for me.
Love the nod to Kander & Ebb during the "culinary cabaret" section of 'Be Our Guest.'
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
The only theater I know that will play the overture for sure is El Capitan in Hollywood during the pre-movie show. And no, Gaston reprise is not in the movie. Luke Evans and Josh Gad really did shine, especially during The Mob Song!
Updated On: 3/10/17 at 08:33 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Emma"s singing ruins it for me. And I hate that they lowered Belle's part. Why did they do that?
Emma Watson's singing... sucks. There's no other word for it. Flat, lifeless, and manipulated beyond anything I've ever heard. If they were concerned about getting someone who had name recognition and could meet the demands of the role: Hailee Steinfeld.
McGregor and Thompson are perfectly adequate, unfortunately never coming close to Orbach or Lansbury (then again, who could?)
If you had told me that Luke Evans would end up being the most impressive singer, by far, I wouldn't have believed you. But here we are.
ehh Hailee Steinfeld would have been fun but when Emma was cast Hailee wasn't any kind of name.
I'm finishing listening to the soundtrack now. Kind of disappointed. I found the orchestrations distracting (like in the title song's bridge they distorted the time signature which was obnoxious) and usually just had too much going on. Emma Watson was bland. I didn't really like any of the new songs more than the ones from the Broadway show. the only things i really enjoyed were Audra (i wish she had recorded the entire title song but the bit in the finale was terrific) and the prologue's new arrangement. disappointed in this soundtrack, unfortunately.
With the new emphasis on Audra's character being the court singer or whatever it would have made sense to transfer the title song to her character. Her bit in the finale is divine though!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/13
How do y'all feel about Celine's version of "How Does A Moment Last Forever"?
gypsy101 said: "the only things i really enjoyed were Audra (i wish she had recorded the entire title song but the bit in the finale was terrific) and the prologue's new arrangement. disappointed in this soundtrack, unfortunately."
I agree. Emma Watson ruins the film for me, lifeless and disrespectful.
I loved Audra too, it's amazing to see how the material can really soar and turn into something magical if this artform is respected, embraced and taken to a high level. Her part in "Days in the sun" really is something special. It's beautiful and exciting. Who does the other part in that song? That sounds really bad, like speaking on a robotic tone, is that Chip or Belle? It sounds like a 12 year old boy speaking.
I also loved Josh Gad and Luke Evans, especially the mob song.
Something needs to happen in musical filmmaking. In the past century we used to have truthful voices like Julie Andrews, Gordon Mac Rae, Lea Salonga, Jodi Benson, in movies, in the new century we have fake and lame voices like Emmy Rossum, Amanda Seyfried, Russel Crowe and Emma Watson ruining all the material. Will we be be the generation that ruined it all?
Also, because they do have good people in the film, I don't understand the extreme difference, why would the director want that?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I don't even get why they needed a name for Belle. The movie sells itself. Plus, Lily James wasn't much of a name, was she?
Broadway Star Joined: 2/14/17
They didn't need a name, the movie would have made a ton of money anyway. It's just greed to want even more.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
1. The boy in Days in the Sun is the Young Prince in a flashback scene.
2. Audra's character couldn't sing the title song because the wardrobe stays in Belle's bedroom the whole time. They made it seem like she couldn't leave, but then she's part of the final battle in the main hall, so I don't know.
3. My friend and I went to a screening of Cinderella last night and Lily James really made that film. She embodied Cinderella, and it's my opinion that it's the best Disney live action remake after seeing it again on the big screen last night. So glad Emma turned down Cinderella.
4. They did not need a big name. Just like Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast would've done well without a name. Unfortunately, I'm sure Disney wants to cross a billion, so they are also depending on the Harry Potter fan base. I think most people think Emma is great only because of Hermoine. Nostalgia clouds people's judgement.
5. Beauty and the Beast has a budget of $160 million, so I can see why they also went with a big name for the lead. Cinderella's budget was only $95 million, so I guess the pressure wasn't as much. It's funny how people downplay female-led films and think they need a name to sell them, but Cinderella made $543 million worldwide without a famous lead and without a 3D release.
6. Emma is not bad in the actual movie. I saw it again today and I think the main issue is that everyone else is a professional, so she stands out because of that. She's not spectacular, but she's not bad. She's just okay.
i've given the soundtrack another shot and i didn't dislike it as much as i first did. i really like the overture and the finale (probs because of Audra mostly), as well as Celine's recording of How Does a Moment Last Forever. i also liked much of the orchestral score, especially the inclusion of Home.
Yes "Evermore" is not "If I Cant't Love Her", but it seems that this song fits this version of the Beast more than IICLH. Personally I find the lyrics so beautiful and show that he has truly learned to love, even if he cannot have it.
After listening to the whole soundtrack over and over again, it's simple: Evermore > If I Can't Love Her.
I feel like Evermore is about the Beast, sad about losing Belle forever, has acknowledged that her influence has made him a better being than he was before he was cursed, and he could try to accept his fate while being hopeful at the same time. Plus I'd rather listen to Dan Stevens perform this song than Josh Groban's version which was alright, but emotionally empty.
And yes, while I can hear big hints of auto-tune on Emma Watson during "Belle" and "Something There", to my ears at least, she is not even CLOSE as bad as the entire cast's auto-tune in that disappointing , musical-film hating Annie movie from 2014. OH! MY! GOD! Everyone in that movie was heavily auto-tuned to death, at least in Beauty and the Beast, it's in small doses for Watson and Stevens at most. Thankfully.
Can't wait to see the movie this weekend!
And yes, while I can hear big hints of auto-tune on Emma Watson during "Belle" and "Something There", to my ears at least, she is not even CLOSE as bad as the entire cast's auto-tune in that disappointing , musical-film hating Annie movie from 2014. OH! MY! GOD! Everyone in that movie was heavily auto-tuned to death, at least in Beauty and the Beast, it's in small doses for Watson and Stevens at most. Thankfully.
Can't wait to see the movie this weekend!
C'mon, really? Saying it sounds better than the Annie remake is like saying the Annie remake sounds better than this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v61wLklkddk
At least that guy puts some kind of life into the words he sings....