At least that guy puts some kind of life into the words he sings....
Malaysia have 'postponed' the release of the movie...
If I were Disney I would pull back the film from Malaysia and Russia. These countries don't deserve the film and have no business watching it, they don't live in the same world as we do, and their mindset is not human.
Other producers should follow.
There are gay elements in every movie.
I am not understanding why there had to be any gay elements in the film at all. The original story had none so why do it now? What was the purpose? It isn't moving the story forward and it wasn't needed.
I'm not saying the backlash is justified but the folks at Disney must be incredibly naive to think that there wouldn't be any.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
Blue_Lotus said: "I am not understanding why there had to be any gay elements in the film at all. The original story had none so why do it now? What was the purpose? It isn't moving the story forward and it wasn't needed.
I'm not saying the backlash is justified but the folks at Disney must be incredibly naive to think that there wouldn't be any.
Honestly, if this was never mentioned AT ALL, this wouldn't even be an issue. And apparently the scene in question is literally so small, so short, and so subtle that it's easily missed, especially if you blink. This was a mountain made of a mole hill, and THAT is what irritates me more than anything else. Of course how it was announced didn't help. It was acting as if audiences were in for gay porn or something. Of course the super conservative realm went crazy for something they didn't even have a chance to discern for themselves...they just heard the term "gay" and went nuts.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/27/15
I just saw the film and when it was finished I found myself asking ... "Wait a minute ... where was this 'gay scene' they having been making such a big deal out of?" Seriously, if nothing had ever been said in the first place, I'm guessing 99.9% of the audience never would have given it a second thought ... that's how ridiculous this whole thing is!! Now, enough about that aspect ... what did I think of the film as a whole? It was fantastic!!! I guess haters will always be haters but Emma Watson was perfect for the role. You simply cannot compare listening to the music via cd/streaming/itunes/whatever to hearing and seeing it at the same time in the context of the film. It worked perfectly for me and I will wager a guess that for the majority of the movie going public that will be seeing this film, they will all think it's wonderful. Unlike the few nitpickers online, most of these people will not be going into this film with preconceived expectations. Many will have never likely seen the stage show and, even though many may be familiar with the original animated classic, they will realize there is no need to compare the two, they are two entirely different "beasts" (no pun intended). The film stands on it's own ... it's a beautiful film visually ... and I guarantee there will be a few kleenex's used before the end of the film. I really feel sorry for the few out there that have so much hate for something that they haven't even seen yet. Fortunately, it is their loss, not ours. GO ... see for yourself. My guess is you'll enjoy it and probably go back again.
Theatre Fan3 said: "I just saw the film and when it was finished I found myself asking ... "Wait a minute ... where was this 'gay scene' they having been making such a big deal out of?" Seriously, if nothing had ever been said in the first place, I'm guessing 99.9% of the audience never would have given it a second thought ... that's how ridiculous this whole thing is!! Now, enough about that aspect ... what did I think of the film as a whole? It was fantastic!!! I guess haters will always be haters but Emma Watson was perfect for the role. You simply cannot compare listening to the music via cd/streaming/itunes/whatever to hearing and seeing it at the same time in the context of the film. It worked perfectly for me and I will wager a guess that for the majority of the movie going public that will be seeing this film, they will all think it's wonderful. Unlike the few nitpickers online, most of these people will not be going into this film with preconceived expectations. Many will have never likely seen the stage show and, even though many may be familiar with the original animated classic, they will realize there is no need to compare the two, they are two entirely different "beasts" (no pun intended). The film stands on it's own ... it's a beautiful film visually ... and I guarantee there will be a few kleenex's used before the end of the film. I really feel sorry for the few out there that have so much hate for something that they haven't even seen yet. Fortunately, it is their loss, not ours. GO ... see for yourself. My guess is you'll enjoy it and probably go back again."
After reading all these reviews by the critics with all this negative thinking about the "gay moment", i am SO glad to hear that somebody has left the cinema after seeing the film and has LOVED IT. i am going this friday to see it in 2D and then the week after in 3D. i am really looking forward to it.
The whole gay deal annoys me because the way it played out its like "Look! We love those gay peoples! Look! They're in our movie! Look! It's a backlash because we're so accepting and shif!!!!!!!"
Mr. Nowack said: "The whole gay deal annoys me because the way it played out its like "Look! We love those gay peoples! Look! They're in our movie! Look! It's a backlash because we're so accepting and shif!!!!!!!""
