The oven mittens edit is on point :P Thank you JakeTheEscapologist.
Also, echoing 1086sunset, I love the new Bandstand cover as well. I think it fits the feeling of the show a little better. I saw the show in June, and look forward to going again soon!
Cfried said: "
Here is Bandstand's new cover. Looks great!
At one point, wasn't Bandstand's tagline "A new American musical?" I remember that because I recall Andrew Chappelle (of Hamilton fame) throwing shade at that slogan.
^ Yeah, I remember that slogan as well. Looks like it was on the original Playbill:
Swing Joined: 7/2/17
I was a little upset that there wasn't ever a color version of Betsy's Waitress Playbill, but actually I think her blonde hair glows very nicely with the black and white editing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
I'm torn on Bandstand. On the one hand, the original Playbill cover has better composition and the costumes and microphone more directly evoke the feeling that it's a period piece. On the other hand, they're not good photos of the two leads. Now with the second cover, the composition is not as good. I think having the musicians in modern day clothes and obscuring the two leads more, you lose the period piece thing unless you already know something about the show. Also, it seems a little too dark and doesn't capture any of the dancing that seems to be a real selling point of the show. But those are better, more evocative photos of the leads and it does reflect the darkness of the show (even if it does seem to go a bit overboard).
The new BANDSTAND artwork is better but still not great IMO.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/15/16
BroadwayRox3588 said: ""
Both are dreadful.
Two of the worst playbill covers I've ever seen.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/30/15
Such a hideous disgrace that Michael Moore even has his name on a playbill, no less his mugshot. Such a pig.
Oh Lord.
I don't like how the fake playbill says "BROADWAY"
Call_me_jorge said: "I don't like how the fake playbill says "BROADWAY" "
I know right? What on Earth were they thinking.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Is the Trump head's left ear missing? Maybe the program is just placed awkwardly but it looks weird to have that side of the face disappear completely behind the program. Does anyone else see it? The upside down flag pin is a nice touch but yeah, the artwork could be better.
I don't hate Prince of Broadway? Sure, it's simple but as far as I know it's not a very flashy show and it's about Hal Prince. I feel like that's communicated in the artwork. By the way, is it open-ended and just on sale a short while or is it a limited run?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/30/15
Looks like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Bandstand are both going black and white starting in August... They look awful that way, especially Charlie.
I don't think either looks awful (but of course I've never been a fan of the purple and gold to begin with), though I will say they'd probably look better with solid backgrounds, instead of the smoke and rays.
Does that mean days are numbered for CHARLIE?
Thanks for the quick reply, haha. I don't keep up with grosses and such so I don't know how well or not that it's doing.
Babe_Williams said: "Cfried said: "
Here is Bandstand's new cover. Looks great!
At one point, wasn't Bandstand's tagline "A new American musical?" I remember that because I recall Andrew Chappelle (of Hamilton fame) throwing shade at that slogan.
Yes, it was. It's either they decided to change it from "The New American Musical" to "A New Musical" or the creator of the Playbill forgot to add "The" and "American". I don't know.
I'm not really loving the Prince of Broadway cover either. I wish they would've done what they did in these pictures here:
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
Really wish M Butterfly was color. The black and white makes it look blah.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
The entire new batch feels rather lackluster.
It's what was expected, but I do love The Band's Visit. Glad it is in color. So ready for next month.
Such a shame that M. Butterfly isn't in color. Stunning key art.