Chorus Member Joined: 2/11/13
I'm planning to potentially make a trip to New York this Saturday to try for SRO for both the matinee and evening shows. Both shows are sold out on telecharge so I'm pretty sure it'll be entirely possible to get them.
I know I need to go to the physical box office, but does anyone have any insight into how fast SRO sells out? What time should I try and arrive? Its about a 90 minute drive to the train station, and another 30ish minutes to get to the city so I need to plan my day around when to get to the box office. I've read some people say you should get there right at 10AM when the box office opens--if its at all possible to go later and still get tickets that would be ideal but don't wanna risk missing out. I'd hate to travel the 2+ hours to get to the city and not be able to see the show at all.
Also, when both shows for the day are sold out, do they start selling SRO for both a matinee and evening once the box office opens?
If only they sold them ahead of time when the show sells out haha. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
According to Playbill, they start selling right at 10am when the box office opens, and they have a total of 28 SRO tickets available. I personally would try to get there a little before 10 just to make sure. I’ve heard of people getting rush tickets for both performances when the box office opens, so I would be surprised if you couldn’t get both.
Stand-by Joined: 6/5/03
defenses said: "I just got home from Wednesday night’s show, and I have a lot of feelings. Most of them are about John Riddle!! The show feels so different when Raoul is a strong member of the trio. I’m so sad I'll probably won’t get to see him again "
Are you going back to the show anytime after April 1st? The plan, as of now, is he's returning to finish the show starting April 3rd.
martinsmithfan said: "
I know I need to go to the physical box office, but does anyone have any insight into how fast SRO sells out? What time should I try and arrive?"
In late January, I stayed at the InterContinental, which is directly across 8th Avenue from the Majestic and I could see the theatre entrance from my room. It was very cold out and a line of about 10-12 people had already formed outside the box office doors at 9:45 a.m. I was interested in purchasing a front orchestra seat, so I walked over just before 10 a.m. and entered the lobby at the end of that line. While waiting, I heard several people ask about SRO and the employees advised them that no SRO tickets would be sold until all seats, including premium, had been sold. Consequently, my advice is to expect a line and keep in mind that the performance must be sold out.
Stand-by Joined: 1/6/23
Phantour said: "defenses said: "I just got home from Wednesday night’s show, and I have a lot of feelings. Most of them are about John Riddle!! The show feels so different when Raoul is a strong member of the trio. I’m so sad I'll probably won’t get to see him again "
Are you going back to the show anytime after April 1st? The plan, as of now, is he's returning to finish the show starting April 3rd."
You just made my day!!! I am going on April 8, so I'll gladly suffer through Paul's Raoul four more times if I can see him again.
I've only seen Paul (on Broadway) and Hadley (in RAH) in full, so I had a very negative view of the character. John blew me away last night. He was not cocky at all. He plays Raoul as if he’s a young man madly in love and in over his head trying to help Christine. He seemed to have a smile on his face most of the time (and he totally checked out Christine during Il Muto!). I can easily see why Christine falls for him. I was surprised with how young Julia's Christine felt compared to Emilie's, but I think it's partly due to their Raouls.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Phantour said: "Are you going back to the show anytime after April 1st? The plan, as of now, is he's returning to finish the show starting April 3rd."
Hooray! Less pressure for me to try to make it back again in the next few days.
defenses said: "I've only seen Paul (on Broadway) and Hadley (in RAH) in full, so I had a very negative view of the character. John blew me away last night. He was not cocky at all. He plays Raoul as if he’s a young man madly in love and in over his head trying to help Christine. He seemed to have a smile on his face most of the time (and he totally checked out Christine during Il Muto!). I can easily see why Christine falls for him."
I already gushed over him on the last page, but...yep.
Stand-by Joined: 6/5/03
defenses said: "Phantour said: "defenses said: "I just got home from Wednesday night’s show, and I have a lot of feelings. Most of them are about John Riddle!! The show feels so different when Raoul is a strong member of the trio. I’m so sad I'll probably won’t get to see him again "
Are you going back to the show anytime after April 1st? The plan, as of now, is he's returning to finish the show starting April 3rd."
You just made my day!!! I am going on April 8, so I'll gladly suffer through Paul's Raoul four more times if I can see him again.
