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Rejection stories

#50re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/13/05 at 11:36pm

Catie, that was completely rude and unprofessional of the director to make a comment like that. It's appalling.

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#51re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/13/05 at 11:44pm

indeed....and the sad part was is that this is High School. High School. arghh. But you know what?? i just figure that some people were raised in a barn and don't know any better. I move on. I don't want to waste my time with shallow people who can't comment on anything but an outward, physical appearence.

Was that a fat joke?

#52re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/14/05 at 11:06am

Okay, I have seen a trend on this thread. A lot of you people are saying things like "He basically told me that _____...." Just because you may have been a little fat or just because you are not as pretty as someone else, or just because you are "conceited" doesn't mean that is exactly why you didn't get the part. A lot of you people are posting what you assume the director or casting person meant (and what the basis of their decision was) when they didn't cast you. Rejection happens. And it will always happen, whether you are a chorus member trying to make it big or Henry Goodman and get fired from The Producers. Don't look at yourself negatively when you get rejected, don't make up things and reasons in your head when there was no real indication as to that. I find it hard to believe that directors would really blatantly "say" some of the things people are saying they said, and guess what, if they did really say some things like that, you are probably lucky you didn't get cast and would of had to work with such an unprofessional director. Instead, you should say to yourself, "you know what, I am sure I will be happier doing another show, or even doing something else." The times when I have been rejected, I have always gone out for another show, and got a part I liked and was happy I eneded up doing, and that is all that matters. :)

stagemomfromhell Profile Photo
#53re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/14/05 at 11:10am

Best rejection story................. My child was fired from a National Tour on Christmas DAY!! Because he had grown too tall. That couldnt have waited till after the holiday??

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#54re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/14/05 at 5:22pm

"A lot of you people are posting what you assume the director or casting person meant (and what the basis of their decision was) when they didn't cast you. Rejection happens. And it will always happen..."
"...I find it hard to believe that directors would really blatantly "say" some of the things people are saying they said..."

You're killin' me, smalls...seriously.!!!! That's the crazy crazy thing about hurts. And eventually we DO move on, but in the back of our mind there's always the little seed that starts to grow when you hear about a new audition "am a good neough/skinny enough/pretty enough?" And there ARE directors out there EVERYWHERE who say blatanly rude things like this all the time. It's part of the buisness, I know. But a high school with less than 500 kids in it and barely 50 people in the drama club is different. alot different.

Was that a fat joke?
Updated On: 1/14/05 at 05:22 PM

#55re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/14/05 at 11:43pm

Well my last rejection pissed me off so much. My school was doing a musical, Birds of Paradise, and I know I'm not the best singer so I was a little worried. Well at the audition I did pretty good and there were only 4 male parts and only 8 guys showed up so I really thought I was in because 3 out of the 4 I could do and only 2 guys noticibly sang better than me and all my friends and the other actors who knew the show thought I would be perfect for one of the parts so I got excited thinking I would be in the show. Well, when we went to the call backs he let us know who was cast right after and I had to get rejected in front of everybody. So of course I was upset especially sice 2 of the guys sang worse than me, but everybody who got cast were my friends so I was actually happy for them and I ended up doing the spotlight for the show. That's when I got really pissed off because the show sucked ass, all the girls did good but 3 out of 4 of the guys sucked especially the lead guy, who isn't even an actor but got involved because his girlfriend asked him too because he has a great voice, he didn't even know his lines and stopped singing during 2 of the songs. I was so mad. But oh well, life goes on.

Gypsy2 Profile Photo
#56re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/14/05 at 11:57pm

I just spoke to the director of the show I aduitioned for, Mattress, and basically, he said the reason why I didn't even get a callback is, well, he basically said, in a really nice way, that I didn't fit their close minded typecasting. I don't really see how I could get typed out. Not that the show was a big deal, but I asked, and we talked a little more about it, and he said that they wanted the roles to be played a certain way, but I said I'm not a mind reader that knows what they want: but I AM an ACTRESS that knows what *I* want to do with the character, and know I can ACT. Oy.

You know it and you want it... you just can't believe you've got it.

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#57re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/15/05 at 12:06am

dosn't it feel good to b*tch somewhere??? Let it all come out?
God I love broadway world .com....

Was that a fat joke?

Raggy Q poo
#58re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/16/05 at 12:58am

"dosn't it feel good to b*tch somewhere??? Let it all come out?
God I love broadway world .com...."

