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RENT is confirmed to be selectively homophobic- Page 5

RENT is confirmed to be selectively homophobic

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#100Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 2:30pm

Libido liberals

Just reading that makes me laugh.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 11/19/05 at 02:30 PM

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
#101Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 2:37pm

Oh lordy, i swear Art2 made a post about this monthes ago...please stop.

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#102Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 2:41pm

^ try fifty

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

#103Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 2:44pm

A single critic didn't find their relationship to be as sexy as the female's relationship. This relationship has never been sexy, the lesbian relationship is based on lust where as the gay relationship is based on love, it doesn't confirm what you have complained of at all, in fact it confirms the opposite.

#104Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 2:46pm

You're right, he did make one of these type of posts months ago. But, he also made one not too long ago...which was what, a month ago?

art, why don't you just give up? Probably no one on this board agrees with you and is eating "humble pie" out of your hands. You can have your so-called opinions, but no one is behind you.

I highly doubt that when the many fans on this board see the movie themselves will be eating that "pie" out of your hands.

What the puck?!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#105Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 2:55pm

The girls' relationship is that, jimmy. It's sexy, and it's TENSE. The Collins/Angel relationship is pure, simple, innocent love. That comes off differently, and I *certainly* don't think that's wrong. It's characterization.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

FOAnatic Profile Photo
#106Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 3:00pm

My thoughts exactly, Emcee.

"I love talking about nothing. It is the only thing I know anything about." - Oscar Wilde

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
#107Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 3:08pm


#108Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 5:12pm

Wilson addresses this very question in this newest article:

The excerpt:

Q: The gay male relationship in this movie seems to be bit more chaste than the lesbian romance.

A: It is more chaste. It’s not about sex, or about the kind of passion that Maureen and Joanne have. My sister saw it, and afterwards she said it was sort of like these two characters were buddies. And I told her, ‘Didn’t you think those two guys always had each others’ backs, like they were life partners?’ That’s what it’s about, is the love.

Methinks we shall trust Wilson's statement a little more than Art's assumptions. Shall we?

Marquise Profile Photo
#109Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 5:16pm

Oh, without a doubt SolitaryRose. Without. A. Doubt.
Was there ever a question?

#110Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 5:39pm

I just think it's funny that art2 thinks he's been vindicated because one source kind of agreed with him. I could make the most idiotic statement and I bet I could find someone out there to agree with it. I am certain thatwouldn't prove any vindication.

#111Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 5:42pm

HAHA. Oh my God, I completely forgot about the vindication thing. Can't leave that out! Ahem:

OH WOW! Art found one film critic who agrees with him?! That's GREAT. I mean, really, good for you, Art. Fab-u-lous. You've been vindi--oh, wait!


On second thought, Art, we're not worthy of this humble pie you have so lovingly baked us. Allow me to give it to the person who actually deserves it.

::takes slice of humble pie, tops it with whipped cream, adds a fork and slides it back across the table to art::

Victory is ours! (A la Stewie Griffin) Art2 knows NOTHING
Updated On: 11/19/05 at 05:42 PM

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#112Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 5:43pm

I haven't read this entire thread, but I recall the first thread started by art2 about Rent.

Art--the question is motivation. IF the creators of this film were homophobes or held the stereotypical straight male mindset about gays and lesbians, I would fully back you up. Nothing is more frustrating than the notion that it's ok to be gay as long as you are a hot female--and anything else is "disgusting".

However, that is not what we are dealing with here. The motivations are not anti-gay. And, I think what's been said brings up a very pro-gay notion in terms of stereotypes. Usually gay men are thought of as sex fiends and gay women as people who bring the UHaul on the second date. In Rent, the opposite images are being played out. And, if the audience can walk away having new facets of gays and lesbians introduced into their minds, than Rent is exactly the opposite of how you depict it.

Furthermore, until you have SEEN the film, your arguments and chest beating are as ineffective as Christians who railed against The Last Temptation of Christ and Jews who railed against The Passion of the Christ. You can't and shouldn't fight something, nor claim such things if you haven't even seen the film.

Updated On: 11/19/05 at 05:43 PM

#113Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 5:45pm


You are my hero.

What the puck?!

musicman117 Profile Photo
#114Art2 knows NOTHING
Posted: 11/19/05 at 6:03pm

Anthony - I totally agree that this conversation is very interesting to watch unfold. THere are many of these debates taht i read and just shake my head in disbelief rather than throw in my two cents.

But i think i will comment on this one.

Art2 - RENT is a musical that embraces all walks of life. The only thing that it really condemns is being judgemental. I don't think that anything associated with Jonathan Larson would be even remotely homophobic because homophobia is something he tried to put an end to. No one aasociated with this movie, especially his family, would let this movie portray something contrary to what Jonathan would have wanted. The characters of Collins and Angel have a love for each other so great taht it surpasses the superficial idea that love is sex and goes right for the idea that love is being with someone and caring for them on a very deep level through any hard times. I think that the fact that Collins stayed with Angel and cared for him so deeply throughout Angel's last few days shows that they truly love each other on such a deeper level than Maureen and Joanne love each other. Just because Collins and Angel dont always have sexual tension doen NOT mean that there is not love there. If anything, i would say that the characters of Angel and Collins have the most loving relationship in the movie. Art2, just watch the movie before trying to comment anymore.