I've only seen Paul (on Broadway) and Hadley (in RAH) in full, so I had a very negative view of the character. John blew me away last night. He was not cocky at all. He plays Raoul as if he’s a young man madly in love and in over his head trying to help Christine. He seemed to have a smile on his face most of the time (and he totally checked out Christine during Il Muto!). I can easily see why Christine falls for him. I was surprised with how young Julia's Christine felt compared to Emilie's, but I think it's partly due to their Raouls."
I saw John this past Monday after seeing Paul four time in the role and I agree with you. It's a refreshing take on the character. I have definitely seen it more this year than when I saw him last October. I had a Christine switch up midshow, and he didn't seem as warm to Kanisha as he was with Emilie. However, I saw John and Kanisha in January and it was like a switch - John was warm, but Kanisha was a bit feisty with him. I would imagine his plans should stay the same and he will return April 3. It looks like Titanique has tickets until May so even if they extended, that wouldn't affect the plan he has in place. Kudos for him bouncing around between both shows for almost a year!
Phantour said: "I had a Christine switch up midshow"
You mean they actually switched actresses midway through the show? What happened?
Stand-by Joined: 1/6/23
Phantour said: "I would imagine his plans should stay the same and he will return April 3. It looks like Titanique has tickets until May so even if they extended, that wouldn't affect the plan he has in place. Kudos for him bouncing around between both shows for almost a year!"
I'm so glad! He impressed me so much, I plan on seeing him in Titanique after Phantom closes.
Some observations/comments from last night since I don't feel like doing my job today:
- This was the first time the chandelier went over me! I’m so glad I was able to experience that.
- I know a lot of people don’t like the new post-mirror staging with the ballet, but I really love the look that passes between Raoul and Giry.
- Does the angel statue give anyone else anxiety? I swear, it swings more and more each show I go to!
- I tried to spend most of my focus on John and Julia, which was easier this time.
- I prefer Julia’s voice over Emilie’s, but I think Emilie is the better actress. I couldn’t get a great read on Julia’s Christine, especially in the second act. She felt annoyed, maybe? (I loved the way she chucked the bouquet in the final lair, though!)
- I made sure to admire Julia’s wig since we’re probably getting the wavy wigs London has whenever Phantom comes back.
- I’ve somehow seen three Carlottas in four shows! Last night was Janinah Burnett. I think she’s my favorite of the three. She was wonderfully expressive and didn’t feel as cruel/snobby as the previous two. I liked that she is older so her Carlotta didn’t seem jealous or like a “rival”; she gave the vibe that since she was more experienced she deserved the role.
- Nehal is such a treat!! I enjoy him more and more each time I see the show. His energy is amazing and his smile is infectious.
- I love watching Meg in Notes I! She has the least amount to do in the scene, so it’s funny to see how she passes the time.
- I just can’t escape Paul! He was right in front of us as marksman. Thankfully, his gun didn’t go off. I always jump at loud noises even though I know they’re coming. 😂
defenses said: "This was the first time the chandelier went over me! I’m so glad I was able to experience that."
I can't think of any other show on Broadway that comes close to that experience at Phantom.
defenses said: "I know a lot of people don’t like the new post-mirror staging with the ballet, but I really love the look that passes between Raoul and Giry."
I like their silent interaction as well, but overall I don't care for this change because it makes the mirror scene too short, which makes the timing feel awkward to me. The Phantom doesn't even finish his first "I am your angel of music" before the glass opens, so he's still singing "Come to me, angel of music" when he and Christine are already gone and the mirror has closed behind them.
defenses said: "Does the angel statue give anyone else anxiety? I swear, it swings more and more each show I go to!"
Honestly, it's been doing that for as long as I can remember.
defenses said: "I’ve somehow seen three Carlottas in four shows! Last night was Janinah Burnett....I liked that she is older so her Carlotta didn’t seem jealous or like a “rival”; she gave the vibe that since she was more experienced she deserved the role."
I agree, and that's one of the reasons why I do not care for Raquel Suarez Groen: she reads too young and "Mean Girls". My all-time favorite Carlotta remains the record-breaking Michele McConnell, who was the perfect age and had the perfect look, impeccable comedic timing, and an absolutely glorious voice. I feel sorry for any fan of the show who never had an opportunity to see her on that stage.
defenses said: "Nehal is such a treat!! I enjoy him more and more each time I see the show. His energy is amazing and his smile is infectious.
