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Patti LuPone overrated?

legally_popular Profile Photo
#75Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/1/09 at 7:47pm

“I agree it can get overwhelming, and I personally can be put off by people who carry on about one thing ad nauseum when it's clear that's the only thing they know (for example, someone who's only seen "Spamalot" avwoing that "Spamalot" is the bestest musical ever).”

^Same here. The main thing that bothers me is that some fans love a certain show or performer so much that they are blind to its flaws. They think a show/person is perfect and refuse to admit otherwise. That’s probably why fans of Wicked, Rent, Spring Awakening, etc. get such a bad rap.

The same could be said about the hardcore Patti fans who think she could do no wrong. I love Patti and am a huge fan, but have not always agreed with her acting choices. Do I think she’s a damn good performer? Definitely. Am I going to bow down to her and put her on a pedestal? Nope.

There are tons of performers and shows that I obsess over, but I’m not all, “IT’S THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER!” Overrated--by WHOM?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#76Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/1/09 at 7:53pm

But what business is it of anyone else's when other people idolize a show or a performer?

I have an unreasonable animus toward Andrew Lloyd Webber, but I would never, EVER go onto a thread where his fans are sharing their enthusiasm for Starlight Express and express my dislike...let alone express it over and over and over.

I would just ignore that thread and let the fans share their enthusiasm.

I have never understood the urge to urinate on someone else's picnic blanket, which is what the haters in these threads do.

You don't like Legally Blonde? Don't post in the love thread.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#77Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/1/09 at 8:01pm

Exactly the point I was trying to make, PJ (though I lack your gift for pungent metaphor).

#78Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/1/09 at 8:44pm

"You don't like Legally Blonde? Don't post in the love thread."

"Exactly the point I was trying to make, PJ (though I lack your gift for pungent metaphor)."

Sorry to barge in on the love-fest. I find that I am strangely missing the point of the aforementioned metaphor. Are we now claiming that this is a Patty LuPone love thread and that those posting opinions about perception vs. performance are somehow hijacking the thread?


MadPhan Profile Photo
#79Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/1/09 at 9:08pm

I don't think they are talking about this thread in particular, just the fact that people will go onto treads supporting performers and shows they dislike, JUST to put it down.

#80Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/1/09 at 9:11pm

I can agree there. I try to stay out of threads like that.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

A Fleur De Toi Profile Photo
A Fleur De Toi
#81Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/1/09 at 9:32pm

"I have never understood the urge to urinate on someone else's picnic blanket, which is what the haters in these threads do.

You don't like Legally Blonde? Don't post in the love thread. "

If only you practised what you preached, PJ, then perhaps an objective discussion about Patti's perception vs performance (well put, TBD2!) wouldn't have been slandered as Patti bashing. And for the last time, Not liking Patti as much as you do IS NOT Patti-hating. Please give me the option of disagreeing with what she did during the 10 Jan Gypsy show, without classifying me as a hater. Please also give me the option of discussing it. Thank you.

In Soviet Russia, Wicked hates you too!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#82Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/1/09 at 10:08pm

I was speaking of the habit certain posters have of going into threads that are deliberately set up as love fests and snarking on the subject of the thread. I love that BroadwayWorld is a place where lovers of almost anything in the performing arts can come and connect with like-minded appreciators. That is a beautiful thing and the people who spoil it are just sociopaths acting out.

THIS particular thread we are in right now is a classic Internet "troll" post: Since the bulletin boards of the early 90s, creatures called trolls post when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife-type questions that are meant only to provoke argument and not discussion. (How do you discuss "overrated" rationally? It's a contradiction in terms.)

And as far as practicing what I preach, A Fleur, I am sorry to inform you I'm as complicated a preacher as Ted Haggard. Disagreeing with me not only makes you a hater--it also makes you evil and venal and the reason we can't have nice things.

#83Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/2/09 at 12:58am

yes she is overrated

FlyingMonkey1223 Profile Photo
#84Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/2/09 at 1:44am

It does no good to argue with PalJoey. You can talk until you are blue in the face with him, he will just call you names and tell people that you are a liar when all else fails.

WhoCouldBeBlue Profile Photo
#85Overrated--by WHOM?
Posted: 2/2/09 at 1:29pm

Years ago I would have never thought for a second that Patti was overrated.

But... since her "better than everyone else"'s attitude has started to surface more and more, I do agree.. she's overrated and overrates herself even more.