That's not entirely true.
photos have been released of the cast on the BUZZFEED website and I have to say.....
Luke Evans is more gorgeous as ever!!!!! that photo of him with the rose in his mouth, is.............. lush!!!!
theaterfan3, what age would you recommend to see it? I really want to go, but one of my kids has no interest and not sure that my little one is old enough.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/27/15
Babe_Williams said: "theaterfan3, what age would you recommend to see it? I really want to go, but one of my kids has no interest and not sure that my little one is old enough.
That's hard for me to answer as I have no kids, and I realize that those who do, may look at this from a different perspective. Probably would depend how old your "little one" is ... it's rated PG ... not G like the original animated version was ... mainly because it's "live action" and a live (cgi) action beast may be a little more frightening to younger children as opposed to an "animated" beast. Is you "little one" expressing an interest in seeing the film? I guess the best advice I could offer is ... if there was a stage production of it available to you would you take your child to that? Really younger children may get bored as this version is a more "grown up" version of the original. I'm probably not being of much help here. My advice ... since you really want to see it ... go see it with a friend and decide for yourself if you think your child would enjoy it ... I think you will enjoy it enough to not mind seeing it a 2nd time, anyway ... and if you don't, then your child probably wouldn't have enjoyed it either.
Understudy Joined: 3/11/17
I find it sad that the touching tribute to Howard Ashman that dovetailed the animated movie wasn't also included here. Any new scenes or lyrics were jarringly inferrior to his work on the original (and the additions to the musical as well) and I'd question how involved Alan Menken was in the scoring where the only improvement was expanding the existing "Home" theme.
If Howard Ashman truely did give the beast his soul then that would explain why this is mostly beautiful to look at but souless. The Mob Song (and Luke Evans) were a definite highlight for me.
I am still reeling from last night! How magnificent!
Emma Watson was the PERFECT Belle. Still wishing they got someone like Laura Osnes, but she was still great. As soon as she walked in, I literally bursted into tears. Her Belle was very loving and compassionate, but still very intelligent and headstrong. Her voice isn't that bad, but yeah they should had dubbing. Dan Stevens was the perfect Beast. Once he breaks out of his shell, his Beast is very sweet and also intelligent. Ewan and Ian were great as Luimere and Cogsworth. The charm of the characters are gone, but they're still very enjoyable to watch and had some good laughs. Emma was perfect as Mrs. Potts. Very loving and very cool-headed. The scene where she meets Belle also made me almost cry because it was so compassionate and warm. Audra pretty much did nothing, but it was still great having her around.
The stars for me were Kevin, Ian, and Josh. I was worried about Kevin because of the B-Rolls, his acting sounded very dry. I also thought I wouldn't like the new Maurice, but Kevin was excellent. He was so warm and touching. And owned it at the serious scenes. Luke OWNED Gaston vocally and acting-wise. He just brought Gaston out SO SO much. I loved to hate Gaston. Gaston/Luke literally made me boil with anger like clutching my hands and mouthing curse words. Like holy crap, with any spoilers: He would have literally done anything to marry Belle. I hope to God that Josh Gad gets nominated for an Oscar. He was the real stand-out here. To give Lefou a conscience and to have him struggle between the right thing and his love for Gaston made him so human. And yes, Lefou is clearly gay, but it's overblown by the media.
I loved the numbers and the sets. I love how the opening was directed with the makeup, sets, dancing, and lighting. I didn't know how they would pull of Be Our Guest and my god, they did. "Evermore" is so uplifting and touching. For the castle, they took advantage of the spacing like when Belle walked on the walkways outside. I also love how the village clearly hates Belle (can't talk about it without spoilers). I also adored that it was true to the fairytale with addition of the "Give me the rose" and how Maurice entered the castle.
But, my main problems are the relationship between Belle/Beast and Belle/Gaston. The only interactions Belle/Beast literally had until the wolf scene was the prison and the "join me for dinner scenes." So, the fact that the Beast became kind to her really came out of nowhere, but the chemistry is still there and it's legitally sweet. It was slow, then too quick.