#115Anthony, take off your blinkers
Posted: 11/19/05 at 6:56pm

The evidence that RENT is selectively homophobic has been building from the trailer to the poster to the film. It's a silver snail's trail of aversion to anything considered to be "gay male". It has been confirmed by independent observers, thus vindicating my position since day one. Moreover, I love the way some of you take twists and turns to defend the staid Angel/Collins depiction while at the same time condoning the fleshing out and sexing up of the female-female relationship. Honestly, some of you should be directing straight porn movies.

As for what Anthony said eariler, stop covering up for Columbus and Sony, Anthony. They've done a disservice to gay men in general and I truly believe you should be ashamed of yourself for being associated with them.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#116Anthony, take off your blinkers
Posted: 11/19/05 at 6:58pm

You are officially an ass, art2. Enjoy being a bitter, disturbed queen.

Craig Profile Photo
#117Anthony, take off your blinkers
Posted: 11/19/05 at 7:06pm

Art, I think it's you that doesn't have a leg to stand on. For one, you haven't seen the film. Second - you clearly don't truly understand the difference between a deep love and lust/heat. This is extremely surprising if you are such a lover of RENT... you'd would know these things.

Thirdly - if they had only centered on the homosexual elements or highlighted them too much people would probably criticize them for exploiting gay relationships.

I've seen all the trailers and I've also seen the film (something you haven't it would appear) and can tell you that the film isn't watered down one bit regarding any of the relationships.

The trailers represent the ENTIRE film. The film, NOR the stage production is about HOMOSEXUAL love. it's about LOVE in ALL forms. It's about relationships - in all forms. It's about a group of friends. Race, creed, sexual orientation, etc (while some are elemental to the plot) aren't the heart of this show. Just like the message behind "La Cage" isn't about homosexual love but about FAMILY and relationships.

I'm sorry (and sad) that you can't and don't want to see that - but want to cry "anti-gay" sentiments. Nothing could be further than the truth.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka
Updated On: 11/19/05 at 07:06 PM

xoxRogue Profile Photo
Posted: 11/19/05 at 7:13pm


Craig, thank you.

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.
Updated On: 11/19/05 at 07:13 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#119Anthony, take off your blinkers
Posted: 11/19/05 at 7:17pm

Oh, this just got really, really interesting. Daaaaaamn. I've laughed at this until now. Until a nerve's been pushed.

To call Anthony out like that and tell him he should be "ashamed" of himself? Someone who's been so active, and such a role model? Hell, I'm a straight female, and for what he's done and who he is, he still has every ounce of my respect. And I don't consider myself a particularly misguided or delusional individual, before you tell me so. I do believe that someone like Anthony Rapp can judge for himself homophobia, selective homophobia, silver snail shredders and whatever the hell else you might think up, art. And he can do so far better than an individual like yourself who can not and will not see the truth because it isn't *your* version of the truth shall ever be able to do -- someone so, dare I say, closed-minded. Isn't that what homophobia is? Closed-mindedness? He made this movie. This work is in his bones. You haven't even seen the movie. How dare you.

I like very much what Craig said about the universality of love. There's so, so much to be said for the fact that this is treated with care and simplicity, just like *any* *other* relationship. It's normal, and it's beautiful.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 11/19/05 at 07:17 PM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#120Anthony, take off your blinkers
Posted: 11/19/05 at 7:20pm

I completely agree with what Craig and Emcee have said (art= dummyhead), so I won't elaborate further at this point. But Silver Snail Shredders is totally the name of my new band.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 11/19/05 at 07:20 PM

Craig Profile Photo
#121Anthony, take off your blinkers
Posted: 11/19/05 at 7:22pm

It's quite clear (based on Art2's post here and elsewhere) that the only person who has an agenda here, is Art2 - not columbus, sony or anyone else.

And I will personally vouch for Anthony's integrity - regardless of being involved in the production or not - if he, in ANWAY, felt that anyone involved had an agenda or had anti-gay sentiments, he would call them out on it. Period.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#122Anthony, take off your blinkers
Posted: 11/19/05 at 7:23pm

I'm so f*cking angry.

What sort of band, skittles?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#123Anthony, take off your blinkers
Posted: 11/19/05 at 7:24pm

art2, you fool. I can not believe you posted that.

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

#124Anthony, take off your blinkers
Posted: 11/19/05 at 7:28pm

It's a silver snail's trail of aversion to anything considered to be "gay male".

Quick, it sort of rhymes. Someone write a song.

Art, I can't believe that you would attack Anthony like this. Even disregarding the facts that you have not seen the movie and will not listen to the reason behind anyone else's thoughts, I know that I can't take you seriously, as you are striking out at the very people who live and breathe acceptance.

Just... I really don't know what to say that's not going to make me come off hot-headed. You don't get it.

"'But do you really mean, sir,' said Peter, 'that there could be other worlds --all over the place, just round the corner-- like that?'

'Nothing is more probable,' said the Professor..."

-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
