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RENT Movie Premier?

#25re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 12:32am

phantom was a flop and chicago had multiple big names.

that work?

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

LightMyCandle Profile Photo
#26re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 12:35am

Not so much, no.

i'm a tough act to follow because when i'm done i take the microphone with me.

#27re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 12:38am

well, then you are ignoring facts. Phantom did not do well financially, and chicago had Richard Gere, Catherine Zeta Jones, renee Zelwegger, Christine Baranski, J. C. Reilly and Queen Latifah, those things equal finacncial success, plus the movie was really good.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

#28re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 12:48am

While the stars of Chicago were quite respected in Hollywood before Chicago, the only one of them that too many people would go to see before Chicago JUST to see would be, maybe Queen Latifah. They all had a following, but none were enough to carry a movie like, say Dustin Hoffman or Jenifer Lopez (not that I'm compairing them as actors - if anyone can act there way out of a paper bag, it's Hoffman). While I think The Producers has a greater chance to be financially successful, if Rent starts to catch on, it'll CATCH ON.

"Who is Stephen Sondheim?" -roninjoey
"The man who wishes he had written Phantom of the Opera!" - SueleenGay

Updated On: 7/26/05 at 12:48 AM

#29re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 12:55am

right jam, and when you put that many people together that all have hordes of fans, they profits rise

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

Mimi Imfurst
#30re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 3:01am

The premier is definitly in New York. There will also be something special for RENTheads. That's all I'll say.

NYC's Most Retarded Drag Queen The Mimi Show: hosted by Mimi Imfurst features Broadway stars Tuesdays @ 10:30pm Weekly! June 13th: Hairspray's Michelle Dowdy, June 20th: Aida's Lori Ann Strunk, June 27th: Composer Katie Thompson No Cover- No Drink Minimum OW BAR: 221 E 58th Street (between 2nd and 3rd)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#31re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 8:45am

As much as I hate having information dangled in my face because people feel important knowing it, as much as I applaud the people who are in charge of that contest for being so brave, and as crazy as I think that's going to be, I do have to say I think it's a pretty admirable thing that they're doing so many things to make this really special for the hardcore fans.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#32re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 12:46pm

i agree, thats what i really love about RENT. Mimi- how do you know?

DefyingGravity4 Profile Photo
#33re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 1:01pm

I think the movie will do well because a lot of (non theatre) people have heard of it and know that it's a different kind of story and that it's edgier, so they will pay $10 to go to see it in theatre instead of 80 to see it on Broadway. I know of at least 10 people that have seen the preview in theatres and say that it looks really good. A lot of them recognized "Seasons Of Love" too and want to hear more! Soooo YES the movie will be a success!

Mimi Imfurst
#34re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 1:13pm

Sorry if I dabbled it your face. I just can't devuldge that information. It's not my place. Yes, its very cool that the folks in charge of the RENT film- well anything RENT related for that matter continue to give to the fans.

NYC's Most Retarded Drag Queen The Mimi Show: hosted by Mimi Imfurst features Broadway stars Tuesdays @ 10:30pm Weekly! June 13th: Hairspray's Michelle Dowdy, June 20th: Aida's Lori Ann Strunk, June 27th: Composer Katie Thompson No Cover- No Drink Minimum OW BAR: 221 E 58th Street (between 2nd and 3rd)

#35re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 1:38pm

Well guys, i think the movie will do really well. I agree with DefyingGravity4, a lot of people will go b/c theyd rather pay $10 than $80. And this will appeal to a lot of people who have wanted to see RENT but dont live in new york and cant go see it on stage. there are a lot of rent fans who dont get the chance to go and see it so i think that alone will attract a lot of people. Plus, even though these people arent huge names like the Chicago people, Taye Diggs should attract a lot of female fans, Jesse L. Martin is on Law and Order, and Idina Menzel did win the Tony for the lead one of the most popular musicals ever. And Anthony Rapp was in the Charlie Brown revival, and Adam Pascal was in Aida. Plus, Adam and Anthony have solo albums. Even though these names arent all household like Renee Zellweger, they will bring in a lot of loyal fans even though they arent neccisarily rent heads.

