Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I'm just thankful they all have a million other things for a fallback. #moreblessedthanme
Yes, in regards to Nerds the bulk of criticism was directed towards the inept producing and not the material or the performers/creatives. None of us had seen this incarnation of the show yet, but the horrid producing was fair game for our discussion and criticism.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/25/16
what was she expecting though? this is the INTERNET.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
Personal attacks on actors (and other board members) are way too far and it's probably not the best idea to make definitive comments on shows that people haven't seen but speculations and predictions are surely pretty fair game.
I saw Patti in Fly By Night and she was the highlight of it for me, a dynamic performer. I can understand why it would be hard for her and other theatre actors because although they are known, most of them aren't celebrities, so they wont be as used to scrutiny from the public. Unfortunately, it's unavoidable. No matter what segment of the entertainment industry you're in (or sports etc.) there will be message boards discussing it. I think all the actors/others in the industry that have an issue with them should really just use mind over matter and not look or engage with them. It's impossible to get rid of all negativity.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I think it's clear what a girl wants: Amazing content. Positivity. Support. Love. No criticism. Only LIGHT snark. People who spend their hard earned money on mostly for-profit commercial theater to NOT have access to message boards. Even more positivity. NO requisite Hamilton quotes.
To be fair, she does know more about the Nerds behind the scenes. She was in the room where it happened.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Ok, I am legit confused and need clarification. What did I say that was wrong? I mentioned in the Nerds thread that I saw it at NYMF and really enjoyed it and sad to see this happening to the show.
Was I potentially out of line for mentioning that if you're in a job that puts you in the public eye, people are going to comment good bad and otherwise? I mean that's not just true of Broadway performers but hollywood actors, those who work in politics pro athletes etc. Was I called out because I said that as comment to Leslie's tweet?
Patti sees what she wants to see. She made a concerted effort to dredge up comments that suited her argument. Ignored the rest. All the people hailing her on her blog as some sort of conquering hero are sadly mistaken.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/25/16
Jay Lerner-Z said: "Patti sees what she wants to see. She made a concerted effort to dredge up comments that suited her argument. Ignored the rest. All the people hailing her on her blog as some sort of conquering hero are sadly mistaken.
she's playing the "victim".
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
ClydeBarrow said: "Islander_fan said: "Ok, I am legit confused and need clarification. What did I say that was wrong?"
If Patti says you're an @sshole then you're an @sshole.
Actually, I just read what she wrote about the forum including the pull quote from me. I wrote about how if you're in a job that puts you in the public eye people are going to comment. Granted I'm not saying I condone rude responses/comments about a performer. However, It's going to occur and there's not much one can be done about it.
An absolute total disregard for the people who live far away from New York who rely on this board for their theatre "fix".
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Jay Lerner-Z said: "Patti sees what she wants to see. She made a concerted effort to dredge up comments that suited her argument. Ignored the rest. All the people hailing her on her blog as some sort of conquering hero are sadly mistaken. "
I've noticed that those who piss on discussion boards wholesale have never participated in any forum. I've been online across so many different topical areas and venues since the '90s, so I've seen about everything there is to see. The biggest irony, however, is that those who criticize are more active on a social venue like Twitter, which is completely unmoderated and where it is much easier to cyber-bully.
In any case, I doubt she read the relevant Nerds threads, especially the "postponement" announcement one, and she's certainly not reading this.
Somebody on her blog just wished us all to die in a fire. To which Patti replied "Thanks for your support! I appreciate you!".
I'm drawing up a petition to shut down Wordpress.
Patti Murin is a wonderfully talented actress going through an obviously difficult time. I wouldn't want to be in her position after this past week.
That being said, this is the business she's getting herself into. Look at the Internet comments for famous people on a larger scale like Justin Bieber or Kim Kardashian. It's full of nonsense. Horrible people arguing about nothing or about things they know nothing about. Death threats. Extreme judgement. Childish namecalling. Over and over again 24/7 on dozens of social media and press outlets. One message board on one website seems small potatoes to me by comparison.
The issue is that our civility as a culture has degraded, especially online. We can do lots of things to try to change that, but the fact of the matter is that some people will always be bad and they'll move to a new venue. If not here then Reddit, or ATC, or whatever this hypothetical replacement to BWW would be.
All we can do is take responsibility for our own actions and avoid people whose behavior we dislike. As a professional actress, Ms. Murin can either visit websites where her work might be discussed knowing the consequences that come with it or she can avoid them like an adult. Either way, I think she should have more sense than to post a long rambling blog entry about it. Long rambling blog entries never look good on anyone.
Patti Murin thanking someone for their support after they wished an entire community of people would die in a fire is really the last straw.
Not only did that person wish we all die in a fire but he also commended Patti for being brave which...sure. I guess writing a rambling blog post about people's comments on a message board is brave.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Jay Lerner-Z said: "Somebody on her blog just wished us all to die in a fire. To which Patti replied "Thanks for your support! I appreciate you!".
I'm drawing up a petition to shut down Wordpress.
Hilarious! And reported!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
CindersGolightly said: "indytallguy said: "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."
*The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
Hey, could you give me the weblink for your pretentious proofreading service so that when i actually am trying to get a quote 100% correct I can run it by you first?
I should print out the screengrab I took of that and ask her to sign it if she's in a show again.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
So Murin complained about people judging something they haven't seen, but commends someone who hates on something they never read either. Isn't this called hypocrisy?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Maybe with all this time off they could take a seminar devoted to helping Broadway non-Muggles (I don't know what the opposite of a Muggle is because I never saw Hurry Petter) understand how to use the internet.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
As someone who is used to being included when people criticize this message board, I feel a little like Norman Lear finding out he wasn't on Nixon's enemies list. (That might not actually have happened, but as Patti pointed out, it's legal to make stuff up or whatever). Anyway, I need some clarification. When was she in Wicked? I see Lysistrata Jones and Xanadu and somehow I feel that explains a LOT.
And haterobics I almost spat out my Tension Tamah.
I'm pretty sure she could get in trouble for calling a teenager a "d*ck"
indytallguy said: "Hey, could you give me the weblink for your pretentious proofreading service so that when i actually am trying to get a quote 100% correct I can run it by you first?"
Yup, HERE it is! I'm so glad I could help you out so much, it seems like you really need it. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Then we can leave all this negativity behind and be positive and worry about shows closing because of all the people out of work.