Maybe they cut Angel coming out to sing in the finale.
The most moving thing ever was in the Swedish production (A crap production unfortunately)....In "Goodbye Love" , if I remember correctly, Angel is seen stripping off all his makeup. Going from the glamorous and beautiful Angel, to the naked and dying Angel. Absolutely gorgeously staged (hmmm, I can write better than that...what a bad sentence) and incredibly moving!
Charleston, the other (serious) ideas were:
1. Starting off with Halloween or Seasons of Love
2. Turning up the volume
3. Adding Love Heals (which, imo, is a terrible song)
4. Changing Mimi's pants
Chorus Member Joined: 4/10/08
To add my two cents to the Mimi dying discussion:
In the (absolutely horrid) production of RENT over here in the Netherlands Mimi did die at the end.
Ivo van Hove (the guy who directed this bloody mess) had the wonderful idea of having a still frame of Mimi's face (from Mark's camera) on a the TV-screens on stage and projected onto the back wall of the stage, while Mimi herself lay dead on a table.
Even though she wasn't moving and the images remained frozen on the screens, her "I jumped over the moon..." dialogue could be heard, making it impossible for the audience to determine whether she came back or not.
To complete the trainwreck, the whole cast sat on chairs in one long row, their backs to the audience, while singing the Finale B; spazzing out at the same time.
This production sucked, BIG time....*ugh*
Anyway, I don't think Mimi should die at the end of the show, since this clear deviation from the original La Bohème was a deliberate choice by Mr Larson - the message was about life, not death.
Sorry for this kinda off-topic contribution...
Chorus Member Joined: 9/21/06
Has everyone forgot the pile of poo they put on in the UK? Rent Remixed. I hope they don't make too drastic a change
I was *trying* to forget it. Thanks. :P
"That's possibly moving?"
A good costume change always moves me to tears! :-P
Two significant changes = the leads are 38 years old! Just saying!
They are changing it to Rent Remixed
Yeah, now you lot can sit through Disco Versions of Take Me Or Leave Me and a ballad version of What You Own etc lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/19/06
^ I actually liked the trainwreck that was Rent: REMIXED.
noooooooooooooooo how could you, it was horrid, very entertaining in a horrid way...i could not stop laughing, it was the best comedy of the year, so much so i went back again lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
I really don't think it's anything to worry about. They know that most people who see it are going to be very familiar with the show, otherwise why get A&A? My thought is that perhaps they'll take a page from the alternate (and better, in my opinion) ending of the movie. Get in the Seasons of Love and I'll Cover You (Reprise) line, leaving a space for Angel to step into at the end. This fits everything Anthony Rapp says in the interview.
What I think they should do is take out Tango M. and bring back Over it from NYTW Workshop
Or bring back the old lyrics of Goodbye love where Mark and Roger don't have a fight
I don't know what I am, what I know, what to do.
Who does?
Oh God, Mark! Don't you?
Mark has got his work, they say Mark lives for his work, and Mark's in love
with his work- Mark hides in his work.
From what?
From facing my failure, facing my loneliness, facing the fact I live a lie!
You don't live a lie!
Tell you why- you've never finished your film cause the standards you set for yourself are too high! But the fact remains that you're the one of us with the talent and the drive. The fact remains Mark, you're the one to survive.
Updated On: 1/2/09 at 10:24 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
i have nothing to say or the capacity to say it coherently lol
so i will just not use punctuation and end everything i say with lol lol
I'm seeing this tour in March in Minneapolis. I'm skeptical about new changes but I won't judge until I see it.
They *must* keep the Roger/Mark fight. It's perfect.
NOTHING about Rent is "perfect"
The most moving thing ever was in the Swedish production (A crap production unfortunately)....In "Goodbye Love" , if I remember correctly, Angel is seen stripping off all his makeup. Going from the glamorous and beautiful Angel, to the naked and dying Angel. Absolutely gorgeously staged (hmmm, I can write better than that...what a bad sentence) and incredibly moving!
That is beautiful.
Stand-by Joined: 7/12/08
I doubt that the Mark/Roger fight would be changed. It would completely change the way the audience sees Roger's exit.
As far as the pants go, I'm still rooting for the actual holographic print. I've grown this odd attachment to those pants, and being that this is the goodbye tour, I wouldn't like to see them go, yet.
Speaking of pants, did anyone ever get to see any pieces from that RENT clothing line at Bloomingdales they had a while back? I never got to see any of it, but I imagine the designs must have been....interesting.
Why has nobody suggesting changing Roger's pants yet? As the pre-movie drama showed, that moves people!
BrassBandBoy was that the same Netherlands production from the Dutch cast recording? I love that cast!
Maybe it IS Roger's pants it would make sense. I remember when the movie came out they said on some interview that Adam wore jeans in the movie because he did not like the pants he had to wear on stage.
So maybe they decided to let Adam wear jeans?
Celra, is THAT any more moving than changing Mimi's pants?
Oh dear.
Instead of spending three pages saying, "I think they will..."
Why don't you just wait and see what they do?