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Rejection stories

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#0Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:02pm

Hey all.. question. What's the worst rejection you've ever experienced while trying out for a role?? I can now say I have 2...thanks to last night's audtion >;(
My first...
Audtioning for Arsenic and Old Lace
I....walked on stage. I heard "Thank you, that's all" from the director.
Runner Up
Rehersal for Murder
Last night my request to read a scene was refused because (quote) "'re not exactly the leading lady type". keep in mind, this is a high school production with 15 kids going out for 11 roles..

Was that a fat joke?

XxVeGanChaPstickxX Profile Photo
#1re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:07pm

Last year my director wanted to cast me as "Harold Hill" In my highschool's production of :The Music Man:, but my principle stepped in and said that I was "Too ethnic" to play the part.

I'm flippin' Asian American.

I no longer attend that school, and while not for that reason, I'm extremely glad.

This year I got the male lead in our school's fall play. And not to brag, but apparently no one here cares how "ethnic" I am.

I'm praying this won't be a problem later on in my career... Updated On: 1/11/05 at 10:07 PM

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#2re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:10pm

That's SO cold, dude...seriously. A couple years ago i know that our school was in an "uproar" as it were because they cast an African-american as peter pan.....but people NEED to get a life. Get over your petty racisms and look to what really matters.

Was that a fat joke?

#3re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:11pm

Turned down for Jack three times in local shows (twice for men who were 40+ and wore Bozo the Clown wigs, and once to someone who was a bit older, but made the role work); yet somehow making a call back for the tour that never made it off the ground last year...

And if she'll say, "My darling, I'm yours!" I'll throw away my striped tie and my best pressed tweed, all I really need is the girl...

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#4re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:14pm

I hate that...they call you back then squash your dreams.

Was that a fat joke?

NightLaughs Profile Photo
#5re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:15pm

Freshman year I auditioned for my school's production of West Side Story. Lets keep in mind, at the time I was a pretty weak dancer. Of course, as we auditioned in groups, I was put with the show's already chosen senior dance captain. I was so clumsy I bumped into her at least twice. Finally towards the end of the audtion she gave me a little shove and sneered "Get out of my way." All of this in front of the director, casting people and choreographer. And in front of the rest of the auditioners (About 300 kids)

Needless to say I didn't make the cut. I saw the list and screamed "I can outsing half those kids!" My chorus teacher replied "Yes, darling, but you can't dance." Thanks.

It was a humbling experience, and I have made it a point to not to make an ass of myself ever again during an audition... hah.

If you limit your choices to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."- Robert Fritz
Updated On: 1/11/05 at 10:15 PM

musicgal04 Profile Photo
#6re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:22pm

I auditioned for The Sound of Music a couple years back to be one of the Von Trapps. I got cut and got over it, then a few days later I get a call saying I had been called back. So I went to the call back and there were about 16 kids there total, the director said he was casting the seven kids and understudies for all seven. At the end of the audition we were told we would be called either way. Turns out there were only two understudies for the girls and no one was called to find out they weren't cast, so we all found out once rehearsals started and we were at the studios for classes held by the company. Annoying. I wouldn't have minded as much if I didn't have to be rejected twice for the same show, I was already over it by the time the callback happened. Oh well, better things came later.

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#7re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:22pm

yeah...that's pretty least YOU didn't fall off the stage...onto the director....spilling his coffee....onto the brand new rug in the brand new auditorium....that cost about 4 million to build....not that...ahem....I did anything of the sort.....on december 16th at 5;46 PM 2001.....

Was that a fat joke?

wickedfan Profile Photo
#8re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:25pm

For a touring production of "The Sound of Music" a year and a half ago my agent sent me out on an audition. Now for some reason, they kept on thinking i was like 10 (i was 13 during the audition) because a few months earlier they sent me to audtion for the role of Young Guido in the Revival of "Nine" (Right before I turned 13). So I go, and they ask me to sing Edelweiss in a range that i could only be able to sing if I was kicked in the groin. And not to mention, my dad was driving me there and he had the air conditioning on which dried my voice and I had no water with me (BIG mistake!) So I go. And I start to sing, and...nothing comes out! So I ask to start again, swallow a few times. And start to sing again, this time i'm actually singing and it's good but you cna't hear because im so quiet. They say "Louder!" and I belt my head off. They stop me after the song "good, but, you're supposed to be like, 12, can you tone down the belting?" I said "sorry, no" they say "That will be all."(Then in a harsh voice, practically braying) "NEEEXT!" I thanked them. ANd they gave me a smile and pointed towards the door. I was so embarassed.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

renthead2005z Profile Photo
#9re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:47pm

I understand that the whole ethnic thing is rude, but that is what is going to happen in the real world. For example, a white person cannot play Seaweed, and a black person couldn't play Proctor in the crucible. A skinny person couldn't play TRacy, and a Fat person couldn't play Mimi. Although I do not think it is right especially for high school shows, it is what will happen in the real world. My director told us a story about how a girl got cut because her but was a tad too big and she was fat. This girl was by no means fat, but she wasn't right for the character. I am not trying to offend anyone i am just stating.