I completely agree with this as well, and I told him so at the stage door. He's utterly charming and a complete delight as Andre. I love watching his facial expressions and hand gestures when he's not the one singing.
defenses said: "I love watching Meg in Notes I! She has the least amount to do in the scene, so it’s funny to see how she passes the time."
I've always thought I must be the only person in the audience who pays attention to Meg in the Notes scene. It shows how her character is, on some level, quite enthralled with the Phantom herself, and perhaps wishes that she were the one "under his wing". One of the often-heard complaints about Love Never Dies was that it completely changed the character of Meg, and I never agreed with that. If one pays very close attention to her every time she's on stage in the original Phantom, all of her motivations and desires are established. But, because she's so often in the background while others are out front, most people completely overlook her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Lot666 said: "defenses said: "This was the first time the chandelier went over me! I’m so glad I was able to experience that."
I can't think of any other show on Broadway that comes close to that experience at Phantom.
defenses said: "Iknow a lot of people don’t like the new post-mirror staging with the ballet, but I really love the look that passes between Raoul and Giry."
I like their silent interaction as well, but overall I don't care for this change because it makes the mirror scene too short, which makes the timing feel awkward to me. The Phantom doesn't even finish his first "I am your angel of music" before the glass opens, so he's still singing "Come to me, angel of music" when he and Christine are already gone and the mirror has closed behind them.
defenses said: "Does the angel statue give anyone else anxiety? I swear, it swings more and more each show I go to!"
Honestly, it's been doing that for as long as I can remember.
defenses said: "I’ve somehow seen three Carlottas in four shows! Last night was Janinah Burnett....I liked that she is older so her Carlotta didn’t seem jealous or like a “rival”; she gave the vibe that since she was more experienced she deserved the role."
I agree, and that's one of the reasons why I do not care for Raquel Suarez Groen: she reads too young and "Mean Girls". My all-time favorite Carlotta remains the record-breaking Michele McConnell, who was the perfect age and had the perfect look, impeccable comedic timing, and an absolutely glorious voice. I feel sorry for any fan of the show who never had an opportunity to see her on that stage.
defenses said: "Nehal is such a treat!! I enjoy him more and more each time I see the show. His energy is amazing and his smile is infectious.
I completely agree with this as well, and I told him so at the stage door. He's utterly charming and a complete delight as Andre. I love watching his facial expressions and hand gestures when he's not the one singing.
defenses said: "Ilove watching Meg in Notes I! She has the least amount to do in the scene, so it’s funny to see how she passes the time."
I've always thought I must be the only person in the audience who pays attention to Meg in the Notes scene. It shows how her character is, on some level, quite enthralled with the Phantom herself, and perhaps wishes that she were the one "under his wing". One of the often-heard complaints about Love Never Dies was that it completely changed the character of Meg, and I never agreed with that. If one pays very close attention to her every time she's on stage in the original Phantom, all of her motivations and desires are established.But, because she's so often in the background while others are out front, most people completely overlook her."
I've read the synopsis of Love Never Dies...ooooooooof.
Stand-by Joined: 1/6/23
Lot666 said: "defenses said: "Iknow a lot of people don’t like the new post-mirror staging with the ballet, but I really love the look that passes between Raoul and Giry."
I like their silent interaction as well, but overall I don't care for this change because it makes the mirror scene too short, which makes the timing feel awkward to me. The Phantom doesn't even finish his first "I am your angel of music" before the glass opens, so he's still singing "Come to me, angel of music" when he and Christine are already gone and the mirror has closed behind them."
Yes, that is a great point. I just think people are just ignoring the one positive thing in the new staging! If they were to go back to the original, I'd hope they keep the look.
Lot666 said: "defenses said: "Does the angel statue give anyone else anxiety? I swear, it swings more and more each show I go to!"
Honestly, it's been doing that for as long as I can remember."
It may have just been a different angle the first two times; It looks more stable from the side than the front. Oof, props to all the Phantoms who have to get on that thing (especially the understudies who aren’t as accustomed to it!).
Lot666 said: " agree, and that's one of the reasons why I do not care for Raquel Suarez Groen: she reads too young and "Mean Girls". My all-time favorite Carlotta remains the record-breaking Michele McConnell, who was the perfect age and had the perfect look, impeccable comedic timing, and an absolutely glorious voice. I feel sorry for any fan of the show who never had an opportunity to see her on that stage."