ABSOLUTELY! I always b*tch and complain I complain about everything on my xanga journal but sometimes I just feel like complaining to "people" is soo much better. I mean, the "people" may be far away but by me IMing them, and they responding, I know that they have read it and thats all that counts to me. Writing on my xanga helps a lot too but it's just that I don't know if people actually read it and if they do, I wouldn't know what they are thinking about it. After talking to a "person" doesn't mean I will get anywhere but I guess it's the good feeling of people willing to listen/read about how "It sucks to be you/me"

And after reading these rejection stories... I now have the song "Everyone's a little bit racist" stuck in my head. And, thinking of the 4 times I've seen that show- it's sooo funny and clever and oh so educational. It's like nothing ever before created. It's not only entertainment to watch but Avenue Q makes the most unconfortable situations, funny. And the lessons you learn from Avenue Q could not ever be better presented anywhere else. With every song- there is a new idea given that people tend to think about but may not bring up.

Being gay is a hard topic to bring up. But, if you've listented to that song..."If you were gay" I think that with the subject matter being so touchy to talk about, this song brings out the best without degrading. Every song does...As much as you will leave the theater hysterically laughing, once you really think about it, there is more education in that 2 hours than in any other situation. And what makes it soo cool is that the learning is fun! Honestly- this type of show could be used it any situation. We all know kids hate paying attention in school and learning about math and whatnot but, I can guarantee you, there can be a song like these made for almost any situation and if that were to happen, I think todays kids would be more open to learning as well as smarter.

It's like learning the order of operations in math: Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract.

To teach students: "My Dog Ate Skittles" may be much easier than teaching them to memorize the "boring" words....and this way- the first letter of every word is the letter for the operation.
There are tons and tons of these...I forget what they are called but sometimes you can make up some really funny, or nasty ones. *laughs at remembering some dirty ones*

Well, now that I've gone totally off topic, I'm sorry and you may now continue on you rejection story ventings...


People like you are the reason I'm on medication.

InTheMoney Profile Photo
#59re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/16/05 at 7:32am

"Then the cast list came out, and nearly EVERY person in the whole show was from that town. I was like psh cliquey"

Oh I know the feeling. I auditioned for Mary in an amdram production of JCS about 1hrs drive from where I live. Bear in mind I understand the subtleties of acting & that sometimes a song is far more effective sung with minimal gestures but a lot of emotion. So I go in, sing & act my little heart out and (without being big-headed) I was easily the best there - most of the other girls were younger & considered a C/D to be "too high"! But I got an email from the director saying "sorry, but you overacted too much - there were too many gestures!". I actually counted up the number of gestures I used - 7 in the whole of I DON'T KNOW HOW TO LOVE HIM.

Re: racial/historically accurate casting. Due to the "positive discrimination" in the UK at the minute (and I REALLY don't want to offend anyone here), a black/asian person can audition for ANY show, but a caucasian can't. Example, I could not audition for LION KING or MISS SAIGON (except to play Ellen) in the UK - they are legally allowed to request Asian/Afro-caribbean actors only attend an audition. However, despite the fact that it would be just as historically inaccurate to cast a Philipino or afro-caribbean Fantine in Les Mis, shows which would technically demand an all-white cast to be historically accurate CANNOT specify race/ethnic background in their advertisements. Which, understandably, pisses a lot of actors off over here. Something about us thinking ALL parts should be open to EVERYONE.

My absolute worst rejection was when I auditioned for the role of a Grisette in the Merry Widow with our amdram company last year. Having been told you could ONLY audition if you were willing to do the whole show, I go in, sing my heart out, dance as best I can (couldn't pick it up after seeing the choreographer go through it twice but we'll get to that in a minute), and they cast the MD's daughter & one of my friends. Needless to say NEITHER of them are doing the whole show & I outsang the lot of them. One of them even sang the alto line for a SOPRANO role!!!! I couldn't feel too bad about it, though, cos the other girl is my mate and completely understands when me & our other mate (who also tried out) get a bit bitchy. It just really pissed me off that they told us two we had to be members to audition, and then give the roles to girls who aren't even in the company; add to that the fact that they KNEW they wanted these girls all along - why not just cancel the audition! We wouldn't have minded - far better than USING me and my mate so that these two girls can say they auditioned like everyone else.

But I got my own back. They were at rehearsals this week & we sang through the song first. The woman playing Valencienne wasn't there, so I filled in. And outsang the whole bally lot of them - not only did I pitch better & sing the top soprano line (goes up to Ab rather than just F), but I was actually AUDIBLE. I could have done the dance routine they're doing as well, you can only hear ONE of the 6 of them, and most of them don't know the tune let alone the words/harmonies! Plus I've just been cast as The Plaintiff in TRIAL BY JURY in the summer and am in the dance team for one number in the other summer show I'm in (though it's ballet, which I've not done for 7 years, so will take a bit of catching up). So I'm feeling smug at the mo. Updated On: 1/16/05 at 07:32 AM

InTheMoney Profile Photo
#60re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/16/05 at 7:42am

Btw, does this thread make anyone else think of JEKYLL & HYDE?

