poto19882023 said: "Twitter has been removed from the list of social media platforms you can login with on the lottery website"
It's very odd. I logged in and indeed see that Twitter is no longer listed, yet I still have an account. Very odd.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Thanks for the info. Guess I better hope my entry for the final show is still active if I can't enter any more of the daily lotteries (and will never have won since they announced the closing.)
Chorus Member Joined: 8/4/09
Twitter revoked API access yesterday, so you won't see Twitter as a login or verification option for any service that previously offered it. No one wants to pay Elon for the privilege of using his collapsing site.
TellZ said: "Twitter revoked API access yesterday, so you won't see Twitter as a login or verification option for any service that previously offered it. No one wants to pay Elon for the privilege of using his collapsing site."
Okay so what the hell happens to those of us who entered the lottery using a Twitter account??? They better have a plan otherwise they’ve ruined the entire contest.
Friday benefit ticket pricing has changed for the second time today.
Stand-by Joined: 1/6/23
To those of you still looking to see understudies, Ben is apparently going to be out the next few days. Rumor has it Jeremy Stolle is on tomorrow…
Smart of him to take a break ahead of the final week of performances.
defenses said: "To those of you still looking to see understudies, Ben is apparently going to be out the next few days. Rumor has it Jeremy Stolle is on tomorrow…"
Damn! Why couldn't this happen NEXT week?
If this is all accurate re: Ben being out, then one of the shows either today or tomorrow will likely be Paul Schaefer - he said that they owed him a Phantom performance since they scheduled his final performance in the role for April 10, which ended up being cancelled.
He seemed pretty confident Ben would have to take off a show next week as well - which makes sense as if he didn't he'd be doing all 8 shows - and that if Ben did indeed take a show off, that show would be Paul's too.
Now, Greg Mills should technically have been next in rotation for Phantom, followed then by Ted Keegan. But Paul's return kind of muddies that order a bit I am not entirely sure where he fits in to the usual rotation.
Jeremy Stolle has gotten the past two understudy dates, this past Saturday for the matinee, and now last night. If he does indeed go on today it will be extremely unusual. The production putting him on four times in a row is odd. But I'm so glad he's gotten a chance to "redo" his final performance many times over after the technical mishap on 3/20.
But either way, expect Paul either today or tomorrow.
I personally am hoping we get a surprise extra Ted performance. Of all the Phantoms this production has he is easily the best. How I wish he could somehow become principle for the final run of shows these final weeks. He's a great representation of the show's history and clearly has such a love, care, and dedication to the role.
TaffyDavenport said: "This is wild:"
I wonder when they will end up on TDF. But also the people that are willing to pay $350-$1200+ per ticket to see Phantom already bought tickets for the final week of performances, especially as its not even the final public show.
TaffyDavenport said: "This is wild:"
It infuriates me that I bought a ticket when they went on sale, assuming it would sell out quickly, and now they've dropped the prices way below what I paid.
Stand-by Joined: 1/6/23
Jeremy Stolle is on for the matinee! I’d guess he’s on the for the 8 pm show too, but YMMV. Talk is Greg might go on over the next few days…
defenses said: "Jeremy Stolle is on for the matinee! I’d guess he’s on the for the 8 pm show too, but YMMV. Talk is Greg might go on over the next few days…"
Give me Jeremy and/or Greg at 4/12 matinee, 4/14 evening, or 4/15 evening PLEASE.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/27/22
Lot666 said: "TaffyDavenport said: "This is wild:"
It infuriates me that I bought a ticket when they went on sale, assuming it would sell out quickly, and now they've dropped the prices way below what I paid."
Well we will both be at that performance. Not great that it’s not selling well but at least the money is going to a good cause and there is no Telecharge fees for that performance.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/2/15
Just wondering is John Riddle still on as Raoul? I hear he’s incredible and hoping to catch him next week
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Theatrefanboy1 said: "Just wondering is John Riddle still on as Raoul? I hear he’s incredible and hoping to catch him next week"
Yes. He returned on Monday for the final two weeks.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Prices have been lowered again for the Charity performance. The max is now $999, with $799, $599, $449, $299, and $149 options. I'm sorry for those who paid the ridiculous prices, but I have to admit I hope they keep going down. If they lower enough, I might actually get to see it one more time (since I can't enter the lottery anymore)...
(Front mezz is $299, which doesn't seem terrible. Hmmm...)
Stand-by Joined: 7/29/08
I have a question about SRO recently. Has the BO truly been waiting until the show is 100% sold out, or have they generally been selling when the BO opens since they know it will sell out? I see for tomorrow there are a handful of orchestra tickets available (less than 20). Would they wait until those sell before selling SRO, or are they a bit more lenient? Thanks for any info!
For those interested in SRO updates, I went today at 7:45. There were 9 people ahead of me, with the first two getting there at 6A. By 8:30 the line was long already, with most people probably not getting a ticket if they arrived after. I was hoping they would have box seats available for tonight’s show but SRO was only available.
Stand-by Joined: 1/6/23
Another data point. I overslept and didn’t get to the box office until 9 am. The standing room spots sold out about 3-4 people before me.
Broadway Flash said: "Did u end up getting a ticket ?"
Yes, I sure did!
I’d love for you to report back about who’s the Phantom tonight. Also, is standing room at the Majestic similar to the WinterGarden? With a wooden beam and the numbers on it?
Leading Actor Joined: 12/10/18
Broadway Flash said: "Also, is standing room at the Majestic similar to the WinterGarden? With a wooden beam and the numbers on it?"
Very similar to that, yes!