I took a quick search and found a few, um, slime tutorials with her, so I will have to check her out! Thank you for the recommendation!
Lot666 said: "I've always thought I must be the only person in the audience who pays attention to Meg in the Notes scene. It shows how her character is, on some level, quite enthralled with the Phantom herself, and perhaps wishes that she were the one "under his wing". One of the often-heard complaints about Love Never Dies was that it completely changed the character of Meg, and I never agreed with that. If one pays very close attention to her every time she's on stage in the original Phantom, all of her motivations and desires are established.But, because she's so often in the background while others are out front, most people completely overlook her."
She caught my eye the last time I saw the show so I decided to watch her again this time. I loved seeing her trying to get more information... last month, she even opened up something on the manager's desk and took a peek inside! I noticed last night that she ran over to the piano once it started playing by itself during the DJ rehearsal. I agree that her fascination with the Phantom has always been there (hello, who’s the one in the lair at the end!). I do hate that LND turned Giry and Meg from Christine’s champions to her enemies.
I have been watching tele-charge and the website for Christine dates for months because every time I go Emile is out and the dates say she will be in. Believe me, I understand about performers needing times off and they are never a guarantee. An amazing seat Orchestra K 1) popped up on line at a great last minute price and I checked the website one last time for Wednesday 2/15 at 2pm and it showed Julia would be performing the evening show. I saw on IG that Emile performed the Valentine's show, so I felt good. I bought it and wouldn't you know, The second I get to the door at 1:45pm, it listed Julia as Christine. 4 times now. I do love Julia, but I was a disappointed not see to see Emilie again, I will try again.
It was nice to see and hear the audience be very lively and have such great applause at all the right moments. The show is in such amazing shape.
Just use caution when going by the online performers dates. Ya never know!
Stand-by Joined: 8/31/14
HunterK said: "I have been watching tele-charge and the website for Christine dates for months because every time I go Emile is out and the dates say she will be in. Believe me, I understand about performers needing times off and they are never a guarantee. An amazing seat Orchestra K 1) popped up on line at a great last minute price and I checked the website one last time for Wednesday 2/15 at 2pm and it showed Julia would be performing the evening show. I saw on IG that Emile performed the Valentine's show, so I felt good. I bought it and wouldn't you know, The second I get to the door at 1:45pm, it listed Julia as Christine. 4 times now. I do love Julia, but I was a disappointed not see to see Emilie again, I will try again.
It was nice to see and hear the audience be very lively and have such great applause at all the right moments. The show is in such amazing shape.
Just use caution when going by the online performers dates. Ya never know!"
I hear ya lol, Emelie is always in when i go, even when i hope its Elizabeth or Julia.
My wife has that bad luck with Ben lmao the last 4 out 5 times i took her this year hes been out.
Stand-by Joined: 6/5/03
Lot666 said: "Phantour said: "I had a Christine switch up midshow"
You mean they actually switched actresses midway through the show? What happened?"
Emilie injured her leg backstage so Kanisha Marie Feliciano filled in for her from Il Muto to the end of the show.
@HunterK, I'm sorry you keep missing Emilie. I thought since they reduced her performances to 5 a week she had a good attendance record. If you go back to the show, I hope you do see her. I think she's a wonderful Christine.
defenses said: "I do hate that LND turned Giry and Meg from Christine’s champions to her enemies."
I understand why you might say that, but Love Never Dies depicts a bed that Christine made for herself. As she alludes to in "Once Upon Another Time", Christine made a choice at the end of the original Phantom. And, as you pointed out, Meg was quite keen to go looking for the Phantom at the end of the original show, and even defied her mother's orders not to do so. Ultimately, Giry and Meg took pity on the Phantom and helped him escape, so it seemed quite logical to me that they would resent Christine's coming to New York to reopen old wounds and potentially unravel everything they'd worked for while Christine was off making her life with Raoul.
Stand-by Joined: 1/6/23
Lot666 said: "defenses said: "I do hate that LND turned Giry and Meg from Christine’s champions to her enemies."