"Delicious and so vicious!
Our one wish is to
Bitch bitch bitch!"

But oh it makes us feel sooooooo much better!!! Lol.

BudFrump23 Profile Photo
#61re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/16/05 at 7:51pm

I auditioned for Street Scene a few years ago at the Williamstown Theater Festival. First, I auditioned for the casting director, and then I had to go back two hours later to audition for the director (Michael Greif of Rent). Anyway, she thought I was wonderful, but when he saw me, he gave me a look that seemed to say, "where did you find this kid?" Of course, I was 14 trying out for a 10 year old, but oh well. The part ended up going to the Producer of the festival's son. Go figure. He was 15.

I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#62re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/16/05 at 10:08pm

"Delicious and so vicious!
Our one wish is to
Bitch bitch bitch!"

soooo true..but at least HERE people understand, whereas you go to school and people are like...SO??? Stop talking about theatre, you nerd!!

Was that a fat joke?

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#63re: Rejection stories
Posted: 1/16/05 at 11:58pm

Bit off the subject, but along with this topic, has anyone ever heard of an instance where a particular performer will refuse a part b/c of some random objection they have to the part or whatever? I know couple people listed some here and in another thread, but I was just wondering if anyone had any personal stories to share

Was that a fat joke?

GhettoBway Profile Photo
Posted: 1/17/05 at 12:05am

this is not really a rejection story just a "Im better then you" story.

It was a call back for Rent on broadway and myself and a QE star was there also and when we were both done the aud and i was let go he felt the need to run outside and tell me they picked him cause he was hispanic and he could sing better then me.
we joke about it today but i still feel i could have made it playing that role.

another story is i was in Hairspray and thought the show was going to be a bomb so i left but the good news was i got another gig as a backup dancer for a japanese singer.

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#65rejection stories
Posted: 1/17/05 at 2:37pm least you've actually gotten the chance to be CALLED BACK for a broadway production!! That is awsome! I wish I had that opportunity!

Was that a fat joke?

CurtainUp Profile Photo
#66rejection stories
Posted: 1/17/05 at 2:55pm

It was just for HS, where the teacher assigns kids to songs in a revue. (He does an AMAZING job.) This one girl refused the song "Thoroughly Modern Millie" (done as a trio) because it was too promiscuous. Now I understand haivng morals and/or if she had gotten "I Can't Say No" but MILLIE? (I think she was griping bc she didt get a solo and this at least go her a duet). I think Millie is pretty darn innocent! Ironically enough, I believe she auditioned with "To Keep My Love Alive" which is a funny song about a woman who killed her

Rosencrantz: "Be happy - if you're not even HAPPY what's so good about surviving? We'll be all right. I suppose we just go on." - from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Updated On: 1/17/05 at 02:55 PM

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#67rejection stories
Posted: 1/17/05 at 4:35pm

At least you guys weren't doing chicago :)

Was that a fat joke?

Marcomeatball Profile Photo
#68rejection stories
Posted: 1/17/05 at 4:43pm

being that here are no males I often get the leads, I have for about 3 years in HS. I'm in hs though so i'm waiting for things to change real fast, competition is so that feeling you get inside..When I tried out for Tevye 4 really good guys tried out too, I prepared myself over a year. One guy quit (cause hes an asshole anyway stupid arrogant peice of crap) and the other one who was one point from me got Lazar-wolf, one of the reasons why i got it was because I was more experienced.

VeuveClicquot Profile Photo
#69rejection stories
Posted: 1/17/05 at 5:05pm

I know it's a cliche, but it's really true: You have to be able to face rejection in order to work in this business.

And sometimes, the Gods just aren't on your side. One of my worst audition experiences happened during the first call for the original Broadway production of STARLIGHT EXPRESS. I was perfect for it, an excellent skater, and I NAILED the audition dance sequence. I just knew that I was going to get a part, and land my first Broadway show. Right after my group did the combination for the fourth time, Arlene Phillips (the choreographer) dismissed everyone else, and motioned for me to come over to the table. My heart was racing! I KNEW I was going to get it!

Unfortunately, the lace on my skate got tangled up on a wheel while I was skating over to them, and I tumbled right onto the auditors table, collapsing it, knocking Arlene Phillips out of her chair, and sending 8x10s flying in all directions.