And also, Gaston literally has four scenes with Belle: The scene after Belle, the house scene when it even WASN'T a proposal. Just a think about getting married, which loses the legit hatred from Belle and THEN the Mob scene where he does NOT propose to her and then the Battle scene where he finally goes YOU WILL MARRY ME!. In fact, he isn't even ignorant to her at the village after the Belle number. He's a gentleman. Like you don't see why she hates Gaston at first. I love that they do take the BELLE WILL MARRY ME stuff to someone else. But, he doesn't do these things with Belle in mind. It's not like if she hears what happens to XXXX, she will marry me. He just does to get obstacles out of the way. So, the main problem is lost and disconnected. But, those are small gripe.
Can't talk about the ending b/c of spoilers, but there's one scene, which I thought was HORRIBLE. I loved the idea, but the execution was very upsetting. I guess this is because I'm a Disney fan, so I'm already *attached* to those who were involved in the scene. but I was very upset and uncomfortable by it. I was crying in a very bad way. It was touching, but for me, it was cruel and emotionally too much for me.
So despite the flaws and "that" scene, i loved it so much! Better than the original movie? Of course not! The original will never be touched. But, it was very beautiful and well-done and I can't wait to see it many, many times again. The new script reminded me of the musicals for Hunchback and Anastasia True to the source materials, but the characters are different. This version could actually be adapted to Broadway, like how R&H's Cinderella got a new book for Broadway. It was that different!
Broadway Star Joined: 2/14/17
Overall it was underwhelming and not a patch on the original, although there were some good scenes.
Luke Evans is the clear highlight of the cast. The best musical scenes were Gaston and Be Our Guest.
Emma was awful. Just awful.
Trying to fall for "Evermore." Both the Stevens and the Groban cover. It just doesn't seem much more than a generic Disney, which won't matter a white but it does feel like a missed opportunity. If "If I Can't Love Her" didn't work, it certainly had a sense of higher stakes. And a better melody. But probably ultimately a minor quibble.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
I saw this movie this afternoon. The original animated movie is one of my all time favorites, and I expected to love this version as much. But I didn't. I thought Emma and Dan were fine, the new songs were effective if less memorable than the original songs, and it was great to see Audra MacDonald and Kevin Kline. I was not moved by the story at all, and tried to figure out why. For me there are three reasons. (Remember these are my opinions, not statements of eternal truth.) First, the household folk (other than Chip and Mrs. Potts) were simply not that appealing, especially the wardrobe, the harpsichord and the clock. The emphasis seemed to be on the objects and not the underlying personalities. Second, the comic villains Gaston and Le Fou were so over the top compared to the relatively realistic performances everyone else gave that they interfered with the impact of the love story. I was bored every time they came to the fore. Third, a tendency to over produce effects. "Be Our Guest" is such a good song but there was too much going on from the beginning so that there was no real "build" in the song. By the time they got to the water ballet effects, I was just bored by it. It isn't a bad movie by any means but the fact that I was occasionally bored and found my mind wandering meant that, for me, it wasn't as enchanting as the original.
Updated On: 3/17/17 at 10:52 PM
I also though it was very 'meh'. The French stereotypes they push so hard didn't help. I also thought Josh Gad's character was approached as a drunk guy at a gay bar feeling hot while dancing on a table, kinda thing. It was borderline grotesque and never funny.
Also, why did they take all references to Gaston being muscular out? No flexing or barely any references to his body; which I thought was strange, as it has always been a big part of the character.
Overall, I enjoyed it. Loved seeing the special effects, the inside of the castle and the characters. I loved the Beast costume. I was disappointed that some songs from the musical or original movie were not included. The new songs were meh. I would have preferred leaving in the original songs. Emma Watson is not a professional singer, but overall pleased with her performance. .I also thought the slight changes in the story line were an improvement. I didn't see much written about the Be My Guest scene. It was underwhelming but yet delightful. I was expecting more with plates singing and Etc.
What Gay scene?
I'm listening to these new numbers. Tim Rice has been on autopilot for years, and was certainly never half as good as Ashman, but I'm still surprised. Good LORD, are these embarrassing lyrics! It's a joke to put them next to the original songs.
Updated On: 3/18/17 at 03:04 AM
The new songs do nothing for it. It's like they were taken out of a Wildhorn musical.
blaxx said: "Also, why did they take all references to Gaston being muscular out? No flexing or barely any references to his body; which I thought was strange, as it has always been a big part of the character."
I actually love that they did that. It makes the character less simple, dumb and generic and makes people focus on him as a person more.