Morbid fascination with how easily they can push our buttons?
Someone else can bother with them, I'm over it. It'll take something really interesting get me to bother anymore. I have a 10-page paper on African American linguistics to do.
Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never
knowing how
Hi Everyone, I'm 32, fully an adult. The tone of this thread has displeased me greatly. Where to start. First, attacking someome on their career choices is just wrong. Maybe you thought it was "clever", but it was Just mean. Second, Rent is obviously more than just a musical/movie for him. Do you think deciding to do this film had to do with his career? I do not like celebrities, just by the nature of their celebrity. I think most of them are fake, and egotisticall, but Anthony doesn't seem to be of that ilk. The reason he defended the film isn't becaause its lack of awards doesn't help his career, or his book sales. He defended Rent, because he believes in its values so highly. It is natural to want to defend the work you most believe in. If I were him, would I be on this board? Probably not. However, he has EVERY right to defend what he believes. He believed deeply in Columbus and the film. Trash the film if you want, but try to understand why he defends it. (And yes, I loved the film,but that isn't the point here.)
Nothing against liking Wicked and Idina. But the majority are 12 year olds. Especially people with names like yours and that use her in their avatar. A little un-original for a adult.
I happen to be 24 and I love Idina and Wicked because I sat in the front row and saw her sing her heart out. It was one of the most amazing performances I have ever seen. And yes I am an adult with an orignal screen name, sorry to disapoint.
"Rent is obviously more than just a musical/movie for him. Do you think deciding to do this film had to do with his career?"
Since I'm already so unpopular in this thread, I'll go ahead and say it. At the risk of being accused of further RAPP bashing -- No I don't think Rapp's motives for doing the film were simply because he so loves the material. It was a great job offer and he took it. The entire cast did, because it would have been crazy for them not too.
Rapp wanted the film to be a success because it would have ensured future film roles. What's wrong with that? Absolutely nothing.
But to put Rapp on some pedistal and say he only has RENT's message and Larson's vision as his best interest is absurd. If that were the case, they would have had to say "don't cast us, we we are all really ten years too old for the roles" and to further question Columbus's vision for the film. No actor in their right mind would do that in the face of such an opportunity.
I must admit mine is also an Idina screenname. She is going to star in March of the Penguins- the new Joe Brooks show I co-wrote, I wanted to keep it secret, but alas the time is NOW. She will be #78, aka Fluffwalda.
Penguin - although you try to piss me off, your insults make me stronger. And when Joe Brooks wins a Tony for best score one day, you're gonna feel like a penguin in the dessert.
MB - I must say I truly think Anthony wanted Rent to be a success because of the message. (Of course what you said about his career is probably true - he is human and there's nothing wrong with that.) I do think he truly cares about Rent's message. It's hard to fake such interest for almost a decade.
But I also think a decade is a long time to stay attached to something.