Needless to say, I didn't get the part. (Interestingly, for subsequent productions of STARLIGHT, they don't hold the auditions on skates. I often wonder if I had anything to do with that decision...)

badkarma719 Profile Photo
#70rejection stories
Posted: 1/17/05 at 5:29pm

ok here are mine

I have worked with a theatre for nearly 9 years now and I think my senior year in HS I had the worst year with them. At the time I had just started with their summer arts camp, their final show of the last season. I was told by the director and the music director( who I was working with durring the camp) to audition, otherwise I wouldn't have. The director was someone from a local union theatre, he was horible. Anyways, I had a really good dance audition, even though I'm not the greatest dancer ( I helped the guy who was Billy Flin get through his dance audition, something I will never do for anyonw again). We didn't read the first night, and they made a cut and told all that made it to come on Wend. and gave out small things for people to read at that time. Wend came and I was working with the camp, and the music director asked me when I had a break to come into the theatre and sing something. I was like ok. THEY HAD ME SING FOR MARY SUNSHINE, and then gave me a new peice to read for them (the I dont see how you can dely the trial another second Mr. Flin speach by her) and I sang the song perfect and did the monologe alright. However cast list was posted 2 weeks later (they told us the next day) and I was not on it, anywhere. I went and asked the main guy at the theatre why I wasn't cast and he said they wanted someone who hadn't just come out of the closet. Then a month later they came to me and offered me the Fred Casley role. so I took it.

That same season, they did Rocky Horror for Halloween, I auditioned, keep in mind that I had already done another show between Chicago and this one that I assistant directed.( So this would have been my 5th show plus a camp with them) they didn't cast me, and when I asked the director why she would reply with not right now. So finally asked the girl that I did the assistant director thing with and she said that it was thought that I would be tired of doing shows by then because I had done so many without a break and that I needed a break, she went on to say personally that if you show up for an audition then your dont want a break.

SAME THEATRE auditions for Annie
the costumer and I had an argument one night at my house and we had not taked since then, I auditoned as usuall, and attempeted to lighten the mood and put of the form that I wanted to be Miss. HAnigan. the director told me I couldn't. but after the show was cast and I wasn't I asked the theatre director why, she said because, "I was bad talking the theatre behind their backs" when in actuallity it was the costumer saying I was, cause no one ever heard me say anything

Lets just say that I haven't acted with them in 2 years now
sometimes people are stupid

In the words of the great MargoChanning " -- Your One Stop on the Internet for All Things Broadway, Nasty Political Discussions, Meltdowns, Name-Calling and General Nonsense along with being a Premiere Pick-up Joint for Hotties, Shut-ins, Rambunctuous Teenagers With Bad Grammar, and All Manner of Bitter, Jaded Theatre Queens with WAY Too Much Time on Their Hands"?

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#71rejection stories
Posted: 1/17/05 at 5:51pm

That's way too much meaness/rudeness in one theatre for me! Indeed, I think you should STAY AWAY from that place from now on!

Was that a fat joke?

iTaLiAn xOx StAr
#72rejection stories
Posted: 1/17/05 at 7:26pm

I'm 13 and I've done all my school plays since fifth grade, but only 2 or 3 outside of school. Lately I've been eXtReMeLy into acting and (like 99.9% of the teenage girls in the world) want to be an actress. I just finished a run of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever as Imogene Herdman (2nd female lead) and I was VERY confident in my ability, especially after being only 1 of 3 cast members that was asked for autographs after the show. As redundant as it sounds, I definately have acting skills and this weekend I turned downa role as Anne Frank in the Diary of Anne Frank due to scheduling conflicts (I'm not trying to brag, I just want to emphasize my point). Anyway, my junior high is performing "OZ!" this year, and I couldn't wait to try out. I walked in, auditioned, thanked the director and walked out.

The next day I was cast as a fighting tree.

Yeah...That rocked.

CatieElphie1 Profile Photo
#73rejection stories
Posted: 1/17/05 at 7:49pm

Then I have a website you may like:::

funny story: My friends and I were auditioning for The Wizard of OZ and we started talking about how it would suck to be a tree. So we decided that we would start a club for all the people who got stuck being a tree. It turned into this HUGE thing at my school, so now, it's like you're not into drama unless you're in the tree club!! And since I'm the founding member, I guess that makes me awsome...j/k..but I would like to take this opportunity to officailly conduct
"Italian xox star" into the tree club as an honorary member!
Please recite the Tree Club Oath
All the world's a stage, and we, the untalented and ignored are destined to be trees upon it!

P.s...not that you're untalented if you're a tree...but you gotta admit it kinda sucks to be one!

Was that a fat joke?

iTaLiAn xOx StAr
#74rejection stories
Posted: 1/17/05 at 8:57pm

Oh...My...God...You have a website! That's the funniest thing I've ever seen. You're club motto is hilarious. I definately accept. Oh, and, my name's Lexi (just so you have more than a screen name). Congratulations on your lead, by the way (Yes, I actually visited the website). That seems like something my friends and I would do. Do you think you could make and exception for someone who got shafted with an even worse role...a munchkin? LoL Hey, at least I get to chuck apples at the girl who got Dorothy. We don't like each other because people have told her I'd make a better Dorothy...Hmmm... rejection stories