Bob: "there is a chance, albeit a microscopic one, that our baby at some point in his or her formative years will get lodged in a tree" ~Related~

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#36re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 1:41pm

And you're missing the fact that the groups you've listed aren't exactly separate entities. People who know Idina from Wicked are now proclaiming themselves "OMG RENTheads!!" and people who know Adam and Anthony's solo music are very likely RENT fans as well. With the majority of the cast, RENT is what they're best known for; their "loyal" fans are RENT fans - you're not really looking at extra draw by trying to categorize their fans.

Too many people are making fast assumptions based on ONE thing - you don't realize that this movie's success isn't so black and white, and it's not going to be based on and dictated by one singular thing or another so easily as "oh, they have fans!" It's a lot harder than that. How the movie does will be a culmination of many, many factors. And doing "well" is also very, very relative, and quite open to interpretation. It might do "well" by someone's standards, but not truly be a "hit" by some other definition.

Let's just wait and see, shall we?

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/26/05 at 01:41 PM

b-way buff Profile Photo
b-way buff
#37re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 5:18pm

YES the pre mire is definitely in NY and it will be at the Ziegfeld theater.

also it will not be release nation wide on the 11th of Nov. it will be a platform release rolling out more prints on a weekly basis. more the likely it will open in NY and la on the 1st with other cities to follow. eventually becoming national.

Forget regret
Updated On: 7/26/05 at 05:18 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#38re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 5:20pm

Argh. Edit because b-way buff's edit and date change have now made my post irrelevant, making me look like an idiot. Nevermind!

And edited again for even MORE confusion, that's the first I've heard of 11/1 at all, but I'm in NYC, so should that be the route chosen, you certainly won't hear me complaining.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 7/26/05 at 05:20 PM

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#39re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 6:39pm

I was always under the impression that there would be a premiere in LA and in NYC. If there is one in LA, I'll be down there to be an obsessive RENThead faster then one could think possible. :-P That'd be awsome to be able to go to the premiere, even if its just to stand by the red carpet and get autographs and stuff.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#40re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 6:56pm

Definitly! That's the one premier I am going to pull all the strings I have in LA to get into. Lol, lets just hope it works!

"If you can talk, you can sing...if you can walk, you can dance." - T.K. Greene

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#41re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 8:30pm

does anyone know if theyre letting fans into the premere in NY?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#42re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 8:34pm

If we knew, would we be speculating and saying "oh, it would be so cool if....?"

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#43re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/26/05 at 8:44pm

already pulled every string i have to get to a NY premiere. Its so far away, but being prepared is better than being blindsighted. Cannot wait


#44re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/27/05 at 12:49am

b-way buff: I'm pretty sure that November 11th IS a national release. According to IMDB (not the end all source, I know, but if you have one you're not telling us about, please do), there are no other release dates for Rent in the US. And I'm pretty sure it had the other dates for the release of Phantom by this far along.
IMDB Release Dates for Rent

"Who is Stephen Sondheim?" -roninjoey
"The man who wishes he had written Phantom of the Opera!" - SueleenGay


b-way buff Profile Photo
b-way buff
#45re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/27/05 at 3:22am

When a movie get a platform release they dont list the date of each time the film expands in to more theaters. They list the release date and thats it. it could open on 2 screens or 2000 its still the date the film "OPENS". then they will add more area and more screens trying to build upon positive reviews and word of mouth. as per my source lets just say its someone very closely associated with the film.

Forget regret

#46re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/27/05 at 3:26am

Okay, that makes sense - I won't call you a liar!

Any idea when it would make it to a southern Illinois subburb of St. Louis?

"Who is Stephen Sondheim?" -roninjoey
"The man who wishes he had written Phantom of the Opera!" - SueleenGay


Chloe Profile Photo
#47re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/27/05 at 10:36am

Thanks for the info, b-way buff, but one thing was a little confusing:

"it will open in NY and la on the 1st with other cities to follow"

Did you mean it will open in NY and LA first on 11/11? That seemed to be the gist of what you were getting at. Either way, it looks like we New Yorkers luck out again!

b-way buff Profile Photo
b-way buff
#48re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 7/27/05 at 10:56am

yes i ment the 11th i went back and edited it. so it now says the 11th. sorry for the confusion.

Forget regret

#49re: RENT Movie Premier?
Posted: 8/2/05 at 2:56pm

Does anyone know the dates of the premiere?

"Life has been your art. You have set yourself to music. Your days are your sonnets." -Oscar Wilde