I understand why you might say that, but Love Never Dies depicts a bed that Christine made for herself. As she alludes to in "Once Upon Another Time", Christine made a choice at the end of the original Phantom. And, as you pointed out, Meg was quite keen to go looking for the Phantom at the end of the original show, and even defied her mother's orders not to do so. Ultimately, Giry and Meg took pity on the Phantom and helped him escape, so it seemed quite logical to me that they would resent Christine's coming to New York to reopen old wounds and potentially unravel everything they'd worked for while Christine was off making her life with Raoul."
That's true. One could argue that Christine was manipulated into reuniting with the Phantom in New York... but there's no way LND!Christine heard "Phantasma" and didn't think of a certain someone.
Side note: I am seeing Bad Cinderella tonight and decided to stay overnight to see Moulin Rouge tomorrow... but I won the Phantom lottery!!! Clearly, I am not allowed to see other shows lol. I'm so happy I can see John again before April. :)
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/22
I would argue - and I thought the script and staging did as well - that Meg's only wish in going below the opera house was to help save Christine, who could very well disappear for good or end up dead at the hands of her abductor. It wasn't about her thinking the Phantom was cool or hot or whatever else LND would like to claim.
She defied her mother's orders because she was willing to die to save Christine, her best friend, whose success as a singer is due in part to Meg speaking up on her behalf, spontaneously, at the right moment. Yep. That's an amazing friend.
Meg being changed into a jealous victim/villain/whatever in LND was more an attempt on the part of the creative team to find someone better/more familiar to the audience who could serve as the troublemaker, given that the story in Phantom of Manhattan royally fell apart in that department.
And as for Christine having "made her bed" according to LND...we're really to believe she went back to hook up with the Phantom after that final farewell at the end of the originals show? After Raoul almost got his neck snapped? Really?
Updated On: 2/18/23 at 03:46 PM
Stand-by Joined: 1/6/23
Listener said: "And as for Christine having "made her bed" according to LND...we're really to believe she went back to hook up with the Phantom after that final farewell at the end of the originals show? After Raoul almost got his neck snapped? Really?"
I agree. I think you can see it with some actresses, but it's not the most logical. To me, LND!Christine is a whole other Christine than Phantom!Christine (kind of how I feel about book Erik vs musical Phantom). They're all in parallel universes.
Some thoughts from today's matinee:
- I was trying to point out Elizabeth Welch to my mom and I finally remembered to watch her during Carlotta’s “Think of Me.” I love how she follows Carlotta then offers to be the understudy. Such a “wink wink” moment!
- I saw my third Meg! Kelly Loughran’s Meg feels more daring than curious. I almost thought she was going to say “nope, Mom. I'm going to save Christine!” (My mom really liked her because she thought previous Megs were “annoying." Poor Meg!)
- I had to look up the West End changes since I thought they got rid of the rising candelabras as they entered the lair. Thankfully, I misremembered (my search says they still move vertically--but not horizontally). I’m glad because that scene is the defining Phantom scene. (Ben put his hand on his chest as they were coming up, and I was like, "same, bro, same.” )
- The person behind me breathed “Jesus!” when he came out of the cross because he was hiding in yet another item. I couldn't help but chuckle.
- I love Julia’s PONR. SO MUCH LEG. Girl, you are getting that man extra hot and bothered.
- I’m glad I saw Julia with John since she seems more of a C/R Christine. I was thinking about not going on 3/20 to give my credit card some breathing room, but I think I changed my mind. It’s scheduled to be Jeremy/Julia/Paul, and I’m curious about that dynamic. (Plus, I think only two other shows are that night… I have no desire to see Chicago again, and I don’t need to see Six again.)
- It took me longer than it should have, but it finally hit me why Phantom is so special (or, well, one reason). It is clear that Maria Björnson cared A LOT about this show. There is something just so wonderful about these costumes and set pieces that you don’t always see in other shows.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
Defenses, I agree with you about Maria Bjornson. So often as I sit in the Majestic I think "that drape is right where Maria wanted it and left it" and "Maria created those creepy statues on the proscenium" "Maria decided how quickly or slowly those drapes should rise during the overture". I'm kinda growing more and more enamored with her designs and the fact that we are so lucky to have enjoyed them as long as we have. Man it will be sad to watch the load out of this show.
Another thing, I loved that you brought up somebody's reaction to the Phantom coming out of the cross. When I saw the show two weeks ago, people were downright baffled as to how the Phantom yanked Christine's necklace at the bottom of the staircase (after Masquerade) and then somehow appeared at the top of the stairs a split second later. And Raoul jumping into the lake, the Phantom appearing in the Angel,...people were just genuinely shocked at all of this stuff. It just seems like it's been a while since I've felt that energy in the theater. And it is so wonderful to walk down 44th St after the show and hear people gushing about how awesome the show was.
It's going to be difficult for me to get to know New York City again without Phantom.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/22
Both of you are going to have me crying.
I really can't imagine the show any other way except how Maria brilliantly conceived it.
After having seen Ben Crawford twice in the past couple weeks it’s been really eating at me to talk about his performance with other fans but I’ve sort of avoided it because I don’t want to be like super negative or anything…but I need to have some indication that someone else is seeing or hearing the things I did so I will just put my feelings out there - and warning I cannot articulate my thoughts on this sort of thing at all so this may sound like nonsense but anyway…
Ben is really not good. Like, to me he is giving a performance that I think would very noticeably be poor to most people seeing the show. He is wildly inconsistent on the acting side, sometimes he’ll just stand there and do his lines in a scene that requires more and then sometimes he’ll be more animated but his following of the blocking seems entirely surface level with no thought or understanding behind the movements he’s making, and quite frankly most of his choices just aren’t very good. Like I get the feeling watching him that he doesn’t care and is just doing what he’s been told to do without much else behind it. “I stand here now and move my hand theatrically in this way, and then I walk here and do this pose and put this kind of vocal inflection here”. Just by the books and he feels totally uninvested. I don’t feel like I’m explaining this well at all. He just simply wasn’t good.
And what on earth has happened to his voice? I had remembered when he joined the show back in 2018 that I thought he had a really nice, rich booming baritone with a lot of similarities to Davis Gaines and was really happy he had been cast and really liked what I heard.
After seeing him last night I needed to confirm I wasn’t going crazy and that he did in fact used to sound different—and it’s night and day. 2018 Ben and 2023 Ben might as well be different people. His voice has become so strained sounding and he’s starting singing so much of the score with this very harsh, nasally vocal placement which doesn’t sound good at all. All that richness he had is gone minus one or two moments when he was singing lower in his range that there was a little glimpse of it. He sounded so wonderful before…like one of the only ways coming to mind to describe it is that he sounds like a drunk and vocally strained version of what he used to sound like. It was a shock to play 2018 and 2023 side by side—the change is absolutely undeniable.
I feel bad writing any of this but I also just couldn’t believe that he was giving this kind of performance and I hadn’t seen these issues discussed as much as I would normally think. Although I do understand it’s a very subjective thing.
Can anyone possibly pinpoint or notice a moment when there was a change in his performance? Especially with his voice, when did the change start to happen on that end of things?
Alright. I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone. Ben is an extremely talented singer and actor, I’m not going to sit here and act like this performance defines his abilities, and I already know how brilliant he can be and sing—I think he’s one of the best voices to sing Javert back from when he understudied it in 2007, that brilliant booming voice sounded phenomenal.
Stand-by Joined: 1/6/23
poto19882023 said: "I feel bad writing any of this but I also just couldn’t believe that he was giving this kind of performance and I’m not seeing almost anyone talking about it? I know this kind of thing is subjective and based on peoples personal preference but genuinely I struggle to understand how more people haven’t noticed this."
I'm not going to touch anything else in your post, but you might want to read some of the previous pages because his performance has been discussed a lot.
defenses said: "poto19882023 said: "I feel bad writing any of this but I also just couldn’t believe that he was giving this kind of performance and I’m not seeing almost anyone talking about it? I know this kind of thing is subjective and based on peoples personal preference but genuinely I struggle to understand how more people haven’t noticed this."
I'm not going to touch anything else in your post, but you might want to read some of the previous pages because his performance has been discussed a lot."
Oh I’m sorry!! I had read some of that I just didn’t recall seeing anyone who noted some of these things with a similar mindset. Sorry didn’t mean to do that
I really enjoyed Ben’s performance the first time I saw him. Went back four times since opening (twice for Emilie, once on a whim with a friend, and another time for Jordan Dobson) - and post-Covid his performance (in my opinion) has really gone downhill, similar to Reeve in Hadestown.
It’s really a noticeable difference- I can sometime overlook weak/lazy acting for a good singer but damn, even his vocals aren’t the same.