"Why do we play with fire?-Why do we run our fingers through the flame?"

#10re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:51pm

I auditioned for my college's show last semester. First, they mis-advertised, the night I went was supposed to be callbacks, but they listed it as a regular night of auditions. So, instead of singing what I had (What You Own), I had to sing something from the show. Normally, this would be fine, but there was no music. The guy sang the song for us twice, then had us sing it for him. I apparently didn't do so bad, as they had me stay to read lines. Everyone they had stay read two lines each. I got cut (and not to sound conceited or jealous or anything, but after seeing the show, I'm baffled as to why).

Just how you can cast a show by having the auditioners sing a song without music and by reading two lines is beyond me, but whatever. Ah well, its better this way: I've heard working on the show was a NIGHTMARE

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#11re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/11/05 at 10:55pm

well this one time, before i auditioned for my first musical, i auditioned for Doroty in the Wiz..and i was turned down because of my nose
they were mean, i was like 7th grade, and they were like "sorry, we want a girl with a cuter, smaller nose"
wow..thanks a lot

funny how i later got cast as Dorothy in another production
hurumph stupid ppl

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#12re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 1:36am

A non overweight person can play Tracey.

Marissa's original understudy (forgot the name) wore a "fat suit" when she went on.

So..anything can happen.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

TBone Profile Photo
#13re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 2:32am

"...a black person couldn't play Proctor in the crucible."
In the real world, probably not. However that wasn't the case with a local high school this past fall. A black John Proctor wearing was just weird.

#14re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 12:29pm

Oh, some of these are awful!

My worst was last year, in Honk! tryouts. I did the best audition of my life, got called back, did a fabulous dance audition, and then was asked to read for Penny. I do a really good read, and the director tells me, "We're giving you the part." I'm on air for the rest of the day.

Then he casts someone an inch shorter than me as Ugly, and gives the part to a very pretty, petite girl who can't sing. Not only that, she does the character and even the blocking exactly as I had during my audition!

I was crushed.


"Well, obviously Company is about the Kennedy family. Bobby is played by Raul, and JFK is played by Harvey Fierstein." -vfd88

operadiva1979 Profile Photo
#15re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 12:50pm

I busted my butt to get my equity card, and about a year after, I auditioned for Phantom in New York and I sang "Glitter and Be Gay".

I'm not sure who exactly was auditioning me that day, but they said it was "wonderful" and was I reachable at my contact info on my headshot/resume. The woman that was in the room sitting next to who I assume was the casting director then asked me if I lived in New York, and I did, and who was I studying with at the moment. So, I told her my voice teacher's name (at the time), and they were all smiles when I left.

I was really excited, but then I found out when I never got a call from my more "connected" friend that he heard I looked "too young". Umm..I'm 25.

Jwei123 Profile Photo
#16re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 12:52pm

rejected as "Gavroche" in the broadway company of Les Miserables, twice. Obviously, this was quite a few years ago!


"I think it was the Korean tour or something. They were all frickin' asian!" -Zoran912

#17re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 4:31pm

My worst audition was at the local theatre I perform at every... year. Now you must understand, I have gotten parts in the musicals there since I was seven years old. ((At the time of this audition I was eleven.))

Now the director was the Grandmother of the girl in my school, who let's say we 'Compete' for best singer and we always fight for the same parts. The granddaughter also likes to spread rumors about me to younger cast members, telling them how they should like her better than I.

So I go to this audition for 'Cheaper by the Dozen'. I was feeling pretty confident. I had sang my heart out ((I believe it was something from Les Miserables)). And I thought I would definitley get a part considering, A) My experience there, and B )The fact that there were quite a few girl parts and I had a totally awesome audition. I had even given my consent that I would dye, my beautiful black hair RED! For the part!

So I go home, wait a couple of days... no call, a week, no call.... So finally my neighbor (Who usually does auditions with me) calls her.

"Excuse me, But could you please tell me if Linzy got a part." There was a pause.
"There wasn't just enough... uh, 'room' for her in this production."

Now at this time... I was you could say pissed. Due to the fact that I'm a heavier type of girl and her comment was aimed at my weight problem. But also the fact, that another girl at my school, Sarah, got a part while I didn't. She can't even sing and/or act! She's just like a lump of coal, she just sits there. I just went home and bawled at just the fact that this was all over personal ****.

"A non overweight person can play Tracey."

That doesn't mean that it's right... like a skinny person could understand being fat.

JoshuaEads Profile Photo
#18re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 5:04pm

I've had a few terrible rejections, but who hasn't, right? The two that come to mind happened when I was younger.

The first time involved a production of "The King & I". I was contracted with another show (in a very small role) when the director for "King & I" calls up and pleads with me to break my contract and play Louis for her. We chatted for a bit about the character and I decided to accept. So I gracefully bowed out of the other production and committed myself to playing Louis. I was called in to sing with the Anna hopefuls and everything was going well. Then...I get a not-so-pleasantly worded e-mail from the director explaining that I should beg the other company to let me have my role back because she decided that her niece should play Louisa, following in her father's footsteps (he had played Louis for this company many years earlier.) Not only was I out of a job, I was humiliated by the fact that I was replaced by a girl in a role clearly written for a boy just like me. Not to mention, how do you just rewrite history? It's not like Anna and Louis weren't based on real people! Anyway... (I swear, I'm over it re: Rejection stories)

The second time came a few years later. I had just finished a lengthy, award-winning run as Hero in "...Forum" and was contracted to reprise my role for a different company the following year. At the closing performance I was approached by the director of another theatre company that was about to begin rehearsals for their production of the show. He explained that he didn't have a Hero cast yet and that he would be thrilled if I would do it. Of course I said yes and we began to work out the details of the contract. Everything seemed perfect and I was genuinely excited to play Hero for this director. A few weeks passed with no word on rehearsals, so I finally contacted the director to ask him when I needed to be there. He then informed me that he had decided to go with someone who "isn't really very good, but he's Pseudolus' roommate and he's a lot cheaper." I couldn't help but laugh even though it really did hurt.

So; the moral of the story, boys and girls, is that you shouldn't get your heart set on something until the contract has been signed!

Take care and love to all,

My lip gloss is poppin'...

dancindramadude Profile Photo
#19re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 5:06pm

Ya well the chior director and director of HONK! at my high school told me that I would probably get the part of the Cat even though I wasnt the greatest singer, but, without trying to sound conceded, I am a good dancer and actor. But at auditions this guy that was in Pippin with me freshman year and caused a lot of problems and never showed up to rehearsals and he is known as a flake. But he can sing (not dance or act) and he got the role and I got the crappy role of the Turkey. I hated to show so much. And I have made every show I have auditioned for except three and they were all in my high school. My biggest role was Turkey in high school. Then my first audition for my college and i got the part of Fyedka in Fiddler on the Roof. Sorry im a little bitter, but i realize that is what life will be like so i just get over the rejections

#20re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 6:55pm

yeah, being fat can be a problem. I was auditioning for a hs production of west side story, and while the director pulled me aside and told me "you have one the strongest soprano voices i've heard in a very long time" I didn't even get a call back for a main part. Her reasoning to all the rejects? "right now we are just calling back people with strong voices" ha!

whatever, I ended up playing "margarita" one of the non-speaking sharkettes, and I sang "there's a place for us" during the "dream sequence"

off stage

and i wasn't even in the program under my was my if you actually took the time to see who was who...

yes it's been five years

and yes i'm still bitter

and yes i know that that's pretty sadre: Rejection stories

"Hey Joey McIntyre, is there a balcony in Madison Square Garden? Joey knows his venues a little better than me. That's okay...I have a bigger part on broadway...:)" -Idina Menzel

notsovirginmary Profile Photo
#21re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 7:12pm

"That doesn't mean that it's right... like a skinny person could understand being fat."

Ooh, you are so right. Like, I know that I will never get to play my dream role, Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd, because I just can't understand wanting to put someone in a meat pie..I mean, EW!

"A wonky eye, you've got my friend."

CurtainUp Profile Photo
#22re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 7:16pm

"That doesn't mean that it's right... like a skinny person could understand being fat."

Yup and I guess I will be an awful Hannigan in my revue because I don't beat kids.

I must have been awful in the show that took place at the turn of the century because I just don't know what being poor or having tb are like.

And just because skinny people arent fat, doesnt mean they don't have pathos or understanding! There are similar situations where people have been discriminated based on their looks - where weight isn't involved.

Rosencrantz: "Be happy - if you're not even HAPPY what's so good about surviving? We'll be all right. I suppose we just go on." - from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Kelliexo90 Profile Photo
#23re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 7:16pm

Mine's not so bad, compared to some of yours. Lots of these just prove that this industry, whether it be HS or professional, really isn't fair.

I auditioned for The Wizard of Oz at a community theatre group about 45 minutes away from where I live. I sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow and did pretty good, not my best, but it was at least good enough for chorus(I said my main pick was Dorothy, but I also checked that I would accept a chorus role). They called me back like a week later and said "There isn't a part for you at this time, but I'm sure you can find something where you live." I wanted to be like "NO actually I CAN'T, why else do you think I drove my butt all the way down to hippy-town to audition for it?!" Then the cast list came out, and nearly EVERY person in the whole show was from that town. I was like psh cliquey.

What is Broadway? A street? Some say it's a street. Some say it is the best street in the world. Others think its terrible. That's the beauty of it, it's terribly beautiful. Some hate it and don't know why. Others love it and don't know why. That's what makes it so wonderful, it's a mystery.

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#24re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 7:22pm

hurumph, believe it or not, this one time i got turned down for this play because i didnt have enough chemistry with a tea pot...

